AboutEnergeticConsulting PVTLTD

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About Energetic Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Energetic Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (ECPL) is a firm engaged in Energy Management Services
from the past 15 years. ECPL has vast experience in Industrial and Building Energy Audit in
Asian and African countries ECPL and has the potential and history of successfully
implementing the recommendations provided in the energy audit report.
EC! provides customi"ed design solutions in the field of thermal energy and fuel conversion.
EC! can #oast of uni$ue pro%ects li&e designing and installation of 1'( )* Solar Air
Conditioning System for a health facility. Apart from energy service+ EC! promotes a
su#sidiary firm named ,Ab Initio- .hich is involved in /reen Building services including
certification and facilitation assistance through state of the art soft.ares and expertise
Accolades and Recognitions
Accredited Energy Audit firm #y
o Maharashtra Energy 0evelopment Agency (MEDA)+
o Energy management Centre+ 1erala (EMC),
o etroleum Conservation *esearch Association (PCRA),
o /u%arat Energy 0evelopment Agency (GEDA).
2ne of the first 34 ESCO companies recogni"ed #y Bureau of Energy efficiency (EE).
*an&ed grade 3 #y CRISIL under credit ratings of ESCOs.
3 5ears consecutive MEDA a.ard .inner for excellence in Energy Auditors for 6((7+
6((5 and 6(('.
8e have a strategic #usiness alliance .ith 91 energy and environment consultants
Mc!innon " Cl#r$e Li%ited and its Indian su#sidiary that+ in addition to energy
efficiency and cost management provide Car#on :oot printing services+ CDM
consultation+ and /reen Certification .hich are relatively ne. concepts in the Indian
mar&et. ECPL+ on the other hand+ can extend their #usiness offerings into green advisory
Energy Audit
Exergy Audit
Blue rint Audit
rocess Audit
o.er ;uality Study
8aste <eat *ecovery
8ater Audits And =ero
0ischarge System
Mechanical Shaft o.er Audit
0esign and Engineering
ro%ects Management
Organization Size:
)he strength of the organi"ation is 6( people Energy auditors+ Engineers+ Architects+ )echnicians
and )rainee Engineers

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