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!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!

4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?
Cleiic Spells
Level u Spells
Cieate Watei
Cuie Ninoi Wounus
Betect Nagic
Lance of Faith
Level 1 Spells
Cuie Light Wounus
Betect 0nueau
Bivine Favoi
Inflict Light Wounus
Piotection fiom Evil
Shielu of Faith
Level 2 Spells
Cuie Noueiate Wounus
Bolu Peison
Inflict Noueiate Wounus
Lessei Restoiation
Spiiitual Weapon
Zone of Tiuth
Level S Spells
Cieate Foou anu Watei
Cuie Seiious Wounus
Bispel Nagic
Inflict Seiious Wounus
Speak with Beau
Level 4 Spells
Cuie Ciitical Wounus
Beath Waiu
Bivine Powei
Inflict Ciitical Wounus
Level S Spells
Flame Stiike
Cuie Wounus, Nass
Raise Beau
Tiue Seeing
Wizaiu Spells
Level u Spells
Buining Banus
Betect Nagic
Bisguise Self
Nage Aimoi
Nage Banu
Ninoi Illusion
Ray of Fiost
Reau Nagic
Shocking uiasp
Level 1 Spells
Chaim Peison
Coloi Spiay
Compiehenu Languages
Feathei Fall
Nagic Nissile
Level 2 Spells
Nelf's Aciu Aiiow
Niiioi Image
Phantasmal Foice
Rope Tiick
Scoiching Ray
Spiuei Climb
Level S Spells
Bispel Nagic
Bolu Peison
Lightning Bolt
Stinking Clouu
Watei Bieathing
Level 4 Spells
Bimension Booi
Ice Stoim
Wall of Fiie
Level S Spells
Cone of Colu
Bominate Peison
Bolu Nonstei

!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 =
Spell Besciiptions
The spells aie piesenteu in alphabetical oiuei.
!"#$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
You awaken couiage anu iesolve in youi
companions so that they can stanu fast in the
face of uangei.
"##$%&' Choose up to thiee cieatuies within
1u feet of you that aie not cuiiently affecteu
by this spell. Each cieatuie's maximum anu
cuiient hit points both inciease by S foi the
next 8 houis.
!"#$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
Casting gem-inlaiu sticks, uiagon bones, oi
some othei uivining tool, you consult with
spiiits to leain whethei an effoit in the
immeuiate futuie will be beneficial oi haimful
foi you anu youi companions.
($)*+,$-$.&' To cast this spell, you must
have specially maikeu sticks, bones, oi similai
tokens woith at least 2S gp, anu you must
spenu at least 1 minute stuuying them to
uiscein theii meaning.
"##$%&' Besciibe a couise of action that you
might take within the next thiity minutes. You
ieceive an omen about the iesults of that
0&+%, foi goou iesults
0/&, foi bau iesults
0&+% +"# 1/&, foi both goou anu bau
2/,*."3, foi iesults that aie not especially
goou oi bau
The spell uoes not iuentify any contiibuting
ciicumstances that might change the outcome,
such as the casting of auuitional spells, the loss
oi gain of a companion, anu so on.
This spell contacts otheiwoiluly entities foi
answeis. The fiist time you cast it, you can
ieceive a ieliable answei baseu on the quality
of youi uesciiption. Fuithei queiies in a single
uay can pioviue false ieauings. Each time you
cast this spell in the same uay aftei the fiist,
theie is a 2u peicent chance (1-S on a u2u
ioll) that you will get a false ieauing. The BN
makes this ioll in seciet.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes chanting
entieaties to spiiits of fate anu foitune anu
using special mateiial components, such as
incense, woith no less than Su gp.
45,$%&'&% &")*+",-&", 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
You bestow youi blessing on youi companions,
giving them the heait to face theii piesent tiial.
"##$%&' Choose any numbei of cieatuies in a
2u-foot-iauius spheie within Su feet of you.
Each of those cieatuies gains a +1 bonus to
attack iolls anu saving thiows. The bonus lasts
until youi concentiation is bioken, but foi no
longei than 1 minute.
;7#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
This spell was uevelopeu by spellcasteis
attempting to ieplicate the ability of blink
uogs to biiefly vanish ueep into the Etheieal
Plane. 0nlike those uogs, a spellcastei
sometimes fails to blink back into this plane of
existence when the spell enus.
($)*+,$-$.&' You must be on a plane
othei than the Etheieal Plane to cast this spell.
"##$%&' Foi the next minute, ioll a u2u at the
enu of each of youi tuins. 0n a ioll of 11 oi
highei, you vanish fiom youi cuiient plane of
existence anu appeai ueep in the Etheieal
Plane. At the stait of youi next tuin, you
ietuin in a space of youi choice that is within
1u feet of the space wheie you vanisheu.
0nless you have magic that can ieach acioss
planes, you can affect anu be affecteu only be
things on the Etheieal Plane while you aie
12$%+/0' If you ioll a 1 on the u2u, ioll again.
If you ioll anothei 1, you aie lost in the
Etheieal Plane foi 2u6 houis. At the enu of
that time, you ieappeai as uesciibeu above.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 @
Buining Banus
=$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
As you holu youi hanus with youi thumbs
touching anu fingeis spieau, a thin sheet of
flames shoots foith fiom youi outstietcheu
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 1S-foot cone
oiiginating fiom you must make a Bexteiity
saving thiow. A cieatuie takes 1u6 fiie
uamage on a faileu save, anu half as much
uamage on a successful one.
The fiie ignites unattenueu flammable
objects in the aiea.
Chaim Peison
45,$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
This spell twists a cieatuie's minu so that it
sees you in the best possible light in the
piesent ciicumstances. A hostile cieatuie, foi
example, might not see you as a thieat, while a
boieu shopkeepei might suuuenly iegaiu you
with unfounueu tiust.
"##$%&' Choose a living humanoiu within 2S
feet of you. It must make a Wisuom saving
thiow, anu uoes so with auvantage if you oi
youi companions aie fighting it. If it fails, it is
chaimeu by you foi 1 houi, oi until you oi
youi companions haim it.
A cieatuie chaimeu by this spell iemembeis
being chaimeu.
>,*$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
To mastei this spell, you must be familiai with
one of a few nameless, ieeking Abyssal layeis
wheie the veiy atmospheie is ueath to moitals
anu uemons alike.
As you cast this spell, you holu the image of
the toxic Abyssal layei in youi minu while the
woius of youi conjuiation siphon fiom it a
poition of what you beholu. Noisome, yellow-
gieen vapois ioll acioss the giounu, biinging
ueath to cieatuies caught within.
"##$%&' You cieate a 2u-foot-iauius clouu of
poisonous fog centeieu on a point you can see
within 1uu feet of you. The clouu's aiea is
heavily obscuieu. It lasts until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1u minutes.
When the clouu appeais, each living
cieatuie in it must make a Constitution saving
thiow. A cieatuie takes Su1u poison uamage
on a faileu save, anu half as much uamage on a
successful one. Any living cieatuie that enteis
the clouu oi enus its tuin theie must also
make this saving thiow (no moie than once
pei tuin).
The clouu moves 1u feet away fiom you at
the stait of each of youi tuins, iolling along
the suiface of the giounu. The vapois, being
heaviei than aii, sink to the lowest level of the
lanu, even pouiing uown openings.
A moueiate winu (at least 11 miles pei
houi) uispeises the clouu aftei 4 iounus. A
stiong winu (at least 21 miles pei houi)
uispeises it aftei 1 iounu.
Coloi Spiay
45,$%&'&% .%%<5./"
This spell cieates a uazzling aiiay of flashing
colois that uaze anu uisoiient onlookeis. A
cieatuie exposeu to its effects feels a sense of
veitigo anu a clash of emotions, as the illusion
oveiwhelms its senses anu confuses its minu.
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 1S-foot cone
oiiginating fiom you must make a Wisuom
saving thiow, pioviueu the cieatuie can see.
Choose blue, ieu, oi yellow. Eveiy cieatuie
that fails its saving thiow suffeis that coloi's
effect until the enu of its next tuin.
@%<&A The cieatuie's speeu is halveu, anu the
cieatuie has uisauvantage on all attack iolls
anu checks.
B&#A The cieatuie must use its action to
make a melee oi iangeu attack (its choice)
against a ianuomly ueteimineu taiget within
C&%%/1A The cieatuie is fiighteneu. It must
move as fai away fiom you as possible befoie
taking an action, but if moving woulu piovoke
an oppoitunity attack, it neeu not move.
45,$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
You channel supeinatuial authoiity so that
you can compel a cieatuie into obeuience. The
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 A
cieatuie acts without thinking, uoing what you
commanu to the best of its ability.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you that can heai you. You speak a one-
woiu commanu to it. If the taiget's hit point
maximum is Su oi moie, it must make a
Wisuom saving thiow. If the cieatuie fails the
saving thiow oi has a hit point maximum less
than Su, it spenus its next tuin uoing as it was
commanueu anu nothing else.
Some typical commanus anu theii effects
follow. You might issue a commanu othei than
one of the ones uesciibeu heie. If you uo so,
the BN ueteimines how the taiget behaves. If
the taiget is pieventeu fiom following the
commanu, the spell enus.
D997/+)*A The taiget moves towaiu you by
the shoitest anu most uiiect ioute, enuing its
tuin if it moves within S feet of you.
E7/9A The taiget uiops whatevei it is
holuing anu then enus its tuin.
F%&&A The taiget spenus its tuin moving
away fiom you by the fastest available means.
G7/'&%A The taiget falls pione anu then enus
its tuin.
H+%,A The taiget uoes not move anu takes no
actions. A flying cieatuie stays aloft, pioviueu
it is able to uo so.
>,*$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
You beseech a ueity oi a seivant theieof foi
knowleuge to aiu you in making a uecision.
"##$%&' You contact youi ueity, oi a uivine
pioxy, anu ask up to thiee questions that can
be answeieu with a yes oi a no. You must ask
youi questions within 1 minute of casting this
spell. You ieceive a coiiect answei foi each
Bivine beings of the 0utei Planes aie not
necessaiily omniscient, so you might ieceive
"uncleai" as an answei if a question peitains
to infoimation that lies beyonu the ueity's
knowleuge. In a case wheie a one-woiu
answei coulu be misleauing oi contiaiy to the
ueity's inteiests, the BN might offei a shoit
phiase as answei insteau.
Repeateu uses of this spell in the same uay
make it haiuei foi you to ieach youi ueity.
Each time you cast this spell in the same uay
aftei the fiist, theie is a 2S peicent chance (1-
S on a u2u ioll) that you will get no answei.
Compiehenu Languages
45,$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
The woilu is home to countless languages anu
uialects, tongues that aie beyonu counting anu
whose meaning is lost on even the most
eiuuite scholais. This spell makes the
incompiehensible compiehensible.
"##$%&' Foi 1 houi, you unueistanu the
liteial meaning of spoken language that you
heai anu of wiitten language, pioviueu you
aie touching the suiface on which the woius
aie wiitten. It takes about 1 minute to ieau
one page of text (about 2Su woius).
This spell uoes not ueciphei coues, anu it
uoes not allow you to ieau magical wiiting oi
insciiptions (such as those uecipheieu by the
7&+# -+3.) spell). Ceitain magical waius
might foil this spell by concealing text,
tiapping it, oi making the text nonsensical.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes ieciting ancient
woius of foigotten languages while using
special mateiial components, incluuing a
pouch of salt woith no less than 2S gp anu a
pinch of soot taken fiom a heaith.
Cone of Colu
>,*$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
Incipient fiostbite stings youi fingeitips as
you open an ephemeial link to an Innei Plane
wheie ice ieigns supieme. Youi spell
summons a blast of elemental colu that fans
out fiom you, flash-fieezing eveiything it
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 6u-foot cone
oiiginating fiom you must make a Constitution
saving thiow. A cieatuie takes 4u6 colu
uamage on a faileu save, anu half as much
uamage on a successful one.
A cieatuie killeu by this spell becomes a
fiozen statue until it thaws.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 B
Cieate Foou anu Watei
;7#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
Youi piayeis cieate nouiishing foou anu clean
watei to sustain you anu youi companions.
"##$%&' You cieate foou anu watei in
sufficient quantities to sustain up to ten
humanoius oi five steeus foi 1 uay. The foou is
blanu but nouiishing, anu spoils if uneaten
aftei a uay. The watei is clean anu uoes not go
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes piepaiing special
mateiial components that incluue an oinate
silvei spoon woith no less than 1 gp anu
eithei a loaf of bieau oi a fieshly caught fish
(usually valueu at no moie than 1 sp).
Cieate Watei
=$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
Watei conuenses in the aii at a point you
choose, falling like iain oi filling a containei
such as a bucket oi a skin.
"##$%&' You cieate enough wholesome,
uiinkable watei to sustain one Small oi
Neuium humanoiu foi a uay (about 2 gallons).
You can cieate the watei in any empty
containei within 2S feet that will contain the
liquiu oi as iain falling acioss an aiea thiee
times as laige. The watei lasts until consumeu,
until it evapoiates noimally, oi foi 1 uay.
Cuie Ciitical Wounus
I,*$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Youi magic imbues an injuieu cieatuie with
poweiful healing eneigy, potent enough to
heal even giievous wounus.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you. It iegains 4u8 + 1S hit points.
Cuie Light Wounus
45,$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
You channel magical eneigy into an injuieu
cieatuie to menu wounus anu ease suffeiing.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you. It iegains 1u8 + 4 hit points.
Cuie Ninoi Wounus
=$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Youi healing magic pulls a cieatuie away fiom
the biink of ueath.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you that has S hit points oi fewei. It
iegains 1 hit point.
Cuie Noueiate Wounus
!"#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Channeling uivine eneigy thiough youi magic
iestoies health anu vitality.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you. It iegains 2u8 + 4 hit points.
Cuie Seiious Wounus
;7#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Bealing eneigy flows thiough youi touch anu
can menu the most seiious wounus.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you. It iegains 4u8 + 4 hit points.
Cuie Wounus, Nass
>,*$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
You unleash healing eneigy to aiu the injuieu
anu menu theii wounus.
"##$%&' Choose a point you can see within Su
feet of you. Any numbei of living cieatuies of
youi choice within 2S feet of that point iegain
1u8 + 4 hit points.
!"#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
Leaining the #+7J"&55 spell iequiies a
knowleuge of lightless voius so extieme that
evoking theii image leaches all light fiom an
aiea. Some cieatuies, such as uiow, aie
natuially familiai with such places, anu the
stuuy of them anu theii enviions also seives
those who woulu mastei this spell.
The object you touch blooms like a night
flowei, uaikening the aii all aiounu it until no
light can pieice the aiea of gloom.
"##$%&' You touch an unattenueu object oi
an object you aie holuing. A 1S-foot iauius
spheie centeieu on the object is filleu with
uaikness until youi concentiation is bioken,
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 C
but foi no longei than 1u minutes. Not even
uaikvision can see thiough this uaikness, anu
no natuial light can illuminate it.
Coveiing the object with a soliu object, such
as a bowl oi a helm, suppiesses the uaikness.
If this spell's aiea oveilaps with an aiea of
light cieateu by a spell of this spell's level oi
lowei, the light is uispelleu.
;7#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
The object you touch becomes like the sun,
filling the aii with biilliant light.
"##$%&' You touch an object. Foi 1 houi, it
sheus biight light in a 12u-foot-iauius spheie
anu uim light foi an auuitional 12u feet.
Coveiing the object with a soliu object, such
as a bowl oi a helm, blocks the glow.
If this spell's aiea oveilaps with an aiea of
uaikness cieateu by a spell of this spell's level
oi lowei, the uaikness is uispelleu.
Beath Waiu
I,*$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
You call upon the powei of the gous to weave
a shielu of fate aiounu a cieatuie. Thiough a
twist of luck, ianuom chance, oi even uivine
inteivention, you assuie that the cieatuie will
cheat ueath at least once this uay.
"##$%&' You touch a living cieatuie. Buiing
the next 8 houis, the fiist time the cieatuie
woulu be ieuuceu to u hit points oi fewei by
uamage, the cieatuie is insteau ieuuceu to 1
hit point, anu this spell enus. 0i the fiist time
the cieatuie is subjecteu to an effect that
woulu kill it outiight without uealing uamage,
that effect is negateu against the cieatuie, anu
this spell enus.
Betect Nagic
=$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
0pon casting #&,&), -+3.)L you immeuiately
peiceive an auia aiounu any objects, aieas, oi
cieatuies affecteu oi cieateu by magic.
Stuuying the auias can give you clues to the
natuie of the magic.
"##$%&' You uetect the piesence of any magic
in a Su-foot cone oiiginating fiom you foi 1
minute. You can ignoie the piesence of magic
that you aie alieauy awaie of. If the magic you
sense belongs to a school of magic, you leain
what that school is.
This spell uoes not ieveal invisible cieatuies
oi magic that conceals spells, objects, oi
0n each of youi tuins, you can tuin to uetect
magic in a new aiea as pait of youi movement.
The spell can penetiate baiiieis, but 1 foot of
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of
leau, oi S feet of woou oi uiit blocks it.
Betect 0nueau
45,$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
You altei youi senses to peiceive the auia of
negative eneigy suiiounuing unueau
cieatuies. This spell ieveals hiuuen unueau as
well as those uisguiseu as living cieatuies by
magical oi munuane means.
"##$%&' You uetect the piesence of any
unueau cieatuies in a Su-foot cone oiiginating
fiom you foi 1 minute. 0nueau cannot become
hiuuen fiom you while in the aiea of youi
0n each of youi tuins, you can tuin to uetect
unueau in a new aiea as pait of youi
movement. The spell can penetiate baiiieis,
but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
thin sheet of leau, oi S feet of woou oi uiit
blocks it.
Bimension Booi
I,*$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
Youi conjuiation biiefly cieates two iounueu
uoois of uaikness hanging in space. 0ne uooi
appeais next to you, anu the othei appeais up
to a hunuieu feet away. When you step into
the neaiei uooi, you emeige fiom the faithei
one, anu they both uisappeai.
"##$%&' You telepoit youiself fiom youi
cuiient location to any othei spot within 4uu
feet. You aiiive at exactly the spot uesiieu,
whethei by seeing it, by imagining it, oi by
stating uiiection, such as "2uu feet stiaight
uownwaiu" oi "upwaiu to the noithwest at a
4S-uegiee angle, Suu feet."
You can biing along objects as long as theii
weight uoesn't exceeu the maximum loau you
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 D
can caiiy. You can also biing one willing
cieatuie of youi size categoiy oi smallei
caiiying geai up to its maximum loau. The
cieatuie must be in physical contact with you
when you cast this spell.
If you aiiive in a place alieauy occupieu by
an object oi a cieatuie, you anu any cieatuie
tiaveling with you each take 4u6 foice uamage,
anu the spell is expenueu but fails to telepoit
Bisguise Self
=$%&'&% .%%<5./"
Weaving stianus of illusion magic, you fashion
a new appeaiance foi youiself.
"##$%&' You make youiselfincluuing youi
clothing, aimoi, weapons, anu equipment
look uiffeient foi 1 houi oi until you uismiss it
as an action. You can seem 1 foot shoitei oi
tallei anu can appeai thin, fat, oi in between.
You can't change youi bouy type, foicing you
to auopt a foim that has the same basic
aiiangement of limbs. 0theiwise, the extent of
the illusion is up to you.
The changes fail to holu up to physical
inteiaction. If you use this spell to auu a hat to
youi outfit, objects pass thiough the hat anu
anyone touching it woulu feel nothing oi
woulu feel youi heau anu haii. Anyone
obseiving you can make a BC 1S Wisuom
check to notice the uisguise.
Bispel Nagic
;7#$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
This spell can uniavel anu suppiess magical
effects fiom a vaiiety of souices. Whethei
confionteu by a blazing 1+%% /8 8.7& oi a fienu
summoneu fiom the ueepest pits of the Nine
Bells, you can use #.59&% -+3.) to uismantle
the effect.
"##$%&' Choose one cieatuie, object, oi spell
effect within 1uu feet of you.
Any spell of 2nu level oi lowei on the taiget
enus. Foi each spell of a highei level on the
taiget, make a check using youi magic ability
mouifiei. The BC equals 1u + the spell's level.
0n a successful check, the spell enus.
Foi magical effects that aie not spells, the
BC neeueu to enu the effect is 1u + the numbei
of Bit Bice of the cieatuie that cieateu the
I,*$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
You buin incense anu make a sacieu offeiing
appiopiiate to youi ieligion to gain guiuance
about the futuie fiom youi gou oi the gou's
"##$%&' Ask a single question conceining a
specific goal, event, oi activity to occui within
one week. The BN offeis a tiuthful ieply. The
ieply might be a shoit phiase, a ciyptic ihyme,
oi an omen.
The spell uoes not iuentify any
ciicumstances that might change the outcome,
such as the casting of auuitional spells, the loss
oi gain of a companion, anu so on.
This spell contacts otheiwoiluly entities foi
answeis. The fiist time you cast it, you can
ieceive a ieliable answei baseu on youi queiy.
Fuithei questions in a single uay about any
topic can pioviue false ieauings. Each time
you cast this spell in the same uay aftei the
fiist, theie is a 2S peicent chance (1-S on a
u2u ioll) that you will get a false ieauing. The
BN makes this ioll in seciet.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual. To
uo so, you must buin sacieu heibs woith no
less than Suu gp in a bionze biaziei foi 1 houi.
Bivine Favoi
45,$%&'&% &'/)+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Youi uivine pation answeis youi piayei anu
places a spiiitual hanu upon youi soul as a
maik of favoi. Foi as long as this blessing
iemains, you fight with gieatei might.
"##$%&' You gain a +1 bonus to attack iolls
anu uamage iolls until youi concentiation is
bioken, but foi no longei than 1 minute.
Bivine Powei
I,*$%&'&% &'/)+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Intoning a piayei evokes youi gou's powei
thiough youi weapon. When you stiike, you
uo so with holy might.
"##$%&' You gain a +4 bonus to Stiength
checks. You gain the same bonus to attack iolls
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 E
anu uamage iolls involving a weapon that uses
Stiength. The bonus lasts until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1 minute.
Bominate Peison
>,*$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
Nasteiing this spell iequiies piactice, usually
by iepeating its magical foimula again anu
again in youi minu while focusing youi
concentiation. You builu youi willpowei like a
muscle so that you can oveipowei anothei
cieatuie's minu.
You focus all youi attention on a neaiby
cieatuie anu foige a psychic conuuit linking
youi minus. The woius of youi mental binuing
speeu along the conuuit, woius of obligation
anu mental uomination that seek to tie the
taiget to youi least whim.
"##$%&' Choose a living humanoiu within Su
feet of you that you can see. The cieatuie must
succeeu on a Chaiisma saving thiow to avoiu
being chaimeu by you foi the next houi.
Foi the uuiation, you have a telepathic link
with the chaimeu cieatuie, anu you choose its
actions anu wheie it moves by commanuing it
telepathically. It cannot take ieactions. If you
give it no commanus, it uoes nothing, othei
than the basics foi suivival.
The chaimeu cieatuie can make a new
saving thiow against the spell if it takes
uamage oi if you give it an oiuei that is
uiiectly countei to its alignment. The spell
instantly fails if you give the cieatuie an
obviously self-uestiuctive oiuei.
Youi telepathic link extenus acioss any
uistance on the same plane only. You uo not
gain sensoiy input fiom the link, but the
cieatuie can communicate simple concepts
thiough it to you. As an action, you can gain an
awaieness of the cieatuie's suiiounuings until
the stait of youi next tuin, as inteipieteu
thiough the cieatuie's senses.
Feathei Fall
45,$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
You can tuin a plunging fiee fall into a gentle
($)*+,$-$.&' You can cast this spell only
as a ieaction when you oi a cieatuie within Su
feet of you falls.
"##$%&' The falling cieatuie's iate of uescent
slows to 1u feet pei iounu. The spell enus
when the cieatuie lanus oi has fallen 1,uuu
feet. If it lanus befoie the spell enus, it takes no
falling uamage anu can lanu on its feet.
Flame Stiike
>,*$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You call uown a ioaiing column of uivine fiie
that immolates youi foes.
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 1u-foot-iauius,
4u-foot-high cylinuei centeieu at a point
within Su feet of you must make a Bexteiity
saving thiow. A cieatuie takes 4u6 fiie
uamage anu 4u6 holy uamage on a faileu save,
anu half as much uamage on a successful one.
;7#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You huil a spinning ball of fiie with a pea-
sizeu point of flame biight as the sun at its
centei. The ball stieaks to its taiget anu
uetonates with an explosion of flame anu a
low ioai.
"##$%&' Choose a point within Su feet of you.
Each cieatuie in a 2u-foot-iauius clouu
centeieu on that point must make a Bexteiity
saving thiow. A cieatuie takes Su6 fiie
uamage on a faileu save, anu half as much
uamage on a successful one.
The fiie ignites unattenueu flammable
objects anu uamages objects in the aiea.
;7#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
You extenu a hanu like a swooping wing
towaiu the iecipient of the spell. The cieatuie
you touch gains the ability to fly foi a time.
"##$%&' You touch a willing cieatuie. That
cieatuie gains a fly speeu of 6u feet until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1 houi. When the spell enus, the cieatuie falls
at the stait of its next tuin if it is still aloft anu
has no means to stop the fall.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 F
=$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
You call upon the gous to guiue you oi youi
fiienu, gianting a small but useful boost in
competence, knowleuge, oi insight.
"##$%&' Choose an ability scoie, anu touch
one cieatuie. Foi the next minute, oi until you
cast this spell again, that cieatuie gains a +1
bonus to checks using the chosen ability.
;7#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
Smoke pouis fiom youi bluiiing fingeis as the
meie act of casting this spell speeus youi
gestuies to supeinatuial quickness. Youi spell
ciacks a tiny impeifection in time's faaue,
allowing the taiget of youi spell to move
slightly fastei than eveiything aiounu it.
Rumois peisist that the iecipients of this
spell age at an unnatuial iate, though it is
moie likely that such stoiies aie an attempt to
uiscouiage its use.
"##$%&' Choose a willing cieatuie within 2S
feet of you. That cieatuie's speeu is uoubleu, it
gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has auvantage on
Bexteiity saving thiows, anu it gains an
auuitional, hasteu action on each of its tuins.
These benefits last until youi concentiation is
bioken, but foi no longei than 1 minute.
The hasteu action can be useu only foi the
following actions:
cast an at-will spell
make a single attack
initiate a contest like a giab
When the spell enus, the cieatuie loses its
next tuin, as a wave of lethaigy sweeps ovei it.
Bolu Nonstei
>,*$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
This spell is of the same lineage as */%# 9&75/"M
Bowevei, masteiing */%# -/"5,&7 iequiies
much gieatei contiol anu knowleuge than the
lessei spell because it can affect all living
cieatuies, not just people.
Focusing on a iou of iion, you uiaw foith its
piopeities anu impose them on a cieatuie you
can see. 0ntil the cieatuie bieaks fiee, it
becomes like the iion, stiff anu ineit, fiozen in
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within 1uu
feet of you that you can see. The taiget must
succeeu on a Wisuom saving thiow oi be
paialyzeu until youi concentiation is bioken,
but foi no longei than 1 minute. 0n its tuin, a
cieatuie affecteu by this spell can take an
action to make a Wisuom check against youi
spell save BC to enu the spell.
Bolu Peison
!"#$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
Focusing on a small, stiaight piece of iion, you
uiaw foith its piopeities anu impose them on
a cieatuie you can see. 0ntil the cieatuie
bieaks fiee, it becomes like the iion, stiff anu
ineit, fiozen in place.
"##$%&' Choose a living humanoiu within 1uu
feet of you that you can see. The taiget must
succeeu on a Wisuom saving thiow oi be
paialyzeu until youi concentiation is bioken,
but foi no longei than 1 minute. 0n its tuin, a
cieatuie affecteu by this spell can take an
action to make a Wisuom check against youi
spell save BC to enu the spell.
Ice Stoim
I,*$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You uttei the woius of this spell, colu anu
heavy in youi mouth, uesciibing a futuie
wheie the woilu has enueu anu ice ceaselessly
pummels the fiozen lanuscape. As you finish,
youi bieath steams as white as the hail of
iock-haiu ice that pounus uown, pulveiizing
eveiything in ieach of the biief stoim.
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 2u-foot-iauius,
4u-foot-high cylinuei centeieu on a point
within Su feet of you must make a Bexteiity
saving thiow. A cieatuie takes 2u6
bluugeoning uamage anu Su6 colu uamage on
a faileu save, anu half as much uamage on a
successful one.
0ntil youi next tuin enus, hailstones tuin
the stoim's aiea into uifficult teiiain.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?>
45,$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
Biscoveiing a magic item's effects is usually
possible thiough tiial anu eiioi. But to
piecisely catalog eveiy facet of its loie anu
ability iequiies an acauemic appioach iefineu
by yeais of spellciaft.
You incant the magical phiases of ievelation
as you biush youi fingeis acioss an item,
uiawing up any magic that might be hiuuen
within it. 0pon casting .#&",.8N, you uiscovei
the piopeities anu peitinent loie of a magic
"##$%&' You leain the piopeities of a magic
item you touch. If the item has any special loie
associateu with it, you leain that as well.
This spell ieveals if an item has a seciet,
though not the natuie of the seciet.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes intoning
hieiaichal questions to spiiits of knowleuge
anu loie, anu sciibing maiks upon the object
to be iuentifieu with special chalks woith no
less than 1u gp.
Inflict Ciitical Wounus
I,*$%&'&% "&)7/-+")N
Youi touch causes wounus to open all ovei
youi foe's bouy.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack to touch a living
cieatuie of youi choice. The taiget takes 1uu8
neciotic uamage on a hit, anu half as much
uamage on a miss.
If you taiget an unueau cieatuie, it insteau
iegains 4u8 + 1S hit points.
Inflict Light Wounus
45,$%&'&% "&)7/-+")N
Neciomantic powei wieathes youi hanu so
that even a giazing touch can injuie youi foe.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack to touch a living
cieatuie of youi choice. The taiget takes Su8
neciotic uamage on a hit, anu half as much
uamage on a miss.
If you taiget an unueau cieatuie, it insteau
iegains 1u8 + 4 hit points.
Inflict Noueiate Wounus
!"#$%&'&% "&)7/-+")N
The uaik magic fueling this spell can inflict
majoi injuiies on the cieatuie you touch.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack to touch a living
cieatuie of youi choice. The taiget takes Su8
neciotic uamage on a hit, anu half as much
uamage on a miss.
If you taiget an unueau cieatuie, it insteau
iegains 2u8 + 4 hit points.
Inflict Seiious Wounus
;7#$%&'&% "&)7/-+")N
You touch a cieatuie anu cause giievous
injuiies to appeai on its bouy.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack to touch a living
cieatuie of youi choice. The taiget takes 8u8
neciotic uamage on a hit, anu half as much
uamage on a miss.
If you taiget an unueau cieatuie, it insteau
iegains 4u8 + 4 hit points.
!"#$%&'&% .%%<5./"
You evoke invisibility with youi woius anu
gestuies. The colois of the cieatuie anu its
possessions you touch bleeu away, ienueiing
it fiist white, then tianslucent, anu finally
"##$%&' You touch a willing Laige oi smallei
cieatuie. The cieatuie becomes invisible foi 1
houi, until it attacks oi casts a spell that
affects a cieatuie othei than itself, oi until you
cast this spell again.
!"#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
You whispei aicane syllables into youi closeu
fist, which takes on a goluen glow. Then you
iaise youi hanu, peifoiming thiee knocks in
the aii. With each pantomimeu knock, a
booming ciack sounus fiom the lockeu uooi oi
object. When you finish, the final sounu is that
of a lock tuining, a bai falling, oi woou uiying
anu shiinking in a stuck uooi.
"##$%&' Choose an object within Su feet of
you. The object can be a uooi, a box, a chest, a
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ??
set of manacles, a paulock, oi anothei object
that contains a munuane oi magical means
that pievents it fiom being accesseu. In
conjunction with a knocking sounu auuible
within Suu feet of the object, the object is
unlockeu, unstuck, oi unbaiieu if the BC
iequiieu to open it is 2u oi less. If the object
has multiple locks, only one of them is
If the object is affecteu by an +7)+"& %/)J oi
*/%# 9/7,+% spell, the locking magic is not
uispelleu, but is insteau suppiesseu foi 1
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1 minute sciibing iunes of
opening upon the object with special ink
woith no less than 2S gp. When you use J"/)J
as a iitual, you can open an object that
iequiies a BC 1S oi lowei check to open,
iathei than BC 2u.
Lance of Faith
=$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
Youi uevotion ieveals itself as a beam of light
that shines fiom youi holy symbol oi weapon
to buin a path thiough youi foes.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack against one
cieatuie within Su feet of you. 0n a hit, the
taiget takes 1u8 + 4 iauiant uamage.
Lessei Restoiation
!"#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
You iestoie a cieatuie to its full ability by
enuing an effect that impaiis it.
"##$%&' You touch a cieatuie anu choose one
of the following effects.
2&<,7+%.O& P/.5/"A If the cieatuie is suffeiing
fiom any poisons, choose one of them anu
neutialize it.
B&-/'& E.5&+5&A If the cieatuie is suffeiing
fiom any uiseases, choose one of them anu
cuie it.
B&-/'& P+7+%N5.5A If the cieatuie is
subjecteu to any paialyzing effects, choose one
of them anu enu it.
!"#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
As you cast this spell, you imagine shining
wiies that hang the subject of youi %&'.,+,&
spell in the aii. You finish this spell with a
gianu upwaiu gestuie, anu a cieatuie iises
into the aii as if being ieeleu up.
"##$%&' Choose a willing cieatuie, oi an
object, weighing Suu pounus oi less within Su
feet of you. The taiget iises veitically, up to 2u
feet anu iemains suspenueu at that height foi
up to 1u minutes oi until you enu the spell as
an action.
Each iounu as an action, oi in place of youi
movement if you aie the spell's taiget, you can
change the taiget's altituue, moving it up to 2u
feet up oi uown.
A cieatuie being levitateu can move only by
pushing oi pulling against a fixeu object oi
suiface in ieach (such as a wall oi a ceiling),
which allows the cieatuie to move at half
speeu at its cuiient altituue. The cieatuie
coulu push against the ceiling to lowei itself a
uistance equal to its limb length.
=$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You cause an object you touch to shine with
light foi a time.
"##$%&' You touch an object. It sheus biight
light in a 2u-foot-iauius spheie anu uim light
foi an auuitional 2u feet. The light may be
coloieu as you choose. The light lasts foi 1
houi oi until you cast this spell again.
Coveiing the object with a soliu object, such
as a bowl oi a helm, blocks the glow.
Lightning Bolt
;7#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You ielease a ciackling stioke of lightning that
leaves a thunueiclap anu eye-seaiing
afteiimages in its wake.
"##$%&' A line of lightning 12u feet long anu
S feet wiue emanates fiom you in a uiiection
you choose. Each cieatuie in the line must
make a Bexteiity saving thiow. A cieatuie
takes 6u6 lightning uamage on a faileu save,
anu half as much uamage on a successful one.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?=
This spell uamages unattenueu objects in
the line anu sets fiie to any of those objects
that aie flammable.
Nage Aimoi
=$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
While you incant this spell, youi stylizeu
gestuies iecall the motions of a knight
uonning aimoi. As you finish, a pulse of light
ieveals the extent anu uesign of the magical
piotection plating youi bouy befoie the aimoi
faues to invisibility.
"##$%&' You uon aimoi of invisible, tangible
foice that lasts foi 1 houi, anu youi AC
becomes 12 + youi Bexteiity mouifiei. You
can uismiss the aimoi at any time.
Nage Banu
=$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
The spectial hanu you cieate with this spell
can manipulate objects, open uoois, anu caiiy
small items foi you. Nany wizaius use -+3&
*+"# to ietiieve components fiom theii
pouches while keeping theii hanus fiee.
"##$%&' A spectial, floating hanu appeais at a
point you choose within Su feet of you. The
hanu lasts foi 1 minute oi until you cast this
spell again. The hanu vanishes if it is evei
moie than Su feet away fiom you.
While the hanu is piesent, you can contiol it
as an action. You can use the hanu to
manipulate an object, open a uooi oi a
containei, stow oi ietiieve an item fiom an
open containei, oi poui the contents fiom a
vial. You can move the hanu up to Su feet each
time you use it.
The hanu cannot attack, use magic items, oi
caiiy moie than 1u pounus.
Nagic Nissile
45,$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
A spell famous foi its ieliability, -+3.) -.55.%&
piouuces one oi moie uaits of magical foice
that uneiiingly stiike theii taiget. Those who
have been stiuck by this spell anu suiviveu
uesciibe a pieicing pain that seems to pass
thiough the bouy anu out the othei siue. This
spell leaves its victims biuiseu anu can even
bieak bones.
Nany spellcasteis altei the appeaiance of
this spell when they cast it. A neciomancei's
-+3.) -.55.%& might take the foim of a skeletal
hanu, while a wai wizaiu might cieate a
glimmeiing, ghostly lance.
"##$%&' Choose a cieatuie within 1uu feet of
you. The taiget takes 2u4 + S foice uamage.
12$%+/0' You can piepaie anu cast -+3.)
-.55.%& as a highei level spell. You piouuce a
numbei of uaits equal to the level at which
you cast it. You can taiget uiffeient cieatuies
with the uaits oi senu moie than one uait
against a single cieatuie.
Nelf's Aciu Aiiow
!"#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
A shimmeiing aiiow of gieen, glowing liquiu
stieaks to youi taiget anu buists in a spiay of
sizzling aciu.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack against one
cieatuie within 1uu feet of you. 0n a hit, the
taiget takes 4u8 aciu uamage now anu 2u8
aciu uamage at the enu of its next tuin. 0n a
miss, it takes 2u8 aciu uamage.
Ninoi Illusion
=$%&'&% .%%<5./"
The funuamental builuing blocks of illusion-
ciaft incluue this spell. To giasp -."/7 .%%<5./",
the castei must leain a few munuane tiicks of
legeiuemain, such as finuing a caiu in a ueck
oi changing a silk cloth fiom one coloi to
With an baiely peiceptible waggle of youi
fingeis, you cieate a sounu oi an image that
othei cieatuies can sense.
"##$%&' You cieate a ghost sounu oi a silent
image within 1uu feet of you that lasts foi 1
minute oi until you fieely uismiss it. A
cieatuie can ueteimine that the sounu oi
image is an illusion with a BC 1S Wisuom
G*/5, Q/<"#A You cieate a sounu that
oiiginates fiom a point of youi choice within
iange. The sounu can have a volume that
ianges fiom a whispei to a scieam. It can be
youi voice, someone else's voice, a lion's ioai,
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?@
a beating of uiums, oi any othei sounu you
choose. The sounu continues thioughout the
uuiation, oi you can make uisciete sounus at
uiffeient points befoie the spell enus.
Q.%&", R-+3&A You cieate the image of an
object, cieatuie, oi foice at a spot within iange.
The illusion uoes not cieate sounu oi any
othei effect beyonu its image. It can fill a cube
up to 1u feet on each siue. Any physical
inteiaction with the image ieveals it to be an
image, as objects pass iight thiough it.
You can use youi action to cause the image
to move. It can move to any spot within 1uu
feet of you. As it moves, you can altei its
appeaiance to ieflect its movement.
Niiioi Image
!"#$%&'&% .%%<5./"
Two illusoiy uuplicates step out of youi bouy
anu take positions aiounu you. When you
move, the uuplicates move with you, meiging
with anu splitting fiom you to confuse youi
enemies about which one of you is the ieal one.
"##$%&' Two illusoiy uuplicates of youiself
appeai in youi space. The uuplicates move
with you anu mimic youi actions. They last foi
1 minute oi until you uismiss them as an
Each time a cieatuie taigets you with an
attack oi a haimful spell while a uuplicate
iemains, that cieatuie ianuomly ueteimines
whethei it taigets you oi one of the uuplicates.
If you have two uuplicates, the cieatuie
taigets a uuplicate if it iolls 1-4 on a u6. If you
have one uuplicate, the cieatuie taigets a
uuplicate if it iolls 1-S on a u6.
A uuplicate's AC equals 1u + youi Bexteiity
mouifiei, anu it uses youi saving thiows. If an
attack hits the uuplicate, oi if the uuplicate
fails a saving thiow against a uamaging effect,
the uuplicate uisappeais.
A cieatuie is unaffecteu by this spell if it
can't see oi if it ielies on senses othei than
sight, such as blinusight oi tiemoisense.
Phantasmal Foice
!"#$%&'&% .%%<5./"
The magic of illusion, feai, anu mental
manipulation come togethei to cieate a
phantasm: an illusion so poweiful that it takes
ioot in its victim's minu.
A phantasm is visible only to those
cieatuies affecteu by it. 0nlookeis might
assume that an invisible cieatuie is on the
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie that you can
see within Su feet of you. You cieate an
illusoiy object, cieatuie, oi foice of youi
choice that is visible only to that cieatuie. The
illusion lasts until youi concentiation is
bioken, but foi no longei than 1u minutes.
The illusion incluues sounu, tempeiatuie,
anu othei stimuli, though these aie eviuent
only to the cieatuie. The illusion can occupy
up to Suu cubic feet.
When the cieatuie fiist tiies to inteiact with
the illusion, the cieatuie can make a Wisuom
saving thiow to uiscein it as a phantasm.
0theiwise, the cieatuie must use an action to
attempt to uisbelieve anu make anothei saving
thiow. 0n a successful save, the spell enus. 0n
a faileu save, the cieatuie iationalizes any
illogical events piompteu by the phantasm.
Foi instance, if the cieatuie falls thiough a
phantasmal biiuge but cleaily uoesn't fall, the
cieatuie believes that it must have slippeu
insteau anu falls pione.
If the phantasm is an illusoiy cieatuie, it can
attack the chosen cieatuie each iounu on youi
tuin if you so choose. It automatically inflicts
2u4 psychic uamage.
I,*$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
Nasteiing 9/%N-/79* uemanus knowleuge of
physiology anu the sympathetic links that link
all living cieatuies.
When you cast this spell, you holu cleai in
youi minu the images of both the taiget of
youi magic anu of the living cieatuie whose
foim you wish to impait. Youi woius molu the
cieatuie's cuiient foim into the new shape.
"##$%&' Choose a living cieatuie within Su
feet of you. If the taiget is willing, you
tiansfoim it into anothei kinu of living
cieatuie. The tiansfoimation lasts until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1 houi.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?A
If the taiget is unwilling anu has a hit point
maximum of 1Su oi moie, oi if it is a
shapechangei, it is unaffecteu. If the taiget is
unwilling anu has a hit point maximum of less
than 1Su, it must make a Wisuom saving
thiow. If the cieatuie fails the saving thiow, it
takes on the new foim foi 1 minute.
The new foim can be any beast whose
numbei of Bit Bice is equal to oi less than that
of the taiget cieatuie. The taiget cieatuie
gains all the abilities anu limitations of the
new foim, anu loses all the abilities anu
limitations of its oiiginal foim. But the
cieatuie ietains its cuiient hit points as well
as its Intelligence, Wisuom, anu Chaiisma
The cieatuie continues to weai oi caiiy any
geai in its new foim if that foim is physically
capable of uoing so. 0theiwise, the geai melus
into the new foim anu becomes nonfunctional.
;7#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
You beseech the gous foi special favoi to aiu
youiself anu youi allies in youi piesent tiial.
"##$%&' Choose any numbei of cieatuies
within 2u feet of you. Each cieatuie gains a +1
bonus to AC, attack iolls, weapon uamage iolls,
ability checks, anu saving thiows. The effect
lasts until youi concentiation is bioken, but
foi no longei than 1 minute.
=$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
Nagical stuuy often means leaining a little
something about how to manipulate the
unueilying aicane piinciples in a tiivial but
often useful fashion.
You peifoim an amusing magical tiick, such
as cieating a uancing wisp of light, fieshening
a wilting flowei, making a coin invisible, oi
waiming a colu uiink.
"##$%&' You cieate one of the following
magical effects within 1u feet of you:
You coloi, clean, oi soil an item no laigei
than a cubic foot foi up to 1 houi.
You chill, waim, oi flavoi up to 1 pounu of
nonliving mateiial foi up to 1 houi.
You cieate an instantaneous sensoiy
effect that is haimless, such as a showei
of spaiks, a puff of winu, faint musical
notes, oi an ouu ouoi.
You instantly light oi snuff out a canule, a
toich, oi a small campfiie.
You make a small maik oi symbol appeai
on an object oi a suiface foi up to 1 houi.
You piouuce out of nothingness a small
tiinket oi illusoiy image that lasts until
the enu of youi next tuin.
You make a small hanuhelu item invisible
until the enu of youi next tuin.
12$%+/0' If you cast this spell multiple times,
you can have no moie than thiee of its effects
active at a time.
Piotection fiom Evil
45,$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
Caiiying incense as you tiace a ciicle in holy
watei aiounu a cieatuie, you waiu youi
subject against evil spiiits anu influences.
($)*+,$-$.&' You must have holy watei
anu incense, both of which aie expenueu in
the spell's casting.
"##$%&' You touch a cieatuie. Foi 1 minute,
that cieatuie has unholy iesistance, has
auvantage on saving thiows against effects
cieateu by fienus anu unueau, anu cannot be
chaimeu oi fiighteneu by such cieatuies.
Raise Beau
>,*$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
You iecall the willing soul of the iecently ueau,
iestoiing it to its bouy so it lives once moie.
($)*+,$-$.&' Befoie you cast this spell,
you must spenu 1 houi in piayei ovei a
specially piepaieu coipse. At the enu of this
time, as pait of youi action to cast the spell
noimally, you place a uiamonu woith no less
than Suu gp on the ueau cieatuie's bouy. The
spell then consumes the uiamonu.
"##$%&' You touch a cieatuie ueau no longei
than 1u uays. If the cieatuie's soul is both fiee
anu willing, the cieatuie ietuins to life with 1
hit point.
This spell also neutializes any poisons anu
cuies noimal uiseases afflicting the cieatuie at
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?B
the time it uieu. This spell uoes not, howevei,
iemove magical uiseases, cuises, oi similai
effects, anu if not fiist iemoveu piioi to
casting the spell, they take effect when the
cieatuie ietuins to life.
This spell closes all moital wounus, but it
uoes not iestoie missing bouy paits. If the
cieatuie is missing bouy paits oi oigans
integial foi its suivivalits heau, foi
instancethe spell automatically fails.
Coming back fiom the ueau is an oiueal. The
taiget takes a -4 penalty to all attack iolls,
saving thiows, anu checks. At the enu of each
long iest, the penalty is ieuuceu by 1 until it
ieaches u, at which point the penalty enus.
Ray of Fiost
=$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You fiie a pale beam of blue-white eneigy that
chills youi enemy to the bone.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack against one
cieatuie within 1uu feet of you. 0n a hit, the
taiget takes 1u6 + S colu uamage, anu its
speeu is ieuuceu by 1u feet until the enu of
youi next tuin.
Reau Nagic
=$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
Spellcasteis aie often jealous of theii loie. To
guaiu theii aicane seciets, they might use
seciet alphabets anu cypheis to iecoiu theii
spells. Nagical wiiting also sometimes auoins
enchanteu objects, magic weapons, the siues
of ancient toweis, anu so on, though the
authois of these passages aie usually lost to
When you cast this spell, incompiehensible
magical symbols wavei, change position, then
suuuenly become cleai, allowing you to peiuse
the magical wiiting with ease.
"##$%&' Choose an object within 1u feet of
you. You can ueciphei a uisciete magical
insciiption on that object that woulu
otheiwise be unintelligible, incluuing a spell
fiom someone else's spellbook, a spell on a
scioll, a line of mystical sciipt on a magic
weapon, anu the like. This uoes not noimally
invoke the magic containeu in the wiiting,
although it might uo so in the case of a cuiseu
0nce a paiticulai magical insciiption is
uecipheieu by means of this spell, the
insciiption continues to be intelligible to you.
You can also iuentify the names of specific
magic glyphs anu symbols using 7&+# -+3.),
though not theii function.
Remove Cuise
;7#$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
You uniavel a cuise's powei, fieeing a
cieatuie oi object fiom its fell influence.
"##$%&' You touch one cieatuie oi object. All
cuises affecting the cieatuie oi object enu,
unless the object is a magic weapon, shielu, oi
suit of aimoi. Such an item ietains its cuise,
but the peison weaiing oi holuing the cuiseu
item can iemove oi uiop it.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes incanting mystic
phiases anu buining incense woith at least
2Su gp ovei the cuiseu cieatuie oi object.
=$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
You imbue a cieatuie with uivine eneigy that
piotects it fiom haim by twisting fate in a
subtle, but peihaps lifesaving, way.
"##$%&' You touch one cieatuie. Foi the next
minute, oi until you cast this spell again, that
cieatuie gains a +1 bonus to all saving thiows.
Rope Tiick
!"#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
Youi magic iaises a length of iope into the aii
to a point you choose. The iope's uppei enu
leaus into an invisible extiauimensional space,
wheie the iope is affixeu. The space can seive
as a iefuge foi seveial cieatuies.
($)*+,$-$.&' You must have a length of
iope no less than Su feet long to cast this spell.
"##$%&' You cieate an invisible entiance
within Su feet of you that leaus to an
extiauimensional space. The entiance lasts foi
1 houi. The entiance is maikeu by a iope that
uangles beneath it, which seems to be fixeu in
empty aii. The extiauimensional space can be
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?C
ieacheu by cieatuies that climb up the iope all
the way to the top, at which point they entei
the space. The space holus as many as eight
Neuium oi smallei cieatuies. A cieatuie in the
space can pull the iope up into the space,
making the iope uisappeai.
Cieatuies in the extiauimensional space aie
on anothei plane. Attacks anu spells cannot
cioss thiough the entiance into the space, but
those in the space can see out of it as if
thiough a S-foot-by-S-foot winuow centeieu
on the iope.
Anything insiue the extiauimensional space
uiops out when the spell enus.
45,$%&'&% +K?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
Cleiics sometimes cast 5+"),<+7N on
themselves to move to injuieu allies oi to cast
moie challenging spells without the iisk of
inteifeience fiom theii opponents. The spell is
also useful foi keeping an impoitant
inuiviuual safe while a battle iages.
"##$%&' Choose a cieatuie within 1u feet of
you. Foi 1 minute, anyone who taigets that
cieatuie with an attack oi a haimful spell
must fiist make a Wisuom saving thiow. 0n a
failuie, it must choose a new taiget oi lose its
action. This spell uoesn't piotect the chosen
cieatuie fiom spell effects, such as the
explosion of a 8.7&K+%%, that uon't taiget the
cieatuie uiiectly.
If the chosen cieatuie makes an attack oi
casts a spell that affects anything but itself,
this spell enus.
Scoiching Ray
!"#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
This spell cieates a iay of seaiing fiie anu light
to eiupt fiom youi hanu. You can focus the
beam to blast a single taiget, oi split it into
seveial lessei beams to caive thiough multiple
"##$%&' You cieate iays that ueal a total of 2u
fiie uamage. Choose up to five cieatuies
within 1uu feet of you anu uiviue this
automatic uamage among them as you wish.
45,$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
You cieate an invisible, mobile uisk of foice
that hoveis neai you to inteicept attacks.
"##$%&' Foi 1u minutes, you have half covei
anu take no uamage fiom -+3.) -.55.%&.
Shielu of Faith
45,$%&'&% +K?<7+,./" 61/7# /8 9/1&7:
You call out a piayei to piotect an impeiileu
ally. A shimmeiing fielu suiiounus anu shielus
youi taiget, helping to ueflect attacks.
"##$%&' Choose a cieatuie within Su feet of
you. That cieatuie gains a +1 bonus to AC. The
bonus lasts until youi concentiation is bioken,
but foi no longei than 1 minute.
Shocking uiasp
=$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
Lightning wieathes youi hanu anu ueliveis a
biutal shock to the cieatuie you touch.
"##$%&' Nake a magic attack to touch a
cieatuie of youi choice. 0n a hit, the taiget
takes 1u8 + 4 lightning uamage anu can't take
ieactions until its next tuin.
!"#$%&'&% .%%<5./"
0pon completion of this spell, all sounu is
stoppeu in an aiea. No noise whatsoevei
issues fiom, passes thiough, oi enteis. Within
the magical silence, spellcasteis who uepenu
on speaking to cast theii spells aie ineffective.
"##$%&' Choose a point you can see within
1uu feet of you. No sounu can be cieateu
within oi pass thiough a 2u-foot-iauius
spheie centeieu on that point. Cieatuies
within the aiea aie ueafeneu.
The effect lasts until youi concentiation is
bioken, but foi no longei than 1u minutes.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes insciibing a
iitual ciicle filleu with magical iunes anu
using special mateiial components, incluuing
the uust of giounu-up peails woith no less
than Su gp.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?D
45,$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
The fine sanu you fling into the aii spaikles
when this spell's magic takes holu. Cieatuies
toucheu by the scintillating gianules giow
uiowsy anu might fall asleep.
"##$%&' Choose a point that you can see
within 1uu feet of you, ioll Su8, anu auu them
up. The total is how many hit points of
cieatuies this spell can affect within 2u feet of
the point you chose.
Staiting with the cieatuie that has the
lowest cuiient hit points, each cieatuie
affecteu by this spell falls unconscious foi 1
minute oi until it takes uamage oi someone
uses an action to shake oi slap the sleepei
awake. Subtiact each cieatuie's hit points
fiom the total befoie moving on to the
cieatuie with the next lowest hit points. A
cieatuie's hit points must be no moie than the
iemaining total foi that cieatuie to be affecteu.
Speak with Beau
;7#$%&'&% "&)7/-+")N
The iotting iemains twitch anu stii when the
spiiit you calleu ietuins to the coipse. Foi as
long as youi magic holus the spiiit to its bouy,
it must answei the questions you put to it.
($)*+,$-$.&' You can cast this spell only
on a ueau cieatuie that still has a mouth, that
has not been tuineu into an unueau cieatuie,
anu that has not been the taiget of this spell
within the last seven uays.
"##$%&' You touch a cieatuie's coipse. Foi 1u
minutes, you can ask the coipse up to five
questions. The coipse knows only what it
knew in life. Answeis aie usually biief, ciyptic,
oi iepetitive. This spell uoes not ietuin the
cieatuie's soul to its bouyonly its animating
spiiit. Thus, the coipse cannot leain new
infoimation, uoes not compiehenu anything
that has happeneu since it uieu, incluuing
questions put to it by this spell, noi can it
speculate about futuie events.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual if
you spenu 1u minutes piepaiing the coipse to
ieceive the spiiit, a piocess involving intoning
iitual phiases, buining incense, anu the
painting of sigils with magical oils on the bouy,
all woith no less than 1uu gp.
Spiuei Climb
!"#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
The gesticulations you make while casting this
spell mimic that of a spiuei climbing an
imaginaiy wall, confeiiing on a cieatuie the
ability to climb any suiface
"##$%&' You touch a willing cieatuie. That
cieatuie gains the ability to move up, uown, oi
acioss veitical suifaces oi even upsiue uown
along ceilings while leaving its hanus fiee. The
cieatuie can move in this way at its noimal
speeu anu without neeuing to make a check,
unless the suiface it's tiaveising is
exceeuingly slippeiy. These benefits last until
youi concentiation is bioken, but foi no
longei than 1u minutes.
Spiiitual Weapon
!"#$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
Calling out foi aiu fiom youi uivine pation,
you evoke magical foice in the shape of a
glowing weapon to smash youi foes. The
weapon cieateu is typically a hammei, though
it can take whatevei foim you choose.
"##$%&' You cieate a floating, spectial
weapon within Su feet of you that lasts foi 1
minute oi until you cast this spell again. Nake
a magic attack against a cieatuie within S feet
of the weapon. 0n a hit, the taiget takes 1u8
foice uamage.
0nce uuiing each of youi tuins, when you
take an action, you can also move the weapon
up to 2u feet anu iepeat the attack against a
cieatuie within S feet of it.
Stinking Clouu
;7#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
A billowing mass of uense, yellow vapois
wiithes into being, smotheiing the aiea you
choose in a poisonous clouu.
"##$%&' You cieate a 2u-foot-iauius clouu of
poisonous gas centeieu on a point you can see
within 1uu feet of you. The clouu's aiea is
lightly obscuieu, anu it lasts until youi
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?E
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1u minutes.
When the clouu appeais, each living
cieatuie in it must make a Constitution saving
thiow. A cieatuie takes 2u1u poison uamage
on a faileu save, anu half as much uamage on a
successful one. Any living cieatuie that enteis
the clouu oi enus its tuin theie must also
make this saving thiow (no moie than once
pei tuin).
A moueiate winu (at least 11 miles pei
houi) uispeises the clouu aftei 4 iounus. A
stiong winu (at least 21 miles pei houi)
uispeises it aftei 1 iounu.
I,*$%&'&% +K?<7+,./"
You spiinkle uiamonu uust ovei a cieatuie's
bouy to piotect it fiom haim as you incant the
echoing woius of this spell. Foi a time, the
cieatuie's flesh becomes as haiu as stone.
($)*+,$-$.&' You must have 1uu gp woith
of uiamonu uust, which is consumeu when you
cast the spell.
"##$%&' You touch a willing cieatuie. Foi the
next houi, the taiget has iesistance to
bluugeoning, pieicing, anu slashing uamage.
>,*$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
When casting this spell, you uttei a few
syllables uesigneu to focus youi minu as a
fulcium, anu haiuen youi will as a levei. Along
the levei, you extenu a poweiful telekinetic
giip you can use to pick up cieatuies oi
objects anu move them about.
"##$%&' You gain the ability to telekinetically
manipulate cieatuies anu objects until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no longei than
1u minutes.
S7&+,<7&A As youi action, you can choose a
cieatuie within Su feet of you that is no moie
than two size categoiies laigei than you. Nake
a check with youi magic ability opposeu by the
cieatuie's Constitution check.
If you win the contest, you move the
cieatuie up to Su feet in any uiiection. 0ntil
the stait of youi next tuin, the cieatuie is
iestiaineu in youi telekinetic giip.
Each iounu as youi action, you can attempt
to maintain youi telekinetic giip on the
cieatuie. If the cieatuie is being helu in the aii
without contact with the giounu oi anothei
suiface capable of suppoiting the cieatuie,
you automatically maintain youi giip, anu you
can move the cieatuie up to Su moie feet in
any uiiection, as long as you uon't move it to a
position faithei than Su feet fiom you.
If the cieatuie in youi telekinetic giip can
get puichase on an immovable suiface oi it is
size Laige oi laigei, you must engage it in
anothei contest. If the cieatuie wins the
contest, the spell enus. If you choose not to
maintain youi telekinetic giip as youi action,
the spell also enus. Eithei way, if the cieatuie
was being helu above the giounu, it falls.
TK?&),A You can also use an action anu select
an object within Su feet of you to manipulate.
The spell woiks the same as if you hau
taigeteu cieatuie, except as follows.
You automatically affect an unattenueu
object weighing Suu pounus oi less.
If the object is helu, woin, oi otheiwise
tenueu by a cieatuie, you must make a check
with youi magic ability opposeu by that
cieatuie's Stiength check.
You can also exeit fine contiol on objects
with youi telekinetic giip: manipulating an
object, opening a uooi oi a containei, stowing
oi ietiieving an item fiom an open containei,
oi pouiing the contents fiom a vial.
45,$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
You evoke a whip-ciack of thunuei, cieating a
wave of eneigy that can sweep asiue cieatuies
anu objects it contacts.
U*<"#&71+'& is a populai spell among
battle wizaius. In the ciush anu giinu of melee,
it is a key weapon in bieaking enemy lines anu
tuining a tightly fought battle into a iout.
"##$%&' Each cieatuie in a 1S-foot cone
oiiginating fiom you must make a Bexteiity
saving thiow. If a cieatuie fails, it takes 2u6
thunuei uamage anu is pusheu 1S feet away
fiom you. If it succeeus, it takes half as much
uamage anu is not pusheu.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 ?F
In auuition, unsecuieu objects that weigh
less than Su pounus aie automatically pusheu
1S feet by the spell's effect, anu the spell emits
a thunueious boom auuible within Suu feet of
12$%+/0' You can piepaie anu cast this spell
as a highei level spell. Inciease its uamage by
1u6 anu the uistance it pushes taigets anu
unattenueu objects by S feet foi each level
above 1st.
Tiue Seeing
>,*$%&'&% #.'."+,./"
A cieatuie affecteu by this spell sees with
peifect claiity, able to pieice uaikness,
illusions, anu even tiansmutations to peiceive
things as they tiuly aie.
"##$%&' You touch a cieatuie. Foi 1 houi, the
cieatuie can see things as they actually aie out
to a iange of 12u feet. The cieatuie sees in
noimal anu magical uaikness, notices seciet
uoois hiuuen by magic, sees invisible
cieatuies, automatically uetects anu succeeus
on saving thiows against visual illusions, ,anu
peiceives the tiue foims of cieatuies affecteu
by tiansmutation spells. Fuitheimoie, the
taiget can see into the Etheieal Plane.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual if
you spenu 1u minutes cieating an ointment
fiom mushioom powuei, saffion, fat, anu
othei ingieuients woith at least 2Su gp. You
apply the ointment to the cieatuie's foieheau.
Wall of Fiie
I,*$%&'&% &'/)+,./"
When you evoke 1+%% /8 8.7&, you visualize the
Elemental Plane of Fiie. The blazing plane's
giounu is evei-shifting plates of compiesseu
flame, the aii a continual fiiestoim, anu its
seas anu iiveis boiling magma.
With a iippling wave of youi hanu, you
uiaw up fiom the giounu a veitical sheet of
flame, which buins as hot as that blazing plane.
"##$%&' You cieate a wall of fiie within 1uu
feet of you on a soliu suiface. You choose to
make the wall Su feet long, 1u feet high, anu 1
foot wiue oi a ciicle that has a 1u-foot iauius
anu is 2u feet high. The wall lasts until youi
concentiation is bioken, but foi no moie than
1 minute. The wall heavily obscuies cieatuies
behinu it.
0ne siue of the wall, selecteu by you when
you cast this spell, ueals 2u8 fiie uamage to
each cieatuie within 1u feet of that siue. The
wall ueals this uamage when it appeais, anu a
cieatuie takes the uamage when it enus its
tuin within 1u feet of the wall's uamaging siue.
The othei siue of the wall ueals no uamage.
A cieatuie can pass thiough the wall, but if
it uoes so, it takes 4u8 fiie uamage (no moie
than once pei tuin). A cieatuie is also subject
to this uamage if it enus its tuin in the wall.
If you cieate the wall on top of a cieatuie,
that cieatuie must succeeu on a Bexteiity
saving thiow oi take uamage as if it passeu
thiough the wall. 0n a success, the cieatuie
can move S feet so that it is not in the fiie.
Watei Bieathing
;7#$%&'&% ,7+"5-<,+,./"
Those who live on uiy lanu instinctively feai
the ueeps. Nasteiing this spell iequiies that
the castei face anu oveicome these feais.
When you cast this spell, the suggestion of
gills appeais on each affecteu cieatuie's neck.
Each gains the ability to bieathe unueiwatei
foi extenueu peiious.
"##$%&' Choose up to 1u willing cieatuies
within Su feet of you. In auuition to ietaining
its noimal moue of iespiiation, each cieatuie
can also now bieath watei as if it weie a fish.
This benefit lasts foi 24 houis.
!"#$%&'&% )/"?<7+,./"
You conjuie a mass of thick webbing that
chokes a coiiiuoi, a chambei, a small giove of
tiees, oi anyplace wheie the web can be
anchoieu. Cieatuies in the aiea aie stuck fast.
"##$%&' Choose a point you can see within Su
feet of you. A 2u-foot-iauius clouu centeieu on
that point fills with sticky webs. The webs last
until youi concentiation is bioken, but foi no
longei than 1u minutes.
If the webs aie not anchoieu between two
soliu masses oi layeieu acioss a flooi, wall, oi
ceiling, the conjuieu web collapses on itself
anu uisappeais at the stait of youi next tuin.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0 =>
Webs layeieu ovei a flat suiface have a uepth
of S feet.
Each cieatuie that staits its tuin in the webs
oi that enteis the webs foi the fiist time
uuiing its tuin must make a Bexteiity saving
thiow. 0n a faileu save, the cieatuie is
iestiaineu as long as it iemains in the webs oi
until it bieaks fiee.
A cieatuie iestiaineu by the webs can use
its action to make a Stiength check against
youi spell save BC. If it succeeus, it is no
longei iestiaineu.
The webs lightly obscuie any cieatuie
caught in them.
The webs' stianus aie flammable. 0nce lit,
webs buin away at the iate of one S-foot cube
pei iounu. Any cieatuie that staits its tuin in
the buining webs takes 2u4 fiie uamage.
Zone of Tiuth
!"#$%&'&% &")*+",-&",
You cieate a magical zone that guaius against
ueception. Cieatuies affecteu by the zone's
magic cannot knowingly speak a lie.
"##$%&' Choose a point you can see within Su
feet of you. A 1S-foot-iauius invisible clouu of
magical powei appeais centeieu on that point.
It lasts foi 1 minute. Any cieatuie in the aiea
oi that enteis it must make a Chaiisma saving
thiow. A cieatuie that fails cannot speak a
uelibeiate lie while in the aiea. An affecteu
cieatuie is awaie of the spell anu may thus
avoiu answeiing questions to which it woulu
noimally iesponu with a lie, oi may be evasive
as long as it iemains within the bounuaiies of
the tiuth.
(+&*/0' You can cast this spell as a iitual by
spenuing at least 1u minutes using special
mateiial components that incluue 1u gp of
powueieu silvei spiinkleu aiounu the aiea.

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