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TCS Pattern

1. (1/2) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the same number?
a) 6 b)7 c)8 )!
2. (1/3) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the same number?
a) 6 b)16 c)18 )21
3. (1/3) of a number is 6 more than the (1/6) of the same number?
a) 6 b)18 c)36 )2"
". (2/3) of a number is " more than the (1/6) of the same number?
a) 6 b)8 c)36 )2"
#. (1/3) of a number is # more than the (1/6) of the same number?
a) 6 b)36 c)3$ )72
1. There are t%o %ater tan&s ' an () ' is much sma**er than (. +hi*e %ater fi**s at the
rate of 1 *iter e,er- hour in ') it .ets fi**e u/ *i&e) 1$) 2$) "$)8$) 16$ tan& (. ('t
the en of first hour) ( has 1$ *iters) secon hour it has 2$ *iters an so on). 1f tan& ( is
1/32 fi**e of the 21 hours) %hat is tota* uration of hours re2uire to fi** it com/*ete*-?
a) 26 b)2# c)# )27
2. There are t%o /i/es ' an (. 1f ' fi**e 1$ *iters in an hour) ( can fi** 2$ *iters in same
time. 3i&e%ise ( can fi** 1$) 2$) "$) 8$) 16$0... 1f ( fi**e in 1/16 of a tan& in 3 hours)
ho% much time %i** it ta&e to fi** the tan& com/*ete*-?
a) ! b)8 c)7 )6
3. There are t%o %ater tan&s ' an () ' is much sma**er than (. +hi*e %ater fi**s at the
rate of 1 *iter e,er- hour in ') it .ets fi**e u/ *i&e) 1$) 2$) "$)8$) 16$ tan& (. 1/8 th
of the tan& ( is fi**e in 22 hours. +hat is the time to fi** the tan& fu**-?
a) 26 b)2# c)# )27
". ' tan& is fi**e %ith %ater. 1n first hour 1$ *iters) secon hours 2$ *iters) an thir hour
"$ *iters an so on01f time ta&en to fi** 4 of the tan& if # hours. +hat is the time ta&en
to fi** u/ the tan&?
a) # b)8 c)7 )12.#
#. 1f a tan& ' can be fi**e %ithin 1$ hours an tan& ( can be fi**e 4 in 1! hours then)
%hat is the time ta&en to fi** u/ the tan& com/*ete*-?
a) 21 b)38 c)#7 )76
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
1. 6 /ersons stanin. in 2ueue %ith ifferent a.e .rou/) after t%o -ears their a,era.e a.e
%i** be "3 an se,enth /erson 8oine %ith them. Aence the current a,era.e a.e has
become "#. Bin the a.e of se,enth /erson?
a) "3 b)6! c)#2 )31
2. 1n a mar&et " men are stanin.. The a,era.e a.e of the four before "-ears is "#) after
some a-s one man is ae an his a.e is "!. +hat is the a,era.e a.e of a**?
a) "3 b)"# c)"7 )"!
3. 1n a sho//in. ma** %ith a staff of # members the a,era.e a.e is "# -ears. 'fter # -ears
a /erson 8oine them an the a,era.e a.e is a.ain "# -ears. +hatCs the a.e of 6th /erson?
a) 2# b)2$ c)"# )3$
". 1n a mar&et " men are stanin. .The a,era.e a.e of the four before 2 -ears is ##) after
some a-s one man is ae an his a.e is "#. +hat is the a,era.e a.e of a**?
a) ## b)#".# c)#".6 )#".7
1. 1n the reain. room of a *ibrar-) there are 23 reain. s/ots. ;ach reain. s/ot consists
of a roun tab*e %ith ! chairs /*ace aroun it. There are some reaers such that in each
occu/ie reain. s/ot there are ifferent numbers of reaers. 1f in a** there are 36 reaers)
ho% man- reain. s/ots o not ha,e e,en a sin.*e reaer?
a)8 b)none c)16 )1#
2. 1n the reain. room of a *ibrar-) there are 1$ tab*es) " chairs /er tab*e. 1n each tab*e
there are ifferent numbers of /eo/*e seate. Ao% man- tab*es %i** be *eft out %ithout at
*east 1 /erson?
a) 8 b)6 c)2 )7
3. 1n the reain. room of a *ibrar-) there are 1$ tab*es) " chairs /er tab*e. 1n each tab*e
there are ifferent numbers of /eo/*e seate. Ao% man- %a-s the- %i** sit in the *ibrar-
so that no chair %ou* be b*an&?
a) 8 b)6 c)2 )7
1. ' man 8o.s at 6 m/h o,er a certain 8ourne- an %a*&s o,er the same route at " m/h.
+hat is his a,era.e s/ee for the 8ourne-?
a) 2." m/h b) ".8 m/h c) " m/h ) # m/h
2. ' man tra,e*s from ' to ( at " m/h o,er a certain 8ourne- an returns o,er the same
route to ') at # m/h. +hat is his a,era.e s/ee for the 8ourne-?
a) "."" m/h b) ".8 m/h c) ".887 m/h )# m/h
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
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3. ' /erson is roc& c*imbin. at an a*titue of 8$$ m. Ae .o u/ b- 7 m/h. an come o%n
b- ! m/h. %hat %as his a,era.e s/ee?
a) 7.87# m/h b) 7.12# m/h c) 7m/h ) 7.# m/h
". Bin a,era.e s/ee if a man tra,e*s at s/ee of 2"&m/h u/ an 36&m/h o%n at an
a*titue of 2$$m?
a) 28.8 m/h b) 27.8 m/h c) 27.#m/h ) 3$ m/h
#. Person tra,e*s to a hi**) if he .oes from ' to ( %ith s/ee of "&m/h an returns bac& to
( %ith s/ee of #&m/h. +hat is his a,era.e s/ee of 8ourne-?
a) ".#&m/h b) ".""&m/h c) !&m/h ) ".2"#&m/h
6. ' man tra,e*s from ' to ( at 7$ m/h o,er a certain 8ourne- an returns o,er the same
route to ') at 8$ m/h. +hat is his a,era.e s/ee for the 8ourne-?
a) 7".66 b)7# c)7".33 )7".!!
7. Bin a,era.e s/ee if a man tra,e*s at s/ee of 2"&m/h u/ an 36&m/h o%n at an
a*titue of 2$$m.
a) 28.8 b) 28 c)27 )28.6
1. Susan mae a b*oc& %ith sma** cubes of 8 cubic cm ,o*ume to ma&e a b*oc& )3 sma**
cubes *on.) ! sma** cubes %ie an # sma** cubes ee/. She rea*iDes that she has use
more sma** cubes than she rea**- neee. She rea*iDe that she cou* ha,e .*ue a fe%er
number of cubes to.ether to *oc& *i&e a b*oc& %ith same imensions) if it %ere mae
ho**o%. +hat is the minimum number of cubes that she nees to ma&e the b*oc&?
a) 11" b) 13# c) 21 ) 71
2. ' bo- %ants to ma&e cubois of imension #m) 6m an 7m from sma** cubes of .$3
m3. 3ater he rea*iDe he can ma&e same cubois b- ma&in. it ho**o%. Then it ta&es some
cubes *ess. +hat is the number of the cubes to be remo,e?
a) 2$$$ b) #$$$ c) 3$$$ ) 7$$$
3. Smita %as ma&in. a cube %ith imensions #E#E# usin. 1E1E1 cubes. +hat is the
number of cubes neee to ma&e a ho**o% cube *oo&in. of the same sha/e?
a) !8 b) 1$" c) 1$$ ) 61
". 3eena cut sma** cubes of 1$ cm imension each. She 8oine it to ma&e a cuboi of
* 1$$ cm) %ith #$ cm an e/th #$ cm. Ao% man- more cubes oes she nee to
ma&e a /erfect cube?
a)#$$ b)2#$ c)7#$ )6#$
#. 3eena cut sma** cubes of 3 cubic cm each. She 8oine it to ma&e a cuboi of * 1$
cm) %ith 3 cm an e/th 3 cm. Ao% man- more cubes oes she nee to ma&e a /erfect
a) !1$ b) 2#$ c) 7#$ ) 6#$
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
6. ' *a- bui*s !cm * 1$cm %ith)3cm boF usin. 1 cubic cm cubes. +hat is
the minimum number of cubes re2uire to bui* the boF?
a) 73$ b) 27$ c) 72$ ) 31$
1. ("$E"$E"$ G 31E31E31)/("$E"$H"$E31H31E31)I?
a)8 b)! c)71 )#1
2. (!8E!8E!8 G 73E73E73)/( !8E!8E!8 G 73E73E73)I?
a).171 b)." c)."2$ )."1#
3. (2$!E1"")J2 H (2$!E2$!)H(2$!E1"")H(1""E1"") I ?
a)!$#86372! b)!$#36872! c)!$#72!368 )6#
Pattern !:
1. (("FH3-)H(#FH!-))/(#FH#-) I ? as (F/2-) I 2
a)8 b)none c)16 )1#
2. F/2- I 2a)then 2F/F72a-I?
a)" b)8 c)16 )2
3. 3K/#< I #</3K0..Bin the ,a*ue of K/<
a)3/# b)#/3 c)2/# )#/2
". +hat is the ,a*ue of (3KH8<)/(K72<)) if K/2<I2
a)8 b)none c)1$ )13
#. ("FH3-)H(#FH!-))/(#FH#-) I ? as (F/2-) I 2
a)"8/# b)"6/# c)"7/# )"!/#
6. (("FH2-)/("F72-)I ? as (F/2-) I 2
a)8/7 b)!/7 c)11/7 )6/7
1. ' .ir* has to ma&e /iDDa %ith ifferent to//in.s. There are 8 ifferent to//in.s. 1n ho%
man- %a-s can she ma&e /iDDas %ith 2 ifferent to//in.s?
a)16 b)#6 c)112 )28
2. ' /iDDa sho/ mae /iDDas %ith man- f*a,ors. There are 1$ ifferent f*a,ors) in that 7
f*a,ors are ta&en to ma&e /iDDa. 1n ho% man- %a-s the- can arran.e?
a)2"$ b)12$ c)6# )21$
3. ' /iDDa sho/ mae /iDDas %ith man- f*a,ors. There are ! ifferent f*a,ors) in that 2
f*a,ors are ta&en to ma&e /iDDa. 1n ho% man- %a-s the- can arran.e?
a)16 b)26 c)36 )"6
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
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Pattern 11:
1. 3) 22) 7) "#) 1#)? ) 31
a)!1 b)1#1 c)!$ )#
2. 8 6 17 1" 3# 31 7# L 1"3?
3. 1ns/ire b- Bibonacci series San.eet ecie to create his o%n series %hich is 1) 2) 3)
7) 7) 22) 1#) 67) 31) L) 63?
a)2$2 b)31 c)76 )"!
". 3) 12) 7) 26) 1#) ?
a)#" b)27 c)1$8 )31
#. 1M H 2M H 00. H #$MI?
a)3.1$3#E1$J6" b)2.1$21E1$J6# c)3.1$3#E1$J63 )3.1$3#E1$J62
6. 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) 1") L) 32?
7. #) !) 12) 18) 26) 36) "7) 72) L?
a)7# b)13# c)1$$ )##
8. 3) 1#) F) #1) #3)1#!)161
a)17 b)3" c)#" )112
Pattern 12:
1. Sim/*e 2uestion but bi. one on a,era.e a.e.sth *i&e a) b) c %ei.hte se/arate*- 1st a) b)
c )then aN b) then b Nc )then c N a at *ast abc) the *ast %as 167)then %hat %i** be
the a,era.e of the 7 reain.?
a)!# b)!#."28 c)!#."# )!"
Pattern 13:
1. ' to- train /rouces 1$ ifferent souns %hen it mo,es aroun a circu*ar to- trac& of
raius # m at 1$ m /er min. Ao%e,er) the to- train is efecti,e an it no% /rouces on*-
2 ifferent tunes at ranom. +hat are the os that the train /rouces for consecuti,e
music tones of the same t-/e?
a) 1 in 16 b)1 in " c)1 in 8 )1 in 32
2. ' car manufacturer /rouces on*- re an b*ue moe*s %hich come out of the fina*
testin. area at ranom. +hat are the os that fi,e consecuti,e cars of same co*or %i**
come throu.h the test area at an- one time?
a)1 in 16 b)1 in 12# c)1 in 32 )1 in 2#
Pattern 1#:
1. ' trian.*e is mae from a ro/e. The sies of the trian.*e are 2# cm) 11 cm an 31 cm.
+hat %i** be the area of the s2uare mae from the same ro/e?
a)28$.#62# b)2"$.#62# c)28$.12# )2"$
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
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2. ' trian.*e is mae from a ro/e. The sies of the trian.*e are 21 cm) 2" cm an 28 cm.
+hat %i** be the area of the s2uare mae from the same ro/e?
a)28$.#62# b)333.$62# c)333.$12# )"$$
Pattern 16:
1. +hat is the istance bet%een the D7interce/t from the F7interce/t in the e2uation
2. +hat is the istance of the D7interce/t from the F7interce/t in the e2uation aFHb-HcDI
(1 o not remember the ,a*ues of a) b) c) ).
Pattern 17:
1. ' scientist %as researchin. on anima* beha,ior in his *ab. Ae %as ,er- intereste in
ana*-Din. the beha,ior of bear. Bor some reason he tra,e**e 1mi*e in north irection N
reache at 6orth Po*e. There he sa% a bear. Ae then fo**o%e the bear aroun 1 hr %ith a
s/ee of 2&m/hr in east irection. 'fter that he tra,e**e in south irection N reache at
his *ab in2 hrs. Then %hat is the co*or of the bear?
a)%hite b)b*ac& c).ra- )bro%n
1. =ut of 7 chi*ren the -oun.est is bo- then fin the /robabi*it- that a** the remainin.
chi*ren are bo-s
a)1/6" b)1/32 c)1/128 )1/2#6
Pattern 1!:
1. >sha a *inen c*oth an ro/e to bui* a tent. 1f the ro/e is 1#3 m *on. an it is to
be cut into /ieces of 1m * then ho% man- cuts are to be mae to cut the ro/es into
1#3 /ieces?
a)1#3 b)1#2 c)1#" )1##
2. ' /erson has to ma&e 1"6 /ieces of a *on. bar. Ae ta&es " secons to cut a /iece. +hat
is the tota* time ta&en b- him in secons to ma&e 1"6 /ieces?
a)#8" b)#8$ c)73$ )72#
3. ' /erson has to ma&e 1"1 /ieces of a *on. bar. Ae ta&es 2 secons to cut a /iece. +hat
is the tota* time ta&en b- him in secons to ma&e 1"1 /ieces?
a)#6$ b)28$ c)112 )32"
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
Pattern 2$:
1. S/ores of a ca**e *ate b* .ro% an s/rea infection ra/i*-. These
/atho.ens %ere res/onsib*e for the 1rish /otato famine of the mi71!th centur-. These
seem to ha,e attac&e the tomato cro/s in ;n.*an this -ear. The tomato cro/s ha,e
reuce an the /rice of the cro/ has risen u/. The /rice has a*rea- .one u/ to O"# a boF
from O27 a boF a month a.o. Ao% much more %ou* a ,e.etab*e ,enor nee to /a- to
bu- 27 boFes this month o,er %hat he %ou* ha,e /ai *ast month?
a) O27 b)O 18 c)O"# )O "86
Pattern 21:
1. ' Person bu-s a horse for 1# /ons) after one -ear he se**s it for 2$ /ouns. 'fter one
-ear) a.ain he bu-s the same horse at 3$ /ouns an se**s it for "$ /ouns. +hat is the
/rofit for that /erson?
Pattern 22:
1. Pohn bu-s a c-c*e for 31 o**ars an .i,en a che2ue of amount 3# o**ars. Sho/ Qee/er
eFchan.e the che2ue %ith his nei.hbor an .a,e chan.e to Pohn. 'fter 2 a-s) it is
&no%n that che2ue is bounce. Sho/ &ee/er /ai the amount to his nei.hbor. The cost
/rice of c-c*e is 1! o**ars. +hat is the /rofit/*oss for sho/ &ee/er?
a)*oss 23 b).ain 23 c).ain #" )3oss #"
Pattern 23:
1. ' *a- has fine .*o,es an hats in her c*oset7 18 b*ue) 32 re) an 2# -e**o%. The *i.hts
are out an it is tota**- ar&. 1n s/ite of the ar&ness) she can ma&e out the ifference
bet%een a hat an a .*o,e. She ta&es out an item out of the c*oset on*- if she is sure that if
it is a .*o,e. Ao% man- .*o,es must she ta&e out to ma&e sure she has a /air of each
a)#$ b)8 c)6$ )"2
2. ' *a- has fine .*o,es an hats in her c*oset7 1" b*ue) 2$ re) an 18 -e**o%. The *i.hts
are out an it is tota**- ar&. 1n s/ite of the ar&ness) she can ma&e out the ifference
bet%een a hat an a .*o,e. She ta&es out an item out of the c*oset on*- if she is sure that if
it is a .*o,e. Ao% man- .*o,es must she ta&e out to ma&e sure she has a /air of each
3. ' *a- has fine .*o,es an hats in her c*oset7 13 b*ue) 27 re) an "$ -e**o%. The *i.hts
are out an it is tota**- ar&. 1n s/ite of the ar&ness) she can ma&e out the ifference
bet%een a hat an a .*o,e. She ta&es out an item out of the c*oset on*- if she is sure that if
it is a .*o,e. Ao% man- .*o,es must she ta&e out to ma&e sure she has a /air of each
". ' *a- has fine .*o,es an hats in her c*oset7 2#b*ue) 7 re) an ! -e**o%. The *i.hts
are out an it is tota**- ar&. 1n s/ite of the ar&ness) she can ma&e out the ifference
bet%een a hat an a .*o,e. She ta&es out an item out of the c*oset on*- if she is sure that if
it is a .*o,e. Ao% man- .*o,es must she ta&e out to ma&e sure she has a /air of each
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
#. ' *a- has fine .*o,es an hats in her c*oset7 26 b*ue) 3$ re) an #6 -e**o%. The *i.hts
are out an it is tota**- ar&. 1n s/ite of the ar&ness) she can ma&e out the ifference
bet%een a hat an a .*o,e. She ta&es out an item out of the c*oset on*- if she is sure that if
it is a .*o,e. Ao% man- .*o,es must she ta&e out to ma&e sure she has a /air of each
Pattern 2":
1. San.a&ara an Pontin. se*ects battin. b- usin. a ice) but ice is biase. So to reso*,e)
Pontin. ta&es out a coin. +hat is the /robabi*it- that coin sho%s correct o/tion?
a)1/2 b)1/6 c)1/12 )6/1$
2. There is a ie %ith 1$ faces. 1t is not &no%n that fair or not. 2 ca/tains %ant to toss ie
for battin. se*ection. +hat is the /ossib*e so*ution amon. the fo**o%in.?
a) 1f no. is o it is hea) if no. is e,en it is tai*
b) 1f no. is o it is tai*) if no. is e,en it is hea
c) Toss a ie unti* a** the 1$ i.its a//ear on to/ face. 'n if first no. in the se2uence is
o then consier it as tai*. 1f it is e,en consier it as hea.
Pattern 2#:
1. 1n a fami*- there are some bo-s an .ir*s. '** bo-s to* that the- are ha,in. e2ua* no of
brothers an sisters an .ir*s to* that the- are ha,in. t%ice the no. of brothers than
sisters. Ao% man- bo-s an .ir*s /resent in a fami*-?
a)" bo-s an 3 .ir*s b)3 bo-s an " .ir*s
c)2 bo-s an # .ir*s )# bo-s an 2 .ir*s
Pattern 26@
1. 1$men an 1$ %omen are there) the- ance %ith each other) is there /ossibi*it- that 2
men are ancin. %ith same %omen an ,ice ,ersa?
a)22 b)2$ c)1$ )none
2. There are 1$$ men an 1$$ %omen on the ance f*oor. The- %ant to ance %ith each
other. Then %hich of the fo**o%in. statements is a*%a-s true:
a) There are 2 men %ho ance %ith e2ua* no. of %omenCs
b) There are 2 %omen %ho ance %ith e2ua* no. of men
a) both a an b b)on*- a c)on*- b )none
Pattern 27:
1. ?i*e7 earth is a fictiona* *an inhabite b- hobbits) e*,es) %ar,es an men. The
hobbits an e*,es are /eacefu* creatures that /refer s*o%) si*ent *i,es an a//reciate
nature an art. The %ar,es an the men en.a.e in /h-sica* .ames. The .ame is as
fo**o%s. ' tournament is one %here out of the t%o teams that /*a- a match) the one that
*oses .et e*iminate. The matches are /*a-e in ifferent rouns) %here in e,er- roun@
ha*f of the teams .et e*iminate from the tournament. 1f there are 8 rouns /*a-e in
&noc& out tournament) ho% man- matches %ere /*a-e?
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
a)2#7 b)2#6 c)72 )2##
2. ' .ame is /*a-e bet%een 2 /*a-ers an one /*a-er is ec*are as %inner. '** the
%inners from first roun are /*a-e in secon roun. '** the %inners from secon roun
are /*a-e in thir roun an so on. 1f 8 rouns are /*a-e to ec*are on*- one /*a-er as
%inner) ho% man- /*a-ers are /*a-e in first roun?
a)2#6 b)#12 c)6" )128
Pattern 28:
1. ?eta* stri/ of %ith RFC cm. 2 meta* stri/s are /*ace one o,er the other) then the
combine * of 2 stri/s is R-C. 1f RDC stri/s are /*ace in that manner. +hat is the fina*
%ith of that arran.ement?
2. ') () C) 9) ; are there amon. ') () C are bo-s an 9) ; are .ir*s 9 is to the *eft of '
an no .ir* sits at the mi*e an at the eFtemes. Then %hat is the orer of their sittin.s.
Pattern 2!:
1. There is 7 friens ('1) '2) '3....'7).1f '1 ha,e to ha,e sha&e %ith a** %ithout re/eat.
Ao% man- hansha&es /ossib*e?
a)6 b)21 c)28 )7
2. "! members attene the /art-. 1n that 22 are ma*es) 17 are fema*es. The sha&e hans
bet%een ma*es) fema*es) ma*e an fema*e. Tota* 12 /eo/*e .i,en sha&e hans. Ao% man-
such &ins of such sha&e hans are /ossib*e?
a)122 b)66 c)"8 )128
Pattern 3$:
1. ( is ta**er than 8 an 3 /i**ars. P is shorter than ( an 2 /i**ars is 8 shorter/ta**er than P?
a)-es b)no c)ma- be )canCt fin
2. There are 1$$$ /i**ars for a tem/*e. 3 friens 3ina) Che*se-) Pu*i ,isite that tem/*e.
(Some unre*ate stuff) 3ina is ta**er than Che*sea an ta**er than 2 of 1$$$ /i**ars. Pu*ia
is shorter than 3ina. Bin the correct sentence?
a) 3ina is shorter amon. them
b) Che*sea is ta**er than Pu*ia
c) Che*sea is shorter than Pu*ia
) Cannot etermine %ho is ta**er amon. Che*sea an Pu*ia
1. ;ntr- tic&et to an eFhibition from 1/ to 31/. <ou nee to /ro,ie eFact chan.e
at the counter. <ou ha,e 31/ coin. 1n ho% man- /arts %i** u i,ie 31/ so that u %i**
/ro,ie the eFact chan.e re2uire an carr- as *ess coins as /ossib*e?
a)" b)# c)6 )7
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
Pattern 32
1. Peter an Pau* are t%o friens. The sum of their is 3# -ears. Peter is t%ice as o*
as Pau* %as %hen Peter %as as o* as Pau* is no%. +hat is the /resent a.e of Peter?
a)8 b)2$ c)16 )1#
Pattern 33
1. 2$ men hansha&e %ith each other %ithout re/etition. +hat is the tota* number of
hansha&es mae?
a)1!$ b)21$ c)1#$ )2#$
2.1$ /eo/*e are there) the- are sha&in. hans to.ether) ho% man- han sha&es /ossib*e) if
the- are in no /air of c-c*ic se2uence.
a)"# b)! c)12 )1$
Pattern 3"
1. 1f there are 2 %hee*ers an " %hee*ers /ar&e in a schoo* *ocate at the heart of the
cit-) fin the number of " %hee*ers /ar&e there if there %ere 2$ t%o %hee*ers /ar&e
a)"8 b)#$ c)#2 )6"
2. 1f there are 2 %hee*ers an " %hee*ers /ar&e in a schoo* *ocate at the heart of the
cit-) fin the number of " %hee*ers /ar&e there if there %ere #8 %hee*s are /ar&e there
a)1$ b)33 c)22 )none
Pattern 3#
1. ' man %hose a.e is "# -rs has 3 sons name Pohn) Pi**) 8ac&. Ae %ent to a /ar& %ee&*-
t%ice. Ae *o,es his sons ,er- much. =n a certain a- he foun the sho/ &ee/ers se**in.
ifferent thin.s. 'n a//*e cost 1/enn-) 2choca*ate costs 1/enn- N 3 bananas cost 1
/enn-. Ae has e2ua* number of a//*e) choco*ate N banana for each son. 1f the
tota* amount he in,est is 7 /enn- then ho% man- he has from each /iece for his
a)1a//)1cho)1 banana b)1 a//)2cho)3 banana
2. =ne /erson ha three chi*ren. Ae ha 7 /ennies. Bin the istribution of the fruits
amon. the three chi*ren. ' me*on costs 1 /enn-) 2 cost 1 /enn- an 3 .ra/es
cost 1 /enn-
a) 2 me*ons) 1 oran.e) 1 .ra/e b) 2 me*ons) 2 oran.e) 1 .ra/e
c) 1 me*ons) 2 oran.e) 1 .ra/e.
P'TT;:6 36
1) The a.e of the t%o friens %ere in the ration of 6:#.1f the sum of their is ##.Then
after ho% man- -ears their ratio %i** become 8:7?
a)11 b)7 c)1$ )12
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
2)The a.e of the t%o friens %ere in the ration of 6:#.1f the sum of their is 66.Then
after ho% man- -ears their ratio %i** become 7:6?
a)11 b)6 c)1$ )12
3) The a.e of the t%o friens %ere in the ration of 2:3.1f the sum of their is ##.Then
after ho% man- -ears their ratio %i** become ":#?
a)11 b)33 c)22 )""
P'TT;:6 37
1)' ,o*ume of 1$!36 * %ater is in a container of s/here.Ao% man- semis/here of ,o*ume
"* each %i** be re2uire to tranfer a** the %ater into the sma** semis/heres?
a)2812 b)8231 c)273" )"222
P'TT;:6 38
1)' /erson ismanufacturin. a house.Ae 2$ ro/es of %ire %hich has a ensit- of
3$$ Q./m3.The of the bui*in. to be constructe is "$ m.1f the ca/acit- of the
current /asse in the %ire is 2$ ' an the ,o*ta.e ca/acit- is 8$ So*ts.Then %hat %i** be
the o//osin. force to the current if the %ire is use ?
a)2 b)" c)8 )16$$
P'TT;:6 3!
1)' horse chases a /on- 2 hours after the /on- runs.Aorse ta&es 3 hours to reach the
/on-.1f the a,era.e s/ee of the horse is 81Qm/h.Then %hat is the a,era.e s/ee of the
a)"6." b)#1 c)#3." )"8.6
2) ' horse chases a /on- 3 hours after the /on- runs. Aorse ta&es " hours to reach the
/on-. 1f the a,era.e s/ee of the horse is 3# &m/h) %hat s the a,era.e s/ee of the
3) : ' horse chases a /on- 3 hours after the /on- runs. Aorse ta&es " hours to reach the
/on-. 1f the a,era.e s/ee of the horse is 3# &m/h) %hat s the a,era.e s/ee of the /on-
P'TT;:6 "$
1)The ifference bet%een t%o no is ! an the /rouct of the t%o is 1".+hat is the s2uare
of their sum?
a)12$ b)13$ c)137 )1"#
2) The sum of t%o no is # an the /rouct of the t%o is 1".+hat is the sum of their
3) The sum of the s2uares of t%o no is 12 an their sum is 1#.Bin the /rouct of the t%o
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
P'TT;:6 "1
1) =n /*anet &orba) a so*ar b*ast has me*te the ice ca/s on its e2uator. ! -ears after the
ice me*ts) tin- /*anetois ca**e echina start .ro%in. on the roc&s. ;china .ro%s in the
form of circ*e) an the re*ationshi/ bet%een the iameter of this circ*e an the a.e of
echina is .i,en b- the formu*a I "ET (t7!) for t U ! %here re/resents the iameter in
mm an t the number of -ears since the so*ar b* recore the raius of some
echina at a /articu*ar s/ot as 7mm. Ao% man- -ears bac& i the so*ar b*ast occur?
a) 17 b)21.2# c)12.2# )1".$#
P'TT;:6 "2
1)' man .oes #$Qm north ) then turne *eft %a*&e "$Qm) then turne ? 1n %hich
irection he is?
a)6orth b)South c);ast )+est
P'TT;:6 "3
1)1n the bui*in. %ere numbere from 1 to 1$$.Then ho% man- "Cs %i** be
/resent in the numbers?
a)18 b)1! c)2$ )21
2)1n the bui*in. %ere numbere from 1 to 1$$.Then ho% man- 6Cs %i** be
/resent in the numbers?
a)18 b)1! c)2$ )21
3)1n the bui*in. %ere numbere from 1 to 1$$.Then ho% man- 1Cs %i** be
/resent in the numbers?
a)18 b)1! c)2$ )21
")1n the bui*in. %ere numbere from 1 to 1$$.Then ho% man- $Cs %i** be
/resent in the numbers?
a)18 b)1! c)2$ )11
P'TT;:6 ""
1) ' number %hen i,ie b- 9 *ea,es a remainer of 8 an %hen i,ie b- 39 *ea,es
a remainer of 21. +hat is the remainer *eft) %hen t%ice the number is i,ie b- 39?
a)13 b) cannot be etermine c) 3 ) "2
P'TT;:6 "#
1.) Berrari S.P.' is an 1ta*ian s/orts car manufacturer base in ?arane**o) 1ta*-. Boune
b- ;nDo Berrari in 1!28 as Scueria Berrari) the com/an- s/onsore ri,ers an
manufacture race cars before mo,in. into /rouction of street7*e.a* ,ehic*es in 1!"7 as
Berrari S.P.'. Throu.hout its histor-) the com/an- has been note for its continue
/artici/ation in racin.) es/ecia**- in Bormu*a =ne %here it has em/*o-e .reat success
.:ohit once a Berrari. 1t cou* .o " times as fast as ?ohanVs o* ?ercees. 1f the
s/ee of ?ohanVs ?ercees is 3# &m/hr an the istance tra,e*e b- the Berrari is "!$
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
&m) fin the tota* time ta&en for :ohit to ri,e that istance.
a) 2$.72 b) #.18 c) 238.2# ) 6.18
2) Berrari S.P.' is an 1ta*ian s/orts car manufacturer base in ?arane**o) 1ta*-. Boune
b- ;nDo Berrari in 1!28 as Scueria Berrari) the com/an- s/onsore ri,ers an
manufacture race cars before mo,in. into /rouction of street7*e.a* ,ehic*es in 1!"7 as
Berrari S.P.'. Throu.hout its histor-) the com/an- has been note for its continue
/artici/ation in racin.) es/ecia**- in Bormu*a =ne %here it has em/*o-e .reat success
.:ohit once a Berrari. 1t cou* .o " times as fast as ?ohanVs o* ?ercees. 1f the
s/ee of ?ohanVs ?ercees is "6 &m/hr an the istance tra,e*e b- the Berrari is !#3
&m) fin the tota* time ta&en for :ohit to ri,e that istance.
a)2$.72 b) #.18 c) 238.2# ) 6.18
P'TT;:6 "6
1) ' sheet of /a/er has statements numbere from 1 to 7$. Bor a** ,a*ues of n from 1 to
7$. Statement n sa-s V 't *east n of the statements on this sheet are fa*se. R+hich
statements are true an %hich are fa*se?
a) The e,en numbere statements are true an the o numbere are fa*se.
b) The o numbere statements are true an the e,en numbere are fa*se.
c) The first 3# statements are true an the *ast 3# are fa*se.
) The first 3# statements are fa*se an the *ast 3# are fa*se.
P'TT;:6 "7
1) ' man .oes north 37&m.turns *eft .oes 2&m.turns .oes 17&m.turns .oes
2&m. fin istance b/% startin. enin. /oint.
a) #" b) 27 c) 81 ) 67
P'TT;:6 "8
1) 1f there are 3$ cans out of them one is /oisone if a /erson tastes ,er- *itt*e he %i** ie
%ithin 1" hours so if there are mice to test an 2" hours to test) ho% man- mices are
re2uire to fin the /oisone can?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 6 ) 1
P'TT;:6 "!
1) 1f a an b are miFe in 3:# ration an b an c are miFe in 8:# ration if the fina*
miFture is 3# *iters) fin the amount of b?
a) 13.3" b) 1#.73 c) 16.73 ) !."#
P'TT;:6 #$
1) 1f %e subtract a number %ith -) %e .et " increase of number) once it .ot i,ie b- -
itse*f... Bin that number??
a) 13 b) 12 c) 1" ) 11
P'TT;:6 #1
1) 1t is the c*ass %ith the seatin. arran.ement in " ro%s an 8 co*umns. +hen the teacher
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
sa-s VstartV the .ir* %ho is sittin. in first ro% an first co*umn %i** sa- 1) then the neFt .ir*
sittin. behin her %i** sa- ") the neFt .ir* sittin. behin that .ir* %i** sa- 7) in a /articu*ar
orer each .ir* is te**in. a number) the fo**o%in. .ir*s to* 1$) 13 neFt turn is -ours %hat
u %i** sa-?
a) 1# b) 17 c) 1" ) 16
P'TT;:6 #2
1) 1t is ar& in m- beroom an 1 %ant to .et t%o soc&s of the same co*or from m-
ra%er) %hich contains 2" re an 2" b*ue soc&s. Ao% man- soc&s o 1 ha,e to ta&e from
the ra%er to .et at *east t%o soc&s of the same co*or?
a) 2 b) 3 c) "8 ) 2#
2) 3a- has 2 se*ect .*o,es N hat from a bas&et. 1n the ar&) she can istin.uish
hatN.*o,es.1"re) 2$b*ue) 18.reen r there. Bin /robabi*it- that an- se*ecte .*o,e /air
has same co*or.
3).' *a- ha fine .*o,es an hats. 2# b*ue) 7 re an !.re-. She ha to se*ect a /air
amon. them. (ut there %as no * so she ha to se*ect in ar&ness the correct /air %ith
a .*o,e an a hat. Therefore ho% man- combinations of same co*or she can se*ect?
P'TT;:6 #3
1) 1f the Sa*entineCs 9a- in 2$$# fa**s on ?ona-) then on %hich a- %i** the
Sa*entineCs 9a- fa** on 2$1$?
a) Satura- b) Thursa- c) +enesa- ) Suna-
P'TT;:6 #"
1. ' /erson run from ' to (.Ae too& 4 of the time *ess to reach ( %hen com/are to run
at norma* S/ee.Then ho% man- /ercenta.e he has increase his s/ee?
a)"$ b)""." c)33.3 )22.2
2. 'n ath*ete ecies to run the same istance in 1/"th *ess time that she usua**- too&. (-
ho% much /ercent %i** she ha,e to increase her a,era.e s/ee?
a)"$ b)""." c)33.3 )22.2
P'TT;:6 ##
1. 1n a bui*in. there are # rooms.;ach ha,in. a e2ua* area .The * of the room is "m
an breaht is # m.The of the rooms are 2m.1f 17 bric&s are neee to ma&e a
s2uare meter then ho% man- bric&s are neee to ma&e the f*oor of a /articu*ar room?
a)32$ b)38$ c)3"$ )3$$
P'TT;:6 #6
1. =ne man %ant to bui* a %a** .The * an breath of the %a** are 2$ an 3$
res/ecti,e*-. Ae nee 3# bric&s for one s2uare centimeter then ho% man- bric&s he nee?
a)21)#$$ b)3$)$$$ c)21)$$$ )2$)$$$
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
P'TT;:6 #7
1. 1n a hote* %e can orer t%o t-/es of ,arities)but %e can ma&e 6 more ,ariteis in
home.=ne can choose the four ,arities %ith t%o from hote* as must.Bin ho% man- %a-s
one can orer.
a)1" b)1# c)#6 )28
P'TT;:6 #8
1. 1f a /i/e can fi** the tan& %ithin 6hrs.(ut ue to *ea& it ta&es 3$ min more.6o% the
tan& is fu** then ho% much time %i** it ta&e to em/t- the tan& the *ea&.?
a)78 b)#6 c)66 )#!
P'TT;:6 #!
1.The bacteria has the /robabi*it- of s/*it into 3 an /robabi*it- to ie is 1/3r of the tota*
bacteria.3et the /robabi*it- is P.Some of them sur,i,e %ith /robabi*it- 1/#.Then %hich
amon. the fo**o%in. re*ation is true?
a)PI1/3H1/#E3 b)PI1/#E(1/873)
2. There is a bacteria %hich has the /robabi*it- of ie 1/3 of its tota* number or it ma-
tri/*e. Bin out the /robabi*it-
'. PI1/3H(2/3E/J3) (. PI2/3H(2/3E/J3) C. PI2/3H(1/3E/J3) 9 PI2/3H(2/3E/J3)
P'TT;:6 6$
1. There %as a .ran mother in a ,i**a.e %ho ha a .ran chi*.>/on as&in. her .ran
chi*s a.e she to* that she is as o*er as man- a-s o* as her au.hters a.e in %ee&s
an as man- a-s as her o%n a.e in -ears.The sum of the three is 13$.then ho% o* is the
P'TT;:6 61
1) 1n the bui*in. %ere numbere from 1 to 1$$.Then ho% man- "Cs %i** be
/resent in the numbers?
a)18 b)1! c)2$ )21
2) 1n man- bui*in.s %ere uner resientia* cate.or-.for bui*in.s the- number
as 1 to 1$$. Bor sho/s) cor/oration numbere bet%een 1#$ an 2$$ on*- /rime numbers.
ho% man- time 6 %i** a//ear in bui*in. numberin.?
P'TT;:6 62
1)'mrith to* to 'nan in front of a Photo that WAe is the son of m- fatherCs sonX.Bin
%ho is in the /icture if amrith ha,e no brothers an sisters.
a)'mrith himse*f b)'mrithCs >nc*e
c)'mrithCs Bather )'mrithCs son
2) =ne /erson has no sib*in.s an sa-s)X the .u- in the /hoto is the on*- son of m- father
Rs sonX. +hat is the re*ation of the .u- to the /erson?
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
P'TT;:6 63
1) =ne .ran father has 3 .ran chi*ren t%o of the a.e ifference is 3.;*est chi* a.e is
3 times the -oun.est chi*s a.e an the e*est chi* a.e is t%o -ear more than the sum of
other t%o chi*ren. Bin %hat is the a.e of the e*ers chi*?
a)18 b)22 c)3$ )1$.
2) =ne .ranfather has three .ranchi*ren) t%o of their a.e ifference is 3) e*est chi*
a.e is 3 times -oun.est chi*Cs a.e an e*est chi*Cs a.e is t%o times of sum of other
t%o chi*ren. +hat is the a.e of e*est chi*?
3) =ne .ranfather has three .ranchi*ren) t%o of their a.e ifference is 3) e*est chi*
a.e is 3 times -oun.est chi*Cs a.e an e*est chi*Cs a.e is t%o times of sum of other
t%o chi*ren. +hat is the a.e of e*est chi*?
P'TT;:6 6"
1) 1n a schoo*) for a stuent out of 1$$ he .ot 7" of a,era.e for 7 sub8ects an he .ot 7!
mar&s in the 8th sub8ect. %hat is the a,era.e of a** the sub8ect?
a)76.2#1 b)8$.2# c)7".26# )7".62#
P'TT;:6 6#
1) 3 /ersons a)b)c %ere there ' a*%a-s sa-s truth)( *ies on ?ona-)tusa-)N
+enesa-.but C *ies on thrusa-)Bria- N satura- .one a- ' saiXthat ( N C sai to
' thatX ( sai W-estera- %a- one of the a-s %hen 1 *iesX)C sai thatX-estera- %a- one
of the a-s %hen 1 *ies tooX.then %hich a- %as that?
a)Suna- b)Thursa- c)Satura- )Tuesa-
P'TT;:6 66
1) +hich is the sma**est no %hich i,ies 288$ an .i,es a /erfect s2uare?
a)" b)! c)3 )#
P'TT;:6 67
1) Ao% man- ! numbers are /ossib*e b- usin. the i.its 1)2)3)")# %hich are
i,isib*e b- " if the re/etition is a**o%e?
a)#7 b)#6 c)#! )#8
2) ho% man- 13 numbers are /ossib*e b- usin. the i.its 1)2)3)")# %hich are
i,isib*e b- " if re/etition of i.its is a**o%e?
3) (- usin. 1)2)3)")#)ho% man- # no. can be forme %hich is i,isib*e b-
")re/etation of no. is a**o%e??
") Borm 8 numbers from b- usin. 1) 2)3)")# %ith re/etition is a**o%e an must be
i,isib*e b-"?
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"
#) Ao% man- of 1" numbers %e can ma&e %ith 1)2)3)")# that are i,isib*e b- ".
:e/etitions a**o%e.
P'TT;:6 68
1) Consier t%o tumb*ers) the first containin. +ater an neFt contains coffee. Su//ose
-ou ta&e one s/oon of %ater out of the first tumb*er an /our it into the secon tumb*er.
'fter mo,in. -ou ta&e one s/oon of the miFture from the secon tumb*er an /our it
bac& into the first tumb*er . +hich one of the fo**o%in. statement ho*s no%?
a) There is *ess coffee in the first tumb*er than %ater in the secon tumb*ers
b) There is more coffee in the firs tumb*er than %ater in the secon tumb*er
c) There is as much coffee in the first tumb*er as there is %ater in the secon tumb*er
)6one of the statements ho*s true
2) T%o bo%*s are ta&en) one contains %ater an another contains s/oon of %ater
is ae to secon bo%* an miFe %e**) an a s/oon of miFture is ta&en from secon
bo%* an ae to the secon bo%*. +hich statement %i** ho* .oo for the abo,e?
P'TT;:6 6!
1) SiF friens ecie to share a bi. ca&e. Since a** of them *i&e the ca&e) the-
2uarre*in. %ho .ets to first cut an ha,e a /iece of the ca&e. =ne frien su..ests that the-
ha,e a b*info* frien choose from %e** shuff*e set of cars numbere one to siF. <ou
chec& an fin that this metho %or&s as it shou* simu*atin. a fair thro% of a ie. <ou
chec& b- /erformin. mu*ti/*e simu*taneous tria*s of /ic&in. the cars b*info* an
thro%in. a ie. <ou note that the number sho%n b- the metho of /ic&in. u/ a car an
thro%in. a rea* %or* ie) sums to a number bet%een 2 an 12. +hich tota* %ou* be
*i&e*- to a//ear more often G 8)! or 1$?
a) 8 b)'** are e2ua**- *i&e*- c)! )1$
P'TT;:6 7$
6!) Yi,en a co**ection of /oints P in the /*ane ) a 17set is a /oint in P that can be
se/arate from the rest b- a *ine) .i.e the /oint *ies on one sie of the *ine %hi*e the others
*ie on the other sie. The number of 17sets of P is enote b- n1(P). The minimum ,a*ue
of n1(P) o,er a** confi.urations P of # /oints in the /*ane in .enera* /osition (.i.e no three
/oints in P *ie on a *ine) is
a) 3 b)# c)2 )8
5PKUBE EDUCATION) P*ot 6o.: 172) '8acent 31C (ui*in.) 9 9 Puram) (':;133<72"3122
C=6T'CT 6>?(;:: 0581-3204320, +91-9358217729@ +ebsite: www.pkub.!"

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