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Sport Education Model - Fair Play

The goals of the fair play focus in Sport Education are as follows:
Participate fully and responsibly. Be on time. Be responsible in fulfilling your team and
class tasks. Participate with enthusiasm.
Give your best effort. Sport competition is most meaningful when all competitors give a
full effort. Teams develop best when all teammates make a good effort in all their roles.
Sport Education works best for all students when referees, scorekeepers, duty teams,
coaches, and managers give a good effort and cooperate with each other.
espect the rights and feelings of teammates and opponents. Students should maintain
self!control and respect and value everyone"s right to participate fully and fairly in
practices and competitions. #hen conflicts arise, students should respect and value ways
to resolve those conflicts peacefully.
Be a good sport. Play hard and play by the rules. espect those who enforce the rules.
$ppreciate the effort of teammates and opponents. Be graceful in victory and dignified
in defeat.
Be helpful and not harmful. %ook for ways to help your teammates, classmates, and
teacher. $void putting down others or bullying. E&press appreciation to good play and
tasks well done.
Fair Play Code of Conduct - Sample
Participate fully and responsibly.
Be on time.
'o your part in team and class tasks.
Participate enthusiastically.
i!e your best effort.
Try hard when practicing and playing.
Try hard at your duty team roles.
(ooperate with teammates in all roles.
Show respect to teammates and opponents.
$lways control your own behavior.
Support everyone"s right to participate fully.
Try to resolve conflicts peacefully and )uickly.
Support your team and teammates in all ways.
"e a good sport.
Play by the rules and give it your best at all times.
espect the referees.
Show appreciation for teammates and opponents.
Be a good sport in both winning and losing situations.
"e helpful and not harmful.
%ook for ways to be supportive of teammates.
$void putting down others.
Be willing to be a positive influence when you see put!downs or bullying.
$lways show your appreciation for good play and hard work.
Siedentop, '., *astie, P. $., + van der ,ars, *. -.//01. Complete guide to sport education. (hampaign, 2%3 *uman 4inetics.

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