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Merced High School

H o m e o f S c h o l a r s a n d C h a m p i o n s
- E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 9 5 -
205 West Olive Avenue, Merced CA 95344 (209) 385-6465
Every Bear Counts
May 9, 2014

To Whom It May Concern,
I have known Destinee Gutierrez only a short while, but in this brief time she has shown what an
exceptional student and individual she is. Destinee is currently in my Photography 1 class at Merced High. She
has done an outstanding job fulfilling all of her in class assignments and projects. Not only does she fulfill these
tasks in a timely manner, but she also goes above and beyond to give her full effort. Destinee transferred late
into my class, but through hard work and persistence, she has caught up to the other students. She often puts in
time outside of class to ensure she thoroughly completes the work. She seems to have really grasped the
concepts, computer programs, and equipment in this short amount of time.
Destinee not only puts full effort into her work, but she also has upstanding character. She is a genuine
being that treats other students and teachers with great respect. She is able to communicate and work well with
all individuals when completing group projects. Destinee often goes out of her way to help others. She is also an
active member of FFA. Destinee is currently raising a pig to sell at the Merced Fair this June.
Being able to put forth great effort, produce high quality work, have great character, and work well with
others are all qualities of an upstanding student. Along with these merits, Destinee is also an honest, caring, and
trustworthy individual. Because of these characteristics, I feel that she is a great candidate for the Anthony
Brucia Success Award. Destinee plans on getting a job and attending Merced College after she graduates, and
this scholarship would definitely help her in achieving these goals. I look forward to seeing where the future
takes her. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Kelsey Thomas
Photography Instructor
Yearbook Advisor

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