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Nishma Doshi

Women’s Officer

Raising Student Voices

I am part of this team because it is led by people
who have the experience and enthusiasm needed
to deliver change. Together we’re focused on
making sure that OUSU is more relevant by
working on issues that are important to you. //

I pledge to:

Empower female students: initiate

My Experience
a platform to allow us to voice and I partake in and enjoy various student
act upon our individual ideas and
concerns, based on diverse methods Currently Keyorganiser for Oxford People
of engagement: from meetings to & Planet, a national student organisation
activities, sports, campaigning, tree- campaigning on the environment, human
rights & poverty.
planting, etc.
Faculty Represtative on UCL union
Clean Oxford’s exploitative Council (2007-8): engaged with student
investments: cleaning up the supply concerns
chain, by supporting groups who work New Media Intern at Stop Climate
on workers’ rights and improving the Chaos coalition; Webmaster for the UCL
lives of women (& men) in poverty, Debating Society, (2006-8) – I have
conflict and sweatshops. learnt the importance of social networking
to communicate and the importance of
women to be seen and heard!
Creating a Holistic Oxford: by
engaging with Graduate needs I am also sensitive to international
through communication and concerns and cultural differences as I
have been brought up in various countries.
interaction to remove a purely
undergraduate outlook.
Manifesto produced by Nishma Doshi and Alan Kilpatrick

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