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" Empatia ne ,,vindec de mania separrii oamenilor n persoane care au dreptate i persoane

care nu au dreptate, dar ne i ajut s putem fi n dezacord cu cineva, fr ns, a deveni

dezagreabili. Empatia este contagioas, are puterea de a deschide inimile celorlali. "
" hift !our attention to !our heart and feel love, care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion,
"indness, peace and ease.
#our heart beats in a rh!thm. $hen !ou are %orried, an&ious, stressed or overstimulated, that
rh!thm becomes irregular. 'he more stressed !ou are, the more chaotic !our heart rh!thm
o %hat ma"es the heart rh!thm smooth out (uic"l!)
*ts sincere positive feelings, li"e+ love, care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion, "indness,
peace and ease. 'hese feelings not onl! feel soothing and good, but the! are good for !ou.
'he! bring a smooth order to !our heart rh!thms, reduce cortisol ,the stress hormone- to help
!ou sleep more soundl! and increase ./E0 ,the vitalit! hormone-.
#ou can see in the picture belo% ho% jagged the heart rh!thm pattern is %hen !oure an&ious or
frustrated and ho% smooth and sine1%ave li"e ,coherent- it becomes %hen !oure bathing in a
positive feeling. "

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