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Skidmore selection guide A SELECTION GUIDE FOR BOILER FEED AND CONDENSATE PUMP SYSTEMS ‘Table of Contents 1. Purpose 2. Common System Components Hartford Loop . Boiler Header Condensate Pump. Condensate Pump Selection Boiler Feed Pump. Boiler Feed Pump Selection Boiler Feed Valves emRgeR> 8, Mustrations Figure 1 Hartford Loop Connection Figure 2. Pump Connection with Hartford Loop Fire 3. Pump Connection with Faualizer. Figure 4 Liquid Level Control with Low Water Cutoft Figure5 Duplex Condensate Pump Figure 6 Boiler Feed Conections - Singie Boiier Figure 7 Boiler Peed Connections with Rectangular Receiver Figure 8 Boiler Feed System with Cylindrical Receiver. Figure 9 Mechanical Make Up Feeder Figure 10 Blectrical MakeUp Feeder Figure 11 PreHealer Assembly Figure 12 Boiler Feed Connections Multiple Boilers Skidmore’ Bulletin 237-3 October 1969 boiler feed and condensate ‘pump systems 10 1 iT 2 2 1B ‘The Selection of Boiler Feed di Condensate Pump Systeme “The mlecton ofthe proper condensate and/or blr fed systems is not dificult however, all bolt, pap, and Control manufacturers show the product wppied, bat mat the other aguipment thatistomakeupacomplete workable ‘system. Many times the ter may be mised inte ng Portions ofeach and moet often fe ends up with a sytem ‘hat wil ot work, ois more complex and expensvethan the jb requires. We blieve the simplest, least complex ayater, hat wil do the required ab rhe hee Plone arin aina that Osa ly the peroon who will be operating the system dow not Hove the experience, ference deta and knowledge that you may have, so ii best 1 keep the system simple and tora, In order to understand the basics of ables fed and/or Condensate ster let's start off with few definitions inthe purpose of the more common components in & A. Hartford Loop 1. The Hartford Loop isa connection nto the equal lace between the alenm supply header andthe ‘etiam connections sce figure No, 2, Hartford Loop squalits the pressures between {he ateam outlet and the return of the blr friginaly was required on a gravity wet return System to insure equaliaaton thus permiting (ondenante to return to the boiler by ere . Tteliminates the need fora check valve and pee vente ryphoning of water fom the bolle ta ‘mane level With th toe ofthe modern conden sate pomp syst this i nt applicable, 4. The equalizer portion of the Hartford Loop pro: vider t natural eondanaste drain for the main header and ie paricularly uaefal when thee ie 1 poeiility bole water carry over, which an Sccur when a boiler is subjected to large sudden Toads, higher than normal water ln, impropriy treated or dirty boiler water. you wish t0 Use the equalizer only ee figure No 3 5. Use a Hartford Loop whenever code of insur ‘ance ermpany eale for one or ite fenetion ir de Sitable When che Hartiord Loop was originated ‘moet hile ere col fied and had no means oF mediately cutting of dhe tre when low ‘water condition occured. With fodays mechanical traxcilbrners and dus low water cuted eqate ‘Dents, 2 Hartlrd Loop/equalizer in not early Se important ae ited to be and Se ted ost then aaa header dein oly 6. Tt is important that the Hardord Loop/pump Aiacharge connection nto the sie ofthe equalcet Tested vo that the water velocity doww nt exceed heat See the following table PIPE size, opm T it hve is e @ zu o e ” Sve 1 ° 180 the connection into the equalizer has too much ‘elowty and Use equaliser is under zed the Dumped condenaate mill back ap ints the equ {eer above the boiler waterline and will ease too high af a see ine tthe baler and/or ms ance low water clots. See figure No I 7. Do not use a Harford Loop (2) Om high presouze boilers. Boller manufac trees provide bilr feed connection on al high pressure boilers and recommend ting it'an mont holler feed connections are pro ied ‘with baffles to eliminate expansion, Contraction and shock, See figure No 6. () On multiple boiler installations where water Tevele are not the same height. (61 On a multiple boiler installation where one boiler in usd moat ofthe time, ee recomend the toe ofa oiler feed system, onthe Hart ford Laop and eqonlier orally reqives ore ‘expensive header piping and valving (@) When Yoiler requires @ lange amount of rmakeup water, a= with some process leads. We recommend the use of boiler feed sytem swith's aubmerged steam panting tbe to reheat he bend of vturn and makeup water {oat least 100°F. 1 ere quantitve of 100" fr lower temperate water ix pumped into 3 bolle, thermal shod and/or fle go conden B. Boiler Header ‘The boiler headers mint often weed on multiple bile Installations as shown in gure No.2 and an single igh prenure terns shown in figure No We recommend that you always hoop the vertical ise Uf the ble andthe onder a Teast the ware sie {Be beler outlet nezse By using fll size out you bripetiminateonvofe causes ofeyphoning and ears ‘ver Small ute oon wil ineease the steam velocity Shc tendt pul wetter steam and waterffof the ble, "The header wil trap the excrs water in the wea, therefore, providea tap lergeenough to keepthe head crdrsined Lite suthentie information i available on the sizing of stam headers on molipe bode installations. For Suing we recommend thst sou determine the max ‘um load that must be carsed by any portion ofthe Ihader ander any conceivable metho of operation and then refer to your standnd steam izing tables for hor antl pipes a Ib pe 100 ft an solace acne ‘Werdo nt believe sou tan ovesiae steam header itil provide some addtional stam storage space. ©. Condensate Pump 1. A condensate pump is eed tenet and raters ‘andenante dredy to a bolle oft a boiler fed ‘mit Tei slwaye controlled by the Moat switch ‘within ie ceciver and is never controled by the boiler mounted level contol. Tt pumps only when iG racsiver tn full td not on baler water level demand 2 A condensate pump never has exy means of sup ving beter aystam makeup water {A condensate pump should not be used for pump ing water direty into a boiler operating over Boy cope rele A). 4. Whon szing a condentate pump, boiler makeup ‘water mune be supplied othe bie by sme ther Teens, The soethods for supplying blr seer fre a follows: (a) Boller saounted ont operated mechanical feeder which must be sized to replace the rater twing evaporated by the oiler at the lowest avalable ily water pressure. See igure Now. 28 4 (@) Boiler mounted combination mechanical oat operated fwder and low water cata See igure No.2 (©) Boiler mounted combination guid level, Sontrol and low water catot wit sitchin Sontacte to operate an elecereal operated ‘akeup valve, Sen figure No (@) Always supply» manual bypass or hand Salven to aupgiy city water rece into the boiler for vee at tm of startup or emergency onditons in compliance sith local codes Seeigure No.2, 34 D. Condensate Pump Selection, 1 Most manfactorers rate their pomps in equare foot of equivalent del radiation (EDI) (240 BTU7EDI (a) The GPM pumping capacity of single unite is usally 3 times the eystem condensing rte ‘The system condensing rate 1/2 GPM per 1000 oy EDR. Example as follows: O00 EDR 5 ye cond rte 3. GPM syst cond. rate 3 required, (OPM pump As you can see the pump will run 1/3 of 1 hour nd ul oad conn. Se Skitmore catalogs pr, Mulipet, & (©) The pumping capacity of duplex unite ix twowally Bure the sate way an the single ‘unit withthe thought thatthe 2nd pomp ie fstandiy However in reality you may gure lower GPM capacities per pump ro that under fall load conditone ane () pump sil ron 1/2 che tie and you wll ill have exra capo City if ee eye tend to teu lange slope fteandensate to the pomp due to lng sean ‘and reuem mal, large feah a cls, Example 00 a. BD as GPM nye cond. rate 8. GPM system condensing rate» 2= 6 GPM The maximum wial pumping rave of the duplex pamp mil be 12 GPM, which in more than adequate fr «6000 g. 1. EDR spat swith a condensing rate of SGPM. Theseenver ra duplex pump operating as outlined above ‘hovld be nereaued at leat one sandardsive Pomp dcharge preture should be not leas than the steam working preseure of the boiler or the rele valve ralleving preawure, Dont forge (2) The hydeostatic head () The pipe and fitting resistance, (6) Resistance or drop thew any automatic valves (4) Sie the duplex pump discharge ine to handle fhe total GPM from both pumps, Se figure No.8. We recommend the following trim for single unit condensate pumps (@) Float switch (etandard. () ole sutin strainer. (6) Discharae pressure gauge. (4) Discharge chock valve (o) Magnetic starter, receiver. mounted and wwred, with 3 oy overload protection and {eevofcantomatie twitch, (6) Themometer (4) Water gauge glass 4. We recommend the following tim for duplex con densate pumps: (See figure Ne 3) (@) Mechanical aerating Not switch (saad) () Emergency safety Moat swith 1 energize fhe magnetic starters on the standby pump 'nd/or both pumps under extreme load con Aina o faire the led pum. (o) net suction steainer (@) Discharae pressure gauge (©) Discharge check valves. (0 Magnetic. stares, receiver mounted and wired, with 3 log ovedoad protmtion and test off automatic nite (a) Thermometer (by Weter gauge glass. 5. Pomp construction for most condensate pomp applications coniate of (2) Single stage bronze centrifugal ingle up 10 758 Alscharge peesure. For pressures above 734 on sera multcentrifgal or tune pump. (©) Cast iron volute, We prefer that the volute be bolted dreetiy wo the receiver thus pro ing lange fre are tothe eye of the imp ler, (Skidmore type "VC", "VI" and Mult lex) (6 212 mechanical shat sel, We do not recom ‘end the ase of 250 shaft sos unless the {vetem requires them as they are expensive td may delay delivery. Please consider that if you have an open vented reaver all com denaate above boiling will aah to steam, (@) Open dip proof 1750 oF $500 RPM clase coup- led. motor with stainless ated absit or standard frame motor with flexible coupling ‘and channel ban Please dn pace too meh {importance on the motor RPM. Usually the 1730 TPM impli wll not Rendle nz igh scharge preeure oo efiently co will a {3500 RPM tmpeller Most often the 3500 RPM ‘motor i leet coaly and wore realy ava fable. With tedaye modern metore life expec taney. operating efficiency and oie levee of both motors are comparsbl 6. When specifying condenaate pumps with cylin decal receivers withthe pumps om a base below the receiver conden (a) Higher than normal return inlet heights, (0) Space limitations (© This ype of pump docs provide more availble PSH. tan 4 fecsver mounted pun. Pleste refer fo Skidmore Techical Buel ?31, Pager 2 fnd'3, and Skdmave Type "HP" and“ STH" ‘atl Receivers on mott standard condensate pumps fare made of 10 gauge steel and nee usualy ade fate: however, if 908 deste something vtter {or corrosion resistance consider. (2) Cas ion. (by 5/8" thick sel in ie of eat ton, (©) Cylindsical steel seciver with ground welds, sand blasted surfaces and lined with 8 coate fone mi thik phenolic resin baked on afer ach cont. Beware of cheap. improperly ap. Dlied and inferior linings that ean and wil Ease more problems than no lining at all Note lined receivers must be lange enough to accommodate a manhole for scces, Hot condeneate over 200" shoald not be pumped hy w standard condensate pump, you antlpate quantities of hot condensate returinwe t0 the pomp that will give you's total blend tempers {ure abuve 200" plese conider the following (a) Returning the hot condensate thew domestic. (0) Use process water in a convertor to ool the condensate, (Use cooling tower water in convertor to cool the condeneate Never col the condense hy adding city watar into the condensate (4 Use vented flan tank ahead! ofthe pump (6) Use pressurized reeiver anit asa trap and ‘maintain the sate presoure in it'ay in the Dee of equipment bring drsined, eich ass tvorption unit. Provide @ oat switch to ‘art and stop the ptenp when the water level ‘ues. The receiver vend othe stmoeplere ‘when there is no steam. The presure in the Tecciver induces @ false head on the pump, Keep the imple flooded. and permite the Dump to handle condensate at temperatures shove the atmosphere boiling pent withost cavitation in the Impellers (Se Skidmore ‘Toemnie! Balen W237). Provide 250" seals oF piatibly water cooled sels for this type tit Dont forget to connier thatthe con Ahansate nt not ash to steam ong aa it funder high presrare but if pumped Into 8 Tower pressive or vented receiver it wil ash 5 E. Boi 1 Feed Pumps Please consider the flowing: (a) Boiler feed pumps are use w pump conden fate and makeup water directly nto the boiler sorboilers (&) Boiler fsed pumps aze always contoled by the boller mounted pomp contra (6) Boller feed pumps are always equipped with fan utomatic makeup valve. All-notmnal ‘makeup is made thre this control. The only ‘ception is the mantal/ emergency fill valve ‘on the blr (See Figure No. ‘We wil deseribe specific blr feed applications later, however, Use ate generally sed as follows: (4) To feed a single low pressure baler with 3 lange makeup requirement. Caution, do not tke a condensate pump for this application. (See figure No.8) (6) To fed 2 or more high or low peer boiler. (See figure No. 12) {o) To feed al high preseure bilrs 208 steam and higher “Two basic types of boiler fed pump systems are svallable They are (0) The rectangular receiver ith the pumps mounted drcely to the ide of the recver Sich ae the Skidmore "VC" "WJ" or Mult lex unit The "VC and "VJ erie pampe ‘San be supplied with single or duplex pump Sind ‘cat om or sluel receivers, The Mult Bi nit ean be sopplied with single, duplex ‘etrplexpurnpe on ate eeiver (Se figure Ren ) Cylindrical steel recever mounted on steve {tal steal stand and hase with | or 2 pampe Iounied wn piped A Sed and possibly teh ‘ump may be installed on tome of the larger Src Vou will noe that in Figare 8 we have shown two types of pamps, However, others fre available a follows (Type “HOPS” oF °F claw coupled cen Arfugal for discharge pressures up to 7S (2) Type “HPC Neible coupled ceatifugl for

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