Africa Ch. 18 19 Study Guide-1

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Africa – Chapter 18 & 19

The tropical grassland area in north-central Tanzania = Serengeti.

The narrow band of grassland found along the southern edge of the Sahara = Sahel.

The canopy is where most of the wildlife (animals, birds, insects, etc..) live. It is the upper
branches of trees. Because the branches are so thick and dense, very little sunlight reaches the

Aswan High Dam = a structure built to regulate the water supply along the Nile River.

Long, thin valleys that formed as a result of continental plates pulling apart are called rift valleys.

A source of underground water is an aquifer.

A shift of the desert is called desertification.

The industry that has caused severe environmental damage in the Niger delta is oil.

The Nile is the longest river in the world.

A place in the desert that supports plants and wildlife is an oasis.

A leader of the African National Congress was Nelson Mandela,

A West African culture known for their work in weaving Kente cloth is the Ashanti.

Mobutu Sese Seko was the leader of the Democratic Republic of the Congo after it gained

A system that uses families or lineages to govern themselves is called a stateless society.

A policy that calls for the complete separation of races (Whites separate from Blacks in all areas)
is called apartheid.

Pandemic is the word used to describe a disease affecting a large population over a wide
geographic area.

The person responsible for promoting interest in opening the African interior to European trade
was King Leopold II.

The Berlin Conference established the rules/guidelines for dividing up Africa among European
countries. The African tribal leaders were not invited to attend.

A major religion in Africa that is based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad is called
Islam. A great empire of ancient Africa was called Carthage.

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