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Checking for a leap year.

Checking for a leap year.

To check for a leap year we can write justwritea verysimple code.
parameters : p_date like sy-datum.
data w_date like p_date.
w_date = p_date.
w_date+4(2) = '02'.
w_date+6(2) = '28'.
add 1 to w_date.
if w_date+4(2) = p_date+4(2).
write 'Its a leap year'.
write 'Its not a leap year'.
once we add 1 to date which is 28th feb of the year. if its a leap year then the month remains the same only the day changes from 28 to 29. if its
not a leap year then the date is 1st march, where the month is changed.
Isn't it this simple.
2nd way to achive the same result:
Paramters: W_date type sy-datum.
Perform Leap_Year_Check.
******** ********** **FORM ROUTINE
Form Leap_Year_Check.
Data: w_date1 type sy-datum,
w_int type i.
w_date+4(4) = '0201'.
w_date1 = w_date.
w_date1+4(2) = '03'.
w_i = w_date1 - w_date.
IF w_i = 29.
write: ' leap year'.
write: 'Not a leap year'.

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