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1109 E. Columbus St.; Martinsville, IN 46151

Church Office, e-mail -; 765-342-3616
May 11, 2014
Manna for Meditation
Magdalen By Henry Kingsley
Magdalen at Michaels gate
Tirled at the pin;
On Josephs thorn sang the blackbird,
Let her in! Let her in!
Hast thou seen the wounds said
!nowest thou th" sin
#t is e$ening, e$ening, sang the
Let her in! Let her in!
%es, # ha$e seen the wounds,
&nd know '" sin(
)he knows it well, well, well, sang the
Let her in! Let her in!
Thou bringest no o**erings, said
+aught sa$e sin(
&nd the blackbird sang, )he is sorr",
sorr", sorr"(
Let her in! Let her in!
,hen he had sung hi'sel* to sleep,
&nd night did begin,
One ca'e and opened Michaels gate,
&nd Magdalen went in(
Pastor Larry
,e welco'e "ou this 'orning( %our presence is
$er" 'uch appreciated( There are pew pads at
the end o* each pew and are to help us recogni-e
"our presence with us(

In His Service
Ma" ./, 01.2
!a"lor Holman, #ill $o%ers & !ravis Holman
10*+0 ,M-C.u/0
Mona & Sonn" Ha%0ins 1 Hel2er-!a"lor H.
SM,33 !,34
5eni ,le6an7er
(The previous weeks attendance and financial status)
SS-68 9*+0 :ors.i2-1+ 10*+0 :ors.i2- 90
;IN,NCI,3 N'!ES M'N!H3) NEE(-<11,888
:ors.i2 Servi/e Sun7a" s/.ool
Ma" 4 <+,591.50 <65.55
)345#&L O6647#+8)
<5-I/e, <55-'=HS, <59-(ea/on>s ;un7, <?5-:ater @or Car
:as., <160-:eiA.t :at/.ers, <18+.10-4roAer
'2eratinA ;un7

!otal e/ei2ts B,2rC <4,1++.15
:ee0l" nee7* <?,945.00
& Mother9s Lo$e
A mother's love !hat can com"are #ith
it $f all things on earth, it comes
nearest to %ivine love in heaven.
A mother's love means a life's %evotion -
an% sometimes a life's sacrifice - #ith
b&t one tho&ght, one ho"e an% one
feeling, that her chil%ren #ill gro# &"
health' an% strong, free from evil habits
an% able to "rovi%e for themselves. (er
sole #ish is that the' ma' %o their "art
li)e men an% #omen, avoi% %angers an%
"itfalls, an% #hen %ar) ho&rs come, tr&st
in *rovi%ence to give them strength,
"atience an% co&rage to bear &"
(a""' is the mother #hen her heart's
#ish is ans#ere%, an% ha""' are sons
an% %a&ghters #hen the' can feel that
the' have contrib&te% to her noble
"&r"ose, an% in some meas&re, re"ai%
her &nceasing, &n#avering love an%
- Anonymous
America For Christ Missions
!.e ?014 'ne =reat Hour o@ S.arinA t.eme is D:e ,re
One( The *ocus is on sharing with our brothers and
sisters in need around the world because we are
connected with the' through 5hrist Jesus( #t
suggests that as long as an"one has an un'et need,
we all ha$e un'et needs( This idea is eas" to
understand when the person in need is a *a'il"
'e'ber or neighbor in our co''unit"( #t is not as
eas" when the person in need is so'eone we dont
know, who li$es *ar awa"( %et, we are called to care
*or those near and *ar, alike( Together we are
showing the world 8ods lo$e and co'passion
through the One 8reat Hour o* )haring o**ering a
$ehicle through which li$es are trans*or'ed(

June .::::::::::::::&wana )ta** Meeting ; <=11 3M
June > ? / :::::::: 7ela" *or Li*e
June @, .1, ? .. ::::Aacation Bible )chool
<=C1 ; /=C1 3M

HE3$ SU$$'! , CHI3( ;' C,M$
!.is "ear %e .ave ?6 /.il7ren %oul7 li0e to
enEo" t.e /am2inA e62erien/e. In or7er to sen7
t.ese 0i7s to /am2, %e nee7 <+?00. ,t t.e /urrent
time, as "ou /an see, %e onl" .ave <1900. :ill "ou
2lease .el2 sen7 to /am2FF (onate to t.e
Cam2ers.i2 ;un7.
!.an0 "ou
5hurch 6a'il"*
MaAAie 5or7an an7 @amil", Mar" Clements an7 .er
@amil", 5a/0 Clar0, #ett" Habst, ,unt MaA C.err",
Ialerie S.ar2, Mar" 5ean ;lu0e, ,nna :altJ, Millie
Clar0, Evel"n (enne", 5os. '%en,
(onna, 5o.n & #arbara S%ean", (avi7 Et/.ison,
#ra"7on & #rian Et/.ison, 4atie (e#ernar7i an7
3a%ana Cleaver.
5o''unit"* 'ur /ommunit" an7 t.e e/onomi/
lea7ers, /.il7ren an7 tea/.ers at our s/.ools an7
our s/.ool boar7s, c.il7ren an7 @amilies @a/inA /risis
in our /ountr" an7 t.ose in nee7 in our /ommunit"
Militar" 3ersonnel= (aniel Hill, !on" #ra7le",
5asen Sumner an7 "an 'le/.Kall militar"
2ersonnel servinA at .ome an7 abroa7(
5ountr"= !.e $resi7ent an7 all 2oliti/al lea7ers,
t.e @amilies a@@e/te7 b" t.e torna7os in t.e sout.ern
states. our nation, 2oli/e an7 @iremen t.rouA.out t.e
/ountr", t.e US e/onom" & t.ose unem2lo"e7.
,orld= $ea/e, Mi77le Eastern /on@li/t, Alobal @inan/ial
situation, an7 t.ose servinA in t.e mission @iel7.
D#D %OE !+O,
Mothers Da" beca'e a
+ational Holida" on
Ma" @, .@.2

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