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Socially Responsible

What ?
Marketer should accept an obligation
to give equal weigh to profit,
consumer satisfaction and society
well-being in evaluating the firms
Socially responsible marketing
Legal behavior
Ethical behavior
Socially responsible behavior
Social conscience in dealing with customers
and stakeholders
Triple bottomline profit/people /planet
Examples of socially responsile
business models ??
Cause marketing
Support a cause
Part of Corporate societal marketing (CSM)
Improve social welfare
Differentiated Brand positioning
Strong customer bonds
Enhance company image
Creates/enhances brand image /credibility/feeling/
sense of community
Boost employee morale
Increase sale & market value
If product and cause identified are misfit
If seen as self serving and exploitive
Designing a cause program
Single / multiple ?
Which cause?
Social marketing ?
Cause marketing supports a cause
Social marketing furthers a cause viz
by marketing by non profit or
government organization.

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