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Trace Crossings Data

o Reading and math scores for two consecutive years for both schools

ARMT Scores 2010-2011

ARMT Scores 2011-2012

o Any observations about strategies, professional development, reading/math programs,
or resources used to teach those areas.
Reading Coach
Math Coach
We AR Makers (Augmented Reality Workshops)
ED Camp
Math Night
Read for the Record
Digital Learning Day
Google Initiative - training teachers to be Google Certified
Interactive hallways with content
National Day of Code
International Dot Day (math)

o Determine each schools strengths and weaknesses based on the data and record on
the chart
Met AYP attendance rates which were greater than 95%.
Trace Crossings Attendance Rate was 97%.
1st nine weeks 2011-2012 school year there were 0 reported students
missing more than 10 days
2nd nine weeks for 2011-2012 there were 7 reported students missing
more than 10 days (improvement from 9 2010-2011)
Flexible grouping within the classroom to support reading and instruction
76 students as of August, 2012 were new to the school this year.
Continued emphasis is needed on differentiated instruction at the Tier I
Scores decreased from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012.

o Discuss any initiatives, school improvement plans, etc. used to in
crease student achievementTitle I Improvement plans in reading and math
Focus for School Improvement is reading and math with integrated technology
Trace Treats
Interactive hallways with content
Google Initiative (about 7 teachers are now Googled Certified)
Minecraft EDU to improve problem solving, critical thinking, and group working.

o Discuss ways the school is trying to inform parents/ involve parents in student
achievement related to the data
Math Night
Social Media
Classroom Blogs
PTO Meetings

o Discuss accountability resources used by the school used to track student progress.
(These could include school wide programs for data collection such as Global Scholar,
Before state mandated Global Scholar, they used other problems such as Reading
Benchmarks Fountas and Pinnell Fir Reading Levels
Global Scholar
o A way for the state to provide a trajectory for each individual student
(K-2 uses easy CBM not Global Scholar - previously used DIBELS)

o Discuss the role support personnel to increase student achievement. This could include
but not limited to reading/math coach.
Reading Coach
Math Coach
Mr. Pitts - ELL Instructor
Mr. Leinheiser - Enrichment

o How do the teachers work together to share data? Do they have regular data meetings?
Grade level team Meetings weekly
PST (Tier II) Data once a month
4th Grade Team Data Meetings
Leadership Team meetings monthly
Global Scholar state testing every three months

Trace Crossings: Data Conclusions

During the 2011-2012 school year, Trace Crossings experienced a wide range of
transition. Although student achievement has been a focus of school improvement,
strategies can be implemented to continue to impact data and student learning. According
to the Hoover System and Trace Crossings Improvement Plan, in 2011-2012, 55% of all
4th grade students were at a level 3 & 4 in math, 44% of all 4th grade students were at a
level 2, and 4% of all 4th grade students were at a level 1 (Trace Crossings, 2013). Math
was considered a weakness for Trace Crossings, as well as reading in some areas. In
order for Trace Crossings students to improve in both math and reading, an action plan
that includes reading and math has been outlined below.

Action Plan: Reading Initiatives

In order to motivate and improve student achievement, Trace Crossings can
implement the Book Club Cafe. In this cafe, students will participate in book talks where
they describe a book they have read and provide reasons of why they suggest it to other
students. This will help motivate reluctant readers and change students perspectives of
books and reading (Anderson, 2009.) As students give book talks, the librarian and
teachers will video the students and play the talks in the library as well as on Tiger TV.
For English Language Learners to have the support that they need, implementing
a Book Club will provide additional support and scaffolding for students. We have both
anecdotal and test score results that bear out our contention that book club works. After
50 hours in our class, our students typically improve between one and two levels on the
standardized test, the BEST Plus, a speaking and listening test that we use to measure
growth (Why a Book Club.)

Action Plan: Math Initiatives

Since students are learning many strategies that are new to them, parents need
resources that can equip them and allow them to learn with their students. By sending
home games and resources, parents will be able to stay informed and educated in math
strategies and better support their child. Parents often overestimate their childs
achievement in math, therefore making it difficult for them to help in the ways they need
(Pezdek, Berry, Renno, 2002.) Parents need to be more aware of their students
achievement and the strategies that they are learning in order to take a step toward
remediating poor mathematics performance. (Pezdek, et. al., 2002) Building upon the
initiatives that Trace Crossings has already implemented, teachers will begin to share
math data as well as practices that they are incorporating in their classroom during Parent
Teacher Conferences. This will ensure that every parent at least hears and receives data
and resources that can help improve their childs mathematics achievement.
As well as sending home extra math resources, every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday our math coach will be holding after school activities for any student that needs
extra assistance or just wants to come and practice their math skills. Mrs. Puchta, the
math coach, will house math games and learning activities as well as provide resources in
the loft of the science lab.


It is important for us to remember that Trace Crossings is still in the process of a
major Socioeconomic status change for students and families. With the increase of more
English Language Learners, teachers and administration must be ready to embrace these
learners, and work to help these students quickly and efficiently adjust and succeed. It is
our hope that Trace Crossings will improve student achievement by thinking creatively
and quickly with the recommendations offered above.


Anderson, L. (2009, January 1). Book Talk Cafe and increasing students reading
motivation. Retrieved from'%20and%20I
Pezdek, K., Berry, T., Renno, P. (2002, January 7). Children's Mathematics
Achievement: The Role of Parents' Perceptions and Their Involvement in
Homework. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from's%20Mathematical%20Ach.pdf.
Trace Crossings Elementary: Targeted Assistance . (2013, February 8). . Retrieved from
Why a Book Club?. (n.d.). . Retrieved from

Dear Parents,

I am so excited to have your child in my class this year! I am ready to get this
school year going and have big plans to learn a lot and have even more fun doing it!
Trace Crossings is very dedicated and passionate about providing the best quality
education to our students, so we have been compiling data from the 2010-2011 and
2011-2012 school years in order to know how to best serve our students. We have
found that our students need most assistance in math and reading. In order to
provide our students with this extra assistance, we have created many initiatives
that we believe will help our students to improve in reading and math and gain the
confidence needed to know they can succeed!

We are thrilled and expectant to kick off several new reading programs that
we believe will enrich our students with the resources they need to improve their
reading skills. The first Wednesday morning of the school year we will be kicking off
our first ever meeting of the Book Club Caf! Students may come 45 minutes before
or after school and have a snack provided by school and enjoy reading and
discussing a book of the students choice. Any student can join a group lead by
faculty members that will lead the group in discussions about the book of the
groups choosing. We will also be holding a book club for our English Language
Learning students. These book club meetings will be held Tuesday and Thursday
after school by our ELL coaches. They will be walking through specific texts with
any ELL student that would like to participate. The students will also be given a
variety of resources that they can take home to practice their reading as well! We
believe that these are fun ways for both the students to build good relationships
with each other while they are strengthening their reading skills.

We also have several new and exciting math initiatives set up for this year!
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday our math coach will be holding after school
math activities for any student that needs extra assistance or just wants to come and
practice their math skills! She will be playing lots of fun and interactive games and
will have something for every grade level. We are also very passionate about getting
our parents and families involved with our math program herer at Trace as well! We
will be holding various math nights throughout the semesters that will fill parents in
on what we are learning about as well as give out lots of free and fun resources and
ideas that will help students practice their math skills at home. Also, every time you
have a parent/teacher conference with your childs teacher, you will receive math
resources and data that are specified for your childs needs. We believe these are all
great ways for students and parents to get involved in improving math skills while
having fun doing it!

Trace Crossings is very passionate about setting our students up for success
and giving them the tools and knowledge to be the best that they can be. We strive
in everything that we do to give your children the best education that they can
receive and are excited to walk along side of you in order to achieve that. We are
ready to get this year started right and to learn a lot! Please feel free to give any
feedback about our new initiatives this year or email any of our staff members any
questions you may have. We will see you all very shortly! Enjoy the rest of your


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