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Shalfleet Parish Council

Susannah Jennings
Clerk to the Council
You are invited to the Annual Meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council to be held at the Shalfleet Parish Council office
in Newbridge on Wednesday 14
May 214 at 1!1"hrs
Susannah #ennings Cler$ % &'( )*"*214
1+ 0o receive no1inations and elect a chair1an of the Council for 214*1" % sign the declaration of office+
2+ 0o receive no1inations and elect a vice chair1an for 214*1"
2+ 0o a33oint re3resentatives to co11ittees and outside bodies
4+ A3ologies for absence+
"+ /eclarations of interests regarding agenda ite1s+
4+ 0o reaffir1 Standing (rders and 'inancial &egulations
)+ 0o reaffir1 3olicies
5+ 0o a33rove and sign state1ent of accounts for 212*14 6circulated7
!+ 0o confir1 and a33rove the 1inutes of the 3revious 1eeting 6circulated7+
1+ Matters arising fro1 the 1inutes not re8uiring a resolution+
11+ An u3date on the Shalfleet church wall 9 Cllr+ #+ Whitney
12+ :sle of Wight Council consultations 9 Street 0rading &esolution and Policy
12+ Wellow Millenniu1 -reen re8uest to agree funding for the future
14+ Police &e3ort
1"+ Cler$s &e3ort a7 'inance;to a33rove list of 3ay1ents 6circulated7
b7 Ad1in; to receive any e<tant ite1s+
14+ Corres3ondence+
1)+ 0own % Country Planning; to consider the following 3lanning a33lications and co11ent on any e<tant
0CP*21541= P*2!!*14= &obins >ush Solent &oad Cran1ore+ /e1olition of dwelling and garage 3ro3osed
detached dwelling with detached garage and log store+
15+ Councillors re3orts= including the Ward Councillor+
1!+ 0?. C(@NC:A W:AA &.C.:B. C@.S0:(NS '&(M 0?. P@>A:C+
N>+Me1bers of the 3ublic wishing to s3ea$ regarding agenda ite1s 1ust give 24hours written notice to the Cler$ at the above address+ 0i1e li1its and other
conditions a33ly+ 6SPC Standing (rder 14b refers
Office/Help Centre
Main Road
Isle of ight
PO!" #$R
Tel/fax: 01983 531491
Web: www.shalfleetiow.o!."#

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