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Learning Experience Plan

Subject: U.S. History Grade level: 11th grade

Unit: U.S. Constitution Day/Periods: 0.0.1!
"o#ic: De$ocracy
Content Standards:
Standard %: Civics& Citi'enshi#( and Govern$ent
Students )ill use a variety o* intellectual s+ills to de$onstrate their understanding
o* the necessity *or establishing govern$ents( the govern$ental syste$ o* the
United States and other nations& the United States Constitution& the basic civic
values o* ,$erican constitutional de$ocracy& and the roles( rights( and
res#onsibilities o* citi'enshi#( including avenues o* #artici#ation.
Civic -deals and Practices:
.asic *reedo$s and rights and res#onsibilities o* citi'ens in a de$ocratic re#ublic
/ole o* the citi'en in the co$$unity and nation and as a $e$ber o* the global
Civic #artici#ation and engage$ent
/es#ect *or diversity
Civic ideals and #ractices in countries other than our de$ocratic re#ublic
Struggle *or rights( access to citi'enshi# rights( and universal hu$an rights
Literacy Standards:
Delineate and evaluate the reasoning in se$inal U.S. te5ts( including the a##lication o*
constitutional #rinci#les and use o* legal reasoning 6e.g.( in U.S. Su#re$e Court
$ajority o#inions and dissents7 and the #re$ises( #ur#oses( and argu$ents in )or+s o*
#ublic advocacy 6e.g.( The Federalist( #residential addresses7.
,naly'e seventeenth( eighteenth( and nineteenth2century *oundational U.S. docu$ents
o* historical and literary signi*icance 6including "he Declaration o* -nde#endence( the
Prea$ble to the Constitution( the .ill o* /ights( and 1incoln9s Second -naugural
,ddress7 *or their the$es( #ur#oses( and rhetorical *eatures.
Learning Experience Outcomes:
Students )ill learn ho) to read
in*or$ational te5t by using Making
Connection Strategy: Connection Stems.
"hrough te5t2to2)orld connections
students )ill understand ho) classroo$
reading can connect to real2)orld
Learning Experience ssessments:
Students )ill close2read a #assage
6"heodore /oosevelt:s Citi!enship in a
"epu#lic s#eech7( analy'e( and use
connection ste$s to $a+e larger
connections through bac+ground
+no)ledge( e5#eriences or earlier
$o$ents in a/the te5t.
"hese students )ill be given
gra#hic organi'ers to hel#
the$ su$$ari'e and note2
ta+e the reading *or the class.
;or these students the
organi'ers are crucial. <ust
be co$#leted.

;or these students(
organi'ers are highly
reco$$ended. -t )ill be
hel#*ul as )ell as bene*icial
*or their thoughts.
;or beyond level students(
they have the o#tion o*
using gra#hic organi'ers. -t
is reco$$ended( but not
ll students are recommended to use and completely 'ill in the Connection Stem
Sponge cti%ity: 6activity that )ill be done as students enter the roo$ to get the$ into the
$indset o* the conce#t to be learned7 Do =no): "his $ini2assess$ent )ill consist
o* students )riting out )hat the )ord >citi'en? $eans to the$. , sort o*
de*inition i* you )ill.
nticipatory Set: 6*ocus @uestion6s7 that )ill be used to get students thin+ing about the day:s
lesson7 Students should +ee# in $ind...
Ahat are the rights( liberties( and res#onsibilities o* U.S. citi'ensB
Ahy are these )ords i$#ortant to $y learningB
Ho) do they #ertain to $y everyday li*eB
Do citi'ens in*luence govern$ent( or does govern$ent in*luence
cti%ate Prior *no(ledge: 6)hat in*or$ation )ill be shared )ith or a$ong students to
connect to #rior +no)ledge or e5#erience7
Students )ill activate #rior +no)ledge through their #ast e5#eriences o*
being a >citi'en? o* the U.S. "hey )ill also activate #rior +no)ledge
through their #revious lessons )ithin the unit and history classes to
i$#art or in@uire in class.
+irect ,nstruction: 6in#ut( $odeling( chec+ *or understanding7
1. Do =no): "his $ini2assess$ent )ill consist o* students )riting out )hat
the )ord >citi'en? $eans to the$. , sort o* de*inition i* you )ill.
3. .y reading a #assage *ro$ >- have a drea$? s#eech by <artin 1uther
=ing Cr. Ae as a class )ill close2read( analy'e and do a connection
ste$ together.
. Giving an e5a$#les( *irst o* ho) to do a connection ste$( students )ill
learn by >e5a$#le? to understand and #rocess the )ay in )hich they
should go about this learning strategy and assess$ent.

"hat re$inds $e o* . . .

- re$e$ber )hen . . .

- have a connection . . .

,n e5#erience - have that )as si$ilar to that . . .

- *elt li+e that #erson )hen . . .

!. Students )ill be taught that )ith connection ste$s( co$es creativity.
"hin+ing outside the bo5 to really understand connect classroo$
in*or$ation to the outside )orld.
%. "hey )ill understand that #rior +no)ledge *ro$ both te5t boo+s and
#revious +no)ledge *ro$ any)here can be related to this activity.
Students are encouraged to relate and connect it bac+ to #rior events in
the ne)s( in $aga'ines( $ovies( ne)s#a#ers. -t can even be so$ething
that ha##ened today.
6. De5t( as a class( )e )ill read a #assage *ro$ /oosevelt:s s#eech
Citi!enship in a "epu#lic.
E. Students )ill then be inde#endently )or+ing on rereading the #assage
by the$selves. "hey )ill then be given both gra#hic organi'ers to *ill out
si$#le connections in the s#eech.
4. "hey )ill then be given Connection Ste$ )or+sheets to )hich they
$ust *ill out. Fuestions *or the$ to +ee# in $ind:

Ahat does this re$ind you o* in the real )orldB

Ho) are events in this story si$ilar to things that ha##en in the real

Ho) are events in this story di**erent *ro$ things that ha##en in the
real )orldB
8. ,t the end o* the lesson #eriod( all students )ill co$e together to share
and discuss their connection ste$s. "hey )ill then hand the$ in at the
end o* class.
10. ,s a closing state$ent all 6$ost7 students should give at least one
state$ent to )hat they learned today and ho) they are $ore a)are o*
no) that they have connected history to the$selvesB
-uided Practice: 6ho) students )ill de$onstrate their gras# o* ne) learning7
Students de$onstrate their gras# o* ne) learning through the #re2
reading e5a$#le activity in )hich students and teacher )or+ together to
see ho) connections are $ade through a si$#le #assage 6<artin
1uther =ing Cr s#eech7.
Closure: 6action/state$ent by teacher designed to bring lesson #resentation to an a##ro#riate
,s a closing state$ent all 6$ost7 students should give at least one
state$ent to )hat they learned today and ho) they are $ore a)are o*
no) that they have connected history to the$selvesB
,ndependent Practice: 6)hat students )ill do to rein*orce learning o* the lesson7
Students )ill rein*orce their learning o* the lesson through their
individual assess$ent on the #re2reading activity involving close2
reading a #assage *ro$ /oosevelt:s Citi!enship in a "epu#lic s#eech
and inde#endently co$#leting their gra#hic organi'ers and connection
ste$ )or+sheets.

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