Behavioral Management Proactive Counterproductive Approaches 2

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Behavioral Management & Discipline

Proactive Approach vs Counterproductive Approach

Proactive Approach Counterproductive Approach
1. Maintain your composure. Students dont know your trigger
points unless you reveal them. If you lose your temper students may lose
respect for you and regard you as an ineffective teacher.
1. Preaching or Moralizing. Example telling students they
should know better than that! If they actually knew better" they might
not have behaved in an unacceptable manner in the first place. Students
make mistakes because they are inexperienced and learning as they go.
#art of learning is making mistakes. $orrect mistakes in a %uiet and caring
2. Acknoledge your !eelings hen student mis"ehavior occurs.
&o you feel angry" threatened" challenged" or fearful' (ow do you
typically respond when a student defies you' )now and understand
2. #hreatening. *hreats are ultimatums intended to terminate
undesirable behavior" even though you know you cannot carry them out.
Example If you dont stop that" Im going to kick you out of class"!
sounds tough but is usually impossible to enforce. If students hear
numerous idle threats" theyll start to tune out and their respect will wane.
$. Design a plan !or hen di!!icult !eelings arise. +hen you feel
anxiety building because of student misbehavior" use a calming approach
such as counting to ,- before responding" or take five deep breaths" or avoid
dealing with the student misbehavior until you feel your emotions are under
$. %rdering & Commanding. If teachers sound too bossy" students
begin to feel like they are nothing more than pawns to be moved around.
.sk students firmly but respectfully to carry out tasks. $ourtesy and
politeness are re%uisites for effective teacher/student relationships.
&. 'no your options !or dealing ith the challenging "ehavior.
*alking meaningfully with students is best done after class if it is going to
take more than a few seconds. 0ptions to use when you have only limited
time include discreetly warning the student" removing the student from
class" or sending another student for help if a situation is severe or
&. (nterrogating. +hen there is a problem 1i.e. argument between two
students2" an initial reaction is to try and figure out who started the
argument rather than deal with the feelings of the students. 3ittle is gained
by trying to solve who started it.! *ry calmly saying" 4ou know loud
arguing is not acceptable behavior in my class. 4ou must have been very
angry to place yourself in this situation.! *his encourages students to talk
about their feelings rather than place blame on others. It also
communicates a caring and concerned attitude toward students even when
they misbehave.
). *e!using to +isten. *his commonly manifests itself as 3ets
talk about it some other time.! .t times" such as during instruction" this
response is necessary. (owever" if you always refuse to listen" students
will avoid interaction and believe you dont care.
,. +a"eling. 3abeling is characteri5ed by telling students" Stop
acting like babies! or 4oure behaving like a bunch of loonies.! *his is
degrading and dehumani5ing to students. 0ften" labeling is done with the
intent of improving performance. In actuality" it is usually destructive and
leaves students with negative feelings.
,. Stop the aggressive behavior immediately 6. *est the solutions
7. 8ather data and define what happened 9. Implement the plan
:. ;rainstorm possible solutions <. Evaluate the approach
,. Ignore or gently reprimand the
:. =emove from activity 9. Send the student to the principal
7. 8ive a time/out 6. >ake a phone call home <. Suspend or reassign the student
&o not reprimand publicly State your position Speak about the behavior Isolate the student and yourself
+alk away &ont threaten or bully .void touching =einforce acceptable behavior
&arst" #. +." #angra5i" =. #." Sariscsany" >." ? ;russeau" *. .. 17-,72. Dynamic physical education for secondary school students 1@
ed.2. Aew 4orkB ;enCamin $ummings.
Cooperative Approach to Con!lict *esolution
(mplement -our Management Plan
&evelop awareness of class D ;e a leader" not a friend D $ommunicate high standards D &iscipline individuals
8ive positive group feedback D .void negative group feedback D Ese activities that involve the entire class
Decrease .naccepta"le Behavior /kno your options0
Corrective 1eed"ack

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