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Houston Baptist University

Department of Education and Kinesiology

Lesson Plan (05/10/2014)
Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 7
Time Estimate: 55

Unit: The Lone Star Republic Topic: Republic of Texas

Objectives: The learner will apply critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired
from a variety of sources, including electronic technology-based sources.
ELPS Objectives: TSW will apply all vocabulary words in the graphic organizer and individually break
down information acquired from a variety of sources, including electronic technology-based.
annexation- To join; Texas was annexed into the United States after becoming is own Republic
statehood (republic)- Texas is a official state. Texas is no longer owned by anyone.

Measurable Verb Function Context
Use vocabulary words When filling in the
graphic organizer.

Discuss the (finished) graphic
In small learning groups
Analyze The reading with a partner in the

TEKS: (4) (A) (B), (21)(A)(B)(C)(D)(F)
ELPS: 2 (G) (I) (H), 3 (B) (C) (D) (E) (G), 4 (C) (G), 5 (B) (D) (G)

Instructional Procedure:
Focusing Event (Anticipatory set)
Ask the students how they would describe Houston in 1837.

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:
We will go over the worksheet from the previous day (Maps of Houston pg. 106)
TSW work with a partner, and complete the graphic organizer handed out using their textbook.
ELL studets will beak each section into groups in the text book.
ELL student will receive a small graphic organizerthat relates to the specific information after
they read each section.
ELL students may wwork in smaller groups with eacher (I will work closely with these students)
The students may use choose to use the computer to watch a PowerPoint presentation of the
Republic of Texas to answer the questions on the graphic organizer.
TSW play KICK ME after I have given them the rules of the game.

Check (Check for understanding):
I will ask the student to list one reason why it was difficult for Texas to be annexed.

Re-teach (alternative used as needed)

I will break down the graphic organizer with the class.

TSW list all the reasons why Texas had difficulty being annexed and post them on the white
board before leaving.

Assessment/Summative Evaluation:
Unit 7 Quiz


SE- TSW be assisted by teacher, and will receive information in chunks for better understanding.
The instructions that will be provided will be short and clear so there is no confusion on how to
complete the assignment.
ELL-TSW be paired with someone that can assist them for translation (if available). The
instructions that will be provided will be short and clear so there is no confusion on how to
complete the assignment.
GT- TSW create their summary of the how they would handle the problems of the Republic of
Texas. TSW will then debate on why they agree or disagree with their classmates opinion.

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