Demo - Lab - Practical QEMU Simulator & Symbian Foundation

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Objective: Build TextShell ROM from existing Binaries and then run in QEMU

To build TextShell ROM -

DRV_LETTER:\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild> rom –v syborg –i armv5 –b udeb –noheader

Then connect Terminal Prog (Teraterm/hyperterm) to COM8 … we are using com0com to create virtual serial
link between COM2 and COM8

To Run TextShell ROM –

P:\symbian-qemu-0.9.1\bin> arm-none-symbianelf-qemu-system.exe -kernel

\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\syborgarmv5d.img -M
\sf\adaptation\qemu\baseport\syborg\syborg.dtb -serial COM2

Type “ps” then “A” to display system information


Objective:- Make modifications to drivers and rebuild Syborg baseport, build ROM and run in QEMU

Modify DRV_LETTER:\sf\adaptation\qemu\baseport\syborg\pointer\syborg_pointer.cpp

Add Kernel Print in void TPointerRv::Init3() e.g. Kern::Printf(“!Hello World!”);

Modify DRV_LETTER:\sf\adaptation\qemu\baseport\syborg\fb\syborg_fb.h

Modify const TUint KConfigLcdHeight set to 100 instead of 480 in the portrait non wvga case

Building Baseport- DRV_LETTER:\sf\adaptation\qemu\baseport\syborg> sbs –b bld.inf –c armv5_udeb –j 1

Build ROM / Run ROM as per PRACTICAL1


Objective:- Build Example Application, include in ROM

First revert display driver size change … KConfigLcdHeight back to 480 and rebuild as per step2

Build application
DRV_LETTER:\sf\adaptation\qemu\applications\symbianlogo_textshell> sbs –b bld.inf –c armv5 –j 1

Modify Textshell oby to include application iby file

DRV_LETTER:\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild>notepad tshell.oby to include #include


Build ROM / Run ROM as per PRACTICAL1

Run example application by typing “symbianlogo” from prompt. Press any key to exit app

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