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Book Talk

Childrens Literature


Courtney Goodrich

I have chosen the topic of Nursing for my book-talk. As a young girl and even a
teen-ager I wanted to be a nurse. I loved reading fiction books about nurses, and still
enjoy one of my favorite childhood heroines, Cherry Ames!
As I was trying to decide what to do my book talk about I thought of Clara Barton
and Florence Nightingale. I was sure I should be able to find enough books about them
to do a book-talk. Clara Barton ended up being the main person I was able to get books
about, and as I read them in preparation for my book talk I realized I would need to
broaden my topic. Many of the books about Clara Barton for children have the same
basic information in them and I did not think it would be very exciting as a child to read
the same information in four different books! I remembered I had a couple of books in
my personal library that were fiction books about nurses, and so I have broadened the
topic from Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale to Nursing in general. As such my
talk would be primarily targeting twelve to fourteen year old girls. Although depending
upon the reading ability and comprehension some girls of ten and eleven may also
enjoy the books. This book talk could be given any time of the year when a good topic is
needed to encourage reading. If the students are studying the Civil War, or The Red
Cross this book talk would be a great addition to the classroom learning. The fiction
books would be great books to read a little from each day to whet the students
appetites. Maybe they would even choose to finish the book on their own during their
free time!
There would be several benefits from the girls reading the books I selected. I
have included a mix of fiction and non-fiction so while a couple of the books would be
just based upon facts the other two would be more interesting and should really catch
their attention. The non-fiction books are both about Clara Barton. These books will give
the student history lessons, encourage love of reading, and promote helping others
unselfishly. The fiction books I selected would not be as rich in history since they are
fiction, but they do have some historical facts inter-twined within them. One of them
gives some information about hospitals before private rooms became the norm.
Hospitals used to be wards which were one big room with all patients of similar
problems together. The other book is set in a western background and would give a
glimpse of what troubles the pioneers faced without law enforcement and medical help
nearby. That book is also very Christian and mentions God and Christianity many times.
Both of the fiction books have sequels which should encourage further reading about
the girls if they wish to see what happens to the heroines further on.
Patty Lou Range Nurse
Patty Lou and her friend Renee are vacationing in the Tonto National Forest in
Arizona with their Apache friend Grey Wolf and Esta. As Patty Lou and Renee are riding
their ponies to catch up to Grey Wolf and Esta they see something or someone along
the cliff trail. Patty Lou pulled her binoculars from her saddlebags and found that it was
a man who appeared to be injured. Patty Lou and Renee hurried to catch up with Grey
Wolf and Esta and all four went together up the rough trail to check on the man. They
found the man lying on the ground beside his pony with a bullet wound in his shoulder.
They carefully took him back to Grey Wolf and Estas cabin where Renee who had
some practical nursing experience was able to dig the bullet from his shoulder. After he
awoke they found out his name was Roth and that he had been threatened the previous
year when he refused to sell his land to someone. Now it seemed someone was
following through on the threats because his well had been poisoned causing one
hundred of his sheep to die, then someone shot at him later as he was riding along.
After Roth was improved Grey Wolf and Esta headed up towards a mesa where
wild horses roamed. Grey Wolf would capture, break, and sell the wild horses to earn a
living for the first year they lived here. Patty Lou, Rene, and Roth came slowly behind
Grey Wolf and Esta because of Roths injury. By the time they got to the camp, Esta
already had everything set up. Roth stayed behind while all the rest went up to get a
look at the wild horses. When they reached the mesa there did not seem to be as many
wild horses as there should be. Were their outlaws that were running them off? That
night Grey Wolf would sleep out on the mesa with the wild horses so he could catch one
the next day. The girls all decided to head back to camp since they wouldnt be able to
see the capture until the next day. When they got back to camp Roth was gone and had
left a message for them it said, Sorry to leave like this, but I saw visitors on the
mountain trail where you found me. Ive got to high-tail it out of here. The girls were
nervous now what should they do, spend the night alone, or try to make it back to the
cabin without being seen? (Miller, 1954)
Cherry Ames Student Nurse
Cherry Ames is an 18 year old girl ready to head to college. She has chosen to
go to nursing school, and today is the day she will leave her home and family to enter
college! It is kind of sad leaving all the familiar things to go to a brand new place! At the
train station Cherry hugs all of her family goodbye, and waves as the train pulls out of
the depot. She is on her own now! Later that day she arrives at Spencer Nursing
School. She does not know where to go, there are so many buildings, and all is strange
and new. Just as she was feeling rather uncertain a voice said Hello, are you a
probie? It was a young, handsome intern and he gave her directions as to where she
should report in. A nice nurse named, Miss. Kent led Cherry over to her room so she
could get settled in before supper and the new probationers meeting with the
superintendent of nurses. After supper all of the new probationers gathered in the sitting
room to await the superintendent. When she arrived she told them the rules and let
them know their class schedules would be on the bulletin board. After their meeting was
over the girls went out into the hall to check the bulletin board when they heard a gruff
voice and footsteps coming toward them. A student nurse warned them to duck but they
had no time to escape. The head resident surgeon of the hospital was coming towards
the girls. He was known to be a stern and demanding man. When he saw Cherry with
her bright red cheeks he told her to wash off the make-up. She tried telling him it wasnt
make-up, but he thought she was just being disrespectful of him. Here she was her first
night at nursing school getting off on the wrong foot with the head surgeon!
As the next weeks went by Cherry grew accustomed to nursing school with its
classes, routines, and new friends. After a month of classes the girls were able to go on
duty in the hospital wards. Cherry loved being able to work with the patients and time
swiftly went on. Her class was nearing the three month mark where they would either
get their nurses cap or get sent home. One day as she was on duty Dr. Wylie, the head
surgeion, came in with a group of doctors. He wished to show them a certain patient.
Cherry was trying to head out of the main ward and hide somewhere until he was gone
when he called her to come assist him in changing the dressing on the patient. Cherry
got so flustered that she got him the wrong instruments and then dropped the bloody
bandage on the patients bed sheet. The head nurse said that her shift was over and
they wouldnt need her anymore so Cherry headed out. She thought for sure that she
had lost her cap and wouldnt be able to stay!
As capping day drew nearer and neared Cherrys class all buckled down to
study. They all wanted to make it so badly and win the coveted nursing cap! When
capping day arrived the students in Cherrys class slowly began to be seen with their
cap on their heads. One by one Cherrys friends all received theirs, by late afternoon
still Cherrys head was bare. She was sure she had not made it because of her error
with Dr. Wylie. As the clock neared four-thirty Cherry was called to the head nurses
desk and told to report to the office. Had she really failed? (Wells, 1943)
Clara Barton Photo-Illustrated Biography
This book is an interesting book about Clara Barton, a wonderful lady who saved
many lives during the Civil War. She also started an organization in the United States
that saved many lives, and helped people be able to start over after devastating natural
disasters caused the loss of land, houses, and crops. This book has a picture of the
home where Clara where Clara lived with her parents, and four older siblings. It also
has a picture of the school that Car started in Bordentown, New Jersey. It was the first
public school in that town. Clara met boys on the street who could not go to school
because their parents did not have enough money to send them to the paying schools.
She started a free, public school and soon had 600 students! (Deady, 2003)

The Story of Clara Barton
Clara Barton was shy as a young girl, but when she grew up although she was
still shy she could throw that to the side in order to help those in need. During the Civil
War she collected all kinds of blankets, bandages, food, and other important items that
the soldiers would need. She wanted to take these supplies to the soldiers, but for quite
a while she could not get military permission to do so. Clara was thrilled when she
finally received permission to go help the wounded soldiers on the battlefield. One time
she was helping a soldier when she felt his body shake and then realized that a bullet
had torn her dress sleeve and then entered his body killing him. Even with bullets flying
Clara bravely went from soldier to wounded soldier bringing water, and comfort to the
poor men. One soldier begged her to take a bullet out of his jaw, with just her knife
Clara did as he asked! After the war Clara Barton helped many families trace what had
happened to their loved ones. After that task was done Clara was so worn out that she
went overseas to rest. While there she found out about the Red Cross and how they
could go onto a battlefield as a neutral entity. They would not be shot at, but would be
help for soldiers of either side. When Clara came back to America she worked and
worked to get the United States to start the Red Cross in their own land. Clara Barton
did many wonderful things in her life, and she was always doing good things for others!
(Kent, 1098)

Hearts of Gold
Sherry York
There are times in our lives when we sit down and wonder where our lives will lead us.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our jobs that we forget what we truly represent.
We get frustrated, aggravated, pushed to the limits and so mentally tired that we feel
what is the use in being a Nurse.
But then someone gives us a weak smile or holds our hand and may say "Thank you,
you are so special."
Then we feel the warmth growing in our hearts.
All the bad feelings disappear and replaced by the core values that we present:
human dignity, compassion, dedication, integrity, stewardship, leadership and
So when the bad feelins begin to show take the times to say this prayer:
Lord, help me to bring comfort where there is pain.
Courage where there is despair.
Acceptance when the end is near.
A touch gentle with tenderness, patience, and love.
And, always remember, all Nurses are truly blessed.
For you see --- God gave of Hearts of Gold.

There are a couple of activities I think would be beneficial in addition to reading
these books.
Exploring the internet sites in the back of the Clara Barton books.

For older students let them use the internet to find out the cost and requirements
of nursing.

Watch a DVD about the evolution of the ambulance. The DVD has some
information about the Red Cross that would go along with the Clara Barton

Research the Civil War.

Works Cited
Deady, K. W. (2003). Clara Barton Photo-Illustrated Biography. Mankato: Capstone Press.
Kent, Z. (1098). The Story of Clara Barton. Chicago: Children's Press.
Miller, B. (1954). Patty Lou Range Nurse. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.
Wells, H. (1943). Cherry Ames Student Nurse. New York: Grossett & Dunlap.
York, S (N/A) Hearts of Gold

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