Student y Chart

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Student Data Summary Sheet

Students Name: Student Y Grade Level: 4th

Team Members: Emily Lavender, Emily Kelley, Aaron onnor, Lindsey !ae At"ins
AreaAssessment DataDates
AdministeredComments about this areaAttitude Toward ReadingInstructional Strategies
Anticipated/taughtom#Student Y has a stron$ ability to #i%" out the main idea o& a te't(
Student Y in%reased in bein$ able to $ive more details about the te't( Thursdays
)nitial Assessment:
.inal Assessment:
*/,+0,*-Student Y 1as very 2uiet( Student Y does a $ood 3ob o& e'#lainin$ her thin"in$(
Student Y does not read 1ith #ur#ose(
.air to moderate ) $ave them o##ortunities to #ra%ti%e readin$ %om#rehension 1ith
#u##ets4drama( ) used %om#rehension 2ui55es( 6o%ab7ednesdays
.luen%y Student Y in%reased in t1o areas 8e'#ression and smoothness9 and
remained %onstant in the other t1o areas( TuesdaysStudent Y had overall en3oyment o&
the readin$s( Student Y 1as a hard 1or"er and over%ame some #ersonal obsta%les( .air
to Moderate 7e modeled &luen%y every 1ee"( 7e $ave them o##ortunities to #ra%ti%e(
7e 1ent throu$h the ste#s o& tea%hin$ &luen%y( Student : $reatly bene&ited &rom the use
o& !eaders Theatres(
Stren$ths: Student Y is a 1onder&ul listener( Student Y is res#e%t&ul and obedient(
7ea"nesses: Student Y 1as e'tremely shy and la%"s %on&iden%e(
!e%ommendations: Student Y student needs one on one time 1ith a tea%her( Student Y
needs to be motivated(

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