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A) Write sentences. Use the affirmative (+), negative () or interrogative (?

) form of be going to:

1 Im going to be famous. ( / my brother)
2 We arent going to learn French. (+ / Maria)
3 Im going to watch TV tonight. (? / you)
4 My best friends going to go camping this summer. ( / I)
B) Write sentences using the future simple form of the verbs in the brackets:
1 We .............................(not go) to school in the year 2040.
2 ......... she .....................(win) the race tomorrow?
3 Nobody ................................(find) the treasure here!
4 Do you think that they ...........................(arrive) late for the party?
5 In the future, many animals and plants .....................................(disappear).
C )Complete the sentences with might, will or wont.
1 Panda bears ...................................... not survive in the future. We dont know.
2 We ................................................ definitely use more solar power. Its clean and cheap.
3 People ................................................. live on Pluto. Its impossible.
4 Its possible that scientists ........................................ find a cure for cancer.
5 I think that Tom ............................................ study medicine. Ihe wants to be a doctor.
6 It ............................................................. not rain tomorrow. Then we can play tennis.

Complete the sentences. Use be going to or will.

1 It ........................................ (rain) tomorrow, so we .............................. (not play) tennis.

2 Carol .................................... (study) a lot this year. If she studies a lot, she
........................................ (pass) her exams.
3 I ................... (give) John a Shakira CD for his birthday because I think that
he ............................. (like) it.
4 David ............................................. (study) technology at university. He thinks that it
.............................................................. (be) easy to find a job.
5 We have got the tickets. We .....................................................(watch) the match at the
football stadium!
6 What time .............. you ........................................(be) back?
I don't know. Maybe we ........................................(be) here before ten o'clock.
7 Do they think that their song ............................................(win) the contest?

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