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Name: ________________________

Date: ________________________
Comparing the 100 and 120 Charts
Wake County Public School System, 2012
Mathematics Alignment Lesson
Grade 4 Quarter 3 Day
Common Core State Standard(s)
4!A" Generate a number or sha!e
!attern that "ollo#s a $i%en rule& 'denti"y
a!!arent "eatures o" the !attern that #ere
not e(!licit in the rule itsel"&
'ro(ing )attern: a !attern #here the number)si*e o" the ob+ect increase "rom one term to the ne(t
*epeating )attern: #hen terms in a !attern re!eat
)attern: a se,uence that can be described by a rule
Se+%ence: a set o" ob+ects or numbers arran$ed in a s!eci"ic order
,erm- a number, sha!e or ob+ect in a !attern
Materials Needed:
Whiteboards and markers
.lackline /asters0 Numerical
Finding Numerical Patterns,
Ticket Sales

L-A*N.N' S,*A,-'.-S:
Alignment Lesson
Adventures With Numerical Patterns
1& 2sk students to re%ie# #hat they learned in the !re%ious
lesson about $eometric !atterns, and ho# $eometric and
numerical !atterns mi$ht be alike or di""erent& 3a%e
students think, !air, share #ith a !artner and then share #ith
the class&
2& Sho# the 1rans!arency).lackline, Finding Numerical
Pattern Rules to students& 4e%eal students the !atterns one
at a time& 3a%e then think, !air, share their !rediction on
#hat the rule is and ask,
What is the pattern and what are its features?
What would come net in the pattern?
What strateg! did !ou use to figure it out?
What other features do !ou notice within this
3& Dis!lay 1rans!arency).lackline /aster, Ticket Sales&
3a%e students discuss the !roblem in $rou!s, then #ork out
the !attern, includin$ makin$ a table& Discuss, and use the
$uidin$ ,uestions
4& Students #ill com!lete .lackline /aster, Numerical
Patterns in !airs& Students should "ocus on "i$urin$ out
the !attern and other "eatures about the !attern that they
5& 2s a #hole class, discuss .lackline /aster Numerical
Patterns& 6se math talk to discuss, askin$,
What kind of pattern features did !ou find?
"an !ou gi#e another eample of a pattern that has
these same features?
$o !ou agree%disagree with &&&&&&&&?
"an someone repeat what &&&&&& said?
7& 2ssi$n .lackline /aster, "reating Numerical Patterns
'ournal Prompt "or home#ork&
Note: See ,eacher '%ide/Ans(er 0e& 1or more teaching
tips and disc%ssion +%estions St%dents do not ha2e to $e
a$le to identi1& the r%le 1rom a pattern3 $%t sho%ld $e a$le
to identi1& the 1eat%res and generate a pattern 1rom a r%le

So%rce: ,eacher Created
4C)SS/)*!5-C, AC6.-#-/C7./2001
.lackline /aster, "reating Numeric
Patterns 'ournal Prompt
.lackline /aster, Numerical Patterns
Standards 1or Mathematical )ractice
Standard 1 /ake sense o" !roblems and
!erse%ere in sol%in$ them
Standard 9 2ttend to !recision
Standard : 8ook "or and e(!ress re$ularity
in re!eated reasonin$

Name: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Creating N%merical )atterns
5o%rnal )rompt
6sin$ #hat you kno# about !atterns, create a numerical !attern belo# and then describe
the !attern "eatures& 9(!lain ho# your !attern #orks and #hat #ould come ne(t in your
Wake County Public School System, 2012
;<inding N%merical )atterns *%les=
What is the !attern or !attern rule:
What #ould come ne(t in the !attern:
What other "eatures do you notice #ithin this !attern:
)attern !ne
4, , 14, 1, 24, 2, 34, 3, 44, 4
)attern ,(o
3, 7, , 12, 15, 1;, 21, 24, 2<
)attern ,hree
Pattern Rule( Start #ith 1 and multi!ly by 3 each
time& =ind the "irst 7 numbers in the !attern&
)attern <o%r
>ou ha%e 3 !encils& 9ach #eek you #ill $et 4 more
!encils& =ind the "irst 7 numbers in the !attern&
Wake County Public School System, 2012
Transparenc!%)lackline *aster +rade , $a! -- Standard.s/ ,01203
;,ic8et Sales=
?ur class is takin$ a tri! to the amusement !ark& =or $rou!s
o%er ten !eo!le, there is a "lat "ee o" @25 to reser%e tickets !lus
the !rice o" a ticket !er !erson& 9ach ticket costs @11& /ake a
table sho#in$ the total !rice "or u! to 24 !eo!le&
> o1 )eople -+%ation ,otal Cost
1 1 ( 11 A 0 @11

11 11 ( 11 A 25 @147
What "eatures do you notice in the !attern:
What is the cost "or 15 !eo!le to $o: 20: 24:
)lackline *aster +rade , $a! -- Standard.s/ ,01203
Name________________________ Date___________
;N%merical )atterns=
Directions: =or each scenario, "ill out the table to "i$ure out the !attern, and e(!lain the !attern "eatures&
1& Boe has @14&00 sa%ed "rom mo#in$ la#ns this #eek& 3e $ets !aid @< "or e%ery la#n he mo#s&
9ach #eek "or si( #eeks he #ill mo# one more la#n than the !re%ious #eek& /ake a table to
sho# the !attern, and "i$ure out ho# much money Boe #ill make each #eek, and ho# much
money he #ill ha%e at the end o" si( #eeks&
<eat%res o1 the pattern:
2& Cristen has a sticker collection& She already has 5 stickers, and each day she collects 3 more
stickers& 3o# many stickers #ill she ha%e a"ter one #eek:
4ee8 -+%ation ,otal Mone&
0 < ( 0 A 14 @14
Da& -+%ation ,otal
0 3 ( 0 A 5 5
)lackline *aster +rade , $a! -- Standard.s/ ,01203
<eat%res o1 the pattern:
;,eacher '%ide/Ans(er 0e&=
Finding Numerical Pattern Rules
Sho# students one !attern at a time& Durin$ discussion, !ut em!hasis on students lookin$ at the "eatures
#ithin the !attern terms, that are not e(!licit in the !attern rule& Gi%e students time to look at the !attern
then !air0share their thou$hts on the "ollo#in$ ,uestions-
What is the !attern and) or !attern "eatures:
What #ould come ne(t in the !attern:
What other "eatures do you notice #ithin this !attern:
)attern <eat%re(s)
4, , 14, 1, 24, 2, 34,
3, 44, 4
=eatures include that the numbers
alternate bet#een an odd and e%en
number, the numbers alternate endin$
in 4 and , and there are t#o numbers
in each decade Dt#o are less than ten,
t#o in the teens, t#o in the t#enties,
3, 7, , 12, 15, 1;, 21,
24, 2<
=eatures include that the numbers are
all multi!les o" 3, the numbers
alternate bet#een an e%en and odd
number, there are three numbers in
each decade&
)lackline *aster +rade , $a! -- Standard.s/ ,01203
1, 3, , 2<, ;1, 243
=eatures include the numbers are all
odd numbers, all o" the numbers are
multi!les o" 3
3, <, 11, 15, 1, 23
=eatures include all numbers are odd
Numerical Patterns


;,eacher '%ide/Ans(er 0e&=
Ticket Sales
> o1 )eople -+%ation ,otal Cost
1 1 ( 11 A 0 @11
2 2 ( 11 A 0 @22
3 3 ( 11 A 0 @33
4 4 ( 11 A 0 @44
5 5 ( 11 A 0 @55
7 7 ( 11 A 0 @77
< < ( 11 A 0 @<<
; ; ( 11 A 0 @;;
( 11 A 0 @
Da& -+%ation ,otal
0 3 ( 0 A 5 5
1 3 ( 1 A 5 ;
2 3 ( 2 A 5 11
3 3 ( 3 A 5 14
4 3 ( 4 A 5 1<
5 3 ( 5 A 5 20
7 3 ( 7 A 5 23
< 3 ( < A 5 2<
)lackline *aster +rade , $a! -- Standard.s/ ,01203
10 10 ( 11 A 0 @110
11 11 ( 11 A 25 @147
12 12 ( 11 A 25 @15<
13 13 ( 11 A 25 @17;
14 14 ( 11 A 25 @1<
15 15 ( 11 A 25 @10
17 17 ( 11 A 25 @201
1< 1< ( 11 A 25 @212
1; 1; ( 11 A 25 @223
1 1 ( 11 A 25 @234
20 20 ( 11 A 25 @245
21 21 ( 11 A 25 @257
22 22 ( 11 A 25 @27<
23 23 ( 11 A 25 @2<;
24 24 ( 11 A 25 @2;

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