Government and Politics-GB

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Government and Politics:

British Institutions
Are these statements True or False?:
1. The British Constitution is not contained in a single legal document.
2. The supremacy of Parliament implies that there can be legal opposition to it.
. The !ueen has an acti"e role in the political debate.
#. The !ueen$s role as an element of the legislati"e authority is only formal.
%. &Constituency' is the name gi"en to each one of (%) electoral districts.
(. &*P' is the abbre"iation for &Prime *inister'.
+. A by,election is held -hen. for instance. an *P resigns.
/. 0hen a Cabinet *inister disagrees -ith a 1o"ernment decision. he2she must
3. The 4hado- Cabinet is a group of rele"ant members of the main opposition party.
1). The 1o"ernment has no po-ers to ma5e -ar. declare peace. for e6ample. unless
Parliament agrees.

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