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Diversity Statement of Informed Beliefs

Kendra Baker
Dr. LueLinda Egbert
EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture


Diversity Statement of Informed Beliefs
All children are unique and deserve an equal education no matter what culture or
background they come from. America is a diverse place with people coming to better themselves
from every culture. Some students come from broken homes and may be abused or feel
unworthy, while others come from happy homes. It is the teachers job to make sure the
classroom is a safe, well rounded place for every student to learn, be successful, and get an equal
All Students Can Learn
All students have the ability to learn. It is the teachers responsibility to find the correct
learning styles and tools for each child. Learning styles are an individual's natural or habitual
pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. Some students are visual
leaners, while others may be auditory or kinesthetic. I will ensure that all my students get an
equal education by getting to know each of my students individually and finding out what excites
them, what their home life is like, and what their learning style is. Vygotsky believes social
interaction is a big part of cognitive development (Berns, 2007). According to Vygotskys
theory, students have a zone of proximal development, which is the difference between a
learner's ability to perform a task independently versus with guidance (Berns, 2007). I will help
my students to find their ZPD and build on their cognitive development. Teacher expectations
can influence the students and affect their performance (Berns, 2007).
When a teacher has to high of expectations for a student it can cause them to crumble due
to stress and too much pressure. It can also go the other way and build the child up and give them
more confidence and better them. If a teacher has low expectations for a student, the student will

start to believe that they arent smart enough. It will affect their attitude, or the way they feel
about school. Educational goals are important because they show the students that, if they work
hard, they will have achievements. Goals also help to show students that they are in control of
their own education. Goals help to teach students self-worth and responsibility (Berns, 2007).
Students Social Ecology Theory
The way a student was socialized by their parents, and relatives from birth greatly affects
their self-esteem and self-image. The links between the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem,
and macrosystem all work together to build values, beliefs, culture, self-esteem, and trust.
Competent and incompetent families, cultures, and communities impact the students ability to
learn. If a family cant afford to support the students school needs such as school supplies, the
community needs to step in to help the student and if the community cant support the child the
child will suffer greatly (Berns, 2007).
According to Bronfenbrenners Bioecological Theory, it is important to understand the
social ecology and the way it affects the ability for a child to learn and succeed. The environment
(exosystem) a child was brought up in affects their ability to learn sometimes in a good way and
sometimes in a bad way. The family (microsystem) and community (mesosytem) must interact
and communicate to make sure all the needs of the student are met. If the student was brought up
in an incompetent home, they might need more help than a student that was brought up in a
competent home (Berns, 2007).


Discrimination and Learning
I will acknowledge the different ethnic backgrounds in my class by exploring and
learning about every students individual cultures. I will teach my student the importance of
equality and celebrate the different cultures. Cultural Pluralism is having appreciation and
understanding of the different cultures, religions, and beliefs while they coexist in society. It is
very important for students to understand that we are all different but can come together and
learn as a group. Assimilation is a term for mental adaption to ones environment by
incorporating experiences. If a person doesnt fit, in they may assimilate others (Berns, 2007).
Individualism is emphasis on individual fulfillment and choice. Teachers should
emphasize individual beliefs and cultures in the classroom and collectivism which is the
emphasis on independent relations, social responsibilities, and the well-being of the group. There
is a wide range of diverse learners in the schools. Teachers should use the instructional model
that best fits the needs of the students such as individual, competitive and cooperative. Students
with learning disabilities might need different instructional models or curriculum then the
students without learning disabilities. It is up to the teacher to figure out what works best for the
students (Berns, 2007).
Equitable Education for All Students
All students have the right to learn and get an equitable education. Discrimination,
divorce, dual income families and poverty impact the students social, behavioral, emotional, and
cognitive learning outcomes. If a student is dealing with any of these things, it can cause stress
and worry for the student. If a students family is going through a divorce they might have a hard
time focusing in school because they are focused on what is going on at home and may even be

blaming themselves for the divorce. If the child doesnt have food or shelter or is living in
poverty, they may be thinking about where their next meal is coming from and not on school
work (Berns, 2007).
I will provide a caring, fair, and equitable education for all of my students. My teaching
style will be authoritative. I want to be a leader while also finding out what my students want. I
will help to direct my students and encourage them, while allowing them to make some of their
own mistakes. I will find out what excites them and what they want to learn. I will use
standardized tests to find out what they have learned and build on that. Standardized tests are
for normal referencing and comparing students to students. I will make sure all of my students
know they are special and have the ability to learn and succeed. I will use the learner-directed
approach to teaching because studies show that this approach helps students have a more positive
attitude towards school and their teachers. The learner-directed approach is where the focus is on
both the student and the teacher, and students interact with the teacher and the other students,
creating a positive, caring and equitable environment (Berns, 2007).
Teachers have a huge responsibility to help their students succeed in school. Classrooms
must accommodate the diversity and differences every student has. Teachers must make students
feel sage and wanted while in school. All students deserve an equal education no matter what
their background is. One teacher can make all the difference is a students life even if it is just at
school. I am going to be one of those teachers that make all the difference.


Berns, R.M. (2007). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support (7
Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning, Inc.

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