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International Journal of Medical Imaging

2014; 2(3): 54-58

Published online April 30, 2014 (http://wwws!ien!epublishin""roup!o#/$/i$#i)
doi: 1011%48/$i$#i2014020312

Effect of post materials on the biomechanical behaviour of
endodontically treated tooth
Ahmed A. Madfa
1, *
, Fadhel A. Al-Sanabani
, Nasr H. Al-Qudaimi
&ep'rt#ent o( )onser*'ti*e &entistr+, ,'!ult+ o( &entistr+, -ni*ersit+ o( .h'#'r, &h'#'r, /e#en
&ep'rt#ent o( Pedi'tri! &entistr+, Pre*enti*e &entistr+ 'nd 0rthodonti!s, ,'!ult+ o( &entistr+, -ni*ersit+ o( .h'#'r, &h'#'r, /e#en
Email address:
'h#ed1u#120112+'hoo!o# (A A 3'd(')
To i!e !his ar!ile:
Ah#ed A 3'd(', ,'dhel A Al-4'n'b'ni, 5'sr 6 Al-7ud'i#i 8((e!t o( Post 3'teri'ls on the 9io#e!h'ni!'l 9eh'*iour o(
8ndodonti!'ll+ .re'ted .ooth International Journal of Medical Imaging. :ol 2, 5o 3, 2014, pp 54-58
doi: 1011%48/$i$#i2014020312

Abs!ra!: 0b$e!ti*es: .o stud+ the stress distributions in #';ill'r+ !entr'l in!isor restored with 5i-)r !usto#-#'de, "old
!usto#-#'de, pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# 'nd pre('bri!'ted "l'ss (ibre dent'l posts sub$e!ted to obli<ue o!!lus'l lo'd 't 100 5
3'teri'ls 'nd 3ethods: ,our three di#ension'l (inite ele#ent #odels o( ' #';ill'r+ !entr'l in!isor restored with 5i-)r
(3odel =), "old !usto#-#'de (3odel ==), pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# (3odel ===) 'nd pre('bri!'ted "l'ss (ibre (3odel =:) dent'l
posts were !onstru!ted 'nd obli<ue lo'din" o( 100 5 w's 'pplied 4tress 'n'l+sin" 't the 'lon" the !entre o( the post 'nd
post-surroundin" stru!ture inter('!es were !o#puted >esults: .he result o( this stud+ indi!'tes th't the !lini!'l
three-di#ension'l i#'"e pro*ided in(or#'tion 'bout the beh'*iour o( teeth under (un!tion in 'll dire!tions .he results
obt'ined (ro# ' (inite ele#ent #odel on the restored s+ste# !ont'in in(or#'tion 'bout the stress distribution o( e'!h
!o#ponent o( the restor'tion .he #';i#u# *on 3ises stress distribution 't post !enter w's re!orded with 3odel = (38%
3P'), (ollowed b+ 3odel === (224 3P') 'nd 3odel == (208 3P') respe!ti*el+; where's the #ini#u# '#ount o( stress w's
noti!ed in 3odel =: (10? 3P') At post dentin inter('!e, the hi"hest *on 3ises stress distribution w's noti!ed with 3odel =
(2?8 3P'), (ollowed b+ 3odel === (18? 3P') 'nd 3odel == (188 3P') respe!ti*el+; where's the s#'llest '#ount o(
stress w's noti!ed in 3odel =: (101% 3P') )on!lusions: @l'ss (ibre posts "ener'ted the le'st '#ount o( stress
!on!entr'tion 't #iddle 'nd 'pi!'l p'rt o( the posts !o#p'red to other dent'l posts
"e#$ords: ,inite 8le#ent 3odel, )usto#-3'de &ent'l Posts, Pre('bri!'ted &ent'l Posts, 4tress An'l+sis

1. %n!rodu!ion
>estor'tion o( 'n endodonti!'ll+ tre'ted tooth is
!onsidered 's !h'llen"e (or #ost dent'l pr'!titioners &ent'l
post is o(ten used '(ter root !'n'l tre't#ent when restorin" '
d'#'"ed tooth with e;tensi*e loss o( !oron'l tooth stru!ture

Post insertion should be '*oided i( 'de<u'te retention !'n
be '!hie*ed (ro# the re#'inin" !oron'l tooth stru!ture

-n(ortun'tel+, these teeth th't h'*e been restored
endodonti!'ll+ h'*e been shown to e;hibit ' si"ni(i!'ntl+
shorter ser*i!e li(e when !o#p'red with *it'l teeth
&ent'l posts 're ' w'+ o( buildin" up 'nd thereb+ ret'inin"
!oron'l restor'tion, howe*er, posts do not rein(or!e the roots
o( the tooth .he de*elop#ent o( the di((erent post 'nd !ore
s+ste#s "oes 'lon" with ' p'r'di"# shi(t in the restor'ti*e
philosoph+ o( tre't#ent .r'dition'll+, !usto#-#'de posts
'nd !ores were the s+ste# o( !hoi!e, but tod'+, pre('bri!'ted
#et'l 'nd non-#et'l posts, !o#bined with resin !ores 're
!onsidered ' *i'ble 'ltern'ti*e .he pre('bri!'ted post 'nd
!ore s+ste# is one o( the #ost popul'r s+ste#s be!'use it
re<uires less ti#e in the dentistCs !h'ir
4o#e 'uthors 'ssert th't posts #'+ inter(ere with the
#e!h'ni!'l resist'n!e o( tre'ted teeth, le'din" to 'n in!re'sed
risD o( d'#'"e to the re#'inin" tooth stru!ture
.o d'te,
there is still no '"ree#ent 'bout wh't is the ide'l dent'l post
(or restorin" endodonti!'ll+ tre'ted teeth
.here(ore, this
w's sele!ted 's the the#e o( the !urrent stud+
.hree-di#ension'l ,inite ele#ent #ethod (3& ,83) h's
been used (or stress 'n'l+sis o( teeth Eh't is #ore, the 3&
,8 #ethod shows intern'l stress en'blin" predi!tions to be
#'de 'bout potenti'l ('ilure
.here(ore, the stud+ w's
'i#ed 't !o#p'rin" the stress distributions in #';ill'r+
!entr'l in!isor restored with 5i-)r 'nd "old !usto#-#'de,
pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# 'nd "l'ss (iber dent'l posts
=ntern'tion'l Fourn'l o( 3edi!'l =#'"in" 2014; 2(3): 54-58 55

2. Ma!erials and Me!hod
2.1. Modelling of a Maxillary Central Incisor
A three-di#ension'l (3&) #odel o( 'n 'dult #';ill'r+
!entr'l in!isor w's de*eloped usin" ' )o#puted
.o#o"r'ph+ ().) s!'n i#'"e set -sin" 3i#i!s
(3'teri'lise 5:, 9el"iu#) 'nd 6ouns(ieldCs -nit, 3&
#odels o( ' #';ill'r+ !entr'l in!isor were !onstru!ted 'lon"
with its surroundin" !orti!'l 'nd !'n!ellous bones
>estor'tion #ethods (or endodonti!'ll+ tre'ted teeth su!h 's
dent'l posts, !o#posite !ores 'nd dent'l !rown, were
#odeled b'sed on the "eo#etr+ o( the root usin" ' G4olid
EorDsC (&'ss'ult 4+stH#es, -4A) .he di#ension o( e'!h
!o#ponent w's b'sed on the d't' (ro# liter'ture
periodont'l li"'#ent (P&J) w's #odeled b'sed on ' tooth
root with ' thi!Dness o( 025 ##
, 'nd w's subtr'!ted
(ro# the *olu#e o( the !orti!'l 'nd !'n!ellous bone (,i"ure
1) 4in!e 'n+ !e#ent 'nd !e#entu# is *er+ thin .hus, the+
're i"nored 'nd !onsidered 's the p'rt o( dentine
2.2. Mesh Generation
.he tetr'hedr'l ele#ents ()3&4) were used with (ine
#eshes to obt'in '!!ur'te d't' As !onst'nt stress tetr'hedr'l
ele#ents e;hibit slow !on*er"en!e, durin" pilot stud+, '
tetr'hedr'l #esh o( 1484%5 w's used '(ter ' re*e'led th't the
error re#'ined below 01K (or two #esh siLes o( 1484%5
'nd 23%?0% (,i"ure 1)

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the three dimensional geometric model.
2.3. Loads and Boundary Condition
.he bound'r+ !onditions (or the nodes were pl'!ed 'lon"
the botto# end line o( the #odels 'nd (i;ed to the supportin"
stru!ture o( the !entr'l in!isor 's pres!ribed b+ the s+ste#
An obli<ue lo'd, 'n"led 't 45
, to si#ul'te the #'sti!'tor+
(or!e; P
N 100 5 w's !hosen
All (or!es were 'pplied on
the '(ore#entioned 're' 's distributed pressure An+
stresses th't 're liDel+ to be introdu!ed durin" the
endodonti! tre't#ent were ne"le!ted
2.4. Elastic ro!erties
3e!h'ni!'l properties o( the restor'ti*e #'teri'ls were
!re'ted (or e'!h p'rt o( the ,8 #odel .he #'teri'ls used (or
#odelin" e'!h p'rt o( #odel tooth p'rts were 'ssu#ed to be
line'rl+ .he el'sti! properties o( 5i-)r !usto#-#'de
(3odel =), "old !usto#-#'de (3odel ==), pre('bri!'ted
tit'niu# (3odel ===) 'nd "l'ss (iber (3odel =:) dent'l posts
'nd other restor'ti*e #'teri'ls used in the "eo#etri! #odel
're presented in .'bles 1 'nd 2
"a#le 1. Mechanical properties of isotropic materials.
Ma!erial Elas!i modulus &M'a( 'oisson)s ra!io
)orti!'l bone 13I00 03
)'n!ellous bone 13I0 03
&entin 18%00 032
P&J 00%? 045
Por!el'in %?000 028
@utt'-per!h' 140 045
)o#posite resin 12000 033
.it'niu# post 11%000 033
5i-)r 'llo+ 200000 033
@old 'llo+ ?3 033
"a#le 2. Mechanical properties of orthotropic materials.
'ro*er!# +lass fiber *os!
8; (3P') 3I000
8+ (3P') ?500
8L (3P') ?500
:;+ 02I
:;L 034
:+L 02I
@;+ 3100
@;L 3500
@+L 3100
2.$. Finite Ele%ent &nalysis
.he !'l!ul'tion o( the *on 3ises stresses distributions 'nd
pro!essin" w's !'rried out usin" A9A7-4/)A8 so(tw're,
Pro(ession'l :ersion :on 3ises stresses were e*'lu'ted
within the tooth, 'lon" the !entre o( the posts 'nd 't post 'nd
surroundin" stru!tures inter('!es
,. -esul!s
.he result o( this stud+ indi!'tes th't the !lini!'l
three-di#ension'l i#'"e pro*ided in(or#'tion 'bout the
beh'*iour o( teeth under (un!tion in 'll dire!tions .he
results obt'ined (ro# ' (inite ele#ent #odel on the restored
s+ste# !ont'in in(or#'tion 'bout the stress distribution o(
e'!h !o#ponent o( the restor'tion
=n 'll the #odels the pe'D *'lues o( *on 3ises stresses
stress w's re!orded 't the #iddle third o( the bu!!'l 'spe!t o(
the root sur('!e 6owe*er, the s#'llest *'lues were obser*ed
't le*el o( both the 'pi!'l portion o( the post 'nd the root 'pe;
.he hi"h stresses 're 'lso e*iden!ed 'round the lo'din"
're' 'nd the outer sur('!e o( the dentine 4tress
pro"ressi*el+ de!re'ses (ro# the outer to the inner p'rt o(
the root .he pe'D stress distribution w's re!orded with
3odel = (ollowed b+ 3odel === 'nd 3odel == respe!ti*el+;
5% Ah#ed A 3'd(' et al.: 8((e!t o( Post 3'teri'ls on the 9io#e!h'ni!'l 9eh'*iour o( 8ndodonti!'ll+ .re'ted .ooth

where's the #ini#u# '#ount o( stress w's noti!ed in
3odel =: (,i"ures 2-5)

Figure 2. Contour plots for von Mises stress distribution in Model restored
with Ni-Cr custom-made dental post.

Figure 3. Contour plots for von Mises stress distribution in Model restored
with gold custom-made dental post.

Figure 4. Contour plots for von Mises stress distribution in Model restored
with prefabricated titanium dental post.

Figure $. Contour plots for von Mises stress distribution in Model restored
with prefabricated glass fibre dental post.
3.1. 'tress (istri#ution along the Center of the osts
,i"ure % e;hibited the stress distribution inside the 5i-)r
!usto#-#'de (3odel =), "old !usto#-#'de (3odel ==),
pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# (3odel ===) 'nd "l'ss (iber (3odel =:)
dent'l posts .he #';i#u# stress distribution inside the
post is obser*ed with the 5i-)r !usto#-#'de (38% 3P'),
(ollowed b+ pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# (224 3P') 'nd "old
!usto#-#'de (208 3P') dent'l posts respe!ti*el+; while
the #ini#u# '#ount o( stress w's obser*ed in "l'ss (iber
posts 10? 3P') 's shown in ,i"ure %

Figure ). Von Mises stress distribution at the post centre.
3.2. 'tress (istri#ution at the osts and 'urrounding
'tructured Interfaces
,i"ure I showed the stress distribution 't post 'nd
surroundin" stru!ture inter('!e .he hi"hest stress
distribution 't the post 'nd surroundin" stru!ture inter('!e is
obser*ed with the 5i-)r !usto#-#'de (2?8 3P'), (ollowed
b+ pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# (18? 3P') 'nd "old !usto#-#'de
dent'l posts respe!ti*el+; while the s#'llest '#ount o( stress
(188 3P') w's obser*ed in "l'ss (iber posts (101% 3P')

Figure *. Von Mises stress distribution at the post and surrounding
structures interface.
.. /isussion
3edi!'l i#'"in" !'n pl'+ ' !entr'l role in the "lob'l
he'lth!'re s+ste# 's it !ontributes to i#pro*ed p'tient
out!o#e 'nd #ore !ost-e((i!ient he'lth!'re in 'll #'$or
dise'se entities 3edi!'l i#'"in" te!hni<ues 're ' tool (or
#'ppin" o( 'n'to#+ 'nd (or dete!tion 'nd lo!'liL'tion o( '
dise'se pro!ess =t produ!es i#port'nt biolo"i!'l
in(or#'tion 'bout ph+siolo"+, or"'n (un!tion, bio!he#istr+,
#et'bolis#, #ole!ul'r biolo"+ 'nd (un!tion'l "eno#i!s
,inite ele#ent 'n'l+sis is ' power(ul !o#put'tion'l tool
(or #odellin" so(t tissue de(or#'tion =t shows positi*e
results (or s'#e-sub$e!t non-ri"id i#'"e re"istr'tion 'nd (or
#edi!'l si#ul'tion 'ppli!'tions

=n the 're' o( dentistr+, stud+in" dent'l stru!tures 'nd
=ntern'tion'l Fourn'l o( 3edi!'l =#'"in" 2014; 2(3): 54-58 5I

surroundin" tissues in the or'l !'*it+ presents the b'sis (or
underst'ndin" the o!!urren!e o( p'tholo"i!'l pro!ess 'nd
en'bles the !orre!t 'ppro'!h 'nd tre't#ent .he su!!ess o(
restor'ti*e #'teri'ls depends on their properties to
withst'nd 'nd resist o!!lus'l (or!es 'nd su!!ess(ull+ support
the re#'inin" or'l stru!ture
,8A h's been used to stud+
intern'l stresses in teeth 'nd di((erent dent'l #'teri'ls, 'nd
to opti#iLe the sh'pe o( restor'tions =t eli#in'tes the need
(or l'r"e nu#ber o( e;peri#ent'l teeth due to *'ri'tions in
biolo"i!'l #'teri'l properties 'nd 'n'to#+, #e!h'ni!'l
testin" in*ol*in" bio#'teri'ls usu'll+ re<uire ' l'r"e
nu#ber o( s'#ples =t h's been used to represent si#ul'ted
tooth #e!h'ni!'l beh'*ior under o!!lus'l lo'ds in det'ils

.he redu!tion o( stresses in the brittle #'teri'l, liDe dentine,
is 'd*'nt'"eous 's dentine !'n resist l'r"er !+!li! lo'din" 'nd
!h'n!e o( root ('ilure is redu!ed .he redu!tion in the
inter('!e she'r stress redu!es the !h'n!es o( the post loosin"
(ro# dentine 's the stress on bondin" !e#ent !o#es down
,8 #ethod w's used to stud+ the stress "ener'ted in
endodonti!'ll+ tre'ted teeth whi!h 're th't h'd been restored
with ' posts =t h's been shown to be ' use(ul tool when
in*esti"'tin" !o#ple; s+ste#s th't 're di((i!ult to be
st'nd'rdiLed durin" in vitro 'nd in vivo studies

=n this stud+, the #odel o( the in!isor w's !re'ted (ro# '
). s!'n i#'"e o( 'n 'dult #';ill'r+ !entr'l in!isor 'lon"
with its surroundin" stru!tures .his pro*ided ' re'listi!
rendition o( !lini!'l !onditions .oDs'*ul et 'l
o#itted the !e#ent l'+er =n this stud+, the !e#ent l'+er w's
not in!luded to si#pli!it+ the #odel
=t w's obser*ed th't *on 3ises stresses were distributed
'lon" the posts, 's e;pe!ted, 'nd th't stress w's !on!entr'ted
on 'lon" the l'bi'l 'spe!t o( the posts, due to the dire!tion o(
lo'din" 6owe*er, hi"her stresses were obser*ed 5i-)r
!usto#-#'de, (ollowed b+ pre('bri!'ted tit'niu# 'nd "old
!usto#-#'de dent'l posts respe!ti*el+; while the s#'llest
'#ount o( stress w's obser*ed in "l'ss (iber posts 0n the
!ontr'r+, the stress distribution (or "l'ss (iber posts w's
!on!entr'ted #'inl+ within the root dentine @l'ss (iber post
redu!e the !on!entr'tion o( stress is liDel+ to be due to ' lower
sti((ness o( this post .hese results 're in '"ree#ents with
Foshi et 'l A12B who reported th't posts with hi"h sti((ness
produ!ed ' !re'ted hi"her stress !on!entr'tion !o#p'red to
"l'ss (iber posts Posts with ' hi"her el'sti! #odulus h'*e
been (ound to !'use '#pli(i!'tion o( stress within the post
itsel(, +et ' redu!ed stress distribution in the root dentin
.he results 'lso '"ree with 'n e'rlier theoreti!'l, in vitro
in*esti"'tion o( the resist'n!e o( post-restored teeth to '
!+!li!'l lo'din"
'nd with ' theoreti!'l stud+ usin" ,8
4il*' et 'l
!o#p'red (our di((erent #et'l
posts to "l'ss (iber posts .he+ reported th't the stress
distribution within the tooth restored with ' "l'ss (iber post
w's #ore ho#o"enous th'n those restored with #et'l posts
,urther#ore, the+ (ound th't stress tended to be
!on!entr'ted 't the outer bound'r+ o( #et'l posts As#ussen
et 'l
'n'l+Led the stress distribution in endodonti!'ll+
tre'ted teeth restored with "l'ss (iber, tit'niu#, 'nd Lir!oni'
posts, reportin" th't 'n in!re'se in the el'sti! #odulus o( the
post !'used ' de!re'se in the stress within the dentin
,or the inter('!e between the post 'nd the surroundin"
stru!ture, 5i-)r !usto#-#'de post e;hibited the hi"hest
stresses, while the s#'llest '#ount o( stress w's obser*ed in
"l'ss (iber post !o#p'red to other t+pes o( post 4i#il'rl+,
the results o( this stud+ re*e'led th't "l'ss (iber posts show '
#ore b'l'n!ed stress distribution 't the post 'nd dentine
inter('!e, 's well 's the !er*i!'l 're' o( the tooth .his is
'"ree#ent with 9os!hi'n et 'l
, who reported th't
rein(or!ed (iber "l'ss !o#posites distribute stress better th'n
tit'niu# or st'inless steel posts .his !on!urs with the results
o( the present stud+ whi!h shows th't #et'lli! posts
"ener'te the hi"hest stress *'lues
0. 1onlusions
@l'ss (iber posts redu!ed the distribution o( stress 't the
#iddle 'nd 'pi!'l p'rts o( the post !o#p'red to other dent'l
posts 6owe*er, 5i-)r !usto#-#'de dent'l post in!re'sed
the distribution o( stress 't the #iddle 'nd 'pi!'l p'rts o( the
post !o#p'red to other dent'l posts .here(ore, the !hosen
dent'l post with low el'sti! properties, pr'!ti!'ll+ when it is
ne'r to the el'sti! properties o( dentine, is pre(erred in order
to di#inish the stresses in dentine 'nd 't the inter('!e .his
is in turn will resist l'r"er !+!li! lo'din" 'nd #ini#iLe the
root ('ilure 'nd !h'n!e the post loosin" (ro# dentine

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