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Technology Use in Physical Education

International Society for Technology in Education (iste): National

Education Technology Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
d. dentify trends and forecast possibilities
. Co!!unication and Colla"oration: Students use digital media and environments
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. nteract, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of
digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
of media and formats
c. !evelop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with
learners of
other cultures
d. Contribute to pro"ect teams to produce original works or solve problems
#. $esearch and Infor!ation %luency: Students apply digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use
a. #lan strategies to guide in$uiry
b. %ocate, organi&e, analy&e, evaluate, synthesi&e, and ethically use information
from a
variety of sources and media
c. 'valuate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks
d. #rocess data and report results
&. Critical Thin'ing( Pro"le! Solving( and )ecision *a'ing: Students use critical
skills to plan and conduct research, manage pro"ects, solve problems, and make
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
( + # a g e
a. dentify and define authentic problems and significant $uestions for
b. #lan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a pro"ect
c. Collect and analy&e data to identify solutions and)or make informed decisions
d. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative
,. )igital Citi-enshi.: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues
related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
b. 'xhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
c. !emonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. 'xhibit leadership for digital citi&enship
/. Technology 0.erations and Conce.ts: Students demonstrate a sound
understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
a. Understand and use technology systems
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively
c. *roubleshoot systems and applications
d. *ransfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
Enhance teacher effectiveness through the use of technology:
1. 1d!inistration
Attendance + computeri&ed attendance systems ,i.e. #' -anager.
#adlock distribution + database programs ,i.e. Access by -icrosoft. stores
information on students such as locker and padlock information
'$uipment + database to inventory e$uipment ,items, amount, condition, date of
/rading + computeri&e grading system. Some systems allow parents access
grades anytime using nternet. #' -anager doesn0t allow parents access,
however, it does allow teacher to easily send a student report to a parent by e1
2. Instruction
2 + # a g e
#resentation of information + Some examples include #ower#oint, #re&i,
instructional videos, C!s and !3!s. 3ideo ,pad, 4lip camera, etc.. used to
demonstrate the correct performance of skill, drill, or game. Software available to
assist in presenting related concepts such as biomechanics, motor learning, and
anatomy. Software and nternet sites available to create games and other
materials to enhance instruction
'ffective instruction + 3ideotaping a lesson for evaluation purposes. 5eart rate
monitors and pedometers. #ocket #C or laptop computers used by class
observer to code behaviors of the teacher or students for later review to
determine effectiveness in student learning.
-otivation + 5eart rate monitors, pedometers, 6ergames ,interactive fitness
games, !ance, !ance 7evolution, Sportwall., 8ii 4it, are "ust a few effective
motivational technology tools.
#lanning + 8ord1processing programs help with preparing lesson plans, writing
tests, unit plans ,templates..
Assessment + #ocket #C, #' -anager, *ri4it software allow teachers to record
assessments during class and transfer to computer and grading system. 9ther
software allows teachers to collect fitness data, evaluate food intake, measure
fitness levels, creating electronic portfolios using video clips of students0
performance, analy&e skills and performance using !artfish.
C. Co!!unication
*echnology enhances a teacher0s ability to communicate with others $uickly
through e1mail, #' department 8eb sites with calendar, newsletters, contact
information, policies, rules and regulations, units, advocacy.
3e" Sites a"out Technology Tools: + includes tournament1building software and statistics
software for a variety of sports + provides information on !artfish, an analysis software used to
evaluate individual sport performances or team performances + details a computeri&ed blood pressure system + provides information for 4itness/ram ) Activity/ram
: + # a g e + introduces the U.S. /overnment0s -y#late and provides
the ability to individuali&e the plate and a nutrition worksheet + is the site for physical education lesson planning ideas and other
valuable information
www.pelinks; + contains physical education information as well as information on
subscribing to <AS#'14orum, a discussion board for physical education topics and
issues + offers heart rate monitors, *ri4it syste, and #' -anager software
and hardware to support each system
www.pu&& + enables the creation of word pu&&les
; + # a g e

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