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Screen Time Data Rubric Name____________________________ Score __________

4 3 2 1
Display numerical data in plots
on a number line, including
dot plots

Displayed accurate class
data on a dot plot, with
clear labels and a title.
Displayed data on a dot
plot, but it is either
missing a label/title or
has incorrect data.
Displayed something
other than a dot plot
Recognize that a measure of
center for a numerical data set
summarizes all of its values
with a single number, while a
measure of variation describes
how its values vary with a
single number.

Displayed the correct
mean, median and mode
for both class and
individual data.
Additionally, identified
the best measures of
center for both sets of
data, as well as any
outliers that may have
skewed the data.
Displayed the correct
mean, median and mode
for both class and
individual data.
Displayed the mean,
median and mode for
both class and individual
data; however, there
have either been
mathematical errors, or
one of the values is
Displayed the correct
mean, median and mode
for either class or
individual data only AND
there are mathematical
errors and some values
are missing.
The layout has been
executed in a neat
fashion and is
aesthetically pleasing.
Additionally, the student
has put additional artistic
The layout has been
executed in a neat
fashion and is
aesthetically pleasing.
One of the following:
Lines are crooked, colors
are smudged, words are
cramped/hard to
read/written without
care, the paper is
crinkled/stained, other:
More than one of the
following: Lines are
crooked, colors are
smudged, words are
cramped/hard to
read/written without
care, the paper is
crinkled/stained, other:
A graph, showing more
than one type of
individual screen-time
data, is displayed. The X-
axis and Y-axis are
labeled. Title, describing
data, is present.
A graph, showing
individual screen-time
data, is displayed. The X-
axis and Y-axis are
labeled. There is a title to
describe the data
A graph is present, but is
missing the X or Y axis
label OR the title.

A graph is present, but is
missing the X or Y axis
label AND the title.

Screen Time Data Rubric Name____________________________ Score __________

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