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Click. Now wait for the photo to develop.

P a t i e n c e
Thats what my father always said.
He always said to me, Someday, Munchie, youll understand patience.
How ironic that I would have to wait
Wait for the photo to develop.
He would always walk so slowly, so my mom would call him Turtle and Putz.
Little did I know he was only taking his precious time.
Precious, precious time.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes.
There is a huge gap between the seconds, but that is time in between itself.
It takes time for a memory to develop,
Perhaps the same amount of time that it takes for the photo to develop.
But the button that we click to start taking a picture is also the ending of another roll of film.
Ending a roll of memories,
Only to be started with a newer, fresher roll.
Pictures, albums, scrapbooks, volumes.
All of our memories have the capability to be tangibly captured through a camera.
Now press the button again.
Create a new memory,
Create a new roll.
Now we wait for the photo to develop.

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