Google Proposal Outline 2

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Patrick OConnor | Clinicals

Google 20% Project | Page 1

Proposal Outline
Title of Project: MagicSchool Bands
Needs and Opportunities
Collecting data and information from students is not always the easiest, and
compiling the data from dozens of classrooms and teachers can be very daunting
for administration. There are opportunities for schools to implement RFID
technology to help assist in collecting data, implementing better safety plans, and
making payment and check-in for students easier.

The entire school should benefit from this project. Administration who takes
advantage of the data collecting from the MagicSchoolBands would greatly
impact safety, ease, and the process of implementing new strategies/plans from
data collection. Students benefit from this as well! This technology gives parents a
new way to be more informed with their childs time in the school.

Projected Timeline
Date What happened
May 2014 -Data system begins to be built
-Computer and Hardware for Data System is built
in house
June 2014 -MagicSchoolBands Sensors are installed in
cafeteria, outside classrooms, library
-Internet/network is established for RFID
technology at school
July 2014 -Network is tested and secured
-Data System is tested
-MSBands are ordered for students
-Sensors are tested in each area
August 2014 -Parents begin to pick up MSBands and register
them online
-Network is tested one more time

Because this is a very large concept project as of now, no product has been
completed for this semester. The technology required for the computer for the
data system would require a large grant to be built, as well as the hiring of new
Patrick OConnor | Clinicals
Google 20% Project | Page 2

staff to maintain and help process data collected through the system. Until a
grant is secured, the project will not begin.

However, here is the projected products:
-Students will be able to use MSBands to:
-Check out library books
-Pay for lunchroom meals
-Be admitted into the school and classroom
-Parents will be able to use MSBands to:
-Pay for lunchroom meals online
-Pay for book fairs, field trips, etc. online
-Check student attendance
-Teachers/Administration will be able to use MSBands to:
-Check student attendance
-Participation in school extracurricular
-Participation in math extension activities
-Attendance in before/after school care program
-Use in any safety drill or emergency in locating students
-Collect data
-install sensors in handwashing stations to see how many students
are washing their hands after the restroom
-check in/check out into any area of the classroom

Reality Check
300- MagicSchoolBands | approx. $10/piece
Patrick OConnor | Clinicals
Google 20% Project | Page 3

45- MagicBand Sensors | approx. $100-200/sensor
Network for the Data System and Sensors | $2000
Computer for Data System and Sensors | $5000-$8000
Software Built for MagicSchoolBands and Sensors | $3000-$5000
Data and Technology Specialist Hire | $40,000

This Google Project is a big dream after crunching the numbers. This project will
only be possible through the help of grants, but I think it is a project that is worth
exploring. There are most likely even more possibilities to collect and gather data
for the benefit of students using RFID technology. This proposal should serve as a
novel, creative approach to furthering the incorporation of technology into the
school at a whole new level.

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