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1. As the Jews exit the train, what is left behind the wagon with their precious belongings?

2. What are the words spoken to them as they enter the camp?
3. Two inmates approach Elie and his father when they get to the camp. What do they tell them and
4. What is thepurpose of the two lines the prisoners are put into?
5. Wiesel writes, Is it any wonder that ever since then, sleep tends to
elude me? Explain the significance.
6. What meaning does the term Angel of Death carry as Elie faces his
first selection?
7. Describe Elies first night in the camp. The passage in which he
describes it- seven times sealed is different. How does it sound/feel
different style wise?
8. What are the Jewish men made to do when they arrive at the
barracks? For what reason?
9. Who addresses the Jews as though they were a pack of leprous
dogs clinging to life, and what does he say to them? What word is the
only word that still carries real meaning in Auschwitz?
10. For what does Elie have remorse (regret) related to his father?
11. What is inscribed above the gate leading to Auschwitz? How is the
phrase ironic?
12. What is tattooed on Elies arm? What is the purpose?
13. How do the Germans who are not soldiers react to the prisoners
being marched to Buna?

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