Invasion Games Modifications

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Invasion Games Modifications

Invasion Games
Team Handball
(Floor) hockey
Ultimate Frisbee
The modiications listed belo! incorporate the "arious strategies (e#g#$ make scoring
easier) or modiying games to it the needs o the players or the types o games listed in the
table abo"e# %any o them can be used in combination as !ell#
Modifications Focus
Reduce number o players on a team# Reduce game&s tactical comple'ity ( increase
acti"e game in"ol"ement#
)ierentiated scoring rules# *mphasi+e use o select techni,ues-tactics
and-or in"ol"ement o lo!er.skilled players#
/Sot0 deense only (e#g#$ arms length)# 1i"e more time and space to player in
possession o ball to make decisions#
Reduce ield-court si+e (e#g#$ hal.court in
Basketball2 Team handball)#
3ncrease acti"e game in"ol"ement ( reduce
technical-tactical-physical demands#
Shorter.!ider ield *mphasi+e selected oensi"e and deensi"e
4llo! some steps (Basketball$ U.Frisbee)# Reduce rules comple'ity$ thus increasing
opportunity or success#
Larger goals (e#g#$ entire end.line in soccer) %akes scoring easier#
*,uipment changes (e#g#$ lo!er baskets2
smaller balls) (Basketball)2 Shorter sticks
*mphasi+e proper techni,ue$ !ith scoring
made easier#
5ourt dimension changes (e#g#$ mo"e ree.
thro! line closer in Basketball
*mphasi+e proper techni,ue$ !ith increase
chance or success
%ultiple goals spread on the end.line (Soccer)# %akes scoring easier$ and emphasi+es use o
selected oensi"e and deensi"e tactics#
Small goals !# goal crease that cannot be
entered by anyone$ and /no goalie0 (soccer2
team handball)#
*mphasi+es selected deensi"e and oensi"e
/No.steal0 rule# %ake decision.making easier or player in
possession o ball#
Re,uiring one player to stay on oensi"e hal$
!hen on deense in o!n hal#
6ro"ide player ad"antage or oense 7 easier
From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. astie,
and ans van der Mars, !""#, C$ampai%n, I&' uman (inetics.

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