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Hannah Cusworth

Affairs Officer

Raising Student Voices
I’m part of this team because of its “
determination to improve representation.
Together, we can lobby the university more
effectively on academic affairs. We’re
committed to make sure that you get the
most out of your degree. //

Supporting Common Rooms: I will led feedback system which OUSU is

support Common Room academic working to implement.
affairs reps with the work they’re doing
in their college. Share information with Better library opening hours: I will
Common Room officers on issues Campaign for better library opening
such as the finals gap and disciplinary hours by collecting the necessary
hearings so that they can decide how information so that the University knows
best to tackle these problems in their how important this issue is to students.
Common Room.

Supporting Students: I will work towards

a standardised form which students can
My Experience
fill in and send to their tutors, when they As a past women’s officer of OULC
are unable to do their work as a result and a committee member of an OUSU
autonomous campaign I have gained
of illness, to reduce the stress of falling experience in:
behind when you are unwell.
Running events to inform students about
inequality within the university
Student led feedback: I will support the
work of the VP Access and Academic Providing training for students to
empower them to affect change
Affairs, especially with the new student
Manifesto produced by Hannah Cusworth and Alan Kilpatrick

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