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Cross-Curricular Social Studies/Spanish Class

Lesson 3
What: Students will produce an Infographic about the different types of crops in
Argentina, after learning about the agriculture in Argentina and how its a means
of survival in Argentina.
Why: To use the name of foods in Spanish
How: Using Pictochart, you will create a visual product that will have the
agricultural products in Argentina.
Materials: Computers with Internet Access to HERE for Piktochart
Once the students gathered information about the Agricultural world in Argentina,
they will be required to complete a task that will show different types of crop
that are grown in Argentina.

Once they have the information, you will produce an Infographic with the
information you learned about the different types of crops in Argentina.
4. To close, Students will have an Art Gallery with all their posters and they will
describe their Infographics in Spanish to each other about the different types of
crops in Argentina.

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