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Molecular Level Structures

Bridget Haas
May 24
, 2013

The common medicine used to relieve pain and fever is ibuprofen. If you have ever used
it you know it works wonders, but have you ever thought about how it works? The enzymes
called cyclooxygenases (COX) are activated and the medicine begins to work. The enzymes
synthesize molecules called Prostaglandins, which have both positive and negative effects in the
body. There is more than one COX enzyme, at least 3. COX1 is consistent throughout all levels
of the body under any condition, while COX2 increases inflammatory conditions. Ibuprofen
bonds noncovalently to a COX enzyme, competing with the enzyme's natural substrate.

Structure of ibuprofen.

As a female in this world, there are some things that we couldnt live without Midol.
How does this savior medicine for us work? Its a given that it raises the tolerance of pain we can
deal with. It is a diuretic and analgesic combination. Acetaminophen, pyrilamine, and caffeine
are the three main ingredients that combine together to make the medicine work effectively.
Caffeine triggers the natural pain killers that your body has, and increases how quickly
acetaminophen and pyrilamine get to your bloodstream. Midol contains 60 mg of caffeine. There
is 500 mg of acetaminophen because this is what keeps your cramping to a minimum. It prevents
the conversion of fatty acids into pain. With only 15 mg of pyrilamine its importance is adding
diuretic to the combination.

Aspirin and ibuprofen are similar in what they are used for. The first thing that you must
know in order to begin to understand how this molecule interacts with the human body is its
molecular orbitals. Observing the orbitals of Aspirin will help you understand how it bonds
with other molecules. Orbitals tend to involve the benzene ring, which should have a roll in any
reaction that takes place. The orbitals are also primarily pi orbitals, which means that the
electrons are positioned above and below the molecule. It is also primarily a pi orbital and
incorporates the benzene ring, but it most likely wont be involved in a reaction since it doesnt
contain any electrons.

Hair gel is a product used by males and females around the world today. If youre like
me, you wouldnt be able to do anything to your hair without it. The molecular structure of gel
consists of a three-dimensional network to make the liquid like substance slowly turn into a solid
once it is put in your hair. Crystallites bond with the interacting fluid in your hair that the gel
comes in contact with. It could be classified both as physical or chemical changes.

Hair Gel Molecular Structure

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