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Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions

Desktop &Networking Question & Answers

1. What is IP address?
IP address is an identifier for a Computer or Device.
Class A IP Address 1 126, Class B IP Address 128 191, Class C IP Address 192
22. And 12!.".".1 is #oop $ac% IP address. It &ill c'ec% t'e ()stem Connectivit). *ac'
mac'ine connected to t'e Internet 'as an address %no&n as an Internet Protocol
address +IP address,. -'e IP address ta%es t'e form of four num$ers separated $) dots,
for e.ample/ 192.168.".1
0ou &ant to see ()stem IP address 1oes to
(tart2 3un2 -)pe cmd t)pe ipconfi1 /all
0ou &ant to confirm an) s)stem connected in t'e s)stem net&or% t)pe pin1 192.168.".1
+192.168.".1 t'is s)stem IP address,
2. What is subnet ask?
(u$net mas% is used for identif) t'e 4et&or%.
5or a class A address, a standard su$net mas% is 266.".".",
5or a class B address, a standard su$net mas% is 266.266.".",
5or a class C address, a standard su$net mas% is 266.266.266.",
!. What is DN"?
Doain Naing "er#i$e. It7ll 3esolve IP Address to 8ostname +59D4, and 8ostname
to IP address. In D4( t'ere are t&o :ones.
1. 5or&ard #oo%up :one
2. 3everse #oo%up :one.
%QDN & %ull' Quali(ied Doain Nae
). What is WIN"?
Windows Internet Naing "er#i$e. It is used to resolve 4etBI;( name to IP address
< =ice versa. ('ort for Windo&s Internet Namin1 "ervice, a s)stem t'at determines t'e
IP address associated &it' a particular net&or% computer. -'is is called name
resolution. >I4( supports net&or% client and server computers runnin1 >indo&s and
can provide name resolution for ot'er computers &it' special arran1ements.
Determinin1 t'e IP address for a computer is a comple. process &'en D8CP servers
assi1n IP addresses d)namicall). 5or e.ample, it is possi$le for D8CP to assi1n a
different IP address to a client eac' time t'e mac'ine lo1s on to t'e net&or%.
>I4( uses a distri$uted data$ase t'at is automaticall) updated &it' t'e names of
computers currentl) availa$le and t'e IP address assi1ned to eac' one.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
D4( is an alternative s)stem for name resolution suita$le for net&or% computers &it'
fi.ed IP addresses.
*. What is D+,P?
D'nai$ +ost ,on(iguration Proto$ol. It is used to Assi1n IP address automaticall) to
t'e Client ?ac'ine.
D8CP is a protocol used $) net&or%ed computers +clients, to o$tain IP
addresses and ot'er parameters suc' as t'e default 1ate&a), su$net mas%, and IP
addresses of D4( servers from a D8CP server. It facilitates access to a net&or%
$ecause t'ese settin1s &ould ot'er&ise 'ave to $e made manuall) for t'e client to
participate in t'e net&or%.
D8CP operations fall into four $asic p'ases. -'ese p'ases are IP lease re@uest,
IP lease offer, IP lease selection, and IP lease ac%no&led1ement
D8CP discover)
D8CP offers
D8CP re@uests
D8CP ac%no&led1ement
What proto$ol and port does D+,P use?
D8CP, li%e B;;-P runs over ADP, utiliBin1 ports 6! and 68.
DN" -oot +ints in Windows 2..!
3oot 8ints are a vital co1 in confi1urin1 )our D4( (erver. If )our server receives a
@uer) for an un%no&n domain, t'en t'e root 'ints 1ive a clue as to &'ere to searc' for
t'e ans&er. ?a)$e )ou &ere luc%) and t'e root 'ints ma1icall) confi1ured t'emselves
correctl). Per'aps it &as a triump' for plannin1 t'at )ou e.amined t'e root 'ints as
soon as )ou ran DCP3;?;. 8o&ever, in m) opinion )ou cannot $e a successful D4(
trou$les'ooter &it'out understandin1 root 'ints.
D+,P in Windows "er#er 2..!
D )namic 2 ?eans t'at clients IP address ma) c'an1e
+ ost 2 Indicates t'at t'is is a s)stem for clients, e.1. CP mac'ines
, onfi1uration 2 A clue t'at )ou are in c'ar1e of t'e options, e.1. D4( (erver
P rotocol 2 -'e rules controllin1 t'e flo& of pac%ets $et&een client and server
D+,P Address /eases
#ease is a 1ood name for a D8CP IP propert). -a%e for e.ample t'e 8 da) default
leaseD if t'e client is s'utdo&n for 2 da)s, &'en it restarts it &ill continue to 'ave t'e
same IP address. 8alf&a) t'rou1' t'eir lease clients attempt to rene& t'eir lease.
IPC;45IE Fall &ill s'o& )ou t'e lease, &'ile Frene& &ill do &'at it sa)s, top up t'e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
;nl) reduce t'e duration if )ou are s'ort of IP addresses. 5or e.ample, if )ou onl) 'ave
26" IP addresses $ut "" possi$le clients. It also ma%es sense to set s'ort leases if )ou
are li%el) to discontinue a scope in t'e near future.
8ere is a ta$le summarisin1 'o& a D8CP service results in clients 1ettin1 an IP
address. If )ou are interested in seein1 t'ese pac%ets, use 4et&or% monitor to capture
D8CP in action. 8ere are t'e classic G pac%ets t'at clients e.c'an1e durin1 a lease
,lient "er#er
D8CPDiscover 22H I222 D8CP;ffer
D8CP3e@uest 22H I222 D8CPac%

D8CPInform (erver c'ec% t'at it is Aut'oriBed in Active Director)

Note 10 D8CP3e@uest ma) seem stran1e, $ut it comes into pla) if t'ere are t&o D8CP
servers and $ot' ma%e an offer to a potential client.
Note 20 D8CPac%. ;nce in a $lue moon )ou see D8CP4ac% t'is is a ne1ative
ac%no&led1ement &'ic' mean, J I do no %no& )ouJ. -'e most li%el) cause of 4ac% is t'e
client is tr)in1 to rene& an IP address from t'e &ron1 D8CP server.
"$ope 1ptions.
-a%e t'e time to investi1ate (cope ;ptions, t'is t'e most li%el) place t'at I &ill &in m)
$et t'at )ou &ill find a ne& settin1 &'ic' &ill improve )our net&or% performance. -'ese
options can $e set at t'e (cope #evel, (erver #evel, 3eservation #evel or at t'e Class
#evel +-ric%),. (o find all four places and ma%e up )our mind &'ic' &ould $e t'e $est
level for )our net&or%.
23aples o( D+,P "$ope 1ptions0
3outer +Default Eate&a),, D4( (ervers +""6,
Domain 4ame +"16, >I4( +"GG and "G6,
,lasses 4Ad#an$ed 5ab6
=endor Class 2 >indo&s 98 ?ac'ines
Aser Class 2 3outin1 and 3emote Access
Creatin1 )our o&n Aser Class
Address -eser#ation
3eservin1 IP addresses is useful in t&o situations, for file and print servers and for
important mac'ines &'ere leases are in s'ort suppl). 8o& does D8CP %no& &'ic'
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
mac'ine to lease a particular IPK -'e ans&er is $) its ?AC address +also called 4IC or
P')sical address,. In >indo&s 2"" &'en )ou enter t'e ?AC address D8CP strips out
t'e ')p'ens if )ou a$sentmindedl) include t'em amon1st t'e 8*C num$ers. -o find t'e
?AC address pin1 t'e mac'ine t'en t)pe arp 2a.
3emem$er t'at )ou can set D8CP ;ptions for t'e reservationsD after all t'at ma) 'ave
$een t'e ver) reason &') )ou decided to ma%e reservations in t'e first place.
Authori7e 8 D+,P "er#er
In a >indo&s (erver 2"" +or 2""", domain all D8CP servers need to $e aut'oriBed in
Active Director). -'is is an e.ample of ?icrosoftJs ne& securit) initiative, and an attempt
to eliminate ro1ue D8CP servers set up Lunior administrators in a lar1e compan). (o,
)ou need to lo1on +or 3unAs, a mem$er of t'e *nterprise Admins 1roup. -'en ri1't
clic% t'e D8CP server icon, and aut'oriBe.
Incidentall), -'e 3I( service also needs to $e aut'oriBed $efore it $ecomes active.
A$ti#ate 8 D+,P "$ope
*ven after )ou aut'oriBe a server, eac' scope must $e activated individuall). (o, ri1't
clic% t'e scope to activate +or deactivate,. Meep )our e)e on t'e red or 1reen arro&s to
Lud1e )our success. 4ote )ou ma) 'ave to refres' from t'e server icon, often pressin1
56 is not enou1'.
9. What is -ela' Agent?
If &e &ant to assi1n IP address automaticall) to ot'er su$nets t'en &e need to re@uire
rela) a1ent. D8CP server al&a)s uses $roadcast traffic to assi1n IP address for t'e
clients. But 3outer does not for&ard $roadcast Pac%ets. 3outer onl) $roadcast unicast
pac%ets. -o overcome t'is pro$lem across su$nets &e are usin1 D8CP 3ela) a1ent.
:. What is ,lustering?
Clusterin1 means it is a 1roup of t&o or more server runnin1 same application and fault
tolerance it is called Clusterin1.
>indo&s 2""" Advanced server support and Data center server support 8 4odes.
>indo&s 2"" enterprise edition and Datacenter server support G 4odes.
But, >indo&s 2""" server and 2"" (tandard *dition 4ot support for Clusterin1.
;. What is 5rans(erring and "ei7ing?
5rans(erring/ If )our Domain Computer &ants to ('utdo&n for a &'ile, )ou can transfer
roles to anot'er domain controller.
"ei7ing0 If )our Computer &ants to ('utdo&n Permanentl) t'en )ou can seiBe )our
3oles from )our Computer to anot'er Computer $) usin1 Ntdsutil.
<. What is De#i$e anager?
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
-'e Device ?ana1er is a tool included &it' ?icrosoft >indo&s operatin1 s)stems t'at
allo&s t'e user to displa) and control t'e 'ard&are attac'ed to t'e computer. >'en a
piece of 'ard&are is not &or%in1, t'e offendin1 'ard&are is 'i1'li1'ted &'ere t'e user
can deal &it' it.
1.. De(inition o( ,=1"? 4,opleentar' =etal o3ide "ei$ondu$tor6
A part of t'e mot'er$oard t'at maintains s)stem varia$les in static 3A?. It also supplies
a real2time cloc% t'at %eeps trac% of t'e date, da) and time. C?;( (etup is t)picall)
accessi$le $) enterin1 a specific se@uence of %e)stro%es durin1 t'e P;(- at s)stem
11. %"=1 4%le3ible "ingle =aster 1peration6 -oles?
1. "$hea =aster0 It &ill Contain all t'e o$Lect Attri$utes, 4ot'in1 $ut user
2. Doain naing =aster0 If &e are addin1 an) server or 3emovin1 an) server
from t'e Domain. -'is &ill contain all t'e information.
. PD, 2ulator/ An) pass&ord c'an1es $) ot'er Domain it &ill $e updated to
PDC *mulator, It &ill &or% in mi.ed mode, &'ere 4- B dc domain is t'ere.
G. -ID =aster/ It &ill 1ive "ID 4 "e$urit' Identi('6 to an) o$Lects created in t'at
6. In(rastru$ture =aster/ It &ill 'ave t'e 1roup information for t'at Domain.
12. >olue t'pes?
16 "iple #olue?
26 "tripped #olue
!6 "panned >olue
)6 =irrored >olue 4-aid 16
*6 -aid * >olue.
-aid 1 4=irrored >olue6
?irrored volumes are created usin1 t&o p')sical dis%s. A mirrored volume re@uired
same amount of unallocated space on eac' p')sical dis% is used. >'en t'e data is
&ritten to a mirrored volume t'e data is &ritten to a dis% and t'en s)nc'roniBed on
t'e second dis% an e.act cop) of t'e data is availa$le on $ot' p')sical dis%s.
-aid *
3aid 6 volume provides fault tolerance and performance. But &rite operation is
slo&er t'an stripped volume. 8ere &e need ! hard disk. 8ere it is a distri$uted data?
data and parit'. If data loss &e can 1et information from parit)
1!. %A5 (ile s'ste want to $on#ert in to N5%" (ile s'ste whi$h $oand?
Convert */ F5(/ 4-5(
1). What is NA5?
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Network Address 5ranslator. 4et&or% devices t'at are assi1ned private IP address
cannot access Internet site directl) t'erefore traffic must $e routed t'rou1' a net device
called 4A-.
8ere &e 'ave to assi1n Private IP address and a Pu$lic IP address
1*. What is AD"?
Ads is t'e Active director) service It &ill store all t'e information data$ase in t'e
centraliBed location and allo& t'e users to access t'e resources from t'e net&or%.
In &indo&s Ntds.dit data$ase
I4 >in 4- "A= data$ase
A$ti#e Director) is an implementation of #DAP director) services $) ?icrosoft for use in
>indo&s environments. Active Director) allo&s administrators to assi1n enterprise2&ide
policies, deplo) pro1rams to man) computers, and appl) critical updates to an entire
or1aniBation. An Active Director) stores information and settin1s relatin1 to an
or1aniBation in a central, or1aniBed, accessi$le data$ase. Active Director) net&or%s can
var) from a small installation &it' a fe& 'undred o$Lects, to a lar1e installation &it'
millions of o$Lects.
A$ti#e Dire$tor' is a director) service used to store information a$out t'e net&or%
resources across a domain.
An Active Directory +AD, structure is a 'ierarc'ical frame&or% of o$Lects. -'e o$Lects fall
into t'ree $road cate1ories N resources +e.1. printers,, services +e.1. e2mail,, and users
+accounts, or users and 1roups,. -'e AD provides information on t'e o$Lects, or1aniBes
t'e o$Lects, controls access, and sets securit).
*ac' o$Lect represents a sin1le entit) N &'et'er a user, a computer, a printer, an
application, or a s'ared data sourceNand its attri$utes. ;$Lects can also $e containers
of ot'er o$Lects. An o$Lect is uni@uel) identified $) its name and 'as a set of attri$utesN
the $hara$teristi$s and information that the ob@e$t $an $ontainAde(ined b' a
s$hea, &'ic' also determines t'e %ind of o$Lects t'at can $e stored in t'e AD.
*ac' attri$ute o$Lect can $e used in several different sc'ema class o$Lects. -'ese
sc'ema o$Lects to allo& t'e sc'ema to $e e.tended or modified &'en necessar).
8o&ever, $ecause eac' sc'ema o$Lect is inte1ral to t'e definition of AD o$Lects,
deactivatin1 or c'an1in1 t'ese o$Lects can 'ave serious conse@uences $ecause it &ill
fundamentall) c'an1e t'e structure of AD itself. A sc'ema o$Lect, &'en altered, &ill
automaticall) propa1ate t'rou1' Active Director) and once it is created it can onl) $e
deactivated N not deleted. C'an1in1 t'e sc'ema usuall) re@uires a fair amount of
Active director) #o1ical Anit OH (c'ema, Domain -ree
Active Director) P')sical Anit OH ;A, (ite, ;$Lects
conceptual sc'ema, a map of concepts and t'eir relations'ips
lo1ical sc'ema, a map of entities and t'eir attri$utes and relations
p')sical sc'ema, a particular implementation of a lo1ical sc'ema
%le3ible single aster operation0
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
%orest8wide %"=1 -oles0
"$hea =aster t'at mana1es modifications to t'e AD sc'ema and its
replication to ot'er Domain controllers.
Doain Naing =aster t'at mana1es addin1, and some modification
operations for domains.
Doain8wide %"=1 -oles0
-elati#e ID =aster t'at allocates securit) 3IDs to DCs to assi1n to ne& AD
securit) principals +users, 1roups or computer o$Lects,. It also mana1es o$Lects
movin1 $et&een domains.
Infrastructure ?aster t'at maintains securit) identifiers, EAIDs, and D4s for
o$Lects referenced across domains. ?ost commonl) it updates user and 1roup
PDC *mulator t'at emulates a >indo&s 4- Primar) Domain Controller +PDC,. It
is also t'e favored DC for ot'er DCs in replicatin1 and confirmin1 pass&ord
information, and is t'e aut'oritative source of time in t'e domain.
/ightweight Dire$tor' A$$ess Proto$ol 4/DAP6
In computer net&or%in1, t'e /ightweight Dire$tor' A$$ess Proto$ol, or /DAP +It is a
net&or%in1 protocol for @uer)in1 and modif)in1 director) services runnin1 over -CPFIP.
A director) is a set of information &it' similar attri$utes or1aniBed in a lo1ical and
'ierarc'ical manner. -'e most common e.ample is t'e telep'one director), &'ic'
consists of a series of names +eit'er of a person or or1aniBation, or1aniBed
alp'a$eticall), &it' an address and p'one num$er attac'ed.
A client starts an #DAP session $) connectin1 to an #DAP server, $) default on -CP
port 89. -'e client t'en sends operation re@uests to t'e server, and t'e server sends
responses in turn. >it' some e.ceptions t'e client need not &ait for a response $efore
sendin1 t'e ne.t re@uest, and t'e server ma) send t'e responses in an) order.
5he basi$ operations are0
(tart -#( 2 optionall) protect t'e connection &it' -ransport #a)er (ecurit) +-#(,,
to 'ave a more secure connection
Bind 2 aut'enticate and specif) #DAP protocol version
(earc' 2 searc' for andFor retrieve director) entries
Compare 2 test if a named entr) contains a 1iven attri$ute value
Add a ne& entr)
Delete an entr)
?odif) an entr)
?odif) D4 2 move or rename an entr)
A$andon 2 a$ort a previous re@uest
*.tended ;peration 2 1eneric operation used to define ot'er operations
An$ind 2 close t'e connection +not t'e inverse of Bind,
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
%"=1 PA-5I5I1N
Application partition
(c'ema Partition
Confi1uration Partition
19. What is global $atalog?
>'en )ou installin1 a ne& domain in t'e forest it is called as 1lo$al catalo1. It &ill 'ave
all t'e information o$Lect of entire forest
1:. WhatBs the di((eren$e between Windows 2... and Windows CP?
>indo&s 2""" and >indo&s CP are essentiall) t'e same operatin1 s)stem +%no&n
internall) as >indo&s 4- 6." and >indo&s 4- 6.1, respectivel)., 8ere are some
considerations if )ouJre tr)in1 to decide &'ic' version to use/
Windows 2... bene(its
>indo&s 2""" 'as lo&er s)stem re@uirements, and 'as a simpler interface +no
P(t)lesP to mess &it',.
>indo&s 2""" is sli1'tl) less e3pensi#e, and 'as no produ$t a$ti#ation.
>indo&s 2""" 'as $een out for a &'ile, and most of t'e common pro$lems and
securit) 'oles 'ave $een uncovered and fi.ed.
-'ird2part) soft&are and 'ard&are products t'at arenJt )et CP2compati$le ma)
$e compati$le &it' >indo&s 2"""D c'ec% t'e manufacturers of )our devices and
applications for CP support $efore )ou up1rade.
Windows CP bene(its
>indo&s CP is some&'at (aster t'an >indo&s 2""", assumin1 )ou 'ave a fast
processor and tons of memor) +alt'ou1' it &ill run fine &it' a "" ?'B Pentium II
and 128?B of 3A?,.
-'e ne& >indo&s CP interface is more c'eerful and colorful t'an earlier
versions, alt'ou1' t'e less2cartoon PClassicP interface can still $e used if desired.
>indo&s CP 'as more $ells and &'istles, suc' as t'e >indo&s ?ovie ?a%er,
$uilt2in CD &riter support, t'e Internet ,onne$tion %irewall, and -eote
Desktop ,onne$tion.
>indo&s CP 'as $etter support for 1ames and comes &it' more 1ames t'an
>indo&s 2""".
>indo&s CP is t'e latest ;( 2 if )ou donJt up1rade no&, )ouJll pro$a$l) end up
mi1ratin1 to CP eventuall) an)&a), and &e mere mortals can onl) ta%e so man)
;( up1rades.
?anufacturers of e.istin1 'ard&are and soft&are products are more li%el) to add
>indo&s CP compati$ilit) now t'an >indo&s 2""" compati$ilit).
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1;. Di((eren$e bet doain and workgroup.
Domains are collections of computers 1rouped for mana1ement purposesD t'e) s'are a
1roup name. Domains let usersQ access resources usin1 a sin1le lo1on. Administrators
donQt 'ave to create multiple user accounts for a sin1le user to 1ive t'at user access to
all domain resources.
5rom a securit) perspective, a domain is a set or collection of computers t'at s'are a
common securit) data$ase and a common securit) polic). 4- domains advance t'e
concepts seen in #A4 ?ana1er for A4IC and #A4 (erver domains. *ac' domain 'as a
uni@ue domain name.
-'e terms workgroup and domain are used e.tensivel) in ?icrosoft net&or%in1 and refer
to t'e mana1ement mec'anisms availa$le to net&or% mem$ers. >or%1roups impl)
decentraliBed mana1ement, &'ereas domains impl) centraliBed control.
>or%1roups are collections of computers 1rouped Lust for vie&in1 purposesD eac'
computer user is responsi$le for mana1in1 its securit) functions. A &or%1roup can
consist of 4- >or%stations, 4- (ervers, A4IC computers runnin1 (erver ?essa1e
Bloc% +(?B, services, and ot'ers. -'e) communicate usin1 a common set of net&or%in1
protocols at all seven la)ers of t'e ;(I model
1<. Di((eren$e between N5).. & windows 2...
5ile s)stem difference +NTFS, FAT, FAT32)
In &innt server concept pdc and $dc $ut t'ere is no concept in 2""".
In winnt server sam database r/w format in pdc and read only format in bdc ,but in 2 domain
and every domain controller sam database read/writer format !
2 server can any time any moment become server or member of server simple add/remove
dcpromo! "ut in winnt you #ave to reinstall operatin$ system!
*ven t'ou1' >indo&s 2""" is $uilt on t'e >indo&s 4- arc'itecture, ?icrosoft
'as added man) ne& features +Plu1 and Pla), A(B support, 3ecover) Console,
Intelli?irror, Eroup Polic), Active Director), inte1ration of II( and -erminal
2.. What is Doot.ini?
-'e P$oot.iniP is a ?icrosoft initialiBation file found on t'e ?icrosoft >indo&s 4-
?icrosoft >indo&s 2""", and ?icrosoft >indo&s CP operatin1 s)stems. -'is file is
al&a)s located on t'e root director) of t'e primar) 'ard dis% drive. In ot'er &ords, it is
located at PC/RP director) or t'e PC DriveP. -'is file is used $) ?icrosoft >indo&s as a
met'od of displa)in1 a menu of operatin1 s)stems currentl) on t'e computer and
allo&in1 t'e user to easil) select &'ic' operatin1 s)stem to load. In addition, t'is file is
also used to point to t'e locations of eac' of t'e operatin1 s)stems.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Dasi$ e3aple o( the boot.ini (ile0
S$oot loaderT
Soperatin1 s)stemsT
multi+",dis%+",rdis%+1,partition+1,R>I4D;>(OP?icrosoft >indo&s CP 8ome *ditionP
In t'e a$ove e.ample, t'e $oot.ini contains t&o sections, t'e PS$oot loaderTP, and
PSoperatin1 s)stemsTP. >it'in t'e $oot loader section t'ere are t&o lines. -'e PtimeoutP
line is used for 'o& lon1 t'e $oot menu time s'ould $e displa)ed, in secondsD &e
recommend t'at t'e timeout $e set to at least five if )ou &is' t'e computer to $oot faster
and commonl) use t'e default operatin1 s)stems. -'e PdefaultP line is t'e default
operatin1 s)stem t'at t'e $oot.ini &ill load. If multiple operatin1 s)stems are in t'e
$oot.ini, t'e default operatin1 s)stem &ill $e automaticall) selected and used if t'e user
does not specif) a different operatin1 s)stem $) t'e time t'e timeout value e.pires.
-'e ne.t section, or t'e Poperatin1 s)stemP section, is used to list and specif) t'e
location of eac' of t'e operatin1 s)stems installed on t'e computer. Belo& is a listin1 of
eac' of t'e options.
1ption Des$ription
ulti436 -'is option is used &it' ID* and *(DI drives and is also used &it'
(C(I drives for computers usin1 >indo&s 4-. -'e num$er used in
t'e a$ove e.ample is P"P, t'is num$er is t'e adapterJs num$er and
s'ould al&a)s $e P"P for computers t'at rel) on t'e BI;( to load
s)stem files.
In a computer usin1 onl) ID* t'is option &ill &or% &it' up to
four 'ard dis% drives.
In a computer usin1 onl) (C(I t'is option &ill &or% &it' t'e
first t&o drives on t'e primar) (C(I controller.
5inall), if a computer is usin1 ID* and (C(I t'is option &ill
&or% &it' t'e ID* drives on t'e first controller.
s$si436 If t'e computer 'as a (C(I controller and is not usin1 BI;( to load
t'e s)stem files, t'e $oot.ini ma) 'ave Pscsi+.,P instead of Pmulti+.,.
disk436 -'e dis% on t'e controller. If Pmulti+.,P is used used, t'is value &ill
al&a)s $e P"P. 8o&ever, if Pscsi+.,P is defined, t'is value &ill $e (C(I
rdisk436 >'ic' dis% on t'e controller is $ein1 used. In t'e a$ove e.ample &e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
are usin1 an rdis% of P1P, &'ic' indicates t'e second dis% on t'e
primar) controller is $ein1 used. -'is value ma) $e $et&een P"P and
PP and is al&a)s set to P"P &'en Pscsi+.,P is $ein1 used.
paritions436 >'ic' partition t'e operatin1 s)stem is on. In t'e a$ove e.ample, t'e
operatin1 s)stem is on t'e first partition of t'e drive.
EWIND1W"FG...G 5inall), t'e last portion of t'is line defines t'e director) of &'ere
&indo&s is located and &'at t'e $oot menu s'ould displa) as t'e
operatin1 s)stem. In t'e a$ove e.ample, t'e $oot menu &ould
displa) P?icrosoft >indo&s CP 8ome *ditionP as a selection.
23aple o( the boot enu0
If multiple operatin1 s)stems are setup in t'e $oot.ini, as t'e computer is $ootin1 )ou &ill
see a menu similar to t'e $elo& e.ample. -'is allo&s t'e user to select $et&een
multiple operatin1 s)stems. If )our computer does not 'ave multiple operatin1 s)stems,
$ut t'is menu still appears eac' time )our computer $oots, it is li%el) t'at )our $oot.ini is
improperl) confi1ured.
Please select t'e operatin1 s)stem to start/
?icrosoft >indo&s CP 8ome *dition
?icrosoft >indo&s 2"""
Ase t'e up and do&n arro& %e)s to move t'e 'i1'li1't to )our c'oice.
Press *4-*3 to c'oose.

5or trou$les'ootin1 and advanced startup options for >indo&s, press 58.

Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
+ow to odi(' the boot.ini0
-'e $oot.ini file is a 'idden s)stem file located in t'e root director) of )our primar) 'ard
dis% drive. -o edit t'is file &e recommend )ou follo& t'e $elo& steps.
1! 5rom >indo&s, open an ?(2D;( prompt $) clic%in1 P(tartP and t'en P3unP and
t)pin1 PcmdP in t'e te.t $o.. If )ou are not a$le to 1et into a ?(2D;( prompt to
edit t'e $oot.ini file, $oot into t'e recover) console to edit t'e file. Additional
information a$out t'e recover) console can $e found on document C8"""62!.
2. At t'e ?(2D;( prompt, t)pe/
,0E Hpress enterI
,0E $dE Hpress enterI
,0E attrib 8r 8a 8s 8h boot.ini Hpress enterI
,0E edit boot.ini Hpress enterI
21. What is "=5P? pop!? Port nuber (or the sae
('ort for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sendin1 e2mail messa1es
$et&een servers. ?ost e2mail s)stems t'at send mail over t'e Internet use (?-P to
send messa1es from one server to anot'erD t'e messa1es can t'en $e retrieved &it' an
e2mail client usin1 eit'er P;P or I?AP. In addition, (?-P is 1enerall) used to send
messa1es from a mail client to a mail server. -'is is &') )ou need to specif) $ot' t'e
P;P or I?AP server and t'e (?-P server &'en )ou confi1ure )our e2mail application.
Port nuber0 2*
P1P! 4Post 1((i$e Proto$ol !6 is t'e most recent version of a standard protocol for
receivin1 e2mail. P;P is a clientFserver protocol in &'ic' e2mail is received and 'eld for
)ou $) )our Internet server. Periodicall), )ou +or )our client e2mail receiver, c'ec% )our
mail2$o. on t'e server and do&nload an) mail, pro$a$l) usin1 P;P.
Port nuber 0 11.
22. Di((eren$e between 1utlook e3press & =i$roso(t 1utlook.
1utlook 23press
;utloo% *.press is t'e e2mail client t'at is included &it' ?icrosoft Internet *.plorer G..,
?icrosoft Internet *.plorer 6.., t'e ?icrosoft >indo&s 98 operatin1 s)stem, t'e
?icrosoft >indo&s ?illennium *dition +?e, operatin1 s)stem, t'e ?icrosoft >indo&s
2""" operatin1 s)stems, and ?icrosoft ;ffice 98 for t'e ?acintos'. ;utloo% *.press is
desi1ned for 'ome users &'o 1ain access to t'eir e2mail messa1es $) dialin1 in to an
Internet service provider +I(P,.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Built on open Internet standards, ;utloo% *.press is desi1ned for use &it' an) Internet
standard s)stem, for e.ample, (imple ?ail -ransfer Protocol +(?-P,, Post ;ffice
Protocol +P;P,, and Internet ?ail Access Protocol +I?AP,. It provides full support for
toda)Js most important e2mail, ne&s, and director) standards suc' as #i1't&ei1't
Director) Access Protocol +#DAP,, ?ultipurpose Internet ?ail *.tension 8)perte.t
?ar%up #an1ua1e +?8-?#,, 8)perte.t ?ar%up #an1ua1e +8-?#,, (ecureF?ultipurpose
Internet ?ail *.tensions +(F?I?*,, and 4et&or% 4e&s -ransfer Protocol +44-P,. 5ull
support ensures t'at )ou can ta%e advanta1e of ne& tec'nolo1ies as &ell as seamlessl)
send and receive e2mail.
4e& mi1ration tools t'at automaticall) import )our e.istin1 mail settin1s, address $oo%
entries, and e2mail messa1es from *udora, 4etscape, ?icrosoft *.c'an1e (erver, t'e
>indo&s In$o., and ;utloo% ma%e it eas) for )ou to @uic%l) ta%e advanta1e of all t'at
;utloo% *.press 'as to offer. -'e a$ilit) to receive mail from multiple e2mail accounts,
as &ell as t'e a$ilit) to create In$o. rules, 'elps )ou mana1e and or1aniBe )our e2mail.
In addition, full support for 8-?# mail ena$les )ou to personaliBe )our messa1es &it'
custom $ac%1rounds and 1rap'ics. -'is ma%es it eas) to create uni@ue, visuall)
po&erful messa1es.
;utloo% is ?icrosoftJs premier messa1in1 and colla$oration client. It is a stand2alone
application t'at is inte1rated into ?icrosoft ;ffice and *.c'an1e (erver. ;utloo% also
provides performance and inte1ration &it' Internet *.plorer 6.6. Complete inte1ration of
e2mail, calendarin1, and contact mana1ement, ma%es ;utloo% t'e perfect client for
man) $usiness users.
;utloo% 'elps )ou find and or1aniBe information so t'at )ou can &or% seamlessl) &it'
;ffice applications. -'is 'elps )ou communicate and s'are information more effectivel).
Po&erful In$o. rules ena$le )ou to filter and or1aniBe e2mail messa1es. >it' ;utloo%,
)ou can inte1rate and mana1e e2mail from multiple e2mail accounts, personal and 1roup
calendars, contacts, and tas%s.
>'en )ou use ;utloo% &it' *.c'an1e (erver, )ou can use &or%1roup information
s'arin1 and &or%flo& communications, 1roup sc'edulin1, pu$lic folders, forms, and
en'anced Internet connectivit).
;utloo% is desi1ned for use &it' t'e Internet +(?-P, P;P, and I?APG,, *.c'an1e
(erver, or an) ot'er standards2$ased communication s)stem t'at supports ?essa1in1
Application Pro1rammin1 Interface +?API,, includin1 voice mail. ;utloo% is $ased on
Internet standards and supports toda)Js most important e2mail, ne&s, and director)
standards, includin1 #DAP, ?8-?#, 44-P, ?I?*, and (F?I?*, vCalendar, vCard,
iCalendar, and full support for 8-?# mail.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1utlook ,on(iguration0
"tep 1 2 ;pen ?(
;utloo%. If t'is is t'e first
time )ou 'ave opened
;utloo% *.press, and
)ou do not 'ave an) e2
mail accounts set up, )ou
&ill $e prompted to set
up a ne& account, 1o
t'rou1' t'e &iBard until
)ou see t'e screen t'at
loo%s li%e 5i1 1. If )ou
are prompted to import
an account from ;utloo%
*.press A4D t'at
account is t'e e2mail
'osted on our server, 1o
a'ead and follo& t'e
&iBard to import t'e
settin1s, )ou s'ould $e
complete once t'at
&iBard is done. If t'e
&iBard does not come
up, clic% on J-oolsJ and
t'en on J*2?ail
AccountsJ. 0ou s'ould
see a similar screen as
5i1 1, clic% on JAdd a ne&
e2mail accountJ, clic%
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
"tep 2 2 (elect t'e t)pe
of e2mail account as
s'o&n and clic% J4e.tJ
"tep !
?icrosoft *.c'an1e
(erver / fm12nt
Aser 4ame
/ aLa)%a +for e.ample,

Clic% 4e.t
"tep )

Clic% 5inis'
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
5o ,on(igure P"50
"tep *
;pen ;utloo%
Eo to -ools 2H ;ptions
"tep 9
In ;ptions 1o to ?ail
(etup ta$
Clic% on Data 5ilesU
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
"tep :
Clic% Add
(elect ;ption as s'o&n
Clic% ;M
"tep ;
Create 4e& 5ile
5or e.ample /
aLa)% +as s'o&n,

Bro&se to e.sistin1 file

Clic% ;M
"tep <
Eive displa) name.
Clic% ;M
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
3epeat "tep8*

Eo to 2H?ail (etup
2H *2mail Accounts
C'ec% ;ption as
Clic% Ne3t
In Deliver ne& e2
mail to follo&in1
location dropdo&n
list select )our P(-
instead of ?ail$o..

Clic% %inish

Clic% 1J on =ail
"etup tab

,lose 1utlook

-eopen 1utlook

4o& ;utloo% is
read) &it' )our P(-

Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
5o $on(igure ultiple P"5?
>e can Confi1ure multiple P(- $) repeatin1 t'e same step from step 6 step 9 .
5o $hange deli#er' option to #arious P"5?
In Deliver ne& e2
mail to follo&in1
location dropdo&n
list select )our P(-
instead of ?ail$o..
)ou can select t'e
deliver) mail

Clic% %inish

Clic% 1J on =ail
"etup tab

,lose 1utlook

-eopen 1utlook

4o& ;utloo% is
read) &it' )our P(-
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
22. About t'pes o( Printer?

An) of t'e current t)pes of printers satisfies t'e &or% and cost re@uirements for
someone. *ac' 'as stren1t's and &ea%nesses. C'oose )our t)pe of printer $ased on
&'ic' of t'e features previousl) discussed are important to )our &or%, t'en c'oose t'e
specific printer t'at $est suits $ot' )our tas%s and poc%et$oo%.
Impact Printers
>it' t'is t)pe of printer somet'in1 stri%es paper < ri$$on to1et'er to form a c'aracter,
li%e a t)pe&riter.
Advantages: #ess e.pensive
5ast (some types)
Can ma%e multiple copies &it' multipart paper
Print @ualit) lo&er in some t)pes.
Poor 1rap'ics or none at all.
Types of Impact Printers
1. Dot matrix
2. Daisy Wheel
. !hain and "and printer
Dot =atri3 5orms c'aracters usin1 ro&+s, of pins, 9, 18, or 2G &'ic' impact t'e ri$$on
on top of t'e paper. Also called pin printers.
-'e more pins, t'e smoot'er2loo%in1 t'e c'aracters.
?ost dot matri. printers 'ave t'e c'aracteristics $elo&/
Di8dire$tional 8 prints left to ri1't and also ri1't to left
5ra$tor (eed 8 uses sproc%ets to pull continuous2feed paper
%ri$tion (eed 8 uses pressure to pull sin1le s'eets
Advantages: Ine.pensive
Can do multi2cop) forms
Disadvantages: Can $e slo&
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Erap'ics of lo& @ualit), if possi$le at all
Dais' Wheel C'aracters are full) formed on t'e PpetalsP, li%e
t)pe&riter %e)s.
Advantages: Best print @ualit)
=er) slo& 2 2" to 8" cps
;nl) one font can $e used at a
time $ecause )ou must c'an1e
out t'e Dais) >'eel to c'an1e
Cannot print 1rap'ics.
,hain and
Dand Printers
Ases c'aracters on a $and or c'ain t'at is moved into place $efore
stri%in1 t'e c'aracters onto t'e paper.
Advantages: =er) fast
up to """ lp (lines per
=er) e.pensive
=er) loud
Non-Impact Printers
-'is t)pe of printer does not involve actuall) stri%in1 t'e paper. Instead, it uses in% spra)
or toner po&der.
Advantages: 9uietV
Can 'andle 1rap'ics and often a &ider variet) of fonts t'an impact
?ore e.pensive
Types of Non-Impact Printers
In% Wet (pra)s in% onto paper to form c'aracters
Advantages: 9uiet
8i1' @ualit) te.t and 1rap'ics. (ome
can do color.
Cannot use multiple2cop) paper
In% can smear
-'ermal Ases 'eat on c'emicall) treated paper to form
c'aracters. 5a. mac'ines t'at use rolls of paper are
also of t'is t)pe.
Advantages: 9uiet
3elativel) slo&
*.pensive, re@uirin1 special
Cannot use multiple2cop)
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
>or%s li%e a cop) mac'ine, usin1 toner and a 'eat
$ar. #aser printers are in t'is cate1or).
Advantages: 9uiet
5aster t'an ot'er non2impact printers,
from G to 16 ppm +pa1es per minute,
8i1' @ualit) print and 1rap'ics. (ome
can do color.
?ore e.pensive t'an impact printers
Cannot use multiple2cop) paper
Thus, Things to Consider When Choosing a Printer:
8o& muc' outputK >'at speed is neededK
Is 'eav)2dut) e@uipment necessar)K
9ualit) of output neededK #etter @ualit)K
4ear letter @ualit)K
#ocation of printerK 8o& $i1 a footprint can $e 'andledK
Is loudness importantK
?ultiple copies neededK
Color print needed
2). 23plain about Printer "pooler?
(pooler Introduction
-'e Printer (pooler ena$les t'e printer to $e s'ared amon1 multiple processes. -'is
allo&s eac' process to see a virtual printer &'ic' it can print to and also allo&s a
process to su$mit a file for printin1. It can $e used $) $ot' native tas%s and $) virtual
tas%s via t'e `vprinter' module.
(pooler ;peration
>'en a file is su$mitted for printin1, its name is added to a list. A separate process
processes t'is list in order to print t'e files. -'e list is processed in a 5I5; +5irst In 5irst
;ut, fas'ion. Alt'ou1' sc'edulin1 al1orit'ms are availa$le includin1 (W5 +('ortest Wo$
5irst, and #W5 +#on1est Wo$ 5irst,, a 5I5; s)stem &as used in order to maintain
simplicit) and functionalit). A virtual printer can also $e opened allo&in1 a process to
print to a file &'en it doesnJt %no& 'o& muc' is to $e printed. >'en t'e file is closed, it is
added to t'e list. -'is is used $) t'e XvprinterJ module for emulatin1 printer ports.
>'en t'e t'read 'andlin1 t'e printin1 of files is initiall) created, it loo%s in t'e spool
director) and if t'ere are an) files t'ere it automaticall) adds t'em to t'e list. -'e spool
director) is defined in t'e 'eader file XIvmmFspooler.'HJ and is $) default set to spool.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Because of t'e dual access to t'e spool list $) $ot' t'e t'read addin1 a spool file and
t'e t'read processin1 t'e spool list, access to t'e list is protected $) a semap'ore.
If t'e Print (pooler service fails &'en printin1, &'en >indo&s starts or it can not $e
restarted, t'e usual reason is t'at one or more printer drivers is defective. If t'e Print
(pooler service is not runnin1, t'e Printers and %a3es folder &ill $e empt) and )ou can
not use it to remove +or add, printers or printer drivers.
2*. +ow to edit registr' anuall' to $lean up spooler and dri#ers?
8ereJs 'o& to clean up t'e print spooler stuff if an) t'ird part) %it is not availa$le or )ou
prefer to do t'in1s manuall).

>arnin1V $e ver) careful usin1 re1edit 2 if )ou delete t'e &ron1 t'in1s, )ou ma) render
)our computer inoperativeV
1. open re1edit +e.1. clic% "tart, %e) regedit and press #nter,
2. navi1ate to
>indo&s 4- .86RDrivers under t'is %e), t'ere &ill $e t'e %e)s >ersion82 and
>ersion8! +one or t'e ot'er of t'ese ma) $e a$sent 2 not a pro$lem, t'e su$2%e)s
under t'ese contain t'e printer driver confi1uration information delete all t'e su$2
%e)s inside >ersion82 and >ersion8!, $ut not t'ese %e)s t'emselves.
-'e ?icrosoft Mno&led1e$ase article at 'ttp/
scidO%$Den2usD12"62 lists some ot'er re1istr) entries to delete, $ut t'is is not
usuall) necessar).
. ;pen a ,oand Propt &indo&
G. Me) t'e commands
net stop spooler
net start spooler
6. ;pen >indo&s *.plorer
6. 4avi1ate to Ks'sterootKEs'ste!2EspoolEprintersE and delete an) files
t'ere. B) default, t'is is &'ere t'e print spooler stores print files.
!. 4avi1ate to Ks'sterootKEs'ste!2EspoolEdri#ersEw!23;9 +Zs)stemrootZ
is usuall) Windows, $ut it mi1't $e winnt or somet'in1 elseD t'is is set &'en t'e
;( is installed,.
8. Inside w!23;9, t'ere &ill $e folders &it' t'e names 2 and ! +one or more of
t'ese ma) $e a$sent 2 not a pro$lem, delete all of t'e files and su$2folders in
eac' of t'e 2 and ! folders, $ut not t'e folders t'emselves inside w!23;9, t'ere
ma) $e ot'er folders &it' names startin1 &it' P'e&lettYpac%ardP, P'p'pP or
somet'in1 elseD delete t'ese folders also.
9. 3estart t'e print spooler +see steps 8 and 9 a$ove,
At t'is point, t'e s)stem s'ould $e prett) &ell $ac% to t'e &a) it &as $efore an) printers
&ere installed. (ome &ould su11est restartin1 >indo&s at t'is point, $ut &it' >indo&s
2""" and later, t'is does not seem to $e re@uired.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
,hange the Printer "pooler Priorit' (Windos NT!"###!$P%
4ormall) t'e printer spooler runs at t'e same priorit) as ot'er services on a s)stem. If
)our s)stem is $ein1 mainl) used for printin1 or 'andles a lar1e num$er of print Lo$s )ou
can use t'is t&ea% to c'an1e t'e priorit) class t'e print spooler.
;pen )our re1istr) and find or create t'e %e) $elo&.
Create a ne& D>;3D value, or modif) t'e e.istin1 value, called P(poolerPriorit)P and
set it accordin1 to t'e value data $elo&.
*.it )our re1istr), )ou ma) need to restart or lo1 out of >indo&s for t'e c'an1e to ta%e
+Default, 3*EY(: +value not set,
(poolerPriorit) 3*EYD>;3D"."""""""1 +1,
-egistr' "ettings
"'ste Je'0 S8M*0Y#;CA#Y?AC8I4*R(0(-*?RCurrentControl(etRControlRPrintT
>alue Nae0 (poolerPriorit)
Data 5'pe0 3*EYD>;3D +D>;3D =alue,
>alue Data0 " O 4ormal priorit), 1 O 8i1' priorit), ".55555555 O Idle priorit)
5roubleshooting Printers
(olution -itle/ Print (pooler (ervice &onJt start 2 >indo&s CP
I can not print or add printers $ecause t'e Print (pooler (ervice is not started. -'e
startup t)pe is set to Automatic $ut it is not runnin1. >'en I tr) and start t'e service
receive t'e follo&in1 error/
Could not start t'e Print (pooler (ervice on #ocal Computer. *rror 1"68/ -'e
dependenc) service or 1roup failed to start.
-'e onl) dependenc) t'at I %no& of is 3emote Procedure Call is is started. IJm missin1
somet'in1 $ut donJt %no& &'at it is. An) 'elp &ould $e 1reatl) appreciated.
-r) t'is/
Clic% (tart2H3un2H(ervices.msc
#ocate t'e Printer (pooler service dou$le2clic%s it to 1et to t'e properties.
5rom t'e recover) ta$, c'an1e all t'ree options to P3estart t'e (erviceP.
#eave t'e $ottom t&o options set to P1[ ;% out of t'is dialo1ue.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
4o& 1o $ac% and tr) to restart t'e service...
29. About 2thernet?
*t'ernet uses an access met'od called C(?AFCD. -'is is a s)stem &'ere eac'
computer listens to t'e ca$le $efore sendin1 an)t'in1 t'rou1' t'e net&or%. If t'e
net&or% is clear, t'e computer &ill transmit. If some ot'er node is alread) transmittin1 on
t'e ca$le, t'e computer &ill &ait and tr) a1ain &'en t'e line is clear. (ometimes, t&o
computers attempt to transmit at t'e same instant. >'en t'is 'appens a collision occurs.
*ac' computer t'en $ac%s off and &aits a random amount of time $efore attemptin1 to
retransmit. >it' t'is access met'od, it is normal to 'ave collisions. 8o&ever, t'e dela)
caused $) collisions and retransmittin1 is ver) small and does not normall) affect t'e
speed of transmission on t'e net&or%. -'e *t'ernet protocol allo&s for linear $us, star,
or tree topolo1ies. Data can $e transmitted over t&isted pair, coa.ial, or fi$er optic ca$le
at a speed of 1" ?$ps.
2:. About %ast 2thernet?
-o increase transmission speed, t'e *t'ernet protocol 'as developed a ne& standard
t'at supports 1"" ?$ps. -'is is commonl) called 5ast *t'ernet. 5ast *t'ernet re@uires
t'e use of different, more e.pensive net&or% concentratorsF'u$s and net&or% interface
cards. In addition, cate1or) 6 t&isted pair or fi$er optic ca$le is necessar).
2;. About 5oken -ing?
In -o%en 3in1, t'e computers are connected so t'at t'e si1nal travels around t'e
net&or% from one computer to anot'er in a lo1ical rin1. A sin1le electronic to%en moves
around t'e rin1 from one computer to t'e ne.t. If a computer does not 'ave information
to transmit, it simpl) passes t'e to%en on to t'e ne.t &or%station. If a computer &is'es to
transmit and receives an empt) to%en, it attac'es data to t'e to%en. -'e to%en t'en
proceeds around t'e rin1 until it comes to t'e destination computer. At t'is point, t'e
is captured $) t'e receivin1 computer. -'e -o%en 3in1 protocol re@uires a star2&ired
rin1 usin1 t&isted pair or fi$er optic ca$le. It can operate at transmission speeds of G
?$ps or 16 ?$ps. Due to t'e increasin1 popularit) of *t'ernet, t'e use of -o%en 3in1
'as decreased.
2<. About ,abling?
In a t&isted2pair net&or% +1" Base -, eac' PC 'as a t&isted2pair ca$le t'at runs to a
centraliBed 'u$. Cate1or) 6 is t'e most relia$le and &idel) compati$le t&isted2pair. It
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
runs easil) &it' 1"?$ps or net&or%s, and is re@uired for 5ast *t'ernet. 0ou can $u)
Cate1or) 6 ca$lin1 t'at is pre2made, or )ou can cut < crimp )our o&n.
Cate1or) 6 ca$les can $e purc'ased or crimped as eit'er straight through or crossed.
A Cate1or) 6 ca$le 'as 8 t'in, color2coded &ires inside t'at run from one end of t'e
ca$le to t'e ot'er. ;nl) &ires 1, 2, , and 6 are used $) *t'ernet net&or%s for
communication. Alt'ou1' onl) four &ires are used, if t'e ca$le 'as 8 &ires, all t'e &ires
'ave to $e connected in $ot' Lac%s.
"traight8through $ables are used for connectin1 computers to a 'u$.
,rossed $ables are used for connectin1 devices of similar t)pe li%e 'u$2to2'u$, s&itc'2
to2s&itc', etc
In a strai1't2t'rou1' ca$le, also %no&n as a pat$h $able, &ires 1, 2, , and 6 at one end
of t'e ca$le are also &ires 1, 2, , and 6 at t'e ot'er end. In a crossed ca$le, t'e order
of t'e &ires c'an1es from one end to t'e ot'er/ &ire 1 $ecomes and 2 $ecome 6.
-o fi1ure out &'ic' &ire is &ire num$er 1, 'old t'e ca$le so t'at t'e end of t'e plastic
3W2G6 tip, +t'e part t'at 1oes into a &all Lac% first,, is facin1 a&a) from )ou. 5lip t'e clip
so t'at t'e copper side faces up, +t'e sprin1) clip &ill no& $e parallel to t'e floor,. >'en
loo%in1 do&n on t'e coppers, &ire 1 &ill $e on t'e far left.
!.. What is a la'er ! swit$h?
#a)er s&itc'es com$ine t'e speed and cost2effectiveness of s&itc'in1, &it' t'e
control and scala$ilit) of routin1. #i%e a router, a #a)er s&itc' runs routin1 protocols
suc' 3IP, 3IP2, ;(P5 or an) ot'er routin1 protocol. -'e #a)er s&itc' communicates
&it' all ot'er ProutersP in t'e net&or%. 5rom a routerJs perspective, it appears as if t'e
#a)er s&itc' is Lust anot'er router e.c'an1in1 information a$out topolo1) and movin1
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Anli%e traditional routers a #a)er s&itc' applies s&itc'in1 tec'nolo1ies in t'e
for&ardin1 plane. -'e main CPA does not inspect pac%ets unless t'e) are e.ceptions
!1. Di((eren$e between -outer8"wit$h8+ub8Dridge?
8u$s &or% at t'e P')sical la)er. A 'u$ is a totall) dum$ device. If it 1ets a data
si1nal, it Lust for&ards t'e si1nal to all devices. It cannot do an) %ind of filterin1 or
addressin1. Performance is not so 1ood $ecause a 'u$ canJt esta$lis' a direct
connection from one computer to anot'er.
If a s&itc' 1ets a data pac%et, it &ill tr) and find t'e destination device, and t'en
send it to t'at device onl), i.e. it esta$lis'es a point2to2point connection $et&een t'e
sendin1 and receivin1 devices. But t'e devices must $e on t'e same su$net. A s&itc'
&onQt send data pac%et to computers on different su$nets. A s&itc' $rea%s up collision
domains $ut it does not $rea% up $roadcast domains unless &e use =#A4s.
#i%e (&itc'es, Brid1es operate at t'e Data #in% la)er and filter pac%ets $ased on
t'e ?AC address. Eenerall) $rid1es are used to e.tend t'e distance capa$ilities of t'e
net&or% &'ile minimiBin1 overall traffic, and s&itc'es are used mainl) for t'eir filterin1
capa$ilities to create multiple =#A4s. Brid1es 'ave less num$er of ports t'an s&itc'es.
3outers &or% at t'e 4et&or% la)er and operate on t'e IP Address. 3outer onl)
1ets a data pac%et if t'e destination computer isnQt on t'e same su$net or #A4. -'e
router t'en finds t'e location of t'e destination device and t'en sends it in t'e ri1't
direction. A router $rea%s up $roadcast domains.
!2. +ow is a (ull8duple3 swit$h di((erent (ro a swit$h?
A full duple. s&itc' 'as one set of lines for receivin1 and one set of lines for
transmittin1, t'us it can do $ot' operations at t'e same time.
,onne$ting to a 2*.. -outer
Basicall) t'e router is connected from t'e console port
Ase a rollover ca$le, t'e one supplied $) Cisco is $lue and flat, 3W2G6 connectors.
Connect 1 end to t'e console port and t'e ot'er to an 3W2G6 to serial converterD
Plu1 t'at to t'e computersJ serial port
-'en 1o to 8)per-erminal
(elect t'e C;? port from connect usin1/ pro$a$l) C;?2 or C;?
C'an1e $its per second on t'e ne.t screen to 96"" and clic% o%
0ou s'ould $e in t'e router if u did it correctl)...
Pi$ture o( 2*.! -outer
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
!!. Di((eren$e between %irewall and Pro3'?
!). /a'ers in 5,P/IP?
ProcessFApplication #a)er
8ost2to28ost #a)er
Internet #a)er
4et&or% Access #a)er
!*. Di((eren$e between 5,P and LDP?
-CP converts upper la)er data in to se1ments and t'e se1ments are num$ered
and se@uenced so t'at t'e destination -CP can place t'em in t'e same order,
and can easil) detect a missin1 se1ment. But in APD data is $ro%en in to
se1ments and t'e se1ments are num$ered $ut not se@uenced.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
-CP is connection oriented $ecause it creates a virtual circuit $et&een t'e
source and destination $efore sendin1 data. But ADP does not create an) virtual
circuit $efore sendin1 data.
-CP uses ac%no&led1ement to resent missin1 se1ments, $ut t'ere is no
ac%no&led1ement in ADP.
(o &e can sa) -CP provide relia$le communication $ut ADP provides unrelia$le
(ince -CP is creatin1 virtual circuits, -CP is costl) in terms of $and&idt'. But
ADP 'as lo& over'ead
!9. ,lasses o( IP Address?

!:. What is the Pri#ate IP Address range?
1"."."." 2 1".266.266.266
1!2.16."." 2 1!
192.168."." 2
!;. +ow an' b'tes in an IPC network address?
8" Bits or 1" B)tes
!<. Di((erent t'pe o( onitoring tools
Performance ?onitor 2 ?onitors net&or% and computer statistics. Is a$le to lo1 t'e data
and e.port it for spreads'eet usa1e.
4et&or% ?onitor 2 ?onitors net&or% activit) and is a$le to capture and loo% at pac%ets of
data sent over t'e net&or%.
4etstat 2 Displa)s protocol statistics and current -CPFIP net&or% connections. 4etstat
s'o&s statistics since t'e server &as $ooted.
).. Network troubleshooting $oands?
)1. What are soe o( the probles asso$iated with operating a swit$hed /AN?
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
*ven t'ou1' s&itc' $rea%up collision domains it cannot $rea% up $roadcast
traffic. Broadcasts, multicasts and slo& conver1ence of spannin1 tree can cause
)2. What is a /a'er ) "wit$h?
#a)er G s&itc'es operate at t'e transport la)er of t'e -CPFIP stac%. #a)er G
s&itc'es operate at t'e ADP and -CP level, ma%in1 s&itc'in1 decisions $ased on
information 'eld in t'e transport la)er
)!. What is binding?
A process t'at esta$lis'es t'e initial communication c'annel $et&een t'e
protocol driver and t'e net&or% adapter card driver
In a clientFserver s)stem, a client transmits a re@uest to a server, t'e server performs a
processin1 operation, and t'e server returns a result. #ist all t'e possi$le t'in1s t'at can
1o &ron1 &it' transmission in t'is scenario.
1. 3e@uest 1ets lost, client &aits.
2. 3e@uest 1ets temporaril) lost, client sends anot'er, and t'en t&o re@uests arrive at
. 3esults from server are lost.
G. 3esults from server temporaril) lost, t'en client sends re@uest a1ain, 1ettin1 t&o sets
of results.
6. Client cras'es $efore results come $ac%.
6. (erver cras'es $efore re@uest arrives or after results start t'eir &a) $ac%.
)). What is the di((eren$e between ""/ and "8+55P?
""/0 "e$ure "o$kets /a'er? a protocol developed $) 4etscape for transmittin1
private documents via t'e Internet. ((# &or%s $) usin1 a private %e) to encr)pt data
t'atJs transferred over t'e ((# connection. Bot' 4etscape 4avi1ator and Internet
*.plorer support ((# and man) >e$ sites use t'e protocol to o$tain confidential user
information, suc' as credit card num$ers. B) convention, >e$ pa1es t'at re@uire an
((# connection start &it' 'ttps/ instead of 'ttp/(28--P/ (ecure28--P is t'e protocol
used for transmittin1 data securel) over t'e >orld >ide >e$ >'ereas ((# creates a
secure connection $et&een a client and a server, over &'ic' an) amount of data can $e
sent securel), (28--P is desi1ned to transmit individual messa1es securel). ((# and
(28--P, t'erefore, can $e seen as complementar) rat'er t'an competin1 tec'nolo1ies.
Bot' protocols 'ave $een su$mitted to t'e Internet *n1ineerin1 -as% 5orce +I*-5, for
approval as a standard
)*. What is Pa$ket "wit$hing?
Pac%et s&itc'in1 refers to protocols in &'ic' messa1es are divided into pac%ets
$efore t'e) are sent.
*ac' pac%et is t'en transmitted individuall) and can even follo& different routes to its
destination. ;nce all t'e pac%ets formin1 a messa1e arrive at t'e destination, t'e) are
recompiled into t'e ori1inal messa1e.
?ost modern >ide Area 4et&or% +>A4, protocols, includin1 -CPFIP, C.26, and 5rame
3ela), are $ased on pac%et2s&itc'in1 tec'nolo1ies.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
-'e normal telep'one service is $ased on a circuit2s&itc'in1 tec'nolo1), in &'ic' a
dedicated line is allocated for transmission $et&een t&o parties. Circuit2s&itc'in1 is ideal
&'en data must $e transmitted @uic%l) and must arrive in t'e same order in &'ic' it is
sent. -'is is t'e case &it' most real2time data, suc' as live audio and video. Pac%et
s&itc'in1 is more efficient and ro$ust for data t'at can &it'stand some dela)s in
transmission, suc' as e2mail messa1es and >e$ pa1es. A pac%et s&itc'ed net&or% is
simpl) a di1ital data transmission net&or% t'at uses pac%et s&itc'in1 tec'nolo1).
)9. %irewalls & An o#er#iew
As t'e 4ame implies, fire&alls are an electronic $arrier desi1ned to e.clude
unaut'oriBed access to private net&or%s. -'e) come in various forms and different
de1rees of sop'istication, dependin1 on t'e siBe of t'e or1aniBation and t'e nature of
t'e information stored.
5ire&alls, $ot' 'ard&are and or soft&are2$ased, primaril) protect a net&or% or central
s)stem from 'ac%er intrusion from t'e Internet or ot'er pu$lic net&or%. In addition, some
fire&alls also restrict #A4 user access to inappropriate &e$sites. All net&or%s &it'
access to t'e Internet need a fire&all.
+ow a %irewall works
1. In t'e middle of t'e t&o net&or%s sits a router.
2. An access control list is placed on t'e router &'ic' 'as a list of IP addresses t'at can
$e allo&ed on to t'e net&or%.
. >'en )ou tr) to access t'e net&or%, t'e router automaticall) c'ec%s t'e list.
G. If )our IP address is one of t'ose on t'e list, )ouJre allo&ed in. If not, )ou sit outside
/iitations o( %irewalls
\ 5ire&alls must $e updated &it' a list of inappropriate $anned &e$sites, as ne& sites
appear ver) @uic%l).
\ 5ire&alls are not an effective protection a1ainst soft&are viruses. >e recommend t'at
all users install anti22virus soft&are.
\ ;ften 5ire&alls are positioned $et&een an Internet router and t'e internal #A4, t'is
result in a net&or% $ottlenec%. Careful consideration s'ould $e paid to &'ere a fire&all is
placed. >e recommend t'at t'e fire&all is installed $et&een a s&itc' and an Internet
\ 5ire&alls cannot protect a1ainst J$ac% doorsJ, &'ere a sin1le net&or% user 'as installed
a separate Internet connection. -o prevent t'is, companies s'ould put an effective
Internet access polic) in place.
\ *@uipped &it' t'e correct pass&ord, 'ac%ers can 1ain access to )our net&or% in spite
of a fire&all. -o solve t'is, all pass&ords s'ould $e c'an1ed re1ularl)
):. In the 5,P $lient8ser#er odel? how does the three8wa' handshake work in
opening $onne$tion?
A/ -'e client first sends a pac%et &it' se@uence P.P to t'e server. >'en t'e server
receives t'is pac%et, t'e server &ill send $ac% anot'er pac%et &it' se@uence P)P,
ac%no&led1in1 t'e re@uest of t'e client. >'en t'e client receives t'e ac%no&led1ement
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
from t'e server, t'e client &ill t'en send an ac%no&led1ement $ac% to t'e server for
ac%no&led1in1 t'at se@uence P)P 'as $een received.
);. What is the purpose o( e3$hanging beginning seMuen$e nubers during the
$onne$tion in the 5,P $lient8ser#er odel?
-o ensure t'at an) data lost durin1 data transfer can $e retransmitted.
)<. What is +55P 5unneling?
8--P -unnelin1 is a securit) met'od t'at encr)pts pac%ets travelin1 t'ou1't t'e
internet. ;nl) t'e intended recipient s'ould $e a$le to decr)pt t'e pac%ets. It can $e
used to Create >irtual Pri#ate Networks. 4>PN6
*.. =ost ,oon Port Nubers
*1. 1"I /a'ers & %un$tions
*2. "iple =ail 5rans(er Proto$ol
(?-P allo&s A(CII te.t messa1es to $e sent to mail$ on -CPFIP 'osts t'at
'ave $een confi1ured &it' mail service.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1. A user &antin1 to send mail interacts &it' t'e local mail s)stem t'rou1' t'e Lser
Agent +AA, component of t'e mail s)stem.
2. -'e mail is deposited in a local out1oin1 mail$o..
. -'e sender (?-P process periodicall) polls t'e out1oin1 $o. and if a messa1e is
found it esta$lis'es a -CP connection on port 26 &it' t'e destination 'ost to &'ic' t'e
messa1e is to $e sent.
G. -'e receiver2(?-P at t'e destination receives t'e connection and t'e mail messa1e
is sent on t'at connection.
6. -'e receiver2(?-P deposits t'e mail in t'e destination mail $o. in t'e dest. 'ost.
6. If no matc'in1 mail$o. is found, a mail is send to t'e sender indicatin1 t'at t'e mail
$o. does not e.ists.
+-'e sender2(?-P and receiver2(?-P processes &'ic' are responsi$le for t'e transfer
of mail are called =essage 5rans(er Agents,
-o send nonte.t messa1es usin1 (?-P, &e can encode t'em as te.t usin1 t'e
AA*4C;D* utilit). -'e receiver &ill decode it usin1 anot'er utilit) called AAD*C;D*.
>e can also use ?I?* protocol
+?ultipurpose Internet ?ail *.tensions, to send nonte.t messa1es li%e ric' te.t, ima1e,
audio, video and 8-?#.
*!. "oe "=5P $oands
*). Lsing telnet to $onta$t "=5P on port 2* 45roubleshooting6
,lient0 5elnet 1".1".2".1 26 +1".1".2".1/ IP of (?-P (erver. If connection is
esta$lis'ed, t'en server is reac'a$le,
-r) sendin1 a mail to t'e server
,lient0 8*#; machine +mac'ine/ ;ur mac'ines D4( 'ost name,
"er#er0 8*#; machine pleased to meet )ou
,lient0 ?AI# 53;?/ san$o%&&'
"er#er0 26" ;M
,lient0 3CP- -;/ krishna%&&'
"er#er0 26" ;M
,lient0 DA-A
"er#er0 6G start mail inputD end &it' IC3#5H.IC3#5H
,lient0 -'is is t'e test messa1e 1
,lient0 -'is is t'e test messa1e 1
,lient0 .
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
"er#er0 26" ;M
**. Post 1((i$e Proto$ol >ersion !
(?-P &ants t'e destination 'ost +?ail (erver, to $e online. ;t'er&ise a -CP
connection can not $e esta$lis'ed &it' t'e destination 'ost. (ince des%top mac'ines are
not al&a)s online &e can not use (?-P for receivin1 mail.
-'e (?-P mail server is al&a)s online and provides a mail drop service. >or% stations
retrieve mail from server usin1 P;P. P;P -CP and listens on port 11". P;P is used
onl) to do&nload mail. >it' P;P, =D* 4=essage Digest #ersion *6 can $e used for
A P;P session 'as G p'ases
1. ,onne$tion state/ -CP connection &it' P;P server is esta$lis'ed
2. Authori7ation state/ Aser must provide Asername and Pass&ord to $e aut'enticated
$) t'e server
!. 5ransa$tion state/ After aut'entication is t'e transaction state in &'ic' a num$er of
commands li%e (-A-, #I(-, 3*-3, D*#* and 3(*- can $e issued.
). Lpdate state/ After t'e messa1e 'as $een do&nloaded P;P enters update state in
&'ic' P;P clients issue t'e 9AI- command to close t'e connection
P1P! 5roubleshooting
5elnet 1".1".2".1 11. +If telnet connection is esta$lis'ed it means t'e server is
()* +)+ server is ready
L"2- sanLo9""])a'
()* m n += is t'e num$er of messa1es and N is t'e total $)tes in all messa1es,
1 s1
2 s2 +(1, (2 are t'e siBe of messa1e 1 and 2,
-25- 1 +3etrieves messa1e 1,
,ere goes the text o- message 1
D2/2 1 +Deletes messa1e 1,
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
()* +)+ server signing o--
*9. Internet =essage Appli$ation Proto$ol 4I=AP6?
P;P does not allo& t'e direct manipulation of mail messa1es at t'e server. -'e mail
must $e do&nloaded to t'e &or%station $efore it can $e manipulated. I?APG is desi1ned
to access and manipulate mails on t'e server. >it' I?APG &e can manipulate remote
mail$ li%e local mail$
I?APG allo&s an offline client to res)nc'roniBe its mail$o. &it' t'e server.
5eatures of I?AP include t'e a$ilit) to/
\ Access and manipulate portions of email on a server &it'out do&nloadin1 t'em.
\ 3evie& messa1es and attac'ment &it'out do&nloadin1 t'em
\ Do&nload all messa1es for offline operation
\ 3es)nc'roniBe local mail$ &it' t'ose at t'e server
With I=AP we $an/
\ Create, delete, and rename mail$
\ C'ec% for ne& messa1es
\ Permanentl) remove messa1es from mail$
\ (et and clear fla1s indicatin1 t'e status of messa1es
\ 3eco1niBe 35C2822 'eaders and parse ?I?*2encoded messa1es
\ (earc' and selectivel) fetc' messa1e attri$utes, te.t, and portions t'ereof
?essa1es in I?APG are accessed $) t'e use of num$ers eit'er messa1e se@uence
num$ers or uni@ue identifiers. I?APG can $e used onl) to receive mail.
I=AP) $an be in one o( (our states.
4on2Aut'enticated -'is state is entered &'en a connection starts Aut'enticated 2 -'is
state is entered &'en accepta$le aut'entication credentials 'ave $een provided
(elected 2 -'is state is entered after a valid mail$o. 'as $een selected #o1out 2 -'e
Connection is terminated and I?AP server closes t'e connection.
*:. What is an operating s'ste? /ist the basi$ (un$tions o( an operating s'ste.
-'e ;peratin1 ()stem is a soft&are pro1ram t'at controls t'e processin1 and 'ard&are
associated &it' a computer. -'e operatin1 s)stem is t'e first piece of soft&are loaded
into memor) &'en a computer starts. It is t'e operatin1 s)stem t'at launc'es or starts
ot'er soft&are pro1rams suc' as &ord processors, spreads'eets, data$ases, etc. -'e
operatin1 s)stem mana1es all of t'e resources on t'e computerD it controls all t'e
'ard&are in a mac'ine. ?ana1e all pro1rams and resourcesD 'andle IF;, securit),
memor) mana1ement, stora1e mana1ement, etc are t'e important functions of an ;(.
*;. "haring a (older?
>'o can create s'are a folder
In a DC 2 ?em$ers of Domain Admins, Administrator and (erver ;perators 1roups
#ocal Computer 2 ?em$ers of Administrator and Po&er Asers 1roups
('are permissions
\ ('are permissions are 5ull Control, 3ead, and C'an1e.
\ #east restrictive permission is t'e userQs effective permission.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
\ A denied permission al&a)s overrides an allo&ed permission
\ >'en 4-5( and ('are permissions are applied to a folder t'e most restrictive &ill $e
applied &'en &e access t'e folder over t'e net&or% Administrative ('ares ;ne for t'e
root of eac' 8DD volume, ,O? DO and so on
AD=INO 2 -'e s)stem root e.1. C/R>I44-
-'e ^ si1n 'ides t'e s'are from normal users ot'er t'an Administrator.
4amin1 conventions
('are 4ame can $e up 8" c'ar. But &in 98F96 can read up to 12 c'ar.
LN, & Lni#ersal Naing ,on#ention
Consists of (erver name and s'are name e.g. EE"er#erE"hare
%QDN Ased in net&or%s &'ic' use D4( and -CPFIP
*.1. serverYname.domainYname.rootYdomainYname
Ase 4*- A(* to map a s'ared folder.
4et use d/ RR(erver1R('are1
*<. N5%" %ile & %older "e$urit'
(tandard 4-5( permissions are/ 5ull Control, ?odif), >rite, #ist 5older Contents, 3ead
< *.ecute, 3ead , Default 4-5( permission is *ver)one 5ull Control
>e can use *.plorer or Cacls.e.e to assi1n 4-5( permissions
-o appl) 4-5( permissions )ou must 'ave 5ull Control 1- )ou must $e t'e ;&ner of
t'e file.
+ow perissions are applied to New? =o#ed and ,opied (iles?
?ove to different folder on different volume 3eceives destination permission
re1ardless of ori1inal Permission
?ove to different folder on same volume -etains ori1inal permissions re1ardless of
destination Permission
Cop) to a different folder on a different volume 3eceives destination permission
re1ardless of ori1inal Permission
Cop) to a different folder on t'e same volume 3eceives destination permission
re1ardless of ori1inal Permission
Who $an take ownerships?
Administrator, user &it' 5ull Control, or user &it' _-a%e ;&ners'ip of 5iles and 5olders[
user ri1't assi1ned
9.. About Disk Quota?
;nl) Administrators can confi1ure dis% @uota.
Dis% @uota cannot $e set to Eroups
91. Perissions (or Printing?
Who $an add a printer?
#ocal Computer/ Administrators and Po&er Asers
DC/ Administrators, Print ;perators and (erver ;perators
\ >e can add printers on a remote computer $) $ro&sin1 t'rou1' t'e net&or%
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
\ -o access internet printer t'rou1' t'e &e$ $ro&ser t)pe 'ttp/FF (erver"1F
92. Lser A$$ounts
Who $an $reate Lser A$$ounts?
Administrator or Po&er Asers Eroup in a 4on2DC
Administrator < Account ;perators Eroup In DC
+-'e Po&er Asers and Account ;perators cannot do ever)t'in1 re1ardin1 user
Aser4ame can $e up to 2" c'ar +Allo&s enterin1 more t'an 2" $ut &ill reco1niBe onl)
1st 2",
#o1on scripts for all domain users are stored in t'e N25/1P1N s'are in t'e
9!. /ist o( Duilt8in Proups?
-'ere are 12 $uilt2in special 1roups/ *ver)one, Anon)mous #o1on, Aut'enticated users,
Creator ;&ner, Creator, Batc', Dialup, Interactive, 4et&or%, (ervice, ()stem, -erminal
(erver Aser, &'o can lo1on locall) on a DC Administrators, Account ;perators, Bac%up
;perators, Print ;perators, and (erver ;perators
9). -elationship between AD & DN"
AD uses D4( for name resolution. (o &'en &e setup AD, D4( must $e present. AD is
a director) service and D4( is name resolution service. AD uses D4( to resolve name
to IP address. (pecificall), AD uses D4( to find D4( resource +(3=, records for #DAP
services. AD use #ADP protocol to e.c'an1e director) information and uses D4( to
discover t'e IP address of #DAP services.
9*. 2ergen$' -epair Disk
*3D contains files AA-;*C*C.4- +Installs CD 3;? support,, C;45IE.4- +#oads
D;( in to Apper ?emor) Bloc% in conventional memor) and loads 8I?*?.(0( to read
memor) a$ove 6G"MB, and (*-AP.#;E.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
99. "e$uring the PWs?
DonQt use )our name, name of famil) mem$ers or part of t'e name as pass&ord
4ever tell t'e pass&ord to an) one
Do not &rite do&n t'e pass&ord on a paper of fi. it to monitor
Ase si1nificantl) lon1 pass&ords
Ase a mi. of uppercase, lo&ercase, num$er and special c'aracters in t'e pass&ord
C'an1e pass&ord re1ularl) and donQt use t'e same pass&ord a1ain
9:. 23plain the boot pro$ess o( Windows 2...
"tep 1 /oading N5/D-
4-#D3 is located in t'e $oot partition of t'e serversQ 'ard dis%. >'at it does is,
1. ('ift t'e processor in to 86 mode
2. (tart a simple file s)stem t'at allo&s &2% to $oot from t'e 8DD
. 3eads t'e content of Boot.ini and displa)s a list of possi$le $oot options
G. Accepts our c'oice of &'ic' ;( to load
4o& 4-D#3 pass t'e control to 4-D*-*C-.C;? to detect t'e 'ard&are.
"tep 2 -unning N5D252,5.,1=
4-D*-*C-.C;? is responsi$le for fi1urin1 out &'at 'ard&are is present on t'e server.
And it involves
1. PCQs mac'ine ID t)pe
2. -'e BA( t)pe
. -'e video $oard t)pe
G. -'e %e)$oard and mouse t)pe
6. -'e serial and parallel ports present on t'e mac'ine
6. -'e 5lopp) and CD drives present on t'e computer
If )ou cannot 1et pass t'e 4-D*-*C-.C;? sta1e, it means t'ere is some 'ard&are
>'en 4-D*-*C-.C;? is successfull) completed, it $uilds t'e 'ard&are %e) of t'e
registr'? listed under
t'e 8M*0Y#;CA#Y?AC8I4*. -'is part of re1istr) is $uilt ever) time )ou $oot t'e
computer so t'at t can
reflect t'e current 'ard&are confi1uration.
"tep ! /oading N51"J-N/
>2M %ernel loads &it' t'e 8ard&are A$straction #a)er +8A#.D##,, some assem$l)
lan1ua1e code t'at
acts as an interface $et&een serverQs 'ard&are and t'e operatin1 s)stem and t'us &2%
to $e 'ard&are
independent. -'e %ernel loads in G p'ases.
Mernel load p'ase
Mernel initialiBation p'ase
(ervice load p'ase
>indo&s su$s)stem load p'ase
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Jernel load phase
;nce t'e 8A#.D## and 4-;(M34# are loaded in to memor), &2% loads t'e s)stem
settin1s, and stores t'em in 8M*0Y#;CA#Y?AC8I4* R()stemRCurrent Control (etR
(ervices. >2% reads t'e information to determine &'ic' drivers it must load and in &'ic'
Jernel initiali7ation phase
After t'e %ernel load p'ase, t'e %ernel initialiBes and scans t'e Current Control (et for
drivers &it' a current value of 1 and starts t'em. >2% $uilds a ne& Current Control (et
$ut does not save it. AA-;C8M.*C*, a C8MD(M2li%e utilit) runs to ma%e sure t'at t'e
file s)stem is intact. And t'is is also t'e sta1e &'ere t'e pa1e file is set up.
"er#i$e load phase
4o& &2% loads t'e service mana1er +(?(.*C*, and t'e &in2 su$s)stem. All services
&it' a start value of 2 starts and &rite t'e Current Control (et to t'e ()stem %e).
Windows subs'ste load phase
5inall), t'e &indo&s su$s)stem +t'e most part of &2%, t'e one t'at users most often
interacts &it',. -'e su$s)stem starts &it' winlogon.e3e t'at 'andles t'e lo1on and
lo1off. >inlo1on.e.e captures t'e username and pass&ord and passes t'em to local
securit) aut'orit) +#(A((.*C*, &'ic' compares t'e username and pass&ord &it' t'e
information stored in (A?. If t'e) matc' and user 'as lo1on ri1'ts, anot'er process
called A(*3I4I-.*C* runs t'e s'ell referenced in t'e s'ell value of
8M*0Y#;CA#Y?AC8I4*R (oft&areR ?icrosoft R>indo&s 4-R Current =ersionR >inl
o1on. +4ormall)e.plorer.e.e, &'ic' loads t'e des%top,
9;. Di((eren$e Windows 2... and Windows <;?
\ >2M supports 4-5( and provides more securit) t'an >in 98 i.e., 5ile and 5older
(ecurit) permissions, *ncr)ption, Dis% 9uota.
\ >2M 'as easier mana1ement of t'e 'ard&are &it' Advanced Plu12n2pla) li%e 78ot
\ >indo&s 98 is Lust for t'e des%top and 'ome users, $ut &2% is for a net&or%ed
corporate environment.
\ >2% is more sta$le t'an &in98
9<. Di((eren$e between Windows 2... and N5 )..?
*ven t'ou1' >indo&s 2""" is $uilt on t'e >indo&s 4- arc'itecture, t'ere are man)
ne& features
\ >2M supports 5A-2, and t'e *5(. 4- does not support 5A-2 and *5(.
\ Instead of (A? data$ase in 4-, >2% uses Active Director) and Eroup Polic) for
centraliBed and scala$le domain administration.
\ >2M 'as easier mana1ement of t'e 'ard&are &it' Advanced Plu12n2pla) li%e 78ot
\ 4- uses 4-F#A4 ?ana1er as t'e aut'entication protocol. But >2% uses Internet
standard %er$erose =6 for aut'entication.
\ And some ot'er ne& features of &2% are, A(B support, 3ecover) Console,
Intelli?irror, inte1ration of II( and -erminal (ervices
\ And redesi1ned man) of t'e mana1ement tools ??C, Dis% Administration, AD(I, etc
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
:.. What are the di((eren$es between Windows 2... Pro(essional? "er#er?
Ad#an$ed "er#er? and Data ,enter?
>indo&s 2""" Professional is a des%top operatin1 s)stem. It can support 2 processors,
G EB 3A?, as &ell as multiple monitors.
>indo&s 2""" (erver supports G processors, G EB 3A? and is desi1ned to 'old t'e
role of a DC, file and print server, application server, etc.
>indo&s 2""" Advanced (erver is desi1ned for 'i1' end mission critical platforms,
supports 8 processors, 8 EB 3A? and includes support for 2 &a) server clusterin1.
>indo&s 2""" Data Center (erver 1oes even furt'er t'an Advanced (erver in t'at it
can support up to 2 processors, 6G EB 3A?, cascadin1 failover amon1 G nodes, and
2 node net&or% load $alancin1.
:1. What is the di((eren$e between CP +oe 2dition and Pro(essional?
>indo&s CP Professional includes/ 3oamin1 user profiles, 3emote des%top, *ncr)ptin1
file s)stem, ;ffline files and folders, 3emote installation service, >indo&s server domain
support, Eroup polic).
:2. What are the disad#antages o( Windows 2... "er#er?
>indo&s 2""" (erver re@uires more s)stem resource. 0ou need a po&erful mac'ine to
run >indo&s 2""" (erver. -'e >indo&s 2""" (erver does not 'ave a 1ood reputation
in term of server sta$ilit). -'e >indo&s 2""" (erver needs re$oot more fre@uent t'an
A4IC and #inu.. If )ou are usin1 >indo&s 2""" (erver 'ostin1 services, )ou need to
invest a lot of mone) in t'e development tools. ?ost of t'em are ?icrosoft products. -'e
costs of applications t'at can run on )our &e$ site are usuall) 'i1'er t'an t'at of A4IC.
5or e.ample, )ou can find a lot of free scripts to run &e$ $oard, c'at room, &e$ stats,
email for )our Ani.2$ased &e$ site, $ut )ou &onJt find man) free applications in
>indo&s 2""" (erver &orld.
:!. WhatBs the di((eren$e between Windows 2... and Windows CP?
\ >indo&s CP 'as 'i1'er s)stem re@uirements $ut some&'at faster t'an >indo&s
\ CP 'as more colorful EAI t'an earlier versions and &e can s&itc' $ac% to 2""" li%e
classic interface.
\ >indo&s CP 'as more features, suc' as t'e >indo&s ?ovie ?a%er, $uilt2in CD &riter
support, t'e Internet Connection 5ire&all, and 3emote Des%top Connection.
\ >indo&s CP 'as $etter support for 1ames and multimedia.
\ Bac%&ard compati$ilit) &it' 96F98F?eF&2% and 4-G+(P6,.
\ >indo&s CP 'as product activation
\ (&itc'in1 $et&een different users sessions &it' out lo11in1 of.
\ >e 'ave t'e option of usin1 simple file s'arin1 or file permissions at an 4-5( drive.
\ ?ore advanced searc' for findin1 users, 1roups, etc.
:). What is A$ti#e Dire$tor'?
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
AD is t'e director) service in >indo&s2""" net&or%. AD is a 'ierarc'ical data$ase. A
director) service stores information a$out net&or% resources and ma%e t'e resources
accessi$le to users and computers. It 'elps to centrall) mana1e, or1aniBe and control
access to resources. AD o$Lects include users, 1roups, computers, printers, etc.
(ervers, domains and sites are also considered as AD o$Lects.
:*. De(ine =ultitasking? =ultipro$essing and =ultithreading?
?ultitas%in1 is t'e a$ilit) to e.ecute more t'an one tas% at t'e same time. In
?ultitas%in1, onl) one CPA is involved, $ut it s&itc'es from one pro1ram to anot'er so
@uic%l) t'at it 1ives t'e appearance of e.ecutin1 all of t'e pro1rams at t'e same time.
?ultiprocessin1 is t'e capa$ilit) of an ;( to use more t'an one processors in a sin1le
computer simultaneousl). ()mmetric ?ultiprocessin1 is t'e t)pe of multiprocessin1 in
&'ic' s)stem processes and applications can $e run on an) availa$le processor. 8ere
no particular application or process is assi1ned to a particular processor. -'e smallest
unit of processin1 t'at can $e sc'eduled $) &2% %ernel is called a t'read. All
applications re@uire at least one t'read. >'en an application 'as more t'an one t'read
eac' of t'em can $e e.ecuted independentl). -'is is called multit'readin1.
:9.What is ulti$asting?
It is t'e transmission of an IP data1ram to a 1roup of 'osts t'at is identified $) a sin1le
class D IP address i.e. from a sin1le source to man) destinations.
::. What are the bene(its o( N5%"?
Provides $ot' file and folder securit), supports encr)ption, compression, dis% @uota and
provides faster access t'an 5A- and 5A-2, maintains a rec)cle $in for eac' user,
allo&s dis% mountin1 and it is a 'i1'l) relia$le and recovera$le file s)stem. Is 'as $uilt in
automatic file s)stem repairin1 capa$ilities.
%A5 !2 N5%"
It does not support file level securit) onl) It support $ot' file level and director)
It support director) level securit) level securit)
It support onl) net&or% level securit) It supports $ot' local and net&or% level
It does not support file compression and It support $ot'.
*ncr)ption data
It does not support dis% @uota It support dis% @uota.
:;. Di((eren$e between %A5? %A5!2 and N5%"
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
>indo&s 2"""F4-F96F98 support CD5( and AD5 and does not support 8P5(. >2%
does not support 8P5(. ;nl) 4- .61 and some earlier versions support 8P5(
:<. Qou $annot log on to ' network. What will 'ou do?
\ ?a%e sure t'at t'e 8u$F(&itc' is on
\ ?a%e sure t'at t'e mac'ine is in t'e correct &or% 1roup or domain.
\ ?a%e sure t'at t'e appropriate net&or% client and protocols installed
\ C'ec% t'e adapter settin1s and verif) -CPFIP confi1uration i.e. c'ec% t'e IP and
(u$net ?as%.
\ ?a%e sure t'at t'e net&or% adapter is installed correctl).
\ -'e adapter and slot functionin1 are properl).
\ -'e ca$le securel) connected to )our net&or% adapter
\ (ome times some failed services can prevent )ou from lo11in1 into t'e domain
;.. Lser4s6 are $oplaining o( dela's when using the network. What would 'ou
\ C'ec% &'et'er t'is is net&or%2&ide pro$lem or s)stem specific.
\ ?a%e sure )ou donJt 'ave man) pro1rams runnin1 in t'e $ac%1round, particularl) ones
t'at use an Internet connection. 5ile s'arin1 pro1rams can often cause e.treme
\ Delete an) temporar) Internet files and ma%e sure t'e cac'e siBes are set correctl).
\ Bad connections are sometimes caused $) fault) ca$les. -r) a different ca$le.
\ 3un a virus scan. =iruses often run in t'e $ac%1round and use up tons of resources.
;1. Dasi$ Disk and D'nai$ Disk?
Dasi$ disks use standard formattin1 and partitionin1 and contain primar) partitions,
e.tended partitions and lo1ical drives. A $asic dis% can 'ave ma.imum of G partitions.
-'ere can $e onl) one e.tended partition &'ic' can $e divided in to lo1ical drives. 0ou
must use $asic dis% if )ou &ant to support dual $ootin1 since d)namic dis% is onl)
reco1niBed $) &2%.
D'nai$ disk does not contain primar) partitions, e.tended partitions or lo1ical drives.
It contains d)namic volumes. Anli%e t'e G partition limit in $asic dis% d)namic dis% can
support unlimited num$er of volumes. In &2% &e must use d)namic dis% to create an)
volume t'at e.tents over more t'an one p')sical dis%. >2% &ill support 4- $asic dis% if
t'e) are created in 4- $ut &it' &2% )ou can create onl) d)namic dis%s.
;2. What is a -AID? De(ine di((erent -AID le#els?
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
A 3AID s)stem is a collection of 'ard drives Loined to1et'er for speed and fault
-AID .0 At least 2 'ard drives are re@uired, prefera$l) identical. 4one of t'e space is
&asted as lon1 as t'e 'ard drives used are identical. Data is stored evenl) and
se@uentiall) across all dis%s. A striped volume is accessed &it' a sin1le drive letter as if
all t'e dis%s &ere com$ined in to a sin1le drive. It can $e created on 5A-, 5A-2 and
4-5(. -'is level offers t'e 'i1'est level of performance $ut no redundanc). If an) of t'e
'ard drives in t'e arra) fails, ever)t'in1 &ill $e lost.
-AID 10 -'is level is %no&n as mirrorin1. -&o identical copies of data are stored on t&o
drives. >'en one drive fails, t'e ot'er drive still 'as t'e data to %eep t'e s)stem 1oin1.
3e$uildin1 a lost drive is ver) simple since )ou still 'ave t'e second cop). It can $e
created on 5A-, 5A-2 and 4-5(.
Asin1 an e.tra 3AID controller can increase t'e fault tolerance even more. *ven t'ou1'
t'e performance $enefits are not 1reat, it provides t'e 'i1'est de1ree of fault tolerance.
It is supported onl) in >indo&s 2""" (erver and Advanced (erver
-AID *0 3AID26 is identical siBed areas of formatted dis% space located in or more
d)namic dis%s. Data is stored evenl) and se@uentiall) amon1 all dis%s and parit)
information is &ritten across all dis%s in t'e volume.
3AID6 is accessed &it' a sin1le drive letter as if all t'e dis%s &ere com$ined in to a
sin1le drive. It can $e formatted &it' 5A-, 5A-2 and 4-5(. If a sin1le dis% in t'e
3AID6 fails data can $e recovered usin1 t'e parit) information $ut if more t'an one dis%
fails )ou can not recover data. It is supported onl) in >indo&s 2""" (erver and
Advanced (erver.
Non8-AID and -AID
3AID prevents data loss and ensures continuous data suppl), even durin1 and after
limited dis% failure. But non23AID does not support fault tolerance. 3AID is more
e.pensive t'an non 3AID.
"o(tware -AID and +ardware -AID
8ard&are 3AID is t)picall) easier to mana1e, maintain, and up1rade. (oft&are 3AID
does not allo& man) advanced 3AID features li%e ;nline Capacit) *.pansion nor does
soft&are 3AID allo& pre2notification of dis% drive failure, auto re$uild, or 'ot2plu11a$le
'ard dis% drives.
;!. What is +ot "pares?
A 'ot spare is a stand $) drive assi1ned to an) dis% arra) or a 1roup of arra)s. If a drive
1oes do&n in an arra), it &ill $e automaticall) replaced $) t'e 'ot spare.
;). What is a $oputer #irus?
A computer virus is a piece of malicious code t'at attac'es to important areas &it'in
computers, suc' as e.ecuta$le files, and t'e $oot areas of flopp) dis%s and 'ard dis%s.
-'e $asic virus t)pes are defined $) t'e area of t'e computer t'e) infect/
Doot #iruses/ Insert instructions into t'e $oot sectors of flopp) dis%s, or t'e $oot sector
or master $oot record +partition sector, of a 'ard dis%.
Progra #iruses0 Infect e.ecuta$le files suc' as .C;?, .*C*, and .D## files.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
?acro viruses/ Infect document files suc' as ?icrosoft >ord .D;C files $) c'an1in1 t'e
&a) macros $e'ave.
;t'er t)pes of destructive code include &orms, -roLan 'orses, and lo1ic $om$s. -'ese
t)pes of destructive code are different t'an viruses $ecause t'e) donJt replicate.
;*. 19bit and !2bit 1perating "'stes?
;9. What is L"D?
L"D 4Lni#ersal "erial Dus6 is a ne& met'od of connectin1 perip'erals to a PC t'at is
simpler and more fle.i$le t'an traditional met'ods.
5or eac' A(B port on a computer, users can connect up to 12! devices. *ver) time a
device is added, t'e operatin1 s)stem +>in96 =ersion 2, >in98, >in2""", ?AC ;( 8.1
or 'i1'er, loads t'e devices automaticall), allo&in1 t'e device to $e used &it'out 'avin1
to re$oot t'e PC. -'e device ma) $e unplu11ed, used else&'ere, t'en plu11ed $ac%
a1ain 2 and it &ill &or% ri1't a&a) &it'out 'avin1 to re$oot t'e PC.
A(B operates at t&o speeds, 1.6?$ps for devices suc' as mice, %e)$oards and
scanners, and 122 ?$ps for devices usin1 lar1e amounts of data li%e 'ard drives and
video cameras +compared &it' older serial ports &'ic' 'ave a ma.imum speed of onl)
116.2 MBps,.
;:. =ost ,oon hardware probles?
;ne of t'e most common pro$lems is 'ard&are conflict, &'en t&o devices are
confi1ured to use t'e same I39. 3econfi1ure one of t'e conflictin1 devices to use a
nonconflictin1 settin1.
Anot'er t)pe of 'ard&are pro$lem occurs &'en a device is p')sicall) confi1ured in one
&a) +i.e. t'rou1' Lumpers, s&itc'es, and t'e driver soft&are is confi1ured in anot'er
&a). *it'er c'an1e t'e 'ard&are settin1s or use device mana1er to use t'e soft&are
,oon steps in hardware troubleshooting
\ #oo% for conflicts
\ =erif) t'at t'e correct device driver is installed
\ If it is an e.ternal device ma%e sure t'at it is po&ered on and all ca$les are correctl)
connected to t'e s)stem
\ =erif) t'at t'e device is ena$led in t'e current 'ard&are profile
\ -r) re$ootin1 t'e computer
\ -r) uninstallin1 and reinstallin1 t'e device
\ 3eplace t'e device &it' anot'er similar device
\ C'ec% t'e device &it' 8C#
"oe hardware probles and $auses "'pto ,ause 4Probabl'6
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Computer does not $oot at all, does not ma%e an) noise, does not do an)t'in1 at all
Dead Po&er (uppl) or Dead Po&er Cord. ;nl) starts t'e fan and does not do an)t'in1
Pro$lem &it' mot'er $oard Counts up memor) $ut does not displa) an)t'in1 on t'e
screen +Can 'ear it, canQt see it, Pro$lem &it' video cars Boots and finds t'e CD and
5lopp), $ut not t'e 8DD Pro$lem &it' 8DD controller Boot and identif) t'e 8DD
controller $ut does not find a $oota$le 8DD 8DD pro$lem.
;;. Di((eren$e between uninstalling and unplugging a de#i$e?
Aninstallin1 completel) remove all drivers associated &it' a 'ard&are device t'at )ou
plan to p')sicall) remove from a device.
In unplu11in1 )ou onl) stop all divers runnin1 for a device $efore p')sicall) removin1 t'e
device from t'e computer. But all t'e drivers remain installed in t'e computer so t'at )ou
can plu1 t'e device $ac% at a later time.
;<. "wit$hed =ode Power "uppl' 4"=P"6?
-'e main function of (?P( is to convert AC in to DC. It converts Ac to `F2 6 or `F2 12
<.. What is DI1"?
DI1"0 Dasi$ input 1utput "'ste
It is a small pro1ram stored in a 3;? c'ip soldered to t'e mot'er$oard. -'is is never
c'an1in1 and controls t'e core devices of t'e PC. It also mana1es data flo& $et&een
t'e computerJs operatin1 s)stem and attac'ed devices suc' as t'e 'ard dis%, video
adapter, %e)$oard, mouse, and printer.
DI1" shadowing
('ado&in1 is t'e process of cop)in1 BI;( code from slo& 3;? c'ips into faster 3A?
c'ips durin1 $ootup so t'at an) access to BI;( routines &ill $e faster. D;( and ot'er
operatin1 s)stems ma) access BI;( routines fre@uentl). ()stem performance is 1reatl)
improved if t'e BI;( is accessed from 3A? rat'er t'an from a slo&er 3;? c'ip.
<1. What is ,=1"?
A c'ip located in t'e mot'er $oard t'at contains t'e data used $) t'e s)stem BI;( for
s)stem confi1uration. -'is information is updata$le and re@uires constant po&er to %eep
it from loosin1 information.
,=1"0 ,'lindri$al =etal 13ide "ei$ondu$tor
<2.I-Q 8 Interrupt -eMuests
An I39 is a 'ard&are interruptD t'is means t'at t'ere is a p')sical line run to eac' of t'e
slots on t'e mot'er$oard.
-'ere are 8 I39 +I39"2!, lines t'at run to t'e 8 $it I(A slot. -'ere are 8 more +I398216,
t'at run to t'e 16 $it I(A e.tension slot. 5or a total of 16 I39s in a t)pical I(A $us PC.
I-Q. 'as t'e 'i1'est priorit) and I-Q: t'e lo&est priorit). I398216 'as PspecialP priorit)
as &ill $e e.plained.
An I39 can $e assi1ned to onl) one a$ti#e device at a time. If 2 devices s'are t'e
same I39, t'is is called a $on(li$t. -'is means t'at &'en t'e I39 line $ecomes active,
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
t'e CPA does not %no& &'ic' device needs to Ptal%P. 5or e.ample if a modem used
I396 and a 4IC used I396.
I-Q %un$tion
I39 " ()stem -imer
I39 1 Me)$oard Controller
I39 2 Cascaded to I398216
I39 Com2FComG
I39 G Com1FCom
I39 6 (ound cardF#P-2
I39 6 5lopp) drive controller
I39 ! Parallel port #P-1
I39 8 3eal2time cloc%
I39 9 a2Availa$le +I392,
I39 1" 4IC
I39 11 (C(I adapter
I39 12 ?ot'er$oard mouseFavaila$le
I39 1 ?at' coprocessor
I39 1G Primar) ID* controller
I39 16 (econdar) ID* controller
,1= Port ,on(li$ts
4ote t'at C;?1 and C;? s'are I39G. -'is is allo&ed as lon1 as onl) one device is
active at a time.
-'is means t'at if )ou are runnin1 a mouse on C;?1 t'en )ou cannot use C;? for an
internal modem. 0ou &ill run into a conflict. (ome communication pac%a1es &ill allo&
)ou to do t'is $ut most &ill c'o%e or cause fla%) operation. A common s)mptom is if )ou
move t'e mouse, )ou see 1ar$a1e on )our terminal pro1ram.
C;?2 and C;?G 'ave a similar pro$lem e.cept t'at most people donJt use C;?2. It is
usuall) safe to confi1ure an internal modem to C;?G. If C;?2 is used, it is t)picall)
used for an e.ternal modem or a plotter. Asuall), $ot' are not active at t'e same time.
(tandard C;? Port Assi1nment
<!. ","I ,ard 4"all "$ale "'ste Inter(a$e60
A (C(I card is a card t'at &ill control t'e interface $et&een (C(I 'ard drives, CD23;?
drives, CD3;? $urners, remova$le drives, e.ternal devices suc' as scanners, and an)
ot'er (C(I components.
?ost are PCI and t'ere is a &ide ran1e of t)pes. -'e t'ree main t)pes of connectors on
t'ese cards are 262pin for (C(I21, 6"2pin for 4arro& (C(I, and 682pin for >ide (C(I
+and Altra2>ide (C(I, Altra22(C(I, and Altra16" (C(I,.
(C(I controllers provide fast access to ver) fast (C(I 'ard drives. -'e) can $e muc'
faster t'an t'e ID* controllers t'at are alread) inte1rated into t'e mot'er$oards. (C(I
controllers 'ave t'eir o&n advanced processin1 c'ips, &'ic' allo& t'em to rel) less on
t'e CPA for 'andlin1 instructions t'an ID* controllers do.
(C(I cards also 'ave t'e a$ilit) to 'ave up 16 devices or more per card, &'ile an ID*
controller is limited to onl) G devices. (C(I cards allo& t'ese drives to $e in a c'ain
alon1 t'e ca$le. *ac' drive on t'e ca$le 'as to 'ave a separate (C(I ID +t'is can $e set
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
$) Lumpers on t'e drive,. -'e last drive on t'e end of t'e ca$le +or t'e ca$le itself, 'as to
PterminateP t'e c'ain. 0ou turn termination on $) settin1 a termination Lumper on t'e
<). Proup Poli$'
Eroup Polic) and t'e Active Director) services infrastructure in >indo&s (erver 2""
ena$le I- administrators to automate one2to2man) mana1ement of users and computers
Nsimplif)in1 administrative tas%s and reducin1 I- costs. >it' t'e de$ut of Eroup Polic)
?ana1ement Console +EP?C,, polic)2$ased mana1ement is even easier.
Administrators can efficientl) implement securit) settin1s, enforce I- policies, and
distri$ute soft&are consistentl) across a 1iven site, domain, or ran1e of or1aniBational
%ile ser#er 'as t'e follo&in1 meanin1s/
A form of dis% stora1e t'at 'osts files &it'in a net&or%D file servers do not need to
$e 'i1'2end $ut must 'ave enou1' dis% space to incorporate a lar1e amount of
data. ?an) people mista%e file servers for a 'i1'2end stora1e s)stem, $ut in
realit), file servers do not need to possess 1reat po&er or super fast computer
A computer pro1ram, t'at allo&s different pro1rams, runnin1 on ot'er computers,
to access t'e files of t'at computer
In common parlance, t'e term (ile ser#er refers specificall) to a computer on
&'ic' a user can map or mount a drive or director) so t'at t'e director) appears
to $e on t'e mac'ine at &'ic' t'e user is sittin1. Additionall), on t'is t)pe of file
server, t'e user can read or &rite a file as t'ou1' it &ere part of t'e file s)stem of
t'e userJs computer.
5iles and directories on t'e remote computer are usuall) accessed usin1 a particular
protocol, suc' as >e$DA=, (?B, CI5(, 45(, Appletal% or t'eir mutations.
Alt'ou1' files can $e sent to and received from most ot'er computers unless
t'eir primar) function is access $) t'e a$ove means, t'e) are 1enerall) not
considered file servers as suc'.
<*. Pro3' ser#er
A pro.) server is a computer t'at offers a computer net&or% service to allo&
clients to ma%e indirect net&or% connections to ot'er net&or% services. A client connects
to t'e pro.) server, t'en re@uests a connection, file, or ot'er resource availa$le on a
different server. -'e pro.) provides t'e resource eit'er $) connectin1 to t'e specified
server or $) servin1 it from a cac'e. In some cases, t'e pro.) ma) alter t'e clientJs
re@uest or t'e serverJs response for various purposes.
<9. -eote Installation "er#i$e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
3emote Installation (ervice +3I(, is a feature included in ?icrosoftJs >indo&s
2""" server t'at allo&s net&or% administrators to install t'e >indo&s 2""" Professional
operatin1 s)stem and its up1rades to an) num$er of client computers at one time from a
centraliBed location. If t'e client computer is connected to t'e server t'rou1' a local area
net&or% +#A4,, t'e computerJs 'ard&are &ill find t'e 3I( server and re@uest a cop) of
t'e operatin1 s)stem. -'e net&or% administrator can use t'e 3I(rep ima1in1 option to
cop) several versions, or ima1es, of a compan)Js des%top confi1uration to t'e server so
t'at if a re@uest is made, t'e server can issue an Pima1eP for a particular computer or
user. ?icrosoft promotes t'e use of 3I( as a &a) to confi1ure ne& computers ri1't out
of t'e $o. and to restore t'e operatin1 s)stem on a computer t'at 'as failed
-I" Pre8reMuisites and Dependen$ies
Active Director) in 1eneral and D4( in particular.
D8CP 2 to ena$le t'e PC* net&or% cards to find t'e 3I( (erver.
2EB +`, 4-5( partition. (tore t'e ima1e a&a) from t'e s)stem files.
=ir1in client mac'ines &it' PC* net&or% cards
Detailed "tep8b'8"tep -I" "etup
Phase 1 8 Add or -eo#e Progras0
-'in% of installin1 t'e actual 3I( (ervice as a t&o sta1e process. Be1in Lust as )ou
install >I4( or Certificate or an) ot'er service. 4avi1ate to Add or 3emove Pro1rams,
>indo&s Components, select 3emote Installation (ervices.
Anli%e an) anot'er service t'at I %no&, t'ere is more &or% to do after t'e Add or
3emove pro1rams session completes. After )ou re$oot t'e >indo&s 2"" (erver, see%
out t'e Administrative -ools menu, and 3emote Installation (ervices (etup. -'e 3I(
&iBard is one of ?icrosoftJs $estD it 1uides )ou t'rou1' selectin1 t'e partition, and t'e
name for t'e first CP Professional ima1e.
4ote/ -'e a$ove met'od &or%s for >indo&s (erver 2"", $ut on >indo&s 2""", return
to t'e Add or 3emove pro1rams and see t'e ne&l) added item, &'ic' leads )ou t'rou1'
to p'ase 2. Be&are t'is is a trul) $iBarre e.perience and man) 1ive up at t'is point
Phase 2 8 Wi7ard to ,op' the CP Iage0
It sounds sill) no&, $ut t'e first time t'e 3I( &iBard prompted me for t'e CD, I put in t'e
>indo&s (erver 2"" CD. >ron1. I s'ould 'ave put t'e CP Professional CD in t'e
cadd), clearl) t'e &iBard &ants to create t'e client ima1e. +It did not need an) server
files., It ta%es a fair time to cop) t'e ima1e into )our 4-5( partition. 8ere is a screen
s'ot ta%en at t'e cop)in1 sta1e.
Phase ! 8 A$ti#e Dire$tor' Lsers and ,oputers0
Anot'er surprise, most of t'e rest of )our 3I( confi1uration is at t'e Computer o$Lect in
Active Director) Asers and Computers +ADAC,. 8o&ever, if )ou t'in% a$out &'atJs
1oin1 to 'appen, it ma%es sense to confi1ure 3I( in Active Director).
In t'e ADAC interface, navi1ate to t'e Computers container or t'e Domain Controllers if
)ou installed 3I( on a DC. -'e initial surprise is t'at t'e Computer ;$Lect of t'e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
mac'ine &'ere )ou Lust installed 3I( 'as e.tra -a$ called, 3emote Install. (ee dia1ram
4ote t'at t'e 3espond to client computers re@uestin1 service is not c'ec%ed $) default.
As an aside, m) vie& is t'at findin1 t'is c'ec% $o. is )our passin1 out test. ;fficiall), t'e
reason its unc'ec%ed is t'at ?icrosoft donJt &ant ro1ue laptops pic%in1 up ima1es $efore
)ou are read).
What Ne3t?
(o, )ou 'ave successfull) installed t'e (ervice, >'at ne.tK
Aut'oriBe 3I( F D8CP
?ore Confi1uration at t'e 3emote Install -a$. Includin1 c'ec%in1 3espond to
client computers re@uestin1 service.
Collect more 3I( Ima1es
Eet read) at t'e client to install t'e actual CP Professional Client usin1 3I(
<:. Da$kup
%ull ba$kup
-'is is t'e elementar) t)pe of $ac%in1 up. *ac' time t'e ne&l) created $ac%up file
replaces t'e old one.
"ta$k ba$kup
-'is arc'ive consists of t'e last created $ac%up and 4 previous versions. +4 2 is a stac%
siBe parameter,. -'is 4 previous versions are or1aniBed in stac% manner. -'eir
filenames are differs &it' suffi. PYMP added to filename +M is in ran1e 124,.
-'an older t'e $ac%up, t'at 1reater t'e M. All $ac%up files are located in t'e same
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Ad#an$ed sta$k ba$kup
-'e structure of t'is arc'ive is li%e stac% arc'ive &it' one addition/ it allo&s not to store
t'e unc'an1ed files in t'e old versions of $ac%up copies.
In$reental ba$kup
-'is is a $ac%up in &'ic' onl) t'e files t'at 'ave $een modified since t'e last $ac%up are
copied. It consists of Pfull $ac%upP and 4 folo&in1 se@uental incremental $ac%ups.
+&'ere 4 2 is a stac% siBe parameter,. -'e first $ac%up s'ould include all files 2 a Pfull
$ac%upP. -'e ne.t $ac%up cop) could also $e a Pfull $ac%upP $ut it is usuall) muc'
@uic%er to do, $ecause onl) files &'ic' 'ave $een c'an1ed since t'e last $ac%in1 up &ill
$e included in t'e incremental $ac%up. >'en 4 incremental copies &ill $e created, at
t'e ne.t step all old $ac%up files &ill $e deleted and t'e c)cle &ill $e repeated from t'e
*.ists possi$ilit) to save t'e full $ac%up at t'e $e1innin1 of t'e ne& c)cle. If an
additional parameter sa#e (ull ba$kups it c'ec%ed, t'en t'e full $ac%up is renamed and
saved in t'e same director).
Di((erential ba$kup
-'is $ac%up is consists of t&o files 2 full and differential $ac%up.
At first t'e pro1ram creates full $ac%up. 4e.t e.ecutions 1enerate a di((erential ba$kup
2 t'e $ac%up cop) of c'an1ed or ne&l) added files since t'e last full $ac%in1 up. If t'e
volume of differential cop) e.ceeds 4 percents of t'e full cop) +.ake a -ull /ackup only
i- ... parameter, or at least 4 da)s 'as passed since t'e full $ac%up creation +.ake a -ull
/ackup only a-ter ... parameter, t'en t'e pro1ram $e1ins a ne& c)cle &it' a full $ac%up.
5he ain di((eren$e between in$reental and di((erential ba$kups
5he in$reental ba$kup saves several intermediate versions of files &'ic'
'ave $een modified or created since t'e last $ac%in1 up.
5he di((erential ba$kup saves files &'ic' are not included in t'e full $ac%up
+ne&l) created or added files, or &'ic' are differ from t'e same files in t'e full
$ac%up. +-'e files are considered identical, if t'e) 'ave e@ual siBe and date2time
Adinistrator or Da$kup 1perator can ta%e $ac%ups. ;3 Asers &it' ba$kup (iles
and dire$tories user ri1't can ta%e $ac%up. 0ou cannot $ac%up s'ste state data over
t'e net&or%.
<;. Di((eren$e between windows ser#er 2..! and windows ser#er 2...
1. In 2% >e can 3ename t'e Domain and Domain Controller name.
2. (tu$ Bone is availa$le.
. 3emote Des%top connection is t'ere.
G. Automated ()stem 3ecover)+A(3, is t'ere, $ut 2% onl) *mer1enc) 3epair
Dis%+*3D, is t'ere.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
In 2"" &e 'ave concept of =olume s'ado& cop) service &'ic' is used to create 'ard
dis% snap s'ot &'ic' is used in Disaster recover) and 2""" doesnQt 'ave t'is service
A, In 2""" &e cannot rename domain &'ereas in 2"" &e can rename Domain
B, In 2""" it supports of 8 processors and 6G EB 3A? +In 2""" Advance (erver,
&'ereas in 2"" supports up to 6G processors and ma. of 612EB 3A?
C,2""" (upports II( 6." and 2"" (upports II(6."
D, 2""" doesnQt support Dot net &'ereas 2"" (upports ?icrosoft .4*- 2."
*, 2""" 'as (erver and Advance (erver editions &'ereas 2"" 'as (tandard,
*nterprise, Datacenter and >e$ server *ditions.
5, 2""" doesnQt 'ave an) 6G $it server operatin1 s)stem &'ereas 2"" 'as 6G $it server
operatin1 s)stems +>indo&s (erver 2"" C6G (td and *nterprise *dition,
E, 2""" 'as $asic concept of D5( +Distri$uted 5ile s)stems, &it' defined roots &'ereas
2"" 'as *n'anced D5( support &it' multiple roots.
8, In 2""" t'ere is in administerin1 Comple. net&or%s &'ereas 2"" is eas)
administration in all < Comple. net&or%s
I, In 2""" &e can create 1 million users and in 2"" &e can create 1 $illion users.
W, In 2"" &e 'ave concept of =olume s'ado& cop) service &'ic' is used to create
'ard dis% snap s'ot &'ic' is used in Disaster recover) and 2""" doesnQt 'ave t'is
M, In 2""" &e donQt 'ave end user polic) mana1ement, &'ereas in 2"" &e 'ave a *nd
user polic) mana1ement &'ic' is done in EP?C +Eroup polic) mana1ement console,.
#, In 2""" &e 'ave cross domain trust relation s'ip and 2"" &e 'ave Cross forest trust
?, 2""" (upports G2node clusterin1 and 2"" supports 82node clusterin1.
4, 2"" 'as 8i1' 8C# (upport +8ard&are Compati$ilit) #ist, issued $) ?icrosoft
;, Code name of 2""" is >in 4- 6." and Code name of 2"" is >in 4- 6.1
P, 2"" 'as service called AD5( +Active Director) 5ederation (ervices, &'ic' is used to
communicate $et&een $ranc'es &it' safe aut'entication.
9, In 2"" t'eir is improved stora1e mana1ement usin1 service 5ile (erver 3esource
?ana1er +5(3?,
3, 2"" 'as service called >indo&s ('are point (ervices +It is an inte1rated portfolio of
colla$oration and communication services desi1ned to connect people, information,
processes, and s)stems $ot' &it'in and $e)ond t'e or1aniBational fire&all.,
(, 2"" 'as Improved Print mana1ement compared to 2""" server
-, 2"" 'as telnet sessions availa$le.
A, 2""" supports IP=G &'ereas 2"" supports IP=G and IP=6
<<. N5/D- is issing0
N5/D- is issing.
3elated errors/
Belo& are t'e full error messa1es t'at ma) $e seen &'en t'e computer is $ootin1.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
N5/D- is =issing
Press an' ke' to restart
Doot0 ,ouldnBt (ind N5/D-
please insert another disk
N5/D- is issing
Press ,trl Alt Del to -estart
. Computer is $ootin1 from a non2$oota$le source.
G. Computer 'ard dis% drive is not properl) setup in BI;(.
6. Corrupt 4-#D3 andFor 4-D*-*C-.C;? file.
6. ?iss confi1uration &it' t'e $oot.ini file.
7! Attemptin1 to up1rade from a >indo&s 96, 98, or ?* computer t'at is usin1
8. 4e& 'ard dis% drive $ein1 added.
9. Corrupt $oot sector F master $oot record.
1". (eriousl) corrupted version of >indo&s 2""" or >indo&s CP.
11. #oose or 5ault) ID*F*ID* 'ard dis% drive ca$le.
,oputer is booting (ro a non8bootable sour$e
?an) times t'is error is caused &'en t'e computer is attemptin1 to $oot from a non2
$oota$le flopp) dis% or CD23;?. 5irst verif) t'at no flopp) dis%ette is in t'e computer,
unless )ou are attemptin1 to $oot from a dis%ette.
If )ou are attemptin1 to $oot from a flopp) dis%ette and are receivin1 t'is error messa1e
it is li%el) t'at t'e dis%ette does not 'ave all t'e necessar) files andFor is corrupt.
If )ou are attemptin1 to install >indo&s CP or >indo&s 2""" and are receivin1 t'is error
messa1e as t'e computer is $ootin1 verif) t'at )our computer BI;( 'as t'e proper $oot
settin1s. 5or e.ample, if )ou are attemptin1 to run t'e install from t'e CD23;? ma%e
sure t'e CD23;? is t'e first $oot device, and not t'e 'ard dis% drive.
(econd, &'en t'e computer is $ootin1 )ou s'ould receive t'e $elo& prompt.
Press an' ke' to boot (ro the ,DR
Iportant0 >'en )ou see t'is messa1e press an) %e) suc' as t'e *nter %e)
immediatel), ot'er&ise it &ill tr) $ootin1 from t'e 'ard drive and li%el) 1et t'e 4-#D3
error a1ain.
Note0 If )ou are not receivin1 t'e a$ove messa1e and )our BI;( $oot options are set
properl) itJs also possi$le t'at )our CD23;? drive ma) not $e $ootin1 from t'e CD23;?
properl). =erif) t'e Lumpers are set properl) on t'e CD23;? drive. Additional
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
information a$out c'ec%in1 t'e CD23;? drive connections can $e found on document
Additional in(oration0 -'is error 'as also $een %no&n to occur &'en a memor) stic%
is in a card reader and t'e computer is attemptin1 to $oot from it. If )ou 'ave an) t)pe of
card reader or flas' reader ma%e sure t'at no memor) stic% is inside t'e computer.
,oputer hard disk dri#e is not properl' setup in DI1"
=erif) t'at )our computer 'ard dis% drive is properl) setup in t'e BI;( F C?;( setup.
Improper settin1s can cause t'is error. Additional information on 'o& to enter t'e BI;( F
C?;( setup can $e found in document C8"""192.
,orrupt N5/D- and/or N5D252,5.,1= (ile
>indo&s 2""" users
>indo&s CP users
Windows 2... users
If )our computer is usin1 ?icrosoft >indo&s 2""" and )ou are encounterin1 t'e 4-#D3
error. Create t'e $elo& $oot.ini file on t'e flopp) dis%ette drive.
S$oot loaderT
Soperatin1 s)stemsT
multi+",dis%+",rdis%+",partition+1,R>I44-OP?icrosoft >indo&s 2""" ProfessionalP
Cop) t'e 4-#D3 and 4-D*-*C-.C;? files from anot'er computer usin1 t'e same
;peratin1 ()stem. Bot' of t'ese files are located in t'e root director) of t'e primar) 'ard
dis% drive. 5or e.ample, C/R4-#D3 and C/R4-D*-*C-.C;? s'ould $e t'e locations of
t'ese files on man) computers.
Please %eep in mind t'at t'ese files are 'idden s)stem files, if )ou need additional 'elp
&it' vie&in1 'idden files in >indo&s please see document C8"""616.
;nce t'ese files 'ave $een copied to a flopp) dis%ette re$oot t'e computer and cop) t'e
4-#D3 and 4-D*-*C-.C;? files to t'e root director) of t'e primar) 'ard dis% drive.
Belo& is an e.ample of &'at commonl) s'ould $e performed from t'e A/RH drive.
cop) ntldr c/
cop) c/
After t'e a$ove t&o files 'ave $een copied, remove t'e flopp) dis%ette and re$oot t'e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Windows CP users
1. Insert t'e >indo&s CP $oota$le CD into t'e computer.
2. >'en prompted to press an) %e) to $oot from t'e CD, press an) %e).
. ;nce in t'e >indo&s CP setup menu press t'e P3P %e) to repair >indo&s.
G. #o1 into )our >indo&s installation $) pressin1 t'e P1P %e) and pressin1 enter.
6. 0ou &ill t'en $e prompted for )our administrator pass&ord, enter t'at pass&ord.
6! Cop) t'e $elo& t&o files to t'e root director) of t'e primar) 'ard dis%. In t'e $elo&
e.ample &e are cop)in1 t'ese files from t'e CD23;? drive letter P*P. -'is letter ma) $e
different on )our computer.
cop) e/Ri86Rntldr c/R
cop) e/ c/R
!. ;nce $ot' of t'ese files 'ave $een successfull) copied, remove t'e CD from t'e
computer and re$oot.
=iss $on(iguration with the boot.ini (ile
*dit t'e $oot.ini on t'e root director) of t'e 'ard dis% drive and verif) t'at it is pointin1 to
t'e correct location of )our >indo&s ;peratin1 ()stem and t'at t'e partitions are
properl) defined. Additional information a$out t'e $oot.ini can $e found on do$uent
Attepting to upgrade (ro a Windows <*? <;? or =2 $oputer that is using
If )ou are 1ettin1 t'is error messa1e &'ile )ou are attemptin1 to up1rade to >indo&s
2""" or >indo&s CP from >indo&s 96, >indo&s 98, or >indo&s ?* runnin1 5A-2
please tr) t'e $elo& recommendations.
1! Boot t'e computer &it' a >indo&s 96, >indo&s 98 or >indo&s ?* $oota$le
2. At t'e A/RH prompt t)pe/
s)s c/ Ipress enterH
. After pressin1 enter )ou s'ould receive t'e P()stem -ransferredP messa1e. ;nce
t'is 'as $een completed remove t'e flopp) dis%ette and re$oot t'e computer.
New hard disk dri#e being added
If )ou are attemptin1 to add a ne& 'ard dis% drive to t'e computer ma%e sure t'at drive
is a $lan% drive. Addin1 a ne& 'ard dis% drive to a computer t'at alread) 'as >indo&s
installed on it ma) cause t'e 4-#D3 error to occur.
If )ou are unsure if t'e ne& drive is $lan% or not tr) $ootin1 from a $oota$le dis%ette and
format t'e ne& 'ard dis% drive.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
,orrupt boot se$tor / aster boot re$ord
ItJs possi$le )our computerJs 'ard dis% drive ma) 'ave a corrupt $oot sector andFor
master $oot record. -'ese can $e repaired t'rou1' t'e ?icrosoft >indo&s 3ecover)
console $) runnin1 t'e (i3boot and (i3br commands.
Additional information and 'elp in 1ettin1 into t'e ?icrosoft >indo&s 3ecover) console
can $e found on document C8"""62!.
"eriousl' $orrupted #ersion o( Windows 2... or Windows CP
If )ou 'ave tried eac' of t'e a$ove recommendations t'at appl) to )our situation and
)ou continue to e.perience t'is issue it is possi$le )ou ma) 'ave a seriousl) corrupted
version of ?icrosoft >indo&s. -'erefore &e &ould recommend )ou reinstall ?icrosoft
>indo&s 2""" and >indo&s CP.
If )ou are encounterin1 t'is issue durin1 )our setup )ou ma) &is' to completel) erase
)our computer 'ard dis% drive and all of its e.istin1 data and t'en install ?icrosoft
>indo&s 2""" F >indo&s CP. Additional information a$out erasin1 t'e computer and
startin1 over can $e found on document C8"""186.
/oose or %ault' ID2/2ID2 hard disk dri#e $able
-'is issue 'as $een %no&n to $e caused $) a loose or fault ID*F*ID* ca$le. If t'e a$ove
recommendation does not resolve )our issue and )our computer 'ard dis% drive is usin1
an ID* or *ID* interface. =erif) t'e computer 'ard dis% drive ca$le is firml) connected
$) disconnected and reconnectin1 t'e ca$le.
If t'e issue continues it is also a possi$ilit) t'at t'e computer 'as a fault) ca$le, tr)
replacin1 t'e 'ard dis% drive ca$le &it' anot'er ca$le andFor a ne& ca$le.
1... Di((eren$es between a Qui$k (orat and a regular (orat during a G$leanG
Durin1 a PcleanP installation of ?icrosoft >indo&s CP, )ou are prompted to c'oose from
t'e follo&in1 format options/
\ 5ormat t'e partition $) usin1 t'e 4-5( file s)stem
\ 5ormat t'e partition $) usin1 t'e 5A- file s)stem
\ 5ormat t'e partition $) usin1 t'e 4-5( file s)stem
\ 5ormat t'e partition $) usin1 t'e 5A- file s)stem
\ #eave t'e current file s)stem intact +no c'an1es,
-'is article descri$es t'e differences $et&een a 9uic% format and a re1ular format.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
>'en )ou c'oose to run a re1ular format on a volume, files are removed from t'e
volume t'at )ou are formattin1 and t'e 'ard dis% is scanned for $ad sectors. -'e scan
for $ad sectors is responsi$le for t'e maLorit) of t'e time t'at it ta%es to format a volume.
If )ou c'oose t'e 9uic% format option, format removes files from t'e partition, $ut does
not scan t'e dis% for $ad sectors. ;nl) use t'is option if )our 'ard dis% 'as $een
previousl) formatted and )ou are sure t'at )our 'ard dis% is not dama1ed.
If )ou installed >indo&s CP on a partition t'at &as formatted $) usin1 t'e 9uic% format
option, )ou can also c'ec% )our dis% $) usin1 t'e $hkdsk /r command after t'e
installation of >indo&s CP is completed.
1.1. Lser pro(iles
5here are ! t'pes
1, #ocal profiles
2, 3oamin1 profiles
, ?andator) profiles
/o$al pro(iles0 It is stored in document and settin1 &'en a user lo1s o to a mac'ine for
t'e first time t'e su$director) mac'ine to t'e name &ill $e created under document and
-oaing pro(iles0 -'e user &ant to access more t'an one mac'ine or move around
t'e net&or% a roamin1 profile is created. 3oamin1 profile can e created to ensure t'at
t'e user &ills receiver 'is or 'er user settin1s and preference no matter &'ere t'e) can
lo1 on. It is stored in ntuser.dat and s'ared over t'e net&or%.
3oamin1 profile can $e modified 'as local profile or mandator)
-o convert a 3oamin1 profile to local profile
3i1't clic% m) computer2H properties2Huser profile and select t'e user and clic% on
c'an1e t)pe
>'enever )ou creatin1 a user t'e user account are created &it' t'e securit) ID S(IDT
under ntuser.dat file $) default it is 'idden and read onl) file.
3oamin1 profiles $asicall) allo& a userQs settin1s to follo& t'em &'en t'e) move
&or%stations. -'is ma) $e useful for staffs t'at re1ularl) use multiple &or%stations, $ut it
comes into its o&n &'en a &or%station 'as to $e re$uilt or replaced. If t'e user 'as a
roamin1 profile, t'eir settin1s &ill $e returned to t'eir ne& mac'ine as soon as t'e) lo1
3oamin1 profiles mean t'at at lo1off time, all t'e users settin1s are copied up to
a net&or% s'are. >'en t'e) lo1 on, t'e settin1s are copied $ac% do&n to t'e local
mac'ine, and stored under c/Rdocuments and settin1sRbuseridc. 4ote t'at t'e settin1s are
not read directl) from t'e net&or% s'are &'ile users &or%, t'e) are al&a)s accessed
from t'e local dis% and onl) copied to and from t'e net&or% s'are at lo1onFlo1off time.
-'is is ver) different from 73edirected foldersQ, &'ic' are used 53;? t'e net&or% rat'er
t'an copied locall) eac' time.
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
4ote also, t'at if )ou do not use 3edirected folders t'en t'e users 7m)
documentsQ and 7des%topQ folders are considered part of t'e profile. Cop)in1 t'ese to and
from t'e server &'en ever a user lo1s in or out &ill ta%e a lon1 time, so 3edirected
5olders s'ould $e implemented $efore roamin1 profiles.
Alt'ou1' I(( do provide central file store, &e are not )et in a position to
implement roamin1 profiles for all mem$ers of staff. -'erefore, t'is document deals &it'
(c'ools &'o &is' to use file store provided $) one or more servers installed and
supported $) t'e (c'ool itself.
-oaing Pro(iles Perissions Proup
Permissions are re@uired on t'e net&or% s'are used to 'old t'e roamin1 profiles,
and as &it' all permissions &it'in Active Director) and >indo&s servers, )ou s'ould
avoid 1ivin1 permissions directl) to user o$Lects. Instead, al&a)s 1rant permissions to
1roup o$Lects. 5ollo&in1 t'e 7Account 2H Eroup 2H Domain #ocal Eroup 2H PermissionsQ
model, )ou s'ould 1rant t'e permissions to a Domain #ocal 1roup, place t'e users into a
Elo$al 1roup and nest t'e t&o to1et'er. 5urt'er details on t'e A2HE2HD#2HP model can
$e found in t'e related lin%s.
,reating the "hare
-o allo& users to 'ave a roamin1 profile, )ou must first provide a s'ared folder to
store t'em. -'is is Lust a standard s'are, from a >indo&s2"""F2"" server +or almost
an) (?B compati$le s)stem, suc' as (A?BA,. It is recommended t'at t'e profile s'are
is 'eld on a separate 4-5( partitionFvolume, for reasons of @uota limits e.plained $elo&.
Create a folder on a ne& 4-5( volume, and s'are it as normal. If )ou donQt &ant t'e
s'are to $e visi$le to users &'o use net&or% nei1'$our'ood to $ro&se, use a ^
c'aracter on t'e end of t'e name/
e.g. EEser#erSnaeEshareSnaeO
(et t'e 7('are #evelQ permissions as s'o&n in 5i1ure 1 $elo& +donQt &orr)D s'are level
permissions are overridden $) t'e 4-5( permissions $elo&,. ('are level permissions
are confi1ured from t'e 7('arin1Q ta$ of t'e folder properties as s'o&n in 5i1ure 2
Aser Account ?inimum Permissions
*ver)one 4o permissions
(ecurit) 1roup of users
needin1 to use roamin1
5ull Control
5i1ure 2 2 ('are #evel Permissions for Profiles director)
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
;nce t'e s'are is esta$lis'ed, and t'e ('are Permissions set, )ou need to set
t'e 4-5( permissions. -'e pro$lem 'ere is t'at &'en a user lo1s in for t'e ver) first
time, t'eir Profile folder &ill $e created, usin1 t'eir o&n credentials rat'er t'an
7administrator levelQ permissions. -'is means t'at )ou need to 1ive t'e user permissions
to create folders in t'e profile director), and t'en to 7o&nQ t'e folders t'e) 'ave created.
(et t'e permissions as follo&s/
Aser Account ?inimum
(pecial Permissions Appl) -o
(ecurit) 1roup of users
needin1 to use roamin1
-raverse 5olderF*.ecute 5ile
#ist 5olderF3ead Data
3ead Attri$utes
3ead *.tended Attri$utes
Create 5oldersFAppend Data
3ead Permissions
-'is 5older
C3*A-;3 ;>4*3 (pecial
5ull Control (u$5olders
and 5iles
Administrator 5ull Control
(0(-*? 5ull Control
*ver)one 4o
5i1ure G 2 4-5( #evel Permissions for Profiles director)
4ote t'at t'e Eroup permissions and t'e C3*A-;3 o&ner permissions are 7specialQ
and cannot $e set from t'e usual 4-5( permissions interface. -o set t'ese, clic% t'e
Advanced $utton on t'e 4-5( securit) ta$. 4ote also, t'at t'ese t&o sets of permissions
appl) to different o$Lects +-'is 5older ;nl), and (u$ 5olders and 5iles onl),. -'is must
also $e set from t'e 7AdvancedQ Permissions dialo1
,on(iguring Lsers to ha#e a roaing pro(ile
3oamin1 profiles are ena$led on a per user $asis, t'ere is no &a) to do t'is t'rou1'
Eroup Polic). -o ena$le a roamin1 profile for a user, use t'e Active Director) Asers and
Computers tool and set t'e 7profile pat'Q value on t'e properties of t'e user. 4ote, )ou
can use ZusernameZ in t'e pat' value, &'ic' &ill automaticall) $e replaced $) t'e user
-oaing Pro(ile si7e liits
It is possi$le to set @uota limits of profiles, to limit t'e siBe t'e) can 1ro& to and
t'erefore minimiBe $ot' t'e stora1e re@uirements and t'e time ta%en to lo1 on and
lo1off. -'is I( set via t'e Eroup Polic) %e) 7#imit Profile (iBeQ, &'ic' is located in t'e
Asers Confi1uration d Administrative -emplates d ()stem d Aser Profiles section. -'e
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
ma.imum )ou can set t'e profile siBe to is "?B. I(( recommend t'at )ou do t'is
$efore startin1 to use roamin1 profiles, as unlimited profiles can cause pro$lems.
If a profile constantl) 1ets $i11er t'an t'is limit, it ma) $e $ecause an application
is incorrectl) storin1 data t'ere, rat'er t'an in 7m) documentsQ etc. If t'is is t'e case, )ou
can use t'e 7*.clude directories in roamin1 profilesQ 1roup polic) settin1 to ensure t'at
t'e folder causin1 pro$lems does not 7roamQ. -'is value 'as a 'ard limit of 26"
c'aracters, and &ill stop &or%in1 entirel) if )ou e.ceed t'is. 3emem$er t'at e.cludin1
folders usin1 t'is polic) &ill mean t'e settin1s or data stored in t'e folder is not availa$le
on ot'er &or%stations &'en t'e user lo1s on.
;nce )ou 'ave limited t'e siBe of t'e profile, it is sensi$le to set a @uota limit for
t'e 4-5( volume t'at 'olds t'e profiles on t'e net&or%. -'e recommended @uota limit is
t'ree times t'e ma.imum siBe of a @uota plus a little $it e.tra, so 1""?B is
recommended in t'is case. -'is is due to t'e &a) in &'ic' a profile is copied $ac% up to
t'e server &'en a user lo1s off, mer1ed &it' t'e e.istin1 one and t'en a ne& cop)
created. In 1eneral, users &ill onl) use "?B of space on t'e servers, $ut ma)
temporaril) use up to 1""?B at t'e time t'e) lo1 off.
=andator' pro(iles0 ?andator) profiles can $e used &'en user s'ould $e prevented
from savin1s c'an1es to t'e user settin1s.
?andator) profiles are t'e permanent profile &'ic' can not $e modif) furt'er.
;nce after convertin1 mandator) profile lo1 in 'as a user 1o to
?) computer2Huser profile, no& )ou can not c'an1e 'e mandator) profile
-'e $enefit of 3oamin1 Profile and ?andator) Profile is all t'e user data is stored I t'e
server in centraliBed location t'e administration is eas)
*./ -a%in1 $ac% up
Convertin1 3oamin1 Profile to ?andator) Profile
D /RH cd s'ared folder name
D/ R s'ared folder nameHcd user name
D/ R s'ared folder nameHcd user nameHdir
222222222 +some 'idden file is containin1 'ere,
D/ R s'ared folder nameHcd user nameH attri$ r ' +r2H read file '2H 'idden file,
D/ R s'ared folder nameHcd user nameH dir
D/ R s'ared folder nameHcd user nameHren ntuser.dat
N5L"2-.DA50 t'is file contains all of t'e re1istr) settin1s t'at are specific to a user
account &'en a user lo1s onD t'e settin1s in file are copied to t'e
8M*0YCA33*4-YA(*3 re1istr) settin1s on t'e local computer.
N5L"2-.DA5./1P0 -'is file is used $) &indo&s 2""" to recover t'e userQs ori1inal
N5L"2-.DA5 file if an error occurs &'ic' updatin1 t'e N5L"2-.DA5 files.
N5L"2-.ini0 t'is file contains settin1s t'at determine t'e components of a users
roamin1 users profile t'at are not copied to t'e server eac' time t'e user lo1s off.
1.2. %eatures o( Windows >ista0
1 Aser interface
1.1 >indo&s Aero
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1.2 ('ell
1. >indo&s 5lip and 5lip D
1.G (earc'
1.6 (ide$ar
2 4e& and up1raded applications
2.1 >indo&s Internet *.plorer !
2.2 >indo&s ?edia Pla)er 11
2. >indo&s ?edia Center
2.G Internet Information (ervices !
(ecurit) and safet)
G Erap'ics
G.1 Des%top >indo& ?ana1er
G.2 DirectC
G. Icons
G.G >indo&s Ima1in1 Component
G.6 Color mana1ement
6 Audio
6.1 Audio devices support
6.2 (peec' reco1nition
6. (peec' s)nt'esis
6 Print
6.1 C?# Paper (pecification
6.2 CP( Print Pat'
6. Print (c'emas
! 4et&or%in1
!.1 IPv6
!.2 >ireless net&or%s
!. 4et&or% profiles
!.G 4et&or% performance
!.6 (ecurit) and net&or% relia$ilit)
!.6 >indo&s 5ilterin1 Platform
!.! Peer2to2peer communication
!.8 (erver ?essa1e Bloc% 2."
8 ?o$ile computin1
8.1 Po&er mana1ement
9 Mernel and core ;( c'an1es
9.1 ?emor) mana1ement
9.2 5ile s)stems
9. Drivers
9.G ()stem performance
1" ?ana1ement and administration
1".1 Installation and recover)
1".2 Deplo)ment
1". Dia1nostics, monitorin1 and reportin1
1".G 3emote mana1ement
1".6 ()stem tools
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1".6 ?ana1ement Console
1".! Eroup polic)
1".8 -as% (c'eduler
1".9 Command2line tools
1".1" (criptin1
11 Pro1ramma$ilit)
11.1 .4*- 5rame&or% ."
11.1.1 >P5
11.1.2 >C5
11.1. >5
11.1.G >indo&s Card (pace
11.1.6 ;t'er .4*- 5rame&or% APIs
11.2 ?edia 5oundation
11. >insoc% Mernel
11.G Cr)pto 4e.Een
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
1.!. +ardware ,oponents
(oc%et G!8 OH Pentium I=
(lot 1 OH Pentium II, III and all (*CC and (*CC2
"'ste board $oponents
23pansion slots0
I(A SIndustr) (tandard Arc'itectureT OH made $efore 199! t'ese are 16 $it and 8 $it
PCI SPerip'eral Component InterconnectT OH it is s'ort inc'es lon1 +&'ite color, t'ese
are 6G$it
AEP SAccelerated Erap'ics PortT OH Ased as 'i1' speed accelerated d 1rap'ics video
card, it is s'orter t'an PCI. -'ese are 128 $it
=eor' slots0 3A?
,PL and Pro$essor slots or so$kets0 CPA is $rain of computer.
Power $onne$tors0 A-C Po&er connector 'avin1 2" pin.
(?P(/ It converts AC input to lo&er level DC output
2"v OH `62 Hred, 262H&'ite, `122H)ello&, 2122H$lue, "v and End2H $lac%, p12H oran1e
1n8board disk dri#e $onne$tors0
Je'board $onne$tors0
?ouse psF2 OH (tandard Ereen color 'avin1 6 pin
Me)$oard psF2 OH (tandard Purple color
Peripheral port and $onne$tors0
(erial port OH 9 pin male serial ports and 26 pin male serial ports
Parallel ports OH Ased for Printer. 8avin1 26 pin female connector
A(B ports FI Aniversal serial $us, its supports " to 12! devices. (peed is 1.6m$ps
(=EA Ports OH 16 pin 1eneral
*t'ernet port OH 3W2G6
DI1" $hip TDasi$ input/output "'steU0 Processor 'o& to interact &it' t'e rest of t'e
,=1" batter' T,opleentar' =etal 13ide "ei$ondu$torU0 A c'ip located on t'e
mot'er $oard t'at contains data used $) t'e s)stem BI;( or ()stem confi1uration.
It &ill store t'e settin1s
Vupers and DIP "wit$hes
%ir ware
D-A= SD'nai$ -ando A$$ess =eor'U OH It is used e.pand t'e memor) in t'e
computerD it is c'eaper and less comple.. 8avin1 G""?8B s)stem $us speed
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
"-A= T"tati$ -ando A$$ess =eor'U OH it is 5asterD t'is is more comple. and
more e.pensive. 8avin1 168 pin
"I== FH (in1le Inline ?emor) ?odules, 8avin1 " pin
DI== FI Dual Inline ?emor) ?odules, 8avin1 !" pin
-I==? "1DI==? =i$ro DI==.
,D &-1= dri#e0
,D- and ,D8-W dri#e0 2.216.2G. , means read 2., &rite 16., and re&rite G..
Adapter $ards0
=ideo Cards
4et&or% Interface Card S4ICT
?ode m 2H (peed of mode m is 66%$ps,its called Po&dered
(ound Card
DD "eries Port0 162pin video port, 262pin G male printer port and 92pin male serial port
-V8"eries0 3W211 and 3W2G6
3W211 OH connectors used most often telep'one 'oo%ups
3W2G6 OH commonl) found in *t'ernet
L"D0 It is used for connectin1 multiple +up to 12!, perip'erals to one computer t'rou1'
a sin1le port
-,A @a$k0 It is used in p'ono1rap's $ot' audio and video information.
Ps/20 It is also %no&n as mini2pin 6 connectors.
,entroni$s0 It 'as a uni@ue s'ape used in parallel printer connectors.
=other board Ar$hite$ture0 It is t'e lar1est component of a computer, components are
1, C'ipset
2, ?emor) slot t)pe
, Communication ports
G, Processor (oc%ets
6, Cac'e ?emor)
6, BA( Arc'itecture
!, BI;(
,on(iguring Vupers0 -'e) s'ould $e located in $et&een t'e data connector and
po&er connector.
5'pes o( +DD
1. st+(ea1ate, 6"6FG12
2. *(DI 2H *n'anced s)stem Driver Interface
. ID*2H Inte1rated Driver *lectronic 2H Its 'avin1 G" pin and data transfer speed of
ID* 1"m$ps,2",",G"m$ps, &e can confi1ure up to G ID*
G. *ID*
6. (C(- 2H Its 'avin1 !" pins and !"m$ps
1.). Distributed (ile s'ste 4D%"6
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
D5( provides fault tolerance and load $alance
%ault toleran$e0 t'e application install in one server &ill $e a replicated to t'e ot'er
computer, if computer one fails computer t&o provides services to t'e users &it'out
net&or% failure.
/oad balan$e0 &'en )ou 'ave more no of users t'e net&or% load StrafficT can $e s'ared
$) $ot' t'e computer &'ic' ate 'avin1 t'e same application cop).
-'is concepts reduces t'e net&or% traffic
*./ D5( and C'ild domain
D5( is t'e default service availa$le under administrative tools.
Eoto start2Hpro1rams2Hadministrative tolls2HD5(I2ne& dfsroot2Hcreate a domain dfs
root2H%eep t'e default domain name2H%eep )our e.istin1 ,server name and it is called
5ull 9ualif) Domain 4ame S59D4T2H select on e.istin1 s'are I2 dfs lin% select automatic
replication at t'e end of t'at under replication plic) clic% on set master.
(elect replica and clic% on ena$le
4o& lin% &ill $ecome master < 3eplica &ill $ecome slave
In domain )ou must 'ave onl) one dfsroot, )ou can create multiple lin% and replica
D5( also provide centraliBed data administration &e can confi1ure t'e data availa$le
from different place to a centraliBed place.
1.*. Networking 5ers
Droadband0 A net&or% transmission met'od in &'ic' a sin1le transmission medium is
divided so t'at multiple si1nals can travel across t'e same medium simultaneousl).
Drowser0 A computer pro1ram t'at uses t'e 8--P and is used on a &or%station to
access 'osts on t'e &e$.
,lient/"er#er network0 A server2centric net&or% in &'ic' all resources are stored on a
file server. Processin1 po&er is distri$uted amon1 &or%stations and t'e file server.
De(ault gatewa'0 -'e router t'at all pac%ets are sent to &'en t'e &or%station doesnQt
%no& &'ere t'e destination station is or &'en it canQt find t'e destination station on t'e
local se1ment.
DN"0 -'e net&or% service used in -CPFIP net&or%s t'at translates 'ost names to IP
DN" "er#er0 An) server t'at performs D4( 'ost name to IP address resolution.
DN" resol#er0 Client soft&are used to ma%e re@uests of t'e D4( server in order to
resolve D4( 'ost names into IP addresses.
D+,P0 A protocol used on a -CPFIP $ased net&or% to send client confi1uration data,
includin1 -CPFIP address, default 1ate&a), su$net mas%, and D4( confi1uration to
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
Patewa'0 -'e 'ard&are and soft&are needed to connect to& disparate net&or%
environments so t'at communication.
+5=/0 A set of codes used to format te.t and 1rap'ics t'at &ill $e displa)ed in a
$ro&ser. -'e codes define 'o& data &ill $e displa)ed.
+55P0 -'e protocol used for communication $et&een a &e$ server and a &e$ $ro&ser.
Internet0 A 1lo$al net&or% made up of a lar1e num$er for individual net&or%s
interconnected t'rou1' t'e use of pu$lic telep'one lines and -CPFIP Protocols.
IP address0 A address used $) t'e internet protocol t'at identifies t'e devices location
on t'e net&or%.
Ip$on(ig0 A >indo&s 4- utilit) used to displa) t'at mac'ineQs current confi1uration.
IPC0 Internet &or% pac%et e.c'an1e.
IPC network address0 A num$er t'at represents an entire net&or%. All servers on t'e
net&or% must use t'e same e.ternal net&or% num$er.
5ra$ert/ -'is utilit) is similar to t'e A4IC tra$eroute. It reports t'e IP address and name
of eac' interface $et&een t'e client and t'e tar1et. If Pin1 fails, -racert can tell
)ou &'ere t'e responses 'ave stopped
*./ C/RDocuments and (ettin1sRAdminH tracert &&&
8ere are t'e -racert s&itc'es/
-racert d. turns off 'ost name loo%ups. -'is si1nificantl) speeds up traces.
8i1'l) recommended.
-racert '. Increases t'e ma.imum 'op count. -'e default is ".
-racert L 'ost2list. -'is option is used to force -racert to use a specific router via
source routin1.
-racert &. Increases t'e ma.imum timeout
1.9. De(inition o( Doot Partition and "'ste Partition?
"'ste partition0 -'is is t'e partition t'at contains t'e files re@uired to $oot >indo&s.
5or an Intel platform, t'ese files are 4tldr, Boot.ini,, Bootsect.dos, and
4t$ootdd.s)s +if a (C(I device 'as no on$oard BI;(,. -'e s)stem partition must $e
fla11ed as Active +or $oota$le, in t'e ?aster Boot 3ecord. -'e files must $e at t'e root
Frequently Asked Desktop Interview Questions
of t'e $oot drive. (etup assumes t'at t'e first ID* drive on t'e primar) ID* controller is
t'e $oot drive. If a partition on t'is drive is not mar%ed Active, (etup &ill mar% it as
Doot partition0 -'is is t'e partition t'at contains t'e files re@uires to run t'e operatin1
s)stem. B) default in >indo&s (erver 2"", (etup puts t'ese files in a director) called
\Windows. +In >indo&s 2""" and 4-, t'e $oot files are put in t'e \WINNT folder., -'e
$oot partition can $e on an) drive. If )ou put t'e $oot partition some&'ere ot'er t'an t'e
$oot drive, (etup prompts )ou to create a small s)stem partition on t'e $oot drive. -'is
partition can $e less t'an 1?B, Lust $i1 enou1' to 'old 4tldr,, Boot.ini, and

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