Soldering Lesson

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Nichole Thompson

I. Standard/Benchmark:
Content Standard 1: All students will apply skills and knowledge to perform in the arts.
ART.VA.I.HS. !se materials" te#hni$ues" media te#hnology" and pro#esses to
#ommuni#ate ideas and e%perien#es.
ART.VA.I.HS.& Responsi'ly and safely manage materials and tools.
ART.VA.II.HS.( Apply knowledge and skill to sym'oli)e the essen#e of an idea.
II. Objective/Outcome:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of using tools introdu#ed so far. They will
demonstrate how to solder after *iewing the demonstration. They will #omplete (
sample+soldered pie#es to show they understand how to properly solder. They will #ome
out of this pro,e#t with knowledge of new tools and te#hni$ues.
II. Anticipatory set/Motivation:
Students will ha*e already learned how to use a ,ewelry saw" files" finishing paper and
polishing. The students will also *iew demonstration on how solder metal to metal. An
e%ample of the ( finished ensamples will 'e passed around for the students to *iew.
IV. Model the rocess:
Students will show knowledge of how to properly use the re$uired tools and e$uipment.
The ( pra#ti#e pie#es will 'e #ompleted in one week. The students will #omplete a 'utt
solder" ,oint solder" T solder and end+to+end solder.
Students will first wat#h a *ideo 'y Tim -#Creight. Students will then 'e shown a li*e
demonstration on how to properly use a soldering tor#h and materials. Show how solder
ea#h pie#e will go together. Students will re#ei*e a hand out defining soldering and what
to do if they #ome a#ross a pro'lem.
Task Analysis:
1. .a#h student will re#ei*e a handout with step+'y+step instru#tion on what to e%pe#t hen
soldering and what trou'les may #ome up.
. Students will wat#h a demonstration on how to properly use a soldering tor#h and
/. Students will gather there materials needed for the samples.
a. 4 2-inch 18 gage wire
b. 1 1x1/4 inch 18 gage sheet
c. 2 1/2x1/2 inch 18 gage sheet
(. Students will 'egin to file the ends of the wires flat.
&. Students will 'egin setting up to solder.
0. Students will one 'y one solder one of the ( sample pie#es as dire#ted.
1. Students will 'e free to work with instru#tion form tea#her.
A#etylene gas
Tor#h tips
Solder pi#k
Hard" medium and easy solder
4 2-inch 18 gage wire
1 1x1/4 inch 18 gage sheet
2 1/2x1/2 inch 18 gage sheet
Round nose and chain mail pliers
Needle files
Hard solder
Self pickling flux
V. !heck "or #nderstandin$:
1. 4hat is soldering5
. 4hat is the differen#e 'etween hard and easy solder5
/. 4hat is the hottest part of the flam5
VI. Monitor and Adjust:
As students work" tea#her o'ser*es and assists.
VII. Accommodations:
There are two students in #lass that ha*e learning disa'ilities. I will pro*ide instru#tions
for ea#h student indi*idually dire#tly after gi*ing a demonstration for the ne%t step to the
#lass. These students may stand while doing the pro,e#t if needed and will 'e redire#ted
to fo#us on the steps.
VIII. !lean up:
Allow 16 minutes for #lean up. All materials must 'e 'a#k in their assigned pla#es and
drawers. All students must 'e seated when done.
I%. !losure and Assessment:
.a#h student will pla#e their pie#es on white paper on the large ta'le for a #lass #riti$ue.
.a#h student will 'e gi*en a #han#e to talk a'out their pie#e and the #hose in type of wire
and 'eads used. Students will also dis#uss one diffi#ult and one su##essful e%perien#e
while making their pie#e. The #lass will then gi*e feed'a#k.

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