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How the internet changed

social interaction and

By. Paul LaSota, Phillip Koenig, Dante Bucci
History of the internet
The first internet source
that came out was the
ARPnet in October of
The ARPnet was created
by the military and used
for faster communication.
The World Wide Web was
created by Tim Berners-
Internet organization
"HTML" is used to create web pages.
HTML stands for "hypertext markup language"
HTML, HTTP, and URL were developed in 1989-1991.
The DARPA net was originally created to speed up
military communications.
Internet addresses
In 1982 the word "internet" was rst used.
The "DNS" (domain name system) was established
with network addresses identied by extensions such
as .org and .com
In 1994 the White House created
In January 2002 58% of the US population started
using the internet.
Internet upgrades
As years passed the internet life improved
In the year 2005 a popular video company named youtube launched and
grew in popularity rapidly
The inventor of Microsoft, Bill Gates created his rst OS (operating
system) named windows 1.0
Windows 1.0 launched In the mid 1980s
Through out the years windows improved their OS by faster speeds,
more widgets, and more technical
Today windows latest OS is windows 8
Social networking
To this day teenagers and
young adults are the
people who most use the
Apple and Android are
both very popular for their
services. They are rival
businesses, competing for
customers in the cell
phone market.
Works cited
The end

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