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Alpha Beta Gamma

Symbol α β γ
2 protons,
Composed of… 1 electron 1 photon
2 neutrons
Helium nucleus Electromagnetic
Fast moving (high (EM) Radiation
A.K.A. energy) electron

Chemical 4 0 0
Symbol 2 He −1 e 0 γ

Charge (e) +2 -1 0

Mass (kg) 6.64 x 10-27 9.11 x 10-31 0

Ionising Power Large Small Tiny

Al (~ 5mm) Concrete ( > 1m)

Absorbed by… Paper, Skin
Pb (2-3mm) Pb (several cm)

Range in air ~ 5cm ~ 1m ∞

Magnetic Field deflected unaffected
(opposite to α)

Electric Field deflected unaffected
(opposite to α)

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