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Penelitian adalah suatu langkah sistematis unutk mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan

Arifin, Zaenal. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian. Halaman 4

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Instrumen Penelitian dan Skala Pengukuran
Kegiatan utama penelitian adalah pengumpulan data

Arifin, Zaenal. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian. Halaman 95

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Countables and Uncountables Noun
None naming things that we can not count ( uncountables or mass noun ) have no indefinite
article and usually no prular

Allen, Stannar. 1974. Living English Structure. Halaman 1

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Past Simple
Very often the past simple end in ed ( regular verb )

Allen, Stannar. 1974. Living English Structure. Halaman 10

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Past Perfect
The past perfect simple is had + past participle. For a list of irregular verb

Allen, Stannar. 1974. Living English Structure. Halaman 30

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Sentence Pattern
Clouds gathered, the sun dimmed, the sky darkened, thunder sound are use the simple
sentence pattern in english, noun + verb.

Wishon, George. 1980. Lets Write English. Halaman 2

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Sentence Pattern
The professor is reading a new book are use the sentence pattern in english, noun + verb +

Wishon, George. 1980. Lets Write English. Halaman 24

Onkys Library

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