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Shoulder Exercise

1. Seated DB Press
2. Barbell Shoulder Military Press
3. Standing DB Lateral Raise & Front Raise
4. Bent over cable Raise
5. Standing Palm-In One-Arm Dumbbell Press
Workout 1: Front Delt
Workout 2: Middle Delt

Workout 3: Rear Delt

Chest Exercise
1.Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip / DB
Bench Press
2.Incline Dumbbell Press
3.Low Cable Crossover
4.Decline DB Press
5.Decline Push-Up
6.Machine (At the left corner of Gym)
Back Exercise
1. Leverage ISO Row
2.LAT Pulldown
3.LAT Close Grip Pulldown
4.Seated Cable Row
5.One Arm DB Row
6.Bodyweight Mid Row
7.Dead Lift (For Lower Back)
1. Pull-ups / Chin-ups
2. Deadlifts
3. Seated Rows / Bent Over Rows
4. Back Extensions
5. Face Pulls / External Rotations / Band Pull Aparts / Foam Rolling
Top 5 Rated Biceps Exercises
1. Incline Inner Biceps Curl
2. Standing Concentration Curl
3. EZ-Bar Curl
4. Inclined Hammer Curl
5. Preacher Curl (21-EZ Curl)
6. Cable Hammer Curl

Top 5 Rated Triceps Exercises
1. Decline EZ Bar Triceps Extension
2. Triceps Overhead Extension with Rope
3. EZ-Bar Skullcrusher
4. Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension
5. Rope Push Down

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