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Owens poems present the reader with a powerful exploration of the impact of human cruelty

on individuals. How does Owen achieve this in his poetry?

For it is love, and true love, that allows us to bear our hardships. That banishes the heart and
gives meaning to our lives.

Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.
Herbert Hoover

The first casualty of war is innocence.
Platoon (1986)
Close examination of Wilfried Owens wartime poem Dulce Et Decorum Est offers insights into
the concerns which are extensively re-evaluated. Whilst Owen utilises the within Romanticism
of . Ultimately both poems expose the grotesque reality of amidst
Both poems, however engage with t amidst the

The context in which texts are composed are reflected through the ideology and perspectives that either
capture or criticise the zeitgeist of their time. Close examination of Mary Shelley's 18181 Gothic novel
Frankenstein offers insights into the concerns which are extensively re-evaluated within Ridley Scott's 1982
feature film, Blade Runner. Whilst Shelley utilises the frame of 18th Century Romanticism influenced by the
Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, Scott's neo-noir postmodern film composed in a time amidst
Globalisation and mass consumerism exemplifies the ideological shift elicited through their textual and
contextual differences. Both texts, however, engage with changing social paradigms and values to examine
ontological questions of what constitutes humanity, amidst a World of technological advancements and
avaricious ambition that leads to dehumanisation.

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