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Emily Goncalves and Sarah Amitin


The Maycomb Tribune
Finchs Children at trial
Atticus Finch is the lawyer that was chosen to represent Tom Robinson, the black man
who Mayella Ewell accused of raping her. While Mr. Finch was defending Robinson, his
children were sitting in the black section and he didnt even know it. I am sure his kids are
traumatized by the fact that their fathers defendant has been proven guilty and that he might as
well already have lost the case. I would like to know if Mr. Finch has his sister, and servant
Calpurnia in town, how nobody could know where these children were. This was a very grown
up case, and I wonder how Mr. Finch feels about his children sitting and listening to the entire
thing. Especially that little Jean Louis Finch, Ive heard she is a piece of work, and the thought of
her sitting through an entire case about rape and understanding it is increasingly difficult for me
to process. Should Mr. Finch keep a closer watch on his children, or are they mature enough to
understand what is going on in this case?
Whats going on in the Robinson?
Tom Robinson is an African American man who has been liable of raping Miss Mayella
Ewell. He had been in court previously for fighting with another black man, and earned 20 days
in jail. This is one of many facts and evidence that support that Robinson truly was guilty. He
was proven guilty by the jury, and sent to Enfield Prison Farm until the appeals court could
review his case. He was in the middle of exercising when he made an effort to escape. Tom is
now dead. He was at the peak of the fence when the guards shot him several times. Tom
Robinson is now dead. He had been in court previously for fighting with another black man, and
earned 20 days in jail. This is one of many facts and evidence that support that Robinson truly
was guilty. Thank you to the guards of Enfield Prison Farm for keeping our citizens from a
possible escapee; we have one less problem to worry about.
Threats on Atticus Finch
Atticus still hasnt gotten rid of Bob Ewell. In fact, the other day, Mr. Ewell confronted
Atticus Finch in front of the post office. Mr. Ewell spat right into Atticuss face, cursed, and
threatened that hed get him one day, even if it took the rest of his life. Apparently, Atticus did
not retaliate back, even though Bob blatantly decided to kill him. Is Mr. Ewell just showing off,
or is he still furious from the case? Mr. Ewell can throw minor tantrums now and then, like when
he was in court with his daughter, but he just might be trying to defend his name in the town. All
I know is, Atticus Finch should watch his back, because for all we know, Bob Ewell might just
be plain serious.

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