The Water Droplet Story Due

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The Water Droplet Story Due Date:_____________________

Imagine that you are a single water molecule in the midst of your travels through the water cycle. Write a
story and create a picture book for a grade 4-6 student in which you describe your journey from the water
molecules point of view.
e sure to use descriptive details to make your story interesting and to use the vocabulary terms !see list"
accurately and in a way readers can infer meaning.
e sure to include at least#
$. %wo e&amples of how water is used by humans' and (or other living things'
). %wo e&amples of how humans impact our water resources in a negative way' and
*. %wo e&amples of how water systems can affect weather or how people live in a specific region.
+ints for your book#
Be colourful in your illustrations. Remember how bright pictures capture interest.
Consier who you are writing the boo! for.
"eep the story line simple# but inclue lots of rich etails.
$% picture is worth a thousan wors.& "eep that saying in min when balancing te't with
(ive your water roplet a personality. %llow it to e'press emotion.
Be sure to have your water roplet move through the entire water cycle.
Ideas to get you started#
,ou may be trapped in fro-en ice on a mountain top' or be slip-sliding along as part of a babbling
,our story could take place in a different time period. +ow about when knights were around' when
dinosaurs roamed the earth' or when e&plorers came to .anada/ .hoose a time that interests you
and be sure to mention how you !the water droplet" were used back then.
0erhaps you are a water molecule who lives in the north and you are really keen to catch a ride to the
sunny south. I t takes you a whole year to get there and it is a lot of hard work. 1escribe what
happens to you during the year.
2emember' as a water molecule' you can go anywhere in the air' in the water' underground' in any
city or country in the world.
%here are many types of childrens books. e creative. %hink about the kind of books you used to like best.
)ocabulary *ist:
,ou do not have to use all these words' but use them as a guide. try to use as many as you can while still
keeping the storyline sensible and creative.
Water table 34uifer 5round water 6alinity
6olid 7i4uid 5as .ondensation
8vaporation 6ublimation 9ree-ing :elting
5laciers 1rought 9lood 0lain 0recipitation
0olar ice-cap %hermal 0ollution 2un-off 6ewage
Watershed Waves %ides ;cean current
Water treatment <atural resource 6ustainability

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