Advertising and Sales Promotion MB041 Question

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Advertising & Sales Promotion

PART A (Descriptive Type) = 25

PART B (Case Study) = 3
PART C = 119
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Descriptive Type Question
Question 1 Discuss the role of advertising in modern business. Some persons consider
advertising as wasteful expenditure. Do you agree? Explain your reasons.

Question 2 Explain Push and Pull promotional strategies? Discuss which suits best for

Question 3 What is advertising? Everyone says that technology plays a vital role in
modern day advertising. Do you agree? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

Question 4 ADVERTISING is not supposed to increase sales. If sales improve it is
incidental. Discuss the primary and secondary objectives of advertising.

Question 5 Full service advertising agency act as bridge between advertiser and its
customers. How are they able to perform the role?

Question 6 TV as advertising media has come up in the last ten years. Print media is
still quite popular. Discuss the merits and demerits of electronic and print media and the
situations where each should be used. Give details.

Question 7 Account Executive plays the role of interface between the advertiser and the
agency. What role other members of an advertising agency play? Give details.

Question 8 How do firms decide about the advertising budget? What method would you
recommend and why?

Question 9 Creativity in advertising comes from realizing the benefits customers would
value and proper presentation of the same in an eye-catching manner. Discuss.

Question 10 With global business the order of the day what factors firms and ad
agencies should consider in international advertising?

Question 11 Discuss the role of advertising agency in big market players like Coke and

Question 12 Define market segmentation and product life cycle?

Question 13 Write short notes (on any three of the following)
( a ) Target Marketing ( b ) Sales promotion
( c ) Direct Marketing ( d ) Trade Promotions
( e ) Market Positioning

Question 14 Internet is the best source of media of New Millennium. Do you agree?

Question 15 Creativity in advertising is the ability to produce original ideas. Discuss its

Question 16 Discuss the strategy for promotion and advertising for new product launch
by any service industry.

Question 17 Event marketing today gives an edge and new direction to companies to
promote their products in market. Discuss.

Question 18 Please read the case study Free Flights Promotion Ends in Disaster and
answer questions given at the end.

Question 19 What are the tasks of an advertising manager? Discuss the advertising mix
factors with the help of examples and how advertising is integrated with these mix

Question 20 What is the role of product-life cycle in advertising? How is it important for
managers to consider it at the time of advertising their products/services? Give reasons
with the help of suitable examples.

Question 21 Discuss the process involved in the selection of an advertising agency.
What is the relationship between an advertiser and the advertising agency? Give your
answer with the help of suitable examples.

Question 22 Write short notes on any three of the following.
a) What is DAGMAR and when it becomes effective? Elucidate.
b) Percentage of sales budgeting approach.
c) Integrated marketing Communication.
d) International Advertising.
e) Personal Selling and direct Marketing.

Question 23 What do you mean by media planning? Explain the role and steps involved
in the product positioning with the help of suitable examples.

Question 24 For an effective communication towards advertising, segmentation needs
to be clearly defined. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer with the help of
suitable examples.

Question 25. a) Discuss in detail the different methods used in deciding the advertising
budget with the help of suitable examples.

Question 25 b) Both sales promotion and price reduction help in improving the sales of
a product or service. Discuss the merits and demerits of both sales promotion and price
reduction with the help of suitable examples.

Case Study 1
Mr. Choksey of Andhra Pradesh belonged to the laid-back business community of India.
Yet his vision was to "See Indian homes painted in a variety of colours from a truly
Indian company."
His mission statement read as 'To provide Paints as per Market Demand ensuring
desired level and quality of Customer (Dealer) Service, continued availability of Right
Product Mix of Right Quality at Right time.
With hear servile attitude of their dealers, MNCs took pride in serving metros and large
cities through dealers who also supplied the products to semi urban markets, they were
however concentrating on metros and found rural market non-existing. Business
environment was hostile to Indian Paint Industry and more so to a new entrant.
Suppliers of raw materials were favoring MNCs because of their money power. MNCs
kept the Metros satisfied with their service Goal of Asian Paints was, "Setting up
manufacturing facility for Pains in a large variety."
Strategy was to build Paint Company as a Role Model of Outstanding Performance.
The poor and rich divide continued. The lot of farmers in Punjab, Haryana and Andhra
was improving. In East of India, Bihar youth took to guns to combat poverty by dacoity
and Mafia started to thrive in Orissa. Environment in 1970s was such that for the first
time political changes were taking place. The people had rejected imposition of
emergency and the government changed hands. Business climate however did not
change much. Entry of new foreign companies was severely restricted through
government controls. Population was growing again at around 23 per 1000 as
compulsory family planning had failed. Most citizens remained poor with pockets of
excessive wealth. Migrations workers from Bihar, Orissa to Bangal and Punjab
continued. Bangal and Kerala industries suffered due to Marxist role in labor unrest.
Competitive Environment: Market for paints was at dead end. It was totally dominated
by MNC's and Indian companies were looked down upon. MNC's had a cartel approach
and had dealers with long-standing relationship in an Oligopoly Market. Entry barriers
were not there as paints were low tech and low capital projects. Brand loyalty was
remnant of Raj days. Alternate products were lime based low cost used by most in
poverty-redden India. In rich homes and offices wood paneling was being used
increasingly. Market was largely controlled by MNC's.
Mr. Choksey found that to fight MNCs he had to look at the market segment so far
neglected by them. He surveyed the market and found that near vacuum exists in semi-
urban and rural market. They however had special needs. "Low cost paint in small
containers." The segment needed a new distribution system as well.
Asian paints value for the customers was to build through innovative package (size),
Distribution, communication. In 1970s they decided to Computerize and Network their
30 Depots round the country to provide proper feedback of Market Needs resulting in
quick response to meet the needs.
They planned new Distribution Structure, smaller Packages and Computerized
communication Network. Mr. Choksey did not have any animus towards MNCs who had
shown hostility and created entry barriers for him. Asian Paints differentiation strategy
starts from Market Segment, distribution and packaging. With increasing volumes in
chosen segments Asian Paints achieved economies of scale for cost leadership. With
dominant position they diversified in product range as also marked and geographic
1. They diversified into manufacture of Raw Materials for Paints.
2. Product Diversification also included Industrial Paints. Now with large market share
they have strong distribution network even in metros.
Asian Paints strategy of quick response translates as having 95% orders supply in 48
hours and is appositive competitive advantage. Their R&D has developed new products
to cater to industrial and scientific segments. Paint industry is in growth stage in India as
Construction Activity has a high priority.
In order to maintain market leadership (with 27% market share they enjoy double the
market share then their nearest competitor), they have drawn up the following strategy:-
1. Backward vertical integration by GOI.
Mr. Choksey's style of functioning was informal as he kept friendly relations with Depot
staff, sales team and he could be seen having tea in some rural dealers shop. He
started Overseas operation to expend his horizons further.
With liberalized economy International Brands are likely to enter the market as entry
barriers are low in Paint Industry.
To keep their dominants position Asian Paints should vigorous R&D for innovative
products increase the number of Depots for covering the entire country. Advertise
separately for each market segment and arrange continuous market research to their
competitive advantage.
Question 1. What should be Asian Paints communication strategy to stay market
Question 2. Can Asian Paint plan an yearly advertising plan? If yes then for what
benefits and if no then why not?
Question 3. Maintaining and improving brand equity for Asian Paints is the task of
maintaining the quality of the product. Discuss.

Case Study 2
The Hoover Companys attempts to sell more vacuum cleaners by offering an incentive
of free flights have become a legendary disaster in the field of sales promotions. An
examination of the case is useful for highlighting some of the problems of planning,
implementing, and monitoring sales promotions.
During the early 1990s, Hoover was faced with a period of economic recession in which
discretionary expenditure on consumer durables was held back. In these conditions,
most vacuum sales were replacements for worn out machines or first time buys for
people setting up home. The challenge was to increase the sales of machines bought to
upgrade existing equipment.
The company came up with the idea of offering free airline tickets to America for
anybody buying one of its vacuum cleaners. For many people, a holiday in the USA,
may have been perceived as an unnecessary and unaffordable luxury during a period of
recession, but one that might be justified if it came free with the purchase of an
essential vacuum cleaner.

The immediate result of the sales promotion was to boost the companys sales of
vacuum cleaners to more than double the level of the previous year. So far so good, but
then serious problems set in. The first problem occurred when Hoover could not satisfy
demand for its vacuum cleaners and had to resort to paying its staff overtime rates of
pay in order to increase supply. It should be remembered that the initial objective of the
promotion was to utilize existing spare capacity rather than adding to that capacity. The
company had carried out insufficient research prior to launching its incentive. Had it
done so, it may have reached the conclusion that the incentive was too generous and
likely to create more demand than the company could cope with.
A second problem occurred during subsequent periods when sales feel to below their
pre-incentive levels. Many people had simply brought forward their purchase of a
vacuum cleaner. Worse still, many people had bought their cleaner simply to get the
free tickets, which at 70 for a cleaner with a free 250 ticket made sense.
These people frequently disposed off their cleaner as they had no need for it. The
classified ads of many local newspapers contained many adverts for nearly new,
unused vacuum cleaners at discounted prices and this further depressed sales of new
machines once the sales promotion had come to an end.
A third and more serious problem occurred when large numbers of buyers tried to use
their free flight vouchers. All sales promotions are based on an assumption of take-up
rates, which can be as low as 5-10 per cent. Anything higher and the cost of the
incentives actually given away can wipe out the benefit arising from increased sales. In
this case, Hoover had carried out insufficient pretesting of the sales promotion in order
to assess the likely take-up rate and was surprised by the actual take-up which
subsequently occurred. In an attempt to control costs, the company became notorious
for its attempts to suppress take-up of free flights.
Many claimants complained that telephone lines were constantly busy and, when they
did get through, they were offered the most unattractive flights possible. It was reported
that Claimants from the south-east of England were only offered flights departing from
Scotland and those from Scotland only offered flights from London, done to reduce the
attractiveness of the free offer. These activities attracted high levels of coverage in the
media and left a once highly respected brand as one with a perception of mistrust. Five
years after the initial debacle, the Hoover Holiday Pressure Group continued to be an
awkward reminder for the company.
The free flights promotion eventually cost Hoover a reported 37 million in redemption
charges, without bringing about any long-term growth in sales. With appropriate pre-
testing, these costs could have been foreseen. Worse still, the companys brand image
had been tarnished in a way that would take many years-if ever-to recover from.
Questions to be answered:
1. What are the inherent problems for a company such as Hoover in assessing the
effectiveness of sales promotion activity?
2. Identify a program of research that Hoover could have undertaken in order to
avoid the costly failure of its free flights promotion.
3. What alternative methods of promotion might have been more suitable to
achieve Hoovers objective of utilizing spare capacity during a period of economic

Case Study 3
Philips India Limited
Mr. David John has been appointed as a marketing and advertising manager in Philips
India Limited which deals in stereo systems besides other products. He is the marketing
and advertising manager for the stereo systems of Philips India Limited. The company
has five competitors in the market namely Sony, BPL, Videocon AIWA and Panasonic.
Philips market share in the stereo systems is 35%. David John has to increase the
market share of Philips for the stereo system to 40% in 2010.
David John considers that he should address the following questions before taking
necessary steps towards the increase of market share of Philips:
1) What cultural, social and psychological factors influence the buyers most? What sort
of research should be undertaken to know the buyers attitude and behaviour?
2) What factors should Philips focus on in their marketing plan? And
3) What kind of marketing activities Philips should plan to coincide with each stage of
consumer buying process? Only after addressing these questions, he considers that he
can able to recommend the Managing Director of Philips on how to increase the market
share of Philips in the stereo systems market.
1. What cultural, social and psychological factors influence the buyers most according to
David John?
2. What are the marketing mix factors that David John is talking about? Explain the
market mix factors and recommend your suggestions to David John to improve his

1. Account Executive handles finance and account in an AD AGENCY
True / False
2. Market segmentation helps in selecting media
True / False
3. TV reach is seen from ABC
True / False
4. Advertising need not be paid by anyone
5. Account planner plans the AD budget in the agency
6. Advertising Agency payments come from selling their artwork only
7. Over the line media is reserved for cash rich firms only
8. Advertising Agency can not bill their clients for the creative work because
they get paid by the media
9. Hoe shops are fast food joints near to AD Agency offices
10. AD copy is the term given to the words written in the advertisement
11. AD Budget can not be decided by affordability basis alone
12. DAGMAR says that you can not measure result of advertising effort.
13. POP shows how best firms can meet advertising objectives
14. AOR are agencies of right minded people
15. Freelancers are people who provide assistance to small agencies
in creative work
16. Art Director copy writer form which team in an AD Agency
(a). media planning
(b). budgeting
(c). creative
(d). client contact
17. Expand the following:-
TRP - Television Rating Points/True radio propaganda
18. OTS - Out Door Testing Sites/Opportunities
19. AOR - Agency of Records/Agreement of radio advertising
21. CLASSIFIED Advertising is - product group wise/confidential
22. Product endorsement is giving the product's working demonstration
23. Media like press do not advertise to gain advertising business
24. Advertising research can not be conducted to correct a wrong
message already sent
25. Sports events are not the right places to advertise
26. Split ads are those which are carried in sections at different places
in one or more issues
27. Press advertising rates are based on their circulation figures
28. Advertising in radio is preferred or metro towns as compared to
for far flung areas
29. Free samples are not given as product promotion
30. Trade promotion is a term used for promoting product sales with
the distribution channels
31. With SALES PROMOION firms can not get brand loyalty at all
32. Trade promotion can increase sales because of inventory push
33. Product range bundling can be used as promotion plan
34. Turnover discounts are part of trade promotion plans
35. Window displays, merchandizing can not be part of promotion plan
36. When you buy a camera and get a film free is it sales promotion
37. There is no difference in advertising and sales promotion
38. Promotion is done to advertise a product and not vice-versa
39. Competition is the main and only reason for sales promotion True/ False

Multiple Choice Question Set 1
1. Promotion is a communication package in marketing which aims
to exchange between buyer and seller:
a. Product
b. Skill
c. Price
d. Information

2 . One of the tools of Sales promotion available to a marketer is:
a. Personal Selling
b. Planning
c. Pricing
d. Information

3 . Key role of an advertising manager is to plan the:
a. Advertising Campaign
b. Budget
c. Promotion mix
d. All of the above

4 . Segmentation of buyers on the basis of their income is known as:
a. Demographic segmentation
b. Income segmentation
c. Class segmentation
d. Psychographic segmentation

5 . The main role of advertising is:
a. To be persuasive to buy
b. Art and designing of the advertisement
c. Conveying right information to the customer
d. Highlighting our product vis--vis competitors

6 . Campaign Planning is governed by following parameters:
a. Total advertising budget
b. Media availability
c. Consumer Profile
d. All of the above

7 . Psychographic segmentation signifies segmenting market on the basis of:
a. Social traits
b. Income status
c. Place of living
d. All of the above
8 . Sales promotion budget is calculated on the basis of:
a. Value to customer
b. Stage in Product Life Cycle
c. Sales revenue
d. All of the above
9 . Sales promotion objective at the stage of maturity is to:
a. Inform
b. Persuade
c. Remind
d. All of the above
10 . Trade promotion refers to:
a. Contests
b. Push money (spiffs)
c. Buying allowance
d. All of the above
11 . Promotion accomplishes the task of:
a. Reminding
b. Persuading
c. Informing
d. Awareness
12 . Personal Selling to prospective customers so as to generate sales is made in
the form of:
a. Written communication
b. Advertisement
c. Promotion
d. Oral Communication
13 . Pull and Push strategy are directed at:
a. Manufacturers
b. Consumers
c. Retailers
d. Dealers
14 . Marketing position involves:
a. Identifying market opportunities
b. Display of product
c. Dealer Network
d. Manufacturing stock
15 . Advertising Campaign is an organized series of advertising messages with:
a. Identical or similar message
b. Price strategy of product
c. Informing about the product
d. All of the above
16 . Advertising agency helps marketing department in:
a. Budgeting
b. Media promotion
c. Advertising strategy
d. All of the above
17 . Segmentation is a process of:
a. Classifying market
b. Identifying market
c. Defining market
d. Targeting market
18 . Atomization strategy helps in:
a. Choosing target market out of total segments
b. Makes an automatic flow of supply of goods
c. Makes an automatic buyer of product
d. All of the above
19 . Geographic segmentation is:
a. The Simplest
b. Less expensive
c. Division by location
d. All of the above
20 . Advertising process involves:
a. Creative writing process
b. Designing process
c. Budget process
d. All of the above
21 . Broadcast promotional tools are:
a. Newspapers
b. Magazines
c. Radio, Television
d. All of the above
22 . Telemarketing deliver promotional offers on:
a. Internet
b. Phone
c. Brochures
d. All of the above
23 . Post sales activities are conducted for:
a. Testing volumes of sales
b. Testing customer satisfaction
c. Brand awareness
d. All of the above

24 . Corporate advertising is also called as:
a. Office advertising
b. Institutional advertising
c. Mass advertising
d. All of the above
25 . Company having high value of sales reflects:
a. High customer satisfaction
b. High turnover
c. High revenue
d. All of the above
26 . Sales promotion enables us:
a. To create brand awareness
b. To interact closely with the customer
c. To increase the sales
d. All of the above
27 . Basic function of Sales Manager is:
a. Increase volumes
b. Make budget
c. Confirm quality of product
d. All of the above
28 . Newspaper advertising helps in:
a. Capturing a large number of people
b. Rating awareness at low cost
c. Getting a quick information to customer
d. All of the above
29 . The promotional activity involves pre-working on:
a. Budget
b. Media
c. Inventory
d. Message
30 . The promotional objectives at maturity stage of life cycle is termed as:
a. Informing
b. Persuading
c. Reminding
d. All of the above
31 . The most effective communication mode is:
a. Internet
b. Media
c. Mailers
d. Word of mouth

32 . Advertising and sales promotion induces:
a. Action
b. Awareness
c. Persuasion
d. All of the above
33 . Marketing communication is a periodic interaction between:.
a. The buyers and sellers
b. The marketing department
c. The marketing & sales department
d. All of the above

34 . For large audience effective means of advertising is:
a. Mass Communication
b. Market Communication
c. Corporate communication
d. All of the above
35 . Interpersonal communication carries:
a. 2way message flow
b. Advertising Strategy
c. Budgeting strategy
d. All of the above
36 . Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication of:
a. Ideas
b. Goods and services
c. Add on benefits
d. Competitive advantages
37 . The process of interpreting the message in copy and visuals is called:
a. Encoding
b. Decoding
c. Bar-coding
d. All of the above
38 . One of the 4P of Marketing Mix are:
a. Product Advertising
b. Promotion
c. Public Relations
d. Personal Selling
39 . Non-product advertisement aims to:
a. Create favorable image
b. Work for non profit organization
c. Work on low cost
d. All of the above

40 . Brand Building, Advertising and Sales Promotion are:
a. Synonyms
b. Antonyms
c. Tools of Marketing
d. Concepts of marketing

Multiple Choice Question Set 2
1. Advertising is -
(a) Any non-paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and
services of an identified sponsor
(b) Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and
services of an identified sponsor
(c) About the products knowledge to the customers
(d) None of the above
2. There are ______ advertising-mix factors:
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Two
3. Small lean mean agencies which operate on low overheads and do quality work by
hiring experts on job basis are called -
(a) Hot shops
(b) Advertising shops
(c) Cold shops
(d) None of the above
4. In media terms OTS stands for-
(a) Opportunity to sell
(b) Opportunity to see
(c) Opportunity to seek
(d) None of the above
5. Electronic media relates to-
(a) Television, radio, videocassettes
(b) Television only
(c) Radio only
(d) Only videocassettes
6. PR consultants are -
(a) Public Relation consultants
(b) Public Role consultants
(c) Public Rated consultants
(d) Both (b) and (c)
7. The first step in business communication through advertising is:
(a) Creating awareness
(b) Creating costs
(c) Creating products
(d) Creating markets
8. Which one of the following is not an advertising objective?
(a) Attitude change
(b) Sales as objective
(c) Communication
(d) Profits
9. The fundamental themes of most ads is -
(a) Product story
(b) Benefit story
(c) Idea story
(d) None of the above
10. PLC stands for -
(a) Profit line control
(b) Product life cycle
(c) Product life cost
(d) Profit life cycle
11. While introducing a new product category in the market, the advertising used is-
(a) Persuasive advertising
(b) Informative advertising
(c) Reminder advertising
(d) Both (a) and (c)
12. Major advertising decisions are-
(a) Objectives setting, budget decisions, message decisions, media decisions and
advertising evaluation
(b) Objectives setting and advertising evaluation only
(c) Advertising evaluation and media decisions
(d) None of the above
13. The two elements in the advertising strategy are-
(a) Creating advertising messages and selecting advertising media
(b) Creating products and advertising
(c) Creating markets and advertising
(d) Both (b) and (c)
14. A term that has come to represent the merging of advertising and entertainment in
an effort to break through the clutter and create new avenues for reaching consumers
with more engaging messages is-
(a) Medison & Vine
(b) Media
(c) Advertising
(d) None of the above
15. The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan a:
(a) Product strategy
(b) Message strategy
(c) Pricing strategy
(d) Marketing strategy
16. The approach, style, tone, words, and format used for executing an advertising
message is called -
(a) Madison style
(b) Execution style
(c) Advertising style
(d) None of the above
17. The style that shows one or more "typical" people using the product in a normal
setting is:
(a) Slice of life
(b) Lifestyle
(c) Fantasy
(d) Both (b) and (c)
18. The vehicles through which advertising messages are delivered to their intended
audiences are called -
(a) Multi-media
(b) Advertising media
(c) Sales media
(d) Marketing media
19. The net return on advertising investment divided by the costs of advertising
investment is-
(a) Return on Investment
(b) Return on Advertising Investment
(c) Return on Sales Investment
(d) Return on Costs Invested
20. ANA stands for-
(a) Association of National Achievers
(b) Association of National Attitudes
(c) Association of National Advertisers
(d) Ability of National Advertisers
21. A marketing services firm that assists companies in planning, preparing,
implementing and executing all or portions of their advertising programmes is called-
(a) A company
(b) An ad agency
(c) A retail outlet
(d) A distributor
22. Maintaining relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community is
(a) Public relations
(b) Investor relations
(c) Advertising
(d) Both (a) and (c)
23. News is one of the tools used in-
(a) Advertising
(b) Public relations
(c) Marketing
(d) None of the above
24. Recent public relations development is-
(a) Marketing
(b) Advertising
(c) Mobile tour marketing
(d) Both (a) and (b)
25. After deciding the advertising objectives, the company next sets its-
(a) Sales budget
(b) Advertising budget
(c) Promotional budget
(d) Both (a) (c)
26. The person responsible for the entire creative work of the agency is-
(a) The visualiser
(b) The art director
(c) The copy writer
(d) Creative director
27. The person creates the visuals, the drawings and photos etc. is-
(a) The creative director
(b) The copy writer
(c) The art director
(d) The visualiser
28. The person work as a close link between the ad agency and its client is-
(a) The creative director
(b) The account executive
(c) The copy writer
(d) The art director
29. Advertising agency work starts with a-
(a) Brief from the client
(b) Product from the client
(c) Cost of the client
(d) Promotion of the client
30. The most used word in any agency is-
(a) Full service ad agencies in US
(b) Full service ad agencies in India
(c) Full service ad agencies in Russia
(d) Only ad agencies in the world
32. Creative boutiques are-
(a) Limited service agencies
(b) Full service agencies
(c) Shops
(d) None of the above
33. Agency with financial muscle are called-
(a) Agency of records
(b) Agency of muscle
(c) Main agency
(d) None of the above
34. Hot shops are-
(a) Full service agencies
(b) Limited service agencies
(c) Shops
(d) None of the above
35. The agencies such as Clea and Sobhagya are-
(a) Full service agencies in India
(b) Limited service agencies in India
(c) Specialized agencies in India
(d) Agency of records in India
36. Media department is headed by:
(a) CEO
(b) Art Director
(c) Media director
(d) None of the above
37. AGENCY management is conducted on a-
(a) Day-to-day basis
(b) Year-to-year basis
(c) Month to month basis
(d) Quarter to quarter basis
38. Advertising agencies are rated by -
(a) Advertisers
(b) Public
(c) Customers
(d) None of these
39. DAGMAR stands for -
(a) Dealing with advertising goals for measured advertising ratings
(b) Defining adverting goals for measured advertising results
(c) Describing advertising goals for measured advertising results
(d) None of the above
40. Consumer Panel Surveys are conducted for -
(a) Unstructured responses
(b) Structured responses
(c) Survey results
(d) None of the above

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