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1. GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Students will lean t!e "asi# #!aa#teisti#s $% &!'si#al ($wt! and
de)el$&*ent+ in#ludin( "$d' %un#ti$ns and s'ste*s t!$u(!$ut t!e li%e #'#le+ and will a#,uie s-ills t$
&$*$te and *aintain &$siti)e ($wt! and de)el$&*ent.
2. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & FITNESS Students will+ "' e&eated &a#ti#e+ a#,uie and e%ine a )aiet'
$% *ani&ulati)e+ l$#$*$t$+ and n$n/l$#$*$t$ *$)e*ent s-ills+ and will utili0e &in#i&les $% tainin(
and #$nditi$nin(+ will lean "i$*e#!ani#s and e1e#ise &!'si$l$('+ and will a&&l' t!e #$n#e&t $% wellness
t$ t!ei li)es.
3. NUTRITION Students will (ain t!e -n$wled(e and s-ills t$ sele#t a diet t!at su&&$ts !ealt! and
edu#es t!e is- $% illness and %utue #!$ni# diseases.
4. REPRODUCTION/SEXUALITY Students will a#,uie t!e -n$wled(e and s-ills ne#essa' t$ *a-e
e%%e#ti)e &es$nal de#isi$ns t!at &$*$te t!ei e*$ti$nal+ se1ual+ and e&$du#ti)e !ealt!.
. MENTAL HEALTH Students will a#,uie -n$wled(e a"$ut e*$ti$ns and &!'si#al !ealt!+ t!e
*ana(e*ent $% e*$ti$ns+ &es$nalit' and #!aa#te de)el$&*ent+ and s$#ial awaeness2 and will lean
s-ills t$ &$*$te sel%/a##e&tan#e+ *a-e de#isi$ns+ and #$&e wit! stess+ in#ludin( sui#ide &e)enti$n.
!. FAMILY LIFE Students will (ain -n$wled(e a"$ut t!e si(ni%i#an#e $% t!e %a*il' $n indi)iduals and
s$#iet'+ and will lean s-ills t$ su&&$t t!e %a*il'+ "alan#e w$- and %a*il' li%e+ "e an e%%e#ti)e &aent+
and nutue t!e de)el$&*ent $% #!ilden.
". INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Students will lean t!at elati$ns!i&s wit! $t!es ae an
inte(al &at $% t!e !u*an li%e e1&eien#e and t!e %a#t$s t!at #$nti"ute t$ !ealt!' inte&es$nal
elati$ns!i&s+ and will a#,uie s-ills t$ en!an#e and *a-e *an' $% t!ese elati$ns!i&s *$e %ul%illin(
t!$u(! #$**it*ent and #$**uni#ati$n.
#. DISEASE PREVENTION & CONTROL Students will lean t!e si(ns+ s'*&t$*s+ and teat*ent $%
#!$ni# and #$**uni#a"le diseases+ and will (ain s-ills elated t$ !ealt! &$*$ti$n+ disease &e)enti$n+
and !ealt! *aintenan#e.
$. SAFETY & IN%URY PREVENTION Students will (ain t!e -n$wled(e and s-ills t$ ad*iniste %ist
aid and #a' $ut e*e(en#' &$#edues+ in#ludin( #adi$&ul*$na' esus#itati$n+ will a)$id+ e#$(ni0e+
and e&$t )e"al+ &!'si#al+ and e*$ti$nal a"use situati$ns+ and will assess t!e %a#t$s t!at #$nti"ute t$
intenti$nal and unintenti$nal in3u'+ in#ludin( *$t$ )e!i#le a##idents+ %ie sa%et'+ and wea&$ns sa%et'.
a#,uie t!e -n$wled(e and s-ills t$ "e #$*&etent in *a-in( !ealt!/en!an#in( de#isi$ns e(adin( t!e use
$% *edi#ati$ns and a)$idan#e $% su"stan#es+ and in #$**uni#atin( a"$ut su"stan#e use4a"use &e)enti$n
%$ !ealt!ie !$*es+ s#!$$ls+ and #$**unities.
11. VIOLENCE PREVENTION Students will lean !$w t!ei a#ti$ns a%%e#t $t!es+ will undestand t!e
&$we t!at &$siti)e #!aa#te taits #an !a)e in )i$len#e &e)enti$n+ will (ain s-ills t$ e&$t in#idents $%
)i$len#e and !ut%ul "e!a)i$ t$ adults in t!e s#!$$l and #$**unit'+ will a)$id en(a(in( in )i$len#e+ and
identi%' #$nstu#ti)e altenati)es t$ )i$len#e+ in#ludin( !$w t$ dis#$ua(e $t!es %$* en(a(in( in
12. CONSUMER HEALTH & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Students will a#,uie t!e -n$wled(e
and s-ills ne#essa' t$ $"tain+ *ana(e+ and e)aluate es$u#es t$ *aintain &!'si#al and *ental !ealt! and
well "ein( %$ t!e*sel)es+ t!ei %a*il'+ and t!e #$**unit'.
13. ECOLOGICAL HEALTH Students will (ain -n$wled(e $% t!e intede&enden#e "etween t!e
en)i$n*ent and &!'si#al !ealt!+ and will a#,uie s-ills t$ #ae %$ t!e en)i$n*ent.
14. COMMUNITY & PU'LIC HEALTH Students will lean t!e in%luen#e $% s$#ial %a#t$s $n !ealt!
and #$nti"uti$n $% &u"li# !ealt!+ and will (ain s-ills t$ &$*$te !ealt! and t$ #$lla"$ate wit! $t!es t$
%a#ilitate !ealt!'+ sa%e+ and su&&$ti)e #$**unities.
T!e 6P!'si#al A#ti)it' and Fitness7 standad addesses &!'si#al de)el$&*ent and wellness.
P!'si#al A#ti)it' and Fitness %$#uses $n indi)idual #$*&eten#e and )esatilit' in *$)e*ent
s-ills+ undestandin( *$)e*ent #$n#e&ts and "$d' d'na*i#s+ and elatin( &!'si#al a#ti)it' t$
li%el$n( !ealt!. Wellness #a&tues t!e #$*"inati$n $% a#ti)it' and %itness and a !ealt!' li%est'le.
Students #an in#ease t!ei awaeness $% t!e "ene%its $% &!'si#al a#ti)it' and %itness t!$u(!
-n$wled(e a"$ut !$w t!e "$d' %un#ti$ns. 8' identi%'in( and e1&eien#in( t!e elati$ns!i& $%
e1e#ise t$ $)eall !ealt!+ a&&l'in( i*&$tant s$#ial s-ills and sa%et' in &!'si#al a#ti)it'+
inte(atin( leanin( *$)e*ent wit! $t!e *$des $% leanin(+ and &a#ti#in( state(ies t$ es&$nd
t$ stess+ students #an en!an#e t!ei $)eall !ealt! and wellness. T$&i#s (eneall' #$)eed in
P!'si#al A#ti)it' and Fitness in#lude9 M$t$ S-ill De)el$&*ent+ Fitness+ and Pes$nal and
S$#ial C$*&eten#'.
PeK/: Motor Skill Development
5.1 A&&l' *$)e*ent #$n#e&ts in#ludin( die#ti$n+ "alan#e+ le)el ;!i(!+ l$w<+ &at!wa'
;stai(!t+ #u)e+ 0i(0a(<+ an(e ;e1&ansi)e+ na$w<+ and %$#e a"s$&ti$n ;i(id+
wit! "ent -nees< t$ e1tend )esatilit' and i*&$)e &!'si#al &e%$*an#e.
5.5 Use a )aiet' $% *ani&ulati)e ;t!$win(+ #at#!in(+ sti-in(<+ l$#$*$t$ ;wal-in(+
unnin(+ s-i&&in(+ !$&&in(+ (all$&in(+ slidin(+ 3u*&in(+ lea&in(<+ and
n$nl$#$*$t$ ;twistin(+ "alan#in(+ e1tendin(< s-ills as indi)iduals and in tea*s.
5.= Pe%$* !'t!* $utines+ in#ludin( dan#in(+ t$ de*$nstate %unda*ental
*$)e*ent s-ills.
5.> Identi%' &!'si#al and &s'#!$l$(i#al #!an(es t!at esult %$* &ati#i&ati$n in a
)aiet' $% &!'si#al a#ti)ities.
5.: E1&lain t!e "ene%its $% &!'si#al %itness t$ ($$d !ealt! and in#eased a#ti)e li%est'le.
5.? Identi%' t!e *a3$ "e!a)i$s t!at #$nti"ute t$ wellness ;e1e#ise+ nutiti$n+
!'(iene+ est+ and e#eati$n+ e%ainin( %$* usin( t$"a##$+ al#$!$l+ and $t!e
Personal and Social Competency
5.@ De*$nstate es&$nsi"le &es$nal and s$#ial #$ndu#t used in &!'si#al a#ti)it'
?/A Motor Skill Development
5.A Use #$*"inati$ns $% *ani&ulati)e+ l$#$*$t$+ and n$n/l$#$*$t$ s-ills t$ de)el$&
*$)e*ent se,uen#es and &attens+ "$t! indi)iduall' and wit! $t!es.
5.B De*$nstate de)el$&*entall' a&&$&iate "asi# *ani&ulati)e and ad)an#ed
s&e#iali0ed &!'si#al s-ills+ in#ludin( t!$win( and #at#!in( di%%eent $"3e#ts wit!
"$t! a##ua#' and %$#e+ !and and %$$t di""lin( w!ile &e)entin( an $&&$nent
%$* #!allen(in(+ and a##uate sti-in( &$%i#ien#'.
5.1C Pe%$* a !'t!* $utine t!at #$*"ines ta)elin(+ $llin(+ "alan#in(+ and wei(!t
tans%e int$ s*$$t! %l$win( se,uen#es wit! intenti$nal #!an(es in die#ti$n+ s&eed+
and %l$w.
5.11 A&&l' "asi# &in#i&les $% tainin( and a&&$&iate (uidelines $% e1e#ise t$ i*&$)e
i**ediate and l$n(/te* &!'si#al %itness.
5.15 Pati#i&ate in a#ti)ities t!at &$*$te &!'si#al %itness+ de#ease sedenta' li%est'le+
and elie)e *ental and e*$ti$nal tensi$n.
5.1= E1&lain t!e &es$nal "ene%its $% *a-in( &$siti)e !ealt! de#isi$ns and *$nit$
&$(ess t$wads &es$nal wellness.
Personal and Social Competency
5.1> A&&l' ad)an#ed *$)e*ent #$n#e&ts and "e(innin( (a*e state(ies t$ (uide and
i*&$)e indi)idual and tea* &e%$*an#e.
5.1: De*$nstate state(ies %$ in#lusi$n $% all students in &!'si#al a#ti)it' settin(s
elated t$ sten(t! and s&eed.
5.1? Des#i"e t!e &u&$se and "ene%its $% s&$ts+ (a*es+ and dan#e in *$den s$#iet'.
B/15 Motor Skill Development
5.1@ De*$nstate de)el$&*entall' a&&$&iate #$*&eten#e ;"asi# s-ills+ state(ies+ and
ules< in *an' and &$%i#ien#' in a %ew *$)e*ent %$*s and *$t$ s-ills ;tea*
s&$ts+ a,uati#s+ indi)idual4dual s&$ts+ $utd$$ &usuits+ sel%/de%ense+ dan#e+ and
5.1A De*$nstate a#ti)ities %$ wa*in( u& and #$$lin( d$wn "e%$e and a%te ae$"i#
5.1B A&&l' #$n#e&ts a"$ut se,uential *$t$ leanin( and de)el$&*ent+ "i$*e#!ani#s+
e1e#ise &!'si$l$('+ and s&$ts &s'#!$l$('.
5.5C De*$nstate e1e#ises in sten(t! tainin(+ #adi$)as#ula a#ti)ities+ and %le1i"ilit'
5.51 Identi%' t!e #$*&$nents $% &!'si#al %itness and t!e %a#t$s in)$l)ed in &lannin( and
e)aluatin( %itness &$(a*s %$ indi)iduals at di%%eent sta(es $% t!e li%e #'#le.
5.55 C$ndu#t a &es$nall' de)el$&ed &!'si#al a#ti)it' &$(a*.
5.5= Meet de)el$&*entall' a&&$&iate !ealt!/elated %itness "en#!*a-s.
Personal and Social Competency
5.5> Identi%' li%e/*ana(e*ent s-ills and &$te#ti)e %a#t$s t!at #$nti"ute t$ a#!ie)in(
&es$nal wellness !ealt! ($als+ in#ludin( esea#!in(+ e)aluatin(+ and
i*&le*entin( state(ies t$ *ana(e &es$nal wellness+ *$nit$ &$(ess+ and e)ise
5.5: Undestand !$w a#ti)it' &ati#i&ati$n &attens ae li-el' t$ #!an(e t!$u(!$ut li%e
and identi%' state(ies t$ deal wit! t!$se #!an(es+ in#ludin( a &lan %$ li%e/l$n(
5.5? A&&l' sa%e &a#ti#es+ ules+ &$#edues+ and s&$ts*ans!i& eti,uette in &!'si#al
a#ti)it' settin(s+ in#ludin( !$w t$ anti#i&ate &$tentiall' dan(e$us #$nse,uen#es
and $ut#$*es $% &ati#i&ati$n in &!'si#al a#ti)it'.
5.5@ De%ine t!e %un#ti$ns $% leades!i& in tea* s&$ts ;in#easin( *$ti)ati$n+ e%%i#ien#'+
and satis%a#ti$n<.
S*+*,-*. E/012+*3) P4536,0+ A,-676-5 08. F6-8*33
5.1 In &ais+ students &a#ti#e t!$win( and #at#!in( di%%eent $"3e#ts+ t!en !ittin( a ta(et.
O"se)e &atne and use *$)e*ent #$n#e&ts t$ &$)ide %eed"a#-.
5.1C Students #eate ('*nasti#s $ dan#e $utines usin( $"3e#ts ;su#! as "alls and %la(s<.
5.11 Students sele#t an e1e#ise elated t$ $ne #$*&$nent $% &!'si#al %itness ;su#! as usin( &$&e
sit/u&s t$ in#ease enduan#e and sten(t! $% a"d$*inal *us#les+ swi**in( la&s t$ in#ease
#adi$es&iat$' enduan#e<. Re#$d and (a&! t!e &$(ess *ade $)e si1 wee-s.
5.1: In tea*s+ students identi%' and t' )ai$us wa's %$ &la'es $% di%%eent a"ilities t$ &ati#i&ate
5.1? Students #!$$se and &ati#i&ate in a (a*e+ s&$t+ $ dan#e and ta#e its !ist$' and its &la#e
in #$nte*&$a' ti*es.
5.55 Students &ati#i&ate dail' in an' &!'si#al a#ti)it' and -ee& a 3$unal %$ $ne/*$nt! e#$din(
s&e#i%i#s ;su#! as ae$"i# enduan#e+ %le1i"ilit'+ and sten(t!< and des#i&ti$n $% &!'si#al and
&s'#!$l$(i#al states "e%$e+ duin(+ and a%te &ati#i&ati$n. At t!e end $% t!e *$nt!+
su**ai0e wit! &es$nal e#$**endati$ns e(adin( t!e a*$unt and e(ulait' $% a#ti)it'+
as well as "elie%s a"$ut %utue #$**it*ent t$ a dail' $ wee-l' s#!edule $% e1e#ise.
5.5> Students w$- wit! s#!$$l !ealt! se)i#es t$ #eate &es$nal is- &$%iles. A%te #$*&letin(
t!e %$*s+ use esea#!/"ased state(ies t$ de)el$& a &lan t$ edu#e is-s identi%ied.
I*&le*ent t!e &lan+ dete*ine &$ints at w!i#! t$ *$nit$+ d$ t!e *$nit$in(+ e)ise &lan+ and
assess at a late &$int.
5.5@ Students &ati#i&ate in an ad)entue a#ti)it' in w!i#! t!e' *ust w$- t$(et!e t$ a##$*&lis!
a ($u& ($al. At #$*&leti$n+ "ased u&$n $"se)ati$ns and student &e%$*an#e+ sel%/e&$t
$n #$nti"uti$ns.
DN$te9 Mu#! $% t!is standad as s&elled $ut in t!e MA Cui#ulu* Fa*ew$- is *$e elated t$ a !ealt! #ui#ulu* t!an PE+ n$ne/t!e/less t!is
standad in its "$adest sense #an "e used as t!e "asis %$ esta"lis!in( s$*e $% t!e $"3e#ti)es %$ t!e a%%e#ti)e d$*ain. See NASPE standads %$
*$e ele)ant *ateial.E
Students will lean t!at elati$ns!i&s wit! $t!es ae an inte(al &at $% t!e !u*an li%e e1&eien#e
and t!e %a#t$s t!at #$nti"ute t$ !ealt!' inte&es$nal elati$ns!i&s+ and will a#,uie s-ills t$
en!an#e and *a-e *an' $% t!ese elati$ns!i&s *$e %ul%illin( t!$u(! #$**it*ent and
PeK/: Communication
@.1 E1&lain w!' #$**uni#ati$n is essential in !u*an elati$ns!i&s and identi%' &e$&le
%$* w!$* #!ilden #an lean !$w t$ #$**uni#ate+ su#! as %a*il' *e*"es+
%iends+ #$**unit' *e*"es+ and *e*"es $% %ait!/"ased ($u&s.
@.5 A&&l' "$t! )e"al and n$n/)e"al #$**uni#ati$n s-ills t$ de)el$& &$siti)e
elati$ns!i&s and i*&$)e t!e s$#ial en)i$n*ent $% t!e s#!$$l.
Peer Relationships
@.= Des#i"e t!e #$n#e&t $% %iends!i& and #$ntast ,ualities t!at sten(t!en $ wea-en
a %iends!i&+ in#ludin( t!e i*&$tan#e $% s$und #!aa#te in intea#tin( wit! $t!es.
@.> Des#i"e t!e #$n#e&ts $% &e3udi#e and dis#i*inati$n.
?/A Communication
@.: A&&l' attenti)e listenin(+ %eed"a#-+ and asseti)eness s-ills t$ en!an#e &$siti)e
inte&es$nal #$**uni#ati$n.
Peer Relationships
@.? E1&lain !$w &ee &essue in%luen#es #!$i#es and a&&l' state(ies %$ *ana(in(
ne(ati)e &ee &essue and en#$ua(in( &$siti)e &ee &essue.
@.@ Re#$(ni0e t!e &$siti)e #$nti"uti$n $% #!aa#te taits ;su#! as t$lean#e+ !$nest'+
sel%/dis#i&line+ es&e#t%ulness+ and -indness< t$ elati$ns!i&s+ t!e "ene%it t$
elati$ns!i&s w!i#! in#lude undestandin( and es&e#tin( indi)idual di%%een#es+
and t!e deti*ental e%%e#t $% &e3udi#e ;su#! as &e3udi#e $n t!e "asis $% a#e+
(ende+ se1ual $ientati$n+ #lass+ $ eli(i$n< $n indi)idual elati$ns!i&s and s$#iet'
as a w!$le.
Romantic Relationships
@.A Des#i"e t!e &u&$se $% datin( and a##e&ta"le datin( attitudes ;su#! as es&e#t< and
a&&$&iate #$ndu#t.
@.B E1&lain t!e "ene%its $% a"stinen#e+ &$st&$nin( se1ual "e!a)i$+ and settin( li*its
$n se1ual "e!a)i$.
B/15 Communication
@.1C Identi%' te#!ni,ues %$ !andlin( an(e and es$l)in( #$n%li#ts in t!e %a*il'+
%iends!i&s+ and t!e w$-&la#e+ in#ludin( see-in( !el& %$* &$%essi$nal and
#$**unit' $(ani0ati$ns and %ait!/"ased ($u&s. @.11 C$ntast t!e e*$ti$nal
i*&a#t $n l$n(/te* elati$ns!i&s $% &$siti)e #$**uni#ati$n ;su#! as a#ti)e
listenin(+ &aise+ and !u*$< wit! ne(ati)e #$**uni#ati$n ;su#! as teasin(+ na*e
#allin(+ "ull'in(<.
@.15 Des#i"e t!e in%luen#e $% t!e la(e s$#ial ($u& $n indi)idual #$ndu#t ;su#! as
(i)in( #$*%$t+ s$l)in( &$"le*s+ and #$nt$llin( de)iant "e!a)i$ t!$u(!
en%$#in( laws and t!e de)el$&*ent $% ($$d #!aa#te in t!e *e*"es $% s$#iet'<.
@.1= E1&lain t!e i*&$tan#e $% #$**uni#ati$n in settin( li*its in a se1ual elati$ns!i&.
Peer Relationships
@.1> E1&lain t!e &u&$se $% %iends!i& in di%%eent sta(es $% t!e li%e #'#le and des#i"e
!$w %iends #an su&&$t $ne an$t!e in *a-in( !ealt!' de#isi$ns.
@.1: Re#$(ni0e and identi%' t!e #$n#e&t $% %iends!i& wit!$ut $*anti# in)$l)e*ent and
!$w %iends!i& *a' de)el$& int$ $*anti# elati$ns!i&s.
Romantic Relationships
@.1? E1&lain t!e i*&$tan#e $% es&$nsi"ilit' and #!aa#te taits su#! as l$)e+
es&e#t%ulness+ (ene$sit'+ -indness+ and %$(i)eness+ in #$**itted elati$ns!i&s.
@.1@ Des#i"e #$**it*ent in #asual and sei$us elati$ns!i&s.
1. Demonstrates
competency in
motor skills and
patterns needed
to perform a
variety of
-Achieve mature forms
in the basic locomotor
skills and vary the
manner in while these
skills are performed in
relationship to changing
conditions and
-Demonstrate smooth
transitions between
sequential locomotor
-Show progress toward
achieving mature form
in the more complex
manipulative skills.
-Demonstrate control in
traveling, weight
bearing, and balance
activities on a variety of
body parts.
-Develop maturity and
versatility in the use of
fundamental motor skills
for more pleasurable
movement experiences.
-Achieve mature forms in
the basic nonlocomotor
and manipulative skills.
-Demonstrate locomotor,
nonlocomotor, and
manipulative skills for
performance outcomes.
They use these skills in
dynamic and complex
environments and in
combination with each
-Students acquire some
specialized skills basic to
a movement form.
-Participates with skill in a
variety of modified sport,
dance, gymnastics, and
outdoor activities.
-Students achieve mature
forms in the basic skills of the
more specialized sports,
dance, and gymnastics
-Use the skills successfully in
modified games or activities
of increasing complexity and
in combination with other
basic skills.
-Demonstrates use of tactics
within sport activities.
-Possess motor skills and
movement patterns allowing
them to perform a variety of
physical activities and to
achieve a degree of success
that make the activities
-Students demonstrate the
ability to perform basic and
advanced skills and tactics to
participate in at least on
activity from each of the
three following categories:
aquatics, team sports, dual
sports, outdoor pursuits, self
defense, dance, and
2. Demonstrates
understanding of
strategies, and
tactics as they
apply to the
learning and
performance of
-Learn and apply
concepts such as
actions, planes, and
personal/general space.
-Identify and perform
concepts of effort and
relationships that vary
the quality of
-Identify elements of
correct form for
fundamental skills and
use them in
-Use feedback to
improve motor
-Able to comprehend
more complex concepts
and principles and apply
them in structured
-Use performance
feedback to increase their
cognitive understanding
of a skill as well as to
improve performance.
-Use their knowledge of
critical elements of form
or simple biomechanical
or motor development
principles to provide
feedback to others.
-Transfer concepts
learned in other
skills/games for
performance of the new
-Exhibit an increasingly
complex discipline-specific
-Identify principles of practice
and conditioning that
enhances movement
-Have higher levels of
understanding and application
of movement concepts/
principles and game strategies,
critical elements of activity-
specific movement skills and
characteristics representing
highly skilled performance.
-Know when, why, and how to
use strategies and tactics
within game play.
-Use information from a
variety of sources, both
internal and external, to guide
and improve performance.
-Demonstrates knowledge
and understanding necessary
to develop scientifically
based personal activity plans
that include selected sports
and activities.
-Use complex movement
concepts and principles to
independently refine their
skills and apply then to the
learning of new skills.
-Advanced activity related to
discipline-specific knowledge
is integrated so that students
develop the ability to learn,
self-assess, and improve
movement skills
-Can recognize elite-level
3. Participates
regularly in
physical activity.
-Engage primarily in
non-structured physical
activities on an
intermittent basis
outside of physical
education class and
have fun while doing so.
-Participate in a wide
variety of gross motor
activities that involve
locomotion, non-
locomotion, and
manipulation of objects.
-Students knowingly
select and participate in
activities during their
leisure time that are
moderate to vigorous in
nature and that they find
-Develop an awareness of
participation in physical
activity as a conscious
personal decision,
choosing activities for
both the enjoyment and
health benefits they
-Voluntarily participate in
moderate to vigorous
physical activity for
longer periods of time
outside of physical
education class.
-Able to identify and
make use of opportunities
at school and within the
community for regular
participation in physical
-Independently set physical
activity goals and participate
in individualized programs of
physical activity and exercise
based on personal goals and
interests as well as on the
results of fitness assessments.
-Select and utilize practice
procedures and training
principles appropriate for the
activity goals they set.
-Have an increasing awareness
of the opportunities for
participation in a broad range
of activities that may meet
their needs and interest.
-Participate regularly in
moderate to vigorous physical
activities in both school and
non-school settings.
-Fully recognize and
understand the significance
of physical activity in the
maintenance of a healthy
lifestyle and possess the
skills, knowledge, interest,
and desire to maintain an
active lifestyle and possess
the skills, knowledge,
interest, and desire to
maintain an active lifestyle.
-Willingly participate in
physical activities on a
regular basis that contribute
to the attainment of and
maintenance of personal
physical activity goals.
-Make conscious decisions
regarding their physical
activity partici-pation based
-Recognize that
participation in
moderate to vigorous
physical activity has
both temporary and
lasting effects on the
body and voluntarily
choose to engage in
activities that contribute
to improved health.
-Begin to utilize the
skills and knowledge
acquired in physical
education class during
their leisure-time
physical activity.
-Begin to recognize and
use critical elements and
movement concepts to
sustain their own
participation in activities
they enjoy.
-Capable of using
information from a
variety of sources
(internal and external) to
regulate their activity
on needs, personal interests,
capa-bilities, and resources.
-Possess adequate movement
capabilities and behavioral
skills that provide a basis for
continued learning and
regular physical activity
-Can independently apply
appropriate training
principles to their own
physical activity and can
utilize pertinent scientific
principles to enhance their
participation in a specific
activity or sport.
-Demonstrate an
understanding of how and
why adult patterns of
physical activity participation
change throughout life and
are capable of implementing
meaningful strategies to deal
with those changes.
4. Achieves and
maintains a
level of physical
-Engage in a variety of
activities that serve to
promote health-related
physical fitness.
-Enjoy physical
activities for the
pleasure experienced
from simply moving
and may not associate
the activity with the
development of physical
-They participate in
physical activity
intermittently for short
periods of time and will
accumulate a relatively
high volume of total
activity and have fun
while doing so.
-They recognize
physiological signs
associated with
participation in
moderate to vigorous
physical activity.
-Possess basic
knowledge of the
components of health-
related fitness.
-Regularly participate in
physical activity for the
purpose of improving
physical fitness.
-Participate in moderate
to vigorous physical
activity for longer periods
of time without tiring.
-Engage in physical
activities specifically
related to each
component of physical
fitness and are capable of
monitoring the
physiological indicators
that accompany moderate
to vigorous physical
activity and adjust their
own activity accordingly.
-Complete standardized
fitness testing and
achieve desired levels
consistent with
contemporary health-
related recommendations.
-With teacher assistance,
students interpret the
results and understand the
significance of
information provided by
formal measures of
physical fitness.
-Participate in moderate to
vigorous physical activities on
a regular basis without undue
-Participate in physical
activities that address each
component of health-related
fitness, including cardio
respiratory endurance,
muscular strength and
endurance, flexibility, and
body composition.
-Know the components of
fitness and how these relate to
their overall fitness status.
-Monitor their own heart rate,
breathing rate, perceived
exertion, and recovery rate
during and following
strenuous physical activity.
-Assess personal fitness status
for each component and use
this information to assist in the
development of individualized
physical fitness goals with
little help from the teacher.
-Show progress towards
knowing the various principles
of training and how these
principles can be utilized in
improving ones level of
physical fitness.
Assume greater self-
responsibility in their lives
and display greater autonomy
in their personal behaviors.
-Demonstrate responsibility
for their own health-related
fitness status by participating
in appropriate physical
activities on a regular basis.
-Engage in activities in a
variety of settings for the
purpose of achieving and
maintaining health-related
-Largely independent in
assessing their personal
fitness status, and can
interpret information from
fitness tests and use this
information to plan and
design their own programs to
achieve and maintain
personal fitness goals that
encompass all components of
5. Exhibits
personal and
social behavior
that respects self
and others in
physical activity
-Discover the joy of
playing with friends and
experience how social
interaction can make
activities more fun.
-Know safe practices
and physical education
class rules and
procedures, and they are
able to apply them with
little or no
-Learn to work
independently and with
small groups, enjoying
diversity of those around
-Identify the purposes for
and follow activity-
specific safe practices,
rules, procedures, and
-Continue to develop
cooperation and
-Understand the concept of
physical activity as a
microcosm of modern culture
and society.
-Recognize the role of
physical activity in
understanding diversity and
continue to include and
support each other, respecting
the limitations and strengths
of group members.
-Students move from merely
-Demonstrate the ability to
initiate responsibility
personal and social behavior,
function independently, and
positively influence the
behavior of others in a
physical activity setting.
-Demonstrate leadership by
holding themselves and
others responsible for
following safe practices,
rules, procedures, and
-Utilize acceptable
behaviors for physical
activity settings and are
building a foundation
for successful
communication during
group activity.
-By improving motor
skills, children have
gained a basis and
appreciation for
working with others in
cooperative movement,
sharing, working
together to solve a
problem, and/or tackling
a challenge.
communication skills to
facilitate completion of a
common goal while
working with a partner
and/or small diverse
-Work independently and
productively for short as
well as progressively
longer periods of time.
-Students continue to
develop cultural/ethnic
appreciate their own
heritage, and appreciate
the differences in others.
identifying and following
rules, procedures, safe
practices, ethical behavior,
and positive forms of social
interaction to reflecting upon
their role in physical activity
setting and the benefits of
physical activity.
-Have well-developed
cooperation skills and are able
to accomplish group/team
goals in both cooperative and
competitive activities.
-Effectively work
independently and in groups
to complete assigned tasks.
-Make appropriate decisions
to resolve conflicts arising
from the powerful influence of
peers, and practice appropriate
problem solving techniques
to resolve conflicts when
necessary in competitive
etiquette in all physical
activity settings.
-Able to respond potentially
explosive interactions with
others by mediating and
settling conflicts.
-Synthesize and evaluate
knowledge regarding the role
of physical activity in
culturally diverse society.
- Make enlightened personal
choices for engaging in
physical activity over the life
span, recognizing the
influence of age, disability,
gender race, ethnicity,
socioeconomic status, and
-Develop a personal
philosophy of participation
reflecting inclusive practices
in physical activity settings.
6. Values
physical activity
for health,
challenge, self-
and/or social
-Are physically active
because they enjoy
merely participating.
-Like the challenges of
experiencing new
movements and learning
new skills.
-Begin to function as
members of a group and
to work cooperatively
for brief periods of time.
-Can identify activities as
they consider to be fun.
-Enjoyment is directly
related to competence in
a particular activity.
-Challenged by learning a
new skill or activity and
enjoy broadening their
repertoire of movement
-Success and
improvement are
attributed to effort and
-Choose an appropriate
level of challenge in an
activity so as to
experience success and
engage in activity with
students of different and
similar skill levels.
-Seek physical activity
experiences for group
membership and positive
social interaction.
-Recognize and appreciate
skilled performance.
-Physical activities provide a
positive outlet for competition
with peers and a means of
gaining the respect and
recognition of others.
-Physical activity can increase
self-confidence and self-
esteem as students discover
renewed enjoyment in
-Physical activities can
provide confidence as students
start to take steps towards
-Challenge is found both in
experiencing high levels of
competition and in learning
new and/or different activities.
-Experiences such as greater
awareness of feelings, the
avenues of self-expression
provided by dance,
gymnastics, and other sport
activities become increasingly
-More comfortable with their
new interests and their
physiques, thus once again
enjoying movement for the
sheer pleasure of moving.
-Enjoy the challenge of
working hard to better their
skills, and they feel
satisfaction when they are
successful in improving,
especially while pursuing
personal goals.
-Enjoy regular participation
in selected activities, either
alone or with friends.
-Can explain why
participation in these
activities is enjoyable and

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