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Transcript and Attendance Reflection

My four-year transcript clearly represents my capabilities because it shows what my

strengths and weaknesses are. Also what subjects I am good in and what subjects I am
not so good in. In my freshman and sophomore years were not one of my best high
school years. I struggled but I got through it and brought my grades and everything else
Some of the grades I am most proud about are all my grades that are Cs and higher
because I worked hard for them. Some of the grades I am most disappointed in are my
Ds and Fs because I was young and didnt care about my grades or if I even graduated.
If I could retake any of my prior courses I would take P.E 1.1 again to raise my
grade up from a D+ to at least a B. English 1.1 to raise it from a D- to a B and English 1.2
to raise it up from an F to a B. Geography to raise it up from an F to at least a B. P.E. 1.2
to raise it from an F to a B. Life Science 1.2 to raise it up from an F to at least a B. World
History/ Culture 1.1 to raise it up from an F to a B. Algebra 1.2 to raise it up from a D to
at least a B. Also Strategy English 1 to raise it up from an F to at least a B, because I
want my high school years to have all above Cs , not any Ds and/or Fs. I think I would
receive a better grade because I would actually try to do the work and turn in my
assignments in on time.
The message my attendance record reveals to someone who looks at it is that I get
sick often, also that other than that I have a pretty good attendance record. Also that
out of the 160 days I have been enrolled in and attended school I have came to school
150 days out of the 160 days, which is (93.7%), most of the time enrolled in school.

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