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Badminton Season Block Plan

Class Context
Class: 9
Grade; 16 boys/12 girls; class duration 50 min.; meets 5 days . !ee"; 20 classes total; class has
comleted # re$ious sort education seasons.
%cti$ity: &adminton; indoors; 6 regulation courts
'(uiment: %de(uate shuttles) regulation rac(uets.
*eam +ormat: # teams ,9) 9) - 10.
Cometition +ormat: /ingles 0ound 0obin ,%) &) - C le$els.; 1oubles 0ound 0obin ,% - & le$els.) /ingles and
1oubles Chamionshi round ,t!o layers +rom each team lay in %) &) C) - 1 /ingles and %) &) - C 1oubles..
1uty *eam 0oles: /corer; 2++icials; '(uiment 3anager; *eam /tatistician.
Day Class Activities
1 4ntroduce &adminton /er$e and Clear /hots.
%llo! +or amle student ractice to e$aluate s"ill le$els.
Choose catains. 1escribe class +ormat.
2 4ntroduce /mash and 1ro /hots.
Continued ractice.
Catain hel to e$aluate student s"ill le$els.
# Catains ha$e met !ith teacher to +orm teams.
%nnounce *eams.
%ssign home courts.
'5lain cometition +ormat and ost schedule.
6atch &adminton $ideo - e5lain tactics and scoring rules.
*eams ractice at home court.
*eams choose team name.
7 *eams ractice s"ill uon entry.
*eacher re$ie!s critical elements o+ "ey techni(ues ,ser$e) clears) dros) smash. !. !hole class.
*eams ractice at home courts led by catains.
*eams lay !ithin8team scrimmages using rally scoring.
%t closure) teams meet to create team cheer.
5 '5lain 1uty *eam resonsibilities.
2++iciating and scoring e5ectations e5lained and demo9d.
*eams lay !ithin8team scrimmages) !hile teammates ractice o++iciating and scoring.
6 /"ill ractice at home courts.
4nitial :scrimmages; +or teams to ractice laying games and 1uty *eam roles.
%ll games are :timed; !. rally scoring.
*eacher re$ie!s tactical and techni(ues issues obser$ed during scrimmages.
*eam /tatisticians ta"e game results home to ractice comiling game data.
< /"ill ractice at home courts.
*eams decide on lacement o+ layers +or initial /ingles cometition ,%/&/C..
*eams :scrimmage; !ith other teams at same le$el ,i.e.) % $ %; & $ &; C $ C..
= /ingles 0ound 0obin cometition: 1 $ 2) 1 $ #) - 2 $ #. 0ally scoring.
9 0e$ie! o+ /ingles cometition.
1oubles tactics introduced.
*eams ractice doubles lay at home courts.
10 /"ill ractice at home courts.
6atch $ideo o+ doubles lay.
1oubles scrimmages: % layers $ % layers; & $ &. on all courts.
11 /"ill ractice.
1uty *eam resonsibilities re$ie!ed.
*eams scrimmage.
*eams ma"e +inal decisions on airing +or 1oubles 0ound 0obin.
12 1oubles 0ound 0obin cometition:
1 $ 2) 1 $ #) - 2 $ #. 0ally scoring.
1# 0e$ie! 1oubles cometition.
1escribe +ormat +or chamionshi 0ound 0obin.
*eams ractice at home court.
17 *eams ractice at home court.
*eams ma"e +inal lacement decisions +or chamionshi 0ound 0obin.
15 *eam scrimmages
16 *eam ractices. % and & le$el singles chamionshis. 0egular scoring.
1< *eam ractices. C and 1 le$el singles chamionshis. 0egular scoring.
1= *eam ractices. % and & le$el doubles chamionshis. 0egular scoring.
19 *eam ractices. C and 1 le$el doubles chamionshis. 0egular scoring.
20 &adminton s"ill +un day. %!ards Ceremony.
From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. Hastie,
and Hans van der Mars, !!", C#ampai$n, %&' Human (inetics.

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