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Mandy Timmers

765 W Madison St. Apt 4

Platteville,Wisconsin 53818
Phone: (715)651-7320

Educator profile: PDP term: 4 years
Month/Year PDP Submitted for Goal Approval (Initial Educators Only):
Month/Year Plan Submitted for PDP Verification:
Years of educational experience: .5
License File Number:
License Expiration Date: 6/30/
School district: Not Currently with a School District
Current educational assignment: Middle School Math
Years in current assignment: .5
Present Licensure Stage: Pre-Service
Licensure stage sought: Initial
Professional Licensure Categories: Teacher
Professional Development Plan
Step I: Self-reflection
Document uploaded: philosophy.docx

Step II A. Description of School and
Teaching, Administrative, or Pupil Services
Description of Position
I am currently a pre-student teacher in the sixth grade classroom at Platteville Middle
Number of Years in Position
.5 Year
School Location/Setting
Platteville School district is small town in southwest Wisconsin. It has two elementary
schools, one middle, and one high school.
There are currently 467 Students at Platteville Middle School 89.7% are white, 3.0% are
two or more races, 2.6% are Asian, 2.6% are Hispanic, 2.1% are Black. 14.8% of
students enrolled in the building have a disability are are fully included in the regular
education classroom. 37% of students qualify for subsidized lunch.
District Goals
The following are Platteville Middle School goals for the 2013 school year:
*Good Citizenship
*Outstanding Effort
*Regular Attendance
*Academic Excellence
*Physical Fitness

Step II B. Description of Goal to be
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.

Step II C. Rationale for the Goal: Links to
Professional Situation and Wisconsin
Educator Standards
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Rationale for your Goal:
Goal: I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students
will be exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Rationale for the Goal and Link to Educational Situation:
Platteville Middle School has the goal of academic excellence and I believe that
including technology in the classroom will help students to reach this goal. In my pre-
student teaching experience, I have used a variety of technology in my classroom
including computers and SmartBoards. I would like to continue to use technology and
even to expand to include more uses.
I feel that there are many different online programs that students can use to help grow and
increase comprehension of a topic. There are resources that can help review subjects that
the students struggle with such as fractions and decimals. I would also like to use the
SmartBoard to come up with new and engaging activities that get the student interested in
learning. As technology becomes more dominate in the classroom, I will be able to find a
variety of new methods to incorporate into my teaching style.
Licensure standard(s) addressed in your plan:
Teacher:(2) The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn
and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social and personal
Teacher:(3) The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning
and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse
needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
Teacher:(4) The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies,
including the use of technology to encourage children's development of critical
thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
Teacher:(6) The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication
techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry,
collaboration and support interaction in the classroom.

Step II D. Plan for Assessing and
Documenting the Goal
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Goal: I will research and implement new technology in my geometry classes so that
students will be exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
I will assess my profesional growth through:
*Keeping a journal sumarizing my learning experiences with math technology.
*Creating mini-lessons and completing written reflections of how I have changed my
teaching strategies and how I am modifying what I have learned.
*Notes from observing and meeting with colleagues
I will assess my students' progress through:
*Annual pre and post assessments measuring students' comprehension of the subject.
*Student reflection journals noting attitude toward mathematics.
*Student and parent survey results
*Daily observations
*Test and quiz scores

Step II E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives,
Activities, Timeline, and Plan for
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Goal: I will research and implement new technology in my geometry classes so that
students will be exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Objective: I will learn more about how technology is changing in education.
Activities Timelines Collaboration Completed
Attended Tristate Instructors of Mathematics
colleagues 10/30/13
Objective: I will learn new assessment tools that include technology.
Activities Timelines Collaboration Completed
Work with colleagues to develop new
technology based assessment strategies. Ongoing

Documentation of the Plan
Step III: Annual Review of the PDP
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Step IV A: Evidence of Professional Growth
and the Impact of Professional Growth on
Student Learning
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.
Step IV B: Reflection and Summary
I will research and implement new technology in my math classes so that students will be
exposed to and use technology that mathematicians use every day.

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