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Lesson 18, 19 & 20

Session No. & Title:
Skills required for job interview
Simulating job interviews
Simulating job interviews
75 minutes.
The class begins with general greetings. Then the teacher introduces the topic to the
class. The students are asked about their experiences of interviews at different stages
of their lives. fterwards the teacher tells the students about the initial requirement of
the industr! and how the induction is done through evaluation. This evaluation is done
through interview. Then the importance of interview is further elaborated. Some videos
are pla!ed to let the students know the exact things that the! need to do before" during
and after the interview.
The students are provided with a long list of questions which will enable them to
simulate an interview activit! more effectivel!. The! are then divided into pairs and are
asked to stage formal interviews in pair in the following classes.
Audio Title & Duration!:
"ideo Title & Duration!:
$. %reeting formall! and informall!
&. 'ormal (ords
). *ength of the nswers in an +nterview
,. +nterview -rocess . n /ver 0iew
5. 1od! *anguage
2. Sta! 3ourteous Throughout the +nterview
7. Dos and Don4ts . 3omplete /ver 0iew of +nterview
5. 5 Secrets to a 6ob +nterview
7. Tell me about !ourself . (hat #ot to Sa!
$8. Tell me about !ourself . (hat to Sa!
$$. Tell me about !ourself 9 :xample
$&. Tell me about a weakness" the %//D answer
$). (hat is !our biggest failure;. the %//D ex.
$,. (hat is !our greatest achievement;. %//D ex.
$5. (hat is !our greatest achievement;. %//D ex.
$2. $2. (hat is !our ideal job;. the %//D answer
$7. (h! should we hire !ou; . the %//D answer
$5. (here do !ou see !ourself in 5 !ears; %//D
$7. Salar! in a 6ob +nterview
&8. Salar! in a 6ob +nterview
&$. Salar! in a 6ob +nterview. :xample
&&. Top )2 6ob +nterview <uestions and nswers &8$8
#a$e % Acti&it' Source Title & pa(e No.!:
Some of the students =volunteers> are called at front and the rest are asked to ask some
questions keeping the scenario of an interview in their minds.
)eadin( Material *oo+%,a(e No% -andout% Scanned $aterial.s re/erence!:
$. &5 +?-/@T#T +#T:@0+:( T+-S
&. 6ob +nterview.:ssentials
). 6ob +nterview.*anguage 1arriers
?ultimedia A (hite 1oard
Students are asked to read further from given handouts.
0erbal. Students were satisfied.

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