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About this section

Components of Web Services?

The basic Web services platform is XML + HTTP. All the standard Web Services works sin! followin!
S"AP #Simple "b$ect Access Protocol%
&''( #&niversal 'escription) 'iscover* and (nte!ration%
WS'L #Web Services 'escription Lan!a!e%
All these components have been discssed in Web Services Architectre section.
How Does it Work?
+o can bild a ,ava-based Web Service on Solaris that is accessible from *or .isal /asic pro!ram that
rns on Windows. +o can also se 01 to bild new Web Services on Windows that can be invoked from
*or Web application that is based on ,avaServer Pa!es #,SP% and rns on Lin2.
An Example
0onsider a simple accont-mana!ement and order -processin! s*stem. The accontin! personnel se a
client application bilt with .isal /asic or ,SP to create new acconts and enter new cstomer orders.
The processing logic for this system is written in Java and resides on a Solaris machine, which
also interacts with a database to store the information.
The steps illstrated above are as follows3
4. The client pro!ram bndles the accont re!istration information into a S"AP messa!e.
5. This S"AP messa!e is sent to the Web Service as the bod* of an HTTP P"ST re6est.
7. The Web Service npacks the S"AP re6est and converts it into a command that the application can
nderstand. The application processes the information as re6ired and responds with a new ni6e
accont nmber for that cstomer.
8. 9e2t) the Web Service packa!es p the response into another S"AP messa!e) which it sends back
to the client pro!ram in response to its HTTP re6est.
:. The client pro!ram npacks the S"AP messa!e to obtain the reslts of the accont re!istration
process. ;or frther details re!ardin! the implementation of Web Services technolo!*) read abot the
0ape 0lear prodct set and review the prodct components.

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